Grammar Friends giới thiệu hình thức, cách sử dụng và ý nghĩa theo cách mà ngay cả những người mới bắt đầu học cũng có thể hiểu và ghi nhớ. Bộ sách được viết để hỗ trợ giáo trình Family and Friends nhưng là phần bổ sung lý tưởng cho bất kỳ khóa học tiếng Anh tổng quát tiểu học nào. Có rất nhiều hoạt động được kiểm soát để giúp trẻ cải thiện ngữ pháp viết và các hoạt động tương tác thú vị trên Trang web Grammar Friends Student để thực sự khuyến khích trẻ tự học.
Eiteen FLonnigon Frlends OXTORD \/NIVERSITY PRESS OX.FORD UNIVBRSITY PRESS Great Clarendon Street, Odord ox2 5DP Ordord University Pressis a department ofthe University ofOrdord It fiIthers the UniversitSrsobjective ofexcellence in researcIl scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford NewYork Auckland CapeTown Dares Salaarn HongKong Karachi Kualalumpur Madrid Melboume MexicoOty Nafuobi New Delhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto Withofrces in Argentina Austria Brazil Chile CzechRepublic Frere Greece Guatemala Hungary ltaly Japan Poland Forqgrl Sngrfut SouthKorea Switzerland Thailand Turkey LJkrein Vam are registg€d tr& E r< d' oxroro and oxroRD ENGLTSH mb Oxford University Pressin the IJK and in ccnein & O Odord University Presszoro The mord rights ofthe author harebetosd Database right O)dord University Press@efrrl First published 2o1o 2073 2072 2011 2O1O 109 Nounauthorizedphm.rynp*'atAll rights reserved- No pen dilri< Iff.-ir ryh c !r et E€ans, i r; h stored in a retrieral sylttm c m-rL rri*d(HtHrriy Press, without the prior pernis*nf drih ft appmpriate or as expresslypetmirdbyfer,rrftrrll: r.1* reprographics r{fu alrirrnr b & Ef,f figlls DeParhent, &r b i d outside the scope drt & Odord University Prcrc r ft &s You must oc circula dtland you must inpc ts 4r& G-r - tindng a cow a q.quirer ia the public domain and Anywebsites n*rtdoitts ;&iaat tf ffi Lhiansiry Pressfor information only their addressesar fror.*f r l-< for the content Otrrd tiniuityPrrs rsBx: gzEo r9{Fqlr rs s x : ? o r a t ; ffi &S -rcrymsibility t l@tl hintedinGiD nuoutr lrfotytd'||ri Studft{Eeehit lrcir ttfgbAti!ils At3ncy (ctraracters) and JHS Contents Storter Afier schoot Like+ -ing; ccn ond con't; o, on ond some;be going to I We'rehoving i c ecr e o m ! Thepresentsimpt eo n d c o n t in u o u s Adverbsoffrequencg A school.pLog The postsimple(1):be,hoveond regulorverbs Posttime expressions L2 ThepostsimpLe(2):irregu[orverbs L6 We sow o shork! 20 ReviewI O urco m p in gtrip We hoveto hurrg! Thebe sth o lidog! pronouns Possessive Adverbs 22 Hoveto Theimperotive Whg ond becouse 26 Comporotiveo nd superlotiveodjectives 30 34 Review2 WiL tw eb e fomous? Wil.l.ond won't Futuretime expressions Lotsoffun! AfootboLL motch 36 Much,mong,lotsof ond o lot of Someond ong t8 Theinfinitiveof purpose How often ?ond odverbsof time 44 $ Review3 1O I've donemg homework The presentperfect(1) 11 A speciotodventure The presentperfect(2):ever ond never 54 L2 We shouLdplog outside Shou[dond shou[dn't Couldond couldn't 58 50 62 Review4 13 Hel"ping others 14 Hoppgmemories We we r eho vingfunl Objectpronouns who ond which Relotivepronouns: 64 Thepostcontinuous Dotesond wos born On ond in 68 Thepostsimpleon d c o n t in u o u s There,theg'reond their 72 Reviewl 76 Grommorreference 78 Irregulor verbs 80 After school Like + -irg; can and can't; a, an and some: be going to what you like d o i n ga f t e rs c h o ol? I fike skateboarding t like ploying basketball We usetike+ -ingto totk oboutthingsthot we olwogstiketo Whatdo you likedoingat the weekend?I likegoingswimming \tt- tr "( Remember wedon'trepeottike+ -ingin shortonswers Does Charlie|ikeskateboarding? Yes, hedoes Writesentences ondquestions Use[ike+ -ing Beth/ Like/ pLoV tennis B et h [ ike sp t o u L n tae n n L s I / Like/ pLog tennis IJJ mgfriends/ Like/ wotchfiLms theg/ like/ cook/ piono Som/not Like/ pLoVthe she/ Like/ pLoythe guitor gou/ t ik e / s u r f / ? redondrheo/ nofii,,rn Starter Can t go to the caf€withToby? youcan Yes, rL t We useconondcon't+ boseform to tol.koboutpermission Conondcon't don'tchonge We useconin questions ondconor con'twhenwe giveor refusepermission Canweplay on the computer?Yes, you can./ No,you can't Writeguestions ondshortonswers Useconondcon'tondo verbfrom the box As' stog go pLou bug use wotch moke visit C an I qo to th,i :: : r ' i ' ' ' ' I /th e p o r k I we / footboLl, / theg / the TV ,/ he / sko te b oordi ng X I / on e wco o t / sh e/wi th So LLg X t he g /th e co mputerX I / o co ke / sh e/Gr o n dmo / 10 w e / o u r h o m ew orkLoterX Starter Whatwouldvoulike? we'd likesomeicecream,olease We useo or on beforecountoblenounsondsomebeforeuncountoble nouns ondplur o L s a cat an orange somewater someoronges E, * usewouldLike(U Like)totolk or oskoboutwhot we wont.It is ''-,i- o politeexpression thot we oftenusein shops,coJ6s ond restouronts t I'd likea cupof coffee,please the sentences Write'dLikeondo, on or some Complete you likez Whatwould | ' ] i tke sui,ri We lemon,please please aubergines, I glassof milk,please we we rice,please I orange,please please bananas, I we fruit,please apple,please Starter l'm goingto go now skateboarding you going Are to comewith me? We usebegoingto + boseform to sogwhot we oreplonningto I'm going to listento mg MP3player Mollg isn't going to plag with herfriendstoday Aregougoingto gourhomeworkthisevening? - I Lookof the tob[e.Writequestions ondshortonswers M u m o n d D od v i s i Jr t ie n d s Ho r rie t Dq d pLogfootboLl with Jriends c Leo n thecor we wotcho DVD G r o n d m oo n d Gro n d p o hov eo p ic n ic Morion w ri tet o h e rc o u s in L i L go n d A m g go to t h e c in e m o X X x Starter We're hovingice creom! Thepresentsimple andcontinuous Adverbsof frequency I u su a lly h a veca keb, u t t o da yl' m h a vin gicecr e a m : ;'' t Weusethe present simpleto to[k obouthobitsondthingsthot oreotwogstrue Leogoesto the cafdafier school Giraffesare very toIL Weusethe present continuous to to[k oboutwhot we oredoingnow HoIIy'supstairs.She'sdoingherhomework I'm makingdinnerat the moment Seepoge78 forformotionof the -ingform the sentences Usethe presentsimpleor the presentcontinuous Complete Lookot thot bog! He tunnrng - (run)reoltgfost! ( sto gwith ) T ongoondh e rs i s t e r u sto d o g (use)it Youcon'tpLogon the computer Dod (notgive)usmuchhomework Us uo[ [ 9o,u rt e o c h e r s ( b e )m g b ir th d o gto d o g sIt ( L i s t e n) to Leo th e r o d io ( w o L k ) t sch o o oel ve r gd o g 7I (Like) (noteot)it in winter Corlo soLodbut she (toLk) Mum on the phonerightnow Unit1 Wealwayssit by the window A I W useodverbs of frequencg with the present simpleto toLkobouthowofien * dothings never rore[g sometimes usuo[[g o% olwogs LO0% Adverbs go beforemostverbs,butofiertheverbbe of frequencu Weusuallg sithere Thegarealwagslate Wedon'tuseodverbs withthe present ofJrequencu continuous I Writethe wordsin the correctorder.Useshortformswhenpossib[e never / go/ on Soturdogs / I / to school I ne ti er a jc tti scirlrlr ')i, i*irirLt i' ir, l: i the teochers / lotef ore/ never oLwogs o f th e m e n u / Do d/ f o r o L o n gt i m e/ L oo ks l o c k/ hism e o tI J i n i s h e/ so L w o gs i sn't/ t he me o Lf u s u o l l g/ v e r ge xp e n sive rorelg/ got o/ w e l o u r L o c ocLo f e I / hungrg/ ofterfootbo[Lproctice f usuollg/ om Uni t Writesentences Userelotivepronouns Th ere's t he dog i sd o n g e r o u s S h e ' st h e g ir L s w o h u r r i co n e =?-q Th ot 'st he phot o D odtook He r e 'th s e sto tu e broke }L Th ot 'st he s moo t h i e C orri emo d e Th os eoret he os t r o n o u t s goi n gt o t he mo o n / I ! ore He r e 'th s e in fo r m o tio n L o o kT h e r e ' tsh e t h e t r o p h ie s fl A ,.,- ^^^,] 6& wo n o L L 1\ Where's theJood to b ug? I c s k edgou Co m e Los r e o n im o L s m u c hwo t e r d o n ' td r i n k Unit I 67 Happy memories Thepastcontinuous Datesand uzasborn On andir wereyougoingabroad , randpa? in t hat p h o t oC Yes,I wos.I wason a train I was travellingabroadfor theflrsttime 'f*l W usethe postcontinuous to toLkobouton octionthot wosin progress I o f o c er t oi nt i m e i n t h e p o s t '/ We with wos/were+ postporticipte Fornegotive form the postcontinuous sentences, usewosn't/weren't Forquestions, we usewos/were+ subject+ pos tpor t ic i p L e I waswalkingslowly HoIIywasn'tlisteningto herMP3player Wereyou makingdinner? Yes,Iwas./ No,I wasn't Seepoge78f orformotionof the -ingform Comptetethe sentences Usethe verb in brocketsond the presentcontinuous Iudg \.i\i, Am g o n d Z oe 3It Youond Iock 5I You Thetroffic Wi L [i o m Osco ro n d I 58 Unit14 ( m o ked) in n e r ( n o two tch )o fiL mo t th e cin e m o ( r o inve ) r gh e o viL g (notwoit)ot the busstop (feel.)vergcold ( tid g )Uo u rr o o m (move) vergslowlg ( n o tse n do) n e m o iL to Io m ie (toLk) oboutthefootboLL motch Lookof the pictures Writeo negotivesentence ond on offirmotivesentence Usethe postcontinuous LewisondGorg/ woit/ of the busstop Lewis and Gorg weren't waiting at the bus s_tgp Theu were woltlnq at the clnemo -.'''- ''''''' Dod/ cleon/ the house Mum ondSophg/ mokecoffee Iess/ write o letter the bogs/ ptoVtennis look of exercise 2.Writequestionsond shortonswers Lewis ondGorg/ woit/ of the busstop ot the*busstop?No, theq weren't _WqreLqwlsqn-dGlrruw_ettjnq _7-tJ Dod/cleon / the cor Mum ondSo p h g/ m o k e/ d i n n e r Te s s / wr it e / o L e t t e r s the bogs/ pLoV/ bosketbol.L Unit 14 6q That'syourmumwhenshewasa baby Shewas born on 5th May 1978 is differentfromthe wog we Thewog we toLkoboutdoteswhenspeoking write dotes We sogthe sirth of Mag.Wewrite 6th May seepoge79 Foro Listof ordinolnumbers, Usewos bornwith I/he/she/it.Usewerebornwith gou/we/gou/theg Grondpawasborn on L2thFebruary1.952 Thetwinswerebornon 2LstApril199L Withdotesonddogsof the week,useon 201.0, on Saturdoy,on 29th September on 20th March,on 7th December With georsondmonths,usein in L969,in Mag Circlethe correctonswer W e'r egoi n go n h o l i d o go n / @ fu L g 70 schoolin / onL995? DidgoursisterLeove in ourvitlogeon / in 20thMog L935 Wefirst hodelectricitg Toweron / in 1889 EilfelbuiLtthe EiffeL Gustove Mg neph e w 'gso i n gt o l i v ei n A m e r ico in /o n M o gth isUe o r Dogout h i n k t h e r ew i L Lb ec o r sin /o n O5 O? Wegot m o r r i e n / i n S o t u r d o6gth M o g2 0 orrivedin Americoin /onL62Oin/on 2LstNovember PeoplefromEuropefirst Unit14 Lookof the toble Completethe sentences Usewos bornon ond o dote When- -\MqS- Mr Dixon*- bo-rn- I 1q73 Mr Dixon wos boln -o_n-]-rtjeb*r_uqru_ When Mrs Dixon -.-? Mrs Dixon- -3 When F i no n dl o s p e r - ? Fi nondI os pe r When Angelo- ? Ange[o When Grondpo ? G rondpo W hen Grondmo ? G rondm o Mr Dixon LstIonuoryL9TL MrsDixon L4thFebruorgL9T3 F in 30thMog2000 Iosper 30thMog2000 Ange[o 2LstSeptember 2003 Grondpo 7th MorchL953 Gr o n d m o 5th Mog L954 Lookof Potlg'scolendor.Completethe sentences Scptember 1stTack 2nd starts new iob 7th Friday Wednerdey thcrdey Tuesday Monday 9th 8th Saturdey 3rd 4th 10.30 5th Dentist (Max) 1orh 11th Sunday 6th 13th 1zth Vtft 14th 21st 15th 22nd I t 17th I Katestaging 18th 24th 25th 16th 23rd Tina t"boppg', 20rh partg 26th 27th fffr}H'' zEth 29th 30th and Dad's g anntversa tno anntversarg Iockisstortinghisnewjob -on I sLSeptem-ber Mox is goingto the dentist I'm goingto visitTino Koteis goingto stogwith me Poppg's portgis Poppg's birthdogis Mum ond Do d ' sw e d d i n go n n i v e r so ris g Un it1 7l There,they're and their party TheywerewalkingtoToby's We usethe postcontinuous with the postsimplewhenwe wontto totk obout somethingthot hoppenedin the midd[eof onother,longer,oction.Lookot thesesentences: Postcontinuous Postsimple I wos walking to the shops It stortedto rain Weconmokethesetwo octionsinto onesentence bg connecting them with when I was walking to the shopswhen it startedto rain Weconusewhenin the middleor of the beginning of the sentence.If we put it of the beginning, we mustput o commo(,) ofterthe first port of the sentence Thephonerang whenMr Taglorwastalking to hisboss WhenMr TayLorwostatkingto hisboss,the phonerang I Circlethe shorteroctionthot hoppenedin the middl,eof onother,longerone T hec hiLd r ewne r ep l o g i n go u t s id ewh e t stortedroinin WhenI wo sm o k i n gd i n n e rM , r sCo o p epr h o n e d WhenTimwosrunningfor the bott,hefe[[over Tommgwostellingo scorgstorgwhenthe Lights wentout Evergone woswoitingwhenI wolkedintothe room WhenI wokeup,mUbrotherwosdoinghishomework G eorge on dW i L L i o w me r eb u y i n gCDswh e nth e gh e o r dth e o L o r m Youweretolkingto thefishermonwhenthe bigbootorrived 72 U n it1 Complete the sentences Usethe postsimpleor post Lookof the pictures continuous of the verbsin brockets ( r in g ) (repoi rt)h e c o rwh e n t h e p h o n e T he m e ch o n i c Ps Th eG r een J omi L g He (w oL k )t o t h e b e o c hwh e n t h e s t o r m (stort) We ( to keh) isb o g (reod)a magoz i newh e n s o m e o n e B E dw o r d ALice ( p l o U ) f o o t b owh tL e nh e ( hu r t ) h is L e g (do)her homew o r kwh e n t h e J ir e wo r k s (stort) Unit 15 77 Write , or - Do we write commosin thesesentences? WhenIfirst sowUouE go, werestondingoverthere I wosweoringmg bestshoes! It wos stortingto snow! *h"n IfelL over *n"n we lefi school Whenthey weredrivingposttheirhouse! Shewost o L k i n tgo o j o u r n o t i st ! tf'.g sowo monoutside *h e n th e cr im eh o p p e n e d the phone YouwereLoughing ! wfrengouonswered of the zebrosD o monkegjumpedup of her WhenshewosLooking Usewhenondthe correctform of the verb Lookof the toble.Writesentences Firstoction Secondoction 'l I / get/ reodgfor schoo[ Dod/ eot/ breokfost something stronge/ hoppen Dod/ Look/ worried h e/ sm i[e he/ put/ the phonedown his boss/ ring I/w o L k/tos c hool he / teLl/ usthe goodnews it wos the weekend I / reoLized th e b u i Lder / dri nkteo the wo[L/ feLLdown Kote/ smile I / lookot her we / lookfor/ Kim'spresent we / sow Kim I._ Wos oe t t l n or e o d uf o r s c ho o lwh e n so m e th ln ostr o n o eh o p p e n e d = Dod W hen He W hen W hen Kote We Un it1 J "JJ-' the wordsthere, lL, It isvergeosgto confuse 1l theg'r eondt h e i r T h e gs o u n dt h e so m eb, u t their meoning ond useorevergdifferent t WhereareCharlie,Mollyand Harry? Theirshoes Thereisthe oppositeof here Lookat thefishermanin hisboot out there Weotsousetherein the expressions thereis ondthereore Is therea restaurontnearhere? Theg'reisthe shortform of theg ore Theg'reworriedaboutthe exams Theiris o possessive Usetheirto odjective s more tot k obouts o m e t h i ntgh o t b e l o n gto thononeper s o n Westayedwith Sallgand Tom,andplayed tennisin theirgarden They'rethere! the sentences Usetheg're,theiror there Complete Lookof the pictures Sebhosgot boLL S oL[go n d L iL go r e eoti ng o b o n k n e o rh e r e ? di n n e r h o v in gc p ic n ic Usethey're,theiror there the conversotion Comp[ete ? AmU Whotor et h o s eo v e r ' g o o dfr ie n d so Jm ine p r e s e nftos r K i mo n dT in o ' Cl or e ' o b r o th e r AmU Ar et hegs i s t e r sI?t h i n kt U b ro th ekn r o ws h o u seDo g o ur e m e m b e r thpeo r tgth e gh o du Cl or e Y ou'v be e e nt o ' Unit 15 7t Review5 Circlethe correctonswer s Congouheort /@ I wont to seethotfi[m.ShoLL we go ondseeit / her? Thotbog'sfunng.Let'swotchhe / him Hovegoufinishedit / them get? Do gouhovemuchhomework? ConI ptogwith theg/ them? Do gou knowher/ she? Congoucometo the beochwith us/ oursof the weekend? I con'theorgou/ gour.Pleosespeoklouder Completethe sentences.Usewho or which the bog Wha- won the trophg There's IU Liketo meetthe mon invented this the milk gouneedfor the smoothie Here's Look.There's the monument I told gouobout A mon - wosborndeofond blindconnow seeond heor gou[ike? Arethosethe glosses the mon Where's heLped Uoucorrgthe bogs? 8T heg, ret h e p e o p [ e - m o v e d h e r e fr o m Am e r ico r e ce n t[g Rewritethe sentencesond guestionswith the post continuous I lookedotthe photos I was looklng at the Themondidn'tListen to me Shepointedo picture Didit roin ? Whodid g o ut o L k t o ? Wefinishedour homework Thechil.dren modeo messin the kitchen A n hourog o ,I m o d ed i n n e r Review5 Units13-15 Lookof the notes.Writesentences Usewosborn,in or onondo dote b-o-rtr ul4-qg I q7-5,, Tino:MogL97sT-rn-q-wqs Fronk : 7t]hu n e1 F r e d :1 8 Cor rie: Ls tI on u o r g s LiLg: 8th October Tino:MorchL995 S i d n e g :2 0 ondwhen Writesentences Usethe postsimple,the postcontinuous PhiL / run/ he/fo[Lover phil wo-s[unnrngwhenheJettover.2 thegf orrive / it /snow When we / hovedinner/ gou/ coLL We BiLLg / teLLo joke/Tim / comeintothe room ilm s theg/ cookdinner/thefiLm / stort When I/ hov eobo d d r e o m/ I w o k e u p I to gourMP3ploger evergone f orrive/ Vou/ Listen When Completethe conversotion.Usetheg're,their or there girls Smith.I think' they're Lovelg Cothg I LikeZoeondToro too.HowLonghovetheg Lived Penng Yes, thegore.ThegLivein o verunicehouse, ,7 Aboutthreemonths.It isn't' Cothg In OxtonStreet? Whoseis it? Penng ReoLLg? grondporents to o Cothg It belongs Penng It'so big house 'so biggordenof the bock Cothg Yes,onds v e r gL u c k g ! Penng house, though Review5 n .-| urommorreTerence The-ingform Verb mo s tv e r b s E xcmp Le Chonge + - ing pl.og v e r b se n d i n gc o n so n o n+t -e v e r b se n d i n gv ow e L+ w ri te - ingfor m ploging )(+ -ing + - ing doubLe finol consonont tro ve L writing tr oveLting t o r -g c o n s o n o net ,x ce p -w I T hep resent simpte AlJirmotive N e g o ti ve I d o n 't p [o g I pl,og g o ud o n 'tp l o g g o up l o g i t d o e sn 'tp l o g it p L o g s w e d o n 't p l o g we ptog th e gd o n 'tp to g t h e gp L o g Qu e stions Do I pl.og? Do gou pl.og? Doesit pl.og? Do we pl.og? D oth eg pl.og? Shor tonswer s Yes,I No,I don' t Yes,gou No,goudon' t Yes,it does No,it doesn't No,we don't Yes,we Yes,theg No,they don' t T hepresent continuous Alfirmotive I 'm p t o g i n g g o u ' r ep l , o g i n g it 'sp l o g i n g we'repl.oging t he g ' r ep l o g i n g N e g o ti ve Shor tonswer s Questions I'm not pl.oging Am I ptoging? Yes,I om g o uo re n 'tp L o g i n g Ar egou ptoging? Yes,gou ore i t i sn 'tp l o g i n g Is it pl.oging? Yes,it is we oren'tpl.oging Arewe pl.oging? Yes,we ore th e g o re n 'tp l o g i n gAr etheg pl.oging?Yes,theg oren't No,I'm not No,gouor e n't No,it isn't No,we oren't No,theg or en't T hepostsimp| e AlJirmotive I pl.oged g o up l o g e d it pLoged we ptoged t h e gp L o g e d 78 N e g o ti ve I d i d n 'tp l o g g o ud i d n 'tp l o g it didn't pl.og w e d i d n 'tp l o g th e g d i d n 'tp L o g G r o m m o rre Je re n ce Questions Did I pl.og? Did gou pl,og? Didit ptog? Didwe pl.og? Didtheg ptog? Shor tonswer s Yes,I did Yes,goudid Yes,it did Yes,we did Yes, theg did No,I didn' t No,goudidn't No,it didn't No,we didn't No,theg didn't perfect Thepresent Affirmotive I've ploged gou'vepLoged it's ploged we've pl,oged theg'veptoged Negotive I hoven'tpLoged gou hoven'tploged it hosn'tploged we hoven'tptoged theg hoven'tploged Questions HoveI pl.oged? Hovegou pl.oged? Hosit ptoged? Hovewe ploged? Hovetheg ploged? Shortonswers Yes,I hove Yes,gou hove Yes,it hos Yes,we hove Yes,theg hove No,I hoven't No,gou hoven't No,it hosn't No,we hoven't No,theg hoven't Thepostcontinuous Affirmotive I wos ptoging gou were pl.oging it wos pl.oging we were pl.oging theg were ploging Negotive I wosn't ploging Uouweren'tploging it wosn't ptoging we weren't ploging theg weren'tploging Questions WosI pl,oging? Weregou ploging? Wosit pl.oging? Werewe ploging? Weretheg ptoging? Shortonswers Yes,I wos Yes,gou were Yes,it wos Yes,we were Yes,theg were No,I wosn't No,gou weren't No,it wosn't No,we weren't No,theg weren't n umbers O r d inoL Lst first 2nd second third 3rd 4th fourth sth fifth sixth 6th 7th seventh 8th eighth 9th ninth 10th tenth llth 12th 13th 20th 30th 3Lst eleventh tweLfih thirteenth twentieth twentg-first thirtieth thirtg-first Grommorreference verbs IrreguLor Boseform be bre o k brin g bui L d brg cotch d rin k drive eot foLL feeL find fLs get go hove heor hurt know leorn Light moke meet Po9 put reod ride ring run so9 see send sing sit sleep speok spend swim toke tel,l thin k throw weor win write Postsimple wos/were broke brought buiLt bought cought di d dronk drove ote fel.l ful.t found fIew got went hod heord hurt knew leornt l_it mode met poid put reod rode rong ron soid Postporticip[e -b een broken brought buitt bought cought done drunk driven eoten fol.Len fel.t found fl.own got been hod heord hurt known [eornt Iit mode met poid put reod ridden run9 run soid 50w Seen sent s on9 sot s[ept spoke spent sent sun9 sot sLept spoken spent SWOm SWUm took totd thought threw wore won wrote token tol.d thought thrown worn won written Irregulorverbs Forstudentspreparingfor the YoungLeorner\exomsz CombridgeESOL GrommorFriends l ond2 Storters: Movers:GrommorFriends ond4 Ftgers:GrommorFriends ond6 OXFORD ENGLISH tsBN 978-0-19-4780't5-5 ,tuilltilt|[ ... purpose How often ?ond odverbsof time 44 $ Review3 1O I''ve donemg homework The presentperfect(1) 11 A speciotodventure The presentperfect(2):ever ond never 54 L2 We shouLdplog outside Shou[dond... shou[dn''t Couldond couldn''t 58 50 62 Review4 13 Hel"ping others 14 Hoppgmemories We we r eho vingfunl Objectpronouns who ond which Relotivepronouns: 64 Thepostcontinuous Dotesond wos born On ond... Weregou excited? Wasthe play good? Circlethe correctonswer 12 Thereiiryos / wereo pionoon the stoge Wewere/ wosexcitedoboutthe concert .4 Wos/ W e r eg o uo f h o m e ? LeoondSebwosn''t/ weren''tot