Grammar Friends giới thiệu hình thức, cách sử dụng và ý nghĩa theo cách mà ngay cả những người mới bắt đầu học cũng có thể hiểu và ghi nhớ. Bộ sách được viết để hỗ trợ giáo trình Family and Friends nhưng là phần bổ sung lý tưởng cho bất kỳ khóa học tiếng Anh tổng quát tiểu học nào. Có rất nhiều hoạt động được kiểm soát để giúp trẻ cải thiện ngữ pháp viết và các hoạt động tương tác thú vị trên Trang web Grammar Friends Student để thực sự khuyến khích trẻ tự học.
Gffirmilr?rsr FrilerTds oxroRD I-INIVERSITY PRESS oxroRD UNIVERSITY PRESS Great Clarendon Street, Oxford oxz 6op Oxford University Press is a department ofthe University ofoxford It furthers tlre University's objective ofexcellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford NewYork Auckland CapeTown Dares Salaam HongKong Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melboume Mexico City Nairobi New Delhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto Withoffices in Argentina Austria Brazil Chile CzechRepublic France Greece Guatemala Hungary Italy Japan Poland Portugal Singapore SouthKorea Switzerland Thailand Turkey Ukraine Vietnam oxFoRD and oxrono ENGrrsH are registered trade marks of Oxford University Press in the UK and in, certain other countuies @ Oxford University Press 2o1o The rnoral rights ofthe author have been asserted Database right Oxford University Press (maker) First published zoto 2014 2073 201.2 2Oa1 2O1O 709876s432 No unauthorized photocopying rights resewed No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrievai system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, A11 without the pdor permission in writing ofOxford University Press, or as expressly permifted by 1aw, or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization Enquiries concerning reproduction outside t}le scope ofthe above should be sent to the EllT Rights Department, Oxford University Press, at the address above You must not circulate this book in any other binding or cover and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer Any websites refered to in this publication are in the public domain and their addresses are provided by Oxford University Press for information oniy Oxford University Press disclaims any responsibility for the content rsBN: 978 o 19 478oo4 (Student's Book) ISBN: 978 o 19 478016 (Pack) Printed in China ACI(N OWLEDGEMENTS Illustrationsby: Stephen Elford and Andrew Hennessey Cover rnage by: Stephen Elford The Publishers would alsolike to thankthefollowingfor theirkindpermksionto reproduce photngrapls and other copyight material: Alamy pp 32 (, 46 (John Hyde/Alaska Stock LLC/eagIe), 54, 78 (Ben Ramos/house), 84 (Pictor InternationavimageState/Holl1wood), 90 (Kevin Howchin/plane, I(evin Britland/car), 91 (Lebrecht Music and Arts Library/Shakespeare, Rolf Richardson/Globe Theaffe); Getty Images pp 62 fiohrter Irnages/restaurant), 78 (Josonfiaxi/Henry); Oxford University press pp 72,24, 32 (family, recycling box), 40, 46 (dolphin/fish in water), 62 (chefl asparagus), 64, 68, 69, 78 (Jamie), 1, 84 (Hollywood Boulevard), 89, 90 (tv); Photolibrary p 32 (Erc Crichton/Garden Picture Library/garden) The present simpLe ond continuous The post simpLe The present perfect (L): ever ond never The present perfect (2):tor ond since , f.he present pifector post simple? The present pef,ect{3}ro,[reodg, get, just ond beJore- : Com po rotive o nd su , , 14 , perlotive odjectives Too ond enough Review I world cround The 26 us The post continuous ond the post simple Used The Dag 20 *nvir*nm*;f 1, trip ,:: to 30 won't Tle'presenteontinuouswithfuture meaning-'.1 Wil.l ond Be going Be going ",.,,, ,35 toJor plons ond intentions tofor moking predictions bosed on whot Uou see Review ? I I 48 First aid Our fsvourite Jfood Possibilities Review Reported speech (1) Reported speech (2): soid ond told ond time words First conditionol (1): offirmotive ond negotive First conditiohol,(2):,qU,estlons ond short onswers Modo[sfor possibilitg: mog, might ond coutd Hove to 52 ,, 58 64 70 ICI Life in the post Indefinite pronouns Question togs 11 Moking o fiLm ,t;;:,.';.t :,.:;: 42 : 3,2 Famous inventions ^^r -:*^l ^ Thepslvett):,presgnt"s,imp-le With ond bg The possive (2): post simple The possive (3): questions 74 ,',,,., ,,, ,' ' ,, : 80 86 ?2 Gre nnmcr ref,erenee Irregutor verbs 96 ',*, ,., -, ', t *$" :fl+f,14,$i:ilerti*l*$ out with Martin,Tommy, Maddy and geth The present simple and continuous The past simple on Saturdays (m talking to them right now, Mum! iii ili i;lii,tr'r We always go out together til on Saturday afternoons ii '_ : -* We use the present simple to totk obout hobits ond routines You normatty go out with your friends on Saturdags Or things We go thot ore olwogs true out together on Saturday afternoons We ofien use the present simple with odverbs oJ Jrequenca l.ike sometimes, never, usuo[[g, often, most dogs I sometimes ptay volleyball in the park - : ,.-, :::: : : :a, :,: :,,:ia::a:tii.iii,:!.:f!r:l'1i 1.X-!,a!tlj:i:ia We use the present continuous to to[k obout whot we ore doing now I'm talking to them Or with time expressions [ike now, right now, of the moment I'm talking to them right now, Mum! We use the post simple to totk obout octions thot ore finished We often use it with time expressions tike this morning, gesterdog, lost geor, of 1O otlock We went to the park yesterday Write the words in the correct order sometimes /I /with mgJriends/goswimming she's f todog / a red skirt / weoring I spmelrme,s go swimming with m_y Jriends shoppin g / Mum ond Dod / ore / ot the moment everg morning wolking usuollg Sto / she / o blue dress /weors rter / /I /to school / wolk right now /to the shops / Mum's A Complete the sentences Use the present simple or present continuous Dod You (ploU)with gourJriends most dogs Grondmo ond Grondpo He Mum Theg MU sister 9We 10 I (wotch)TV most evenings -WgEEhes She * of the verbs in brockets (Listen) to the rodio of the moment (do) her homework now footbolt teom this geor (write)on emoiL right now (be) in the (hove) homework ot weekends (stick) pictures in her book ot the moment (go)on o summer hoLidog everu August (Leorn)to plog tenhis in school ot the moment Look of exercise Write sentences Use the post simple ond the time expression gesterdog evening _ D od w elehe d_TV*tre_rter_deu_euetring gesterdog [ost night of the weekend lost geor two hours ogo tost weekend this morning tost geor 10 this week Storter fir-iffiIt iL!-rr::1ii1:{a :r* :,li,i,;rijiti '.'f; Look of the toble circle the correct onswer in the sentences below oteotore otl,ot o restouront Mum works os o teoche, cner tolkinqJ to Ruon J \A/tTn llnd with Dod Rgon is o school pupil wotched o DVD using his computer Iu[ioisoschoo[pupi[pLogedwithdoLl.stol.kingtoDod 10 Dod @l Mum is is working ot the hospitoL teoching / teoches of o school Dod opens /'s opening o porcel of the moment Rgon wotched / did wotch o DVD lost night Does Mum toLk Did Mum eot / /Is Mum tol.king to Rgon right now? Did Mum ote of o restouront Lost night? Did Dod wotch o DVD Lost night? No, he didn't / No, he wosn,t Is Rgon o school pupi[? Yes, he is /Yes, is Is Rgon tolking / Wos Rgon tolking to Mum right now? Did Dod eot of o restouront with Mum Lost night? Yes, theg did / Yes, he did ?s Write sentences Use the present simpte, the present continuous or the post simpLe of the verbs in the box toLk 4d stort listen wotch plog Iock Like visit eot be to school most dogs Mum ond Dod Chinesefood Lost night Mum _odoctor Ienng often , with dolls SoL[g ond Mum to Grondmo right now Louise her school Eric o DVD ot the moment Edword to use o computer three Ueors ogo We the odventure pork lost weekend 10 I , to mg MP3 ploger ot the moment Sto g"O-e_S rter # ? Write negotive sentences Use the present simpte, the present continuous or the post simp[e Mum / not work/ right now Rgon / not eot Dod / not be / o teocher Dad / not use / the computer / ot the moment Iulio / not wotch / o DVD Dod ond Mum Grondpo Dod ond Rgon / ot a restouront / Lost night night Lost / notgo/tothe cinemo /Lost night / not eot / ice creom / ot the moment / not wosh / the car / Lost weekend Write questions qnd short onswers Use the present simp[e, the present continuous or the post simp[e Rgon /goto Mum / be luLio be Rgon Grondmo ond Grondpo Mum ond Dod /mostdogs / Does Rgon schooI most doys? Yes, he does / schoot plog with dolts Dod / / Lost ot the hospitol night X / Lostnight { / pLog with dolls / ot the moment Y / Mum / ateocher / / wotch / o DVD / right now ,( / / listen to the radio wosh the cor / gesterdog X / rightnow / Storter '7 The present perfect (1): ever and never The present per.fect (2): for and srnce We've decided to build a doll's house for 1ulia Dad's given us some wood Have you brought the paint, Martin? , ,';ili.:i: Y€S, I hAVe 'i:r":, rirx DO tu wan Do yOU lnt t0 help uus,Tom my? -o nery HO everr made Have yyou el nade a doll': cll's; h( hou r :,iiiiiij ,l I h, haven ?n't I've ve never nel ma made an ting oL anythit out of 0l wood! NO NO, i,itiiii+,E;lgi*eiiiji#5;$ " ,: lulia We moke the present perfect olfirmotive with hqve + post porticiple We normoLLg use the short form oJ hove, especioLLg in conversotion Dad's given us some wood k ff, post porticipLe is usuollg the some B or the post simpte Jorm of th'e verb, but some verbs ore irreguLor There is o List of common irreguLor verbs on poge 96 Unit L :; l [* W use the present perfect to toLk obout octions p in tfre post thot ore stiLL true now \ We've decided to build a dolt's housefor : I The word ever meons'in gour Life up to now' We use it with the question form of the present perfect to osk obout o person's experience Have gou ever mode a doll's LiJe house? We use never in the present perfect to toLk obout something thot we hove not done in our Life up to now We otwogs use on offirmotive verb with never I've never mode angthing out of wood Write sentences Use the present perfect We / decide / to moke o dotl's house Welve-dec-Lde-d-"-tomq-ke q_d,o_[[]shp_us-e" Rgon Tommg Dad / / Jind f / bug Mortin ohammer meosure / the pieces of wood / some point Jor the dolt's house / pointlthe woLLs Beth/moke/omistoke Rgon ond his friends rhefriends / / Jinish / their work sivel;;";;;;; ;;;;;.; ruLio Hr Look of the List Write sentences with the present perfect Ilv-e- ne- mU ho mewa rk z I hqveill-t yyqlEhed fV tsdeg Unit L #, Look of the picture Answer the questions with the present simple possive Whot hoppens in the eorlg morning? f]re- qninrlsls-l ho u-s-es -qre -eie sne-d Whot hoppens of o'clock? Whot hoppens ot 9.30? Whot hoppens of L1o'clockT Whot hoppens of Whot hoppens of o'clock? Whot hoppens of o'clock? L2 o'clock? Whot is different on Fridogs? Whot is different on Soturdogs? 10 Whot hoppens everu month? Unit 1L 83 Holllwood fflrns Holllwood is in Arnerico Lots ol frlr^"'s oce rnode in Holllwood ond it is fflled with lornous people Lots of octors ond octresses live in Holllwood houses ore built close to the lomous Holllwood sign ond decoroted with old f\lm souvenirs bl ol tourists evecl 1eoc lhel wont to see Holllwood is visrted the : thousonds fornous fflrn studios ond octors' The r^noin streets oce decoroted with bright lights ond everl evening shows ore put on b1 doncecs ond rnusicions' lt s qn exciting ploce! In possive sentences we use bg to sog who or whot does the oction Hollywood is visited bg thousands of tourists everg gear Evening shows are put on bg doncers and musicians We use with to toLk obout whot is used to the oction Hollywood is fitled with fa mous people The main streets are decorated with briqht tights Comptete the sentences Use bg or with Guitors ore ptoged bg fitled Tennis is ploged Thefood is brought Breod is cut - Ancient ploces ore found 84 Librories ore Unit 11 musicions oL[ over the worLd books rockets ond o boLL o woiter o knife orchoeoLogists ffi Rewrite the sentences Use the present simple possive ond bg or with Fishermen cotch fish Fich ol'€ couoht bu fishermen J J'J You use o rocket to plog tennis Tennis You use o Lot of vegetobles A soLod to moke o solod ChiLdren drink o Lot oJ miLk A lot oJ miLk The chiLdren plont lots oJtrees Lots of trees Tourists toke o Lot oJ photogrophs ALotof photogrophs- - FootboLl' pLogers weorfootboLL boots FootbotL boots We use flour to moke cokes Cokes * Write sentences Use the present simple possive ond bg or with / wotch / thousonds oJ people -FpptbC mqls,heq se -wq!dt-d bu thq]rlsrdr London /visit/thousonds oftourists everg Ueor the citg /fitL / tourist ottroctions streets pies rugbg vegetobles plogs / wotch footboLL motches / decorote / -qj-gspp-[-e, Lights / cook/ meot ond pototoes / pLog / children ond odults / grow / farmers / school children Unit ]L , **ffi##ffi =4s The passive (2): past simple The passive (3): questions ffiffiwffi#,ruWwffiffireffi I S*Y{:*itr These inventions are amazingl ,4$+;ertfrs I wantto be qn inventorl I want to invent something exciting too V { we use wos/were (not) + post pcrticipl.e to moke the post simpte passive The first aeroplane wss invented by Orvilte and Wilbur Wright Thefirst aeroplane wosn't invented brg lottn Logie Baird There is o tist oJ irregul.or post porticiptes on poge 96 Which sentences ore possive? Write p or - TheJirst expLorer wos on oncient Eggption .: Ferdinond Mogellon wos the Jirst person to soil oround the world The PociJic Oceon wos nomed bg Ferdinond Mogetlon _ The explorer trovelled Jor geors in Europe ond AJrico TheJirst mop oJAustrolio wos drown bg coptoin Jomes cook The South PoLe wosfirst visited in 191_1 The first rocket wos sent to the moon in L969 The picture wos pointed with oiI points _ Unit L2 Reod the test Circle the correct onswers Thevergfirstcomputers1inventedl@out2500Ueor5ogo Simple mochines co[[ed obocuses mode / were mode bg the oncient Eggptions These mochines'used / were used Jor thousonds oJ geors A computer a s / wos invented neortg 500 geors ogo bg Bloize PoscoI but it onl"g invented odded / wosodded numbers mochine 8O geors Aton Turing mode /wos mode o different ogo.It' aid lwos done more thon onU person could Then obout thirtg Ueors ogo, the first personoL computers sold / were so[d e Now, of course, theg were bought / ore bought olt over the world Write the words in the correct order Use the post simpte possive the wheel soiling boots were / bg the Romons were / corried the first thef rst sold /thefirst the EiffelTower wos / I 6000 Ueors ogo / invented / wos /this bg /were / wos /the oncient Eggptions / mode /thousonds of roods / buiLt / importont Romons / on choirs /troin stotion / / mode /were cors song / 2OO Ueors /in wos ogo / opened / in Fronce Germong /were / / sung / inL889 / buiLt ofomous singer / bg 1O in Oxford in EngLond / thot dictionorg / wos / written Unit 12 = Complete the sentences Use the post simpl.e possive The olgmpic gomes w-ff,e- inve n-te-d The cinemo (invent) bg the oncient Greeks _ _ (open) bg the fomous octor Rewrite the sentences Use the post simple possive Someone invented television in1927 Television *-w-o-s- tnv,ent-e-d in -l 927- Somebodg interviewed mg Jovourite singer Lost night Mg fovourite singer Theg poid herforthe interview She Somebodg osked obout herfovourite music She Somebodg took photogrophs of her Photogrophs oJ her People bought Lots oJ her music lost geor Lots of her music * write sentences use the post simple possive ond bg if necessorg Chess / pLog / in oncient persio ehess- w-e.s p-[qu-ed in Mong Jomous pictures The plog Homlet The pgromids The Jirst oeropLone 88 Unit 12 / qne Lent point / write / _ / Leonordo Vinci WiLLiom Shokespeore / buiLd /thousonds / fLg f P_-ersis, ocross of geors ogo the AtLontic / Alcock ond Brown Look of the tob[e Complete the octive ond possive sentences Use the post simpte A tife in music: Iomie Iohnson, singer t 1984 1987 to 1.996 11996 1996 to iOOl 2005 with his porents H" goestoscho-ol]n to tle countrgside the piono ond guitor Goe; to music school His teochers ore He Leorns professiono L pLog m usicio ns - H ;;k;; hi' jili,aD n mos;zi;;1;i.;l;;hil 2OO7 l I 2008 i-.,,.'-.- - He Lives in London He Leoves school l t I He is born Iomie wins o song writing competition 2OO9 lomie wos born- From 1987 In 1996 he From 1996 to 2003 he From 1996 In 2005 In 2007 hisfirst In 2008 he (interview) bg o Jomous mogozine In 2009 he (win)o song writing competition (be born) in 1984 to 1996 he (Live) in London (send)to school in the countrg to 2003 he (Leorn)to pl"og the piono ond guitor (teoch) bg professionoL musicions he -(Leove)school CD (moke) Complete the sentences Use the present simple pqssive or the post simple possive with the verbs in brockets She WqS qSke:d (osk)to oct in the plog The gotes to the pork (open) of o'clock on Soturdogs (born)two geors ofter me You On Wednesdog, I (give) o new computer (not teoch) French ot his school s BiLl.g We (help) in our schoot Lessons everg dog You m stn't wo Lk on th e g ro ss It (write) on the sign u " Unit L2 89 & \ W" moke possive questions with be + subject + post porticipte Are monkegsfound in England? We put bg ond with ot the end of the questions Who was the first plane invented bg? We csn put wh- question words ot the beginning oJthe question If we use who, when or where, the word order doesn't chonge When was television invented? If we use whot, we mqke possive questions like this: What was invented on L0th March L976? -= Circle the correct onswers I 90 1@/Wosfilms mode in the United Kingdom? Wos / Is / Are the film mode Lost geor? Where / When /Who wos theJiLm directed bg? Who /Whot / When wos the plog written bg? ts Who / Where / Whot wos given to Som's friends? Where /Who / Whot wos thefiLm mode? Unit L2 whot + be + post porticiple ,E# Write post simp[e possive questions on emoil " _W st / send _en _emq / gesterdog t_l -,$ e_nr _9 5_t e; d.s who / the book where / the tigers when / the historu museum who / / write / / bg cl.eon gour house / paint / Lost geor the printer / whot footbolL gl / see / gesterdog gour bedroom / buiLd / bg 10 / where switch oJJ Romon houses / / pLag gol.d / this morning / moke / with / evergwhere / 100 Ueors ogo /find /in1849 3'H Reod the text Write post simple possive questions Use When, Where, Who or Whst Vt/illton Shakuspuaru Shakuspuore Ls to the rnost lotnrus Eryltsh wtter tn htstory He Sb'ot{ord, Eryland, Lnd tytoved to London to becorrte on ador -lhen he started to wrtte plays Onu o{ his best plays ts called Hanlet He wrote Hamlet u leoo or 1e01 lhe moin charoder, who Ls co,lled Hamlet, gceaks a ,ury {omous lLne: 'lb be or not to be' went school Ln Shokuspuure worked Ln o theobe called the \lobe Ln lsll, whtch was rnade wtth wood It wos onu rl the rnost {ornout butldtrys in London urrttl tt wos closed Ln 1e'11 A ,opy ol thu \lobe was opened to tourLsts Ln lqql Shokespeore wrote HomLet in London Shokespeore wos tought in Strotford Thefomous Line is spoken bg Homlet The Globe wos Tourists visit The Gtobe _W*h_e_r e*-_wgsHsm_[_e_L_w_r_Ltl_en? HomLet wos written in 1600 or L6ol" The Globe wos mode with wood The GLobe wos closed inL644 built in 1599 Unit 12 ffiww#ww complete the onswers Use the indefinite pronouns from the box ongwhere Z Units 10-'12 }lo€rrd ongthing Evergone Nowhere evergthing Someone Who's there? Nothing N,o on.e, Where ore Uou going? Whot's thot noise? - got Who's going to be there? Whot's on the TV? , * tolking in the gorden _ _ Whg ore gou sod? I hoven't is _ nice to , weorJorthe portg the whole closs " Are gou reodg? Yes, I've pocked It's boring here There isn't - - to go Circle the correct onswers Thefomousexp[orerhostrove[LedoLmostsomewhere/nowher"/@inAfrico We sow something / evergthing / ongthing verg exciting ot the zoo gesterdog It wos verg quiet of the pork gesterdog morning There wos no one /evergbodg / somebodg there Evergthing / Evergwhere / Something wos verg quiet beJore the storm I've never been ongwhere / nowhere / somewhere reo[Lg cold I Looked for the kegs somewhere / evergwhere / ongwhere, but I couLdn't find them somewhere / evergwhere /ongwhere Evergone / Someone / Angone hod o greot time of Zoe's portg Is there ongwhere / no one / onyonethere? Complete the sentences Use question togs 10 You were hoppg ot school todog, *weredl+ou? _ _ Theg're Luckg to see the pgromids, The closs is visiting on orchoeologicoL museum next week, Theg hoven't visited the school before, We didn't moke ong smoothies, ,_. - _ You know the test is todog, You didn't go on holidog Lost geor, _ Annie didn't tive in Rome, Her sister speoks EngLish, You're going Review to reod thot book, _ Write present simpte possive sentences Everg geor, miltions oJ cords Everu_ges1,_mtttions d F[owers ond chocolotes Presents Some presents Theg Then theg The poper/throwowog The presents / / send /for Mother's Dog tqrds "or thgCs !g / send / o[L over the world bug / moke /wrop / in poper / give / / to mums keep Chonge the octive sentences into present simple possive sentences Theg speokTurkish ond Arobic here Arobic ond Turk'sh ore sooken here Peopte reod book evergwhere We se[[ postcords in the museum shop Theg show good progrommes on TV Theg se[[ teo ot thot cofe People drink o tot of teo in Britoin ChiLdren send miltions of Lots of peopte plog volLegboLL in monU countries text messoges everg dog Review € Complete the sentences Use bg or with E The film mode -bg - is o fomous director The pointing is photogrophed Homlet is ploged "**_** specioL comeros * o goung octor isfil,Led Footboll is ploged The book wos written The house -.,. pictures _*- children ond odults * o fomous writer write sentences use the post simpte possive ond bg or with if necessorg Houses in Rome / buil.d / corefuLLg Hp_u_s,erLn_-_R-pme,_w_.e_r:_e_burtt_EqrcJlltlu^-* * The houses A Romon house The house A Lot oJthings Lost geor, / / decorote poinlings ond stotues /find /three live in / / / put Ueors ogo /orchoeologists onimportont Romon /in the museum / the museum / visited / thousonds of people Write sentences Use the post simpte possive or the present simpLe possive ond bg or with if necessorU Colfee - / drinkl o[t over the world -C-olfee_is dr_unk s[L o v_errh-e ] /_or_Ld.-" _ Austrolio / discove r / Coptoin Cook Mount Everest / climb/Tensing ond Hilorg Thefirst pototoes Pototoes Ports of London 94 / grow / in Americo / grow / evergwhere / Review now / build / the Romons Look of exercise Write possive questions 1O Complete the wh- questions Use the post simple possive Shokespeore wrote Romeo ond Iutiet Who Theg invented poper in oncient Chino Where Theg sold the house o week ogo When Theg used to moke coins with go[d Whot Afomous ortist pointed the picture Who Theg found gol.d in the river Where Cors were invented 100 Ueors ogo When Theg used to mokefootboLLs with onimoL skin Whot Chorl ie won the vollegbol"l" trophg Who 10 The pop concert wos held in o big JieLd Where Review #{ tur#ffiffiffiffi **=* !r:rr* f*st sirrprl-