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PRO 3M/ PRO 3MPLUS – ÔN LUYỆN TOÀN DIỆN CHO KÌ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Biên soạn Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương – Ngoaingu24h vn Vì quyền lợi chính đáng của chính các em Không nên chia sẻ tài liệu ĐỘC QUYỀ[.]

PRO 3M/ PRO 3MPLUS – ƠN LUYỆN TỒN DIỆN CHO KÌ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Biên soạn: Cơ Vũ Thị Mai Phương – Ngoaingu24h.vn TÀI LIỆU ĐI KÈM BÀI GIẢNG COLLOCATION& VOCABULARY EDUCATION Thuộc khóa học : Plus 1: Luyện từ vựng tích cực Cơ Vũ Thị Mai Phương :T ge Pa ▪️ truant (n) /ˈtruː.ənt/ a child who is regularly absent from school without permission (học sinh trốn học) Ex: Police reports showed that the vast majority of crime committed by children was carried out by truants ▪️ sophomore (n) /ˈsɒf.ə.mɔːr/ a student studying in the second year of a course at a college (sinh viên năm hai) Ex: It was when I was a sophomore at college eu Li K ▪️ undergraduate (n) /ˌʌn.dəˈɡrædʒ.u.ət/ a student who is studying for their first degree at a college or university (sinh viên chưa tốt nghiệp) Ex: The undergraduate students, who were not identified, had been studying in Egypt a ho ay H oc H ▪️ shed light on smth to help to explain a situation (làm sáng tỏ) Ex: Studies about how students use their time might shed light on whether they face increased academic and financial pressures compared with earlier eras n ie M ▪️ espouse (v) /esˈpaʊz/ to become involved with or support an activity or opinion (tán thành, ủng hộ) Ex: The concept of a liberal education for men only, which had been espoused by Aristotle, prevailed Ph im iK ▪️ privileged (adj) /ˈprɪv.əl.ɪdʒd/ having or showing a special advantage (có đặc quyền) Ex: Single-sex schools for the privileged through classes prevailed through the Reformation period an V ▪️ realm (n) /relm/ an area of interest or activity (lĩnh vực, địa hạt) Ex: The concept of universal primary education, regardless of sex, had been born, but it was still in the realm of the single-sex school ▪️ segregation (n) /ˌseɡ.rɪˈɡeɪ.ʃən/ the policy of keeping one group of people apart from another and treating them differently (sự phân biệt) Ex: Some educationalists, therefore, suggest segregation of the sexes as a good thing, particularly in certain areas Vì quyền lợi đáng em Không nên chia sẻ tài liệu ĐỘC QUYỀN cho người khác! PRO 3M/ PRO 3MPLUS – ƠN LUYỆN TỒN DIỆN CHO KÌ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Biên soạn: Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương – Ngoaingu24h.vn ▪️ dissertation (n) /ˌdɪs.əˈteɪ.ʃən/ a long piece of writing on a particular subject, especially one that is done in order to receive a degree at college or university (luận văn, luận án) Ex: Ann did her dissertation on Baudelaire ▪️ expel (v) /ɪkˈspel/ to force someone to leave a school, organization, or country (đuổi, trục xuất) Ex: My brother was expelled from school for bad behaviour :T ge Pa ▪️ acquisition (n) /ˌæk.wɪˈzɪʃ.ən/ the process of getting something (sự thu nhận) Ex: Language acquisition (= learning a language without being taught) starts at a very young age Quiz Fill in the blanks with the words from the box truant dissertation privileged espoused eu Li segregation K As an old friend of the head teacher, he enjoys status The community fought to end _ in schools and housing In fact the number of secondary school pupils playing _ is up by nearly 25% They _ the notion of equal opportunity for all in education Students typically have the chance to complete a _ in the third a ho H oc H ay ▪️ suffice (v) /səˈfaɪs/ to be enough (đủ, đáp ứng nhu cầu) Ex: Traditional methods of teaching no longer suffice in this technological world M n ie ▪️ mediocre (adj) /ˌmiː.diˈəʊ.kər/ not very good; of only average standard (bình thường, trung bình) Ex: Students, mediocre and bright alike, from the first grade through high school, are not intimidated by computers ▪️ conducive (adj) /kənˈdʒuː.sɪv/ making it easy, possible or likely for something to happen (có lợi, dẫn đến) Ex: Such a noisy environment was not conducive for studying im iK Ph an V ▪️ grant (n) /ɡrɑːnt/ an amount of money given especially by the government to a person or organization for a special purpose (tiền trợ cấp) Ex: They gave her a grant to study abroad for one year ▪️ vocational (adj) /vəʊˈkeɪ.ʃən.əl/ providing skills and education that prepare you for a job (thuộc nghề nghiệp, hướng nghiệp) Ex: The Swedes regard vocational training as a part of a youngster's education Vì quyền lợi đáng em Không nên chia sẻ tài liệu ĐỘC QUYỀN cho người khác! PRO 3M/ PRO 3MPLUS – ÔN LUYỆN TỒN DIỆN CHO KÌ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Biên soạn: Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương – Ngoaingu24h.vn ▪️ sentiment (n) /ˈsen.tɪ.mənt/ people's opinions or feelings about a situation (quan điểm, ý kiến) Ex: There were very few public schools because of the strong sentiment that children who would grow up to be laborers should not “waste” their time on education ▪️ plush (adj) /plʌʃ/ expensive, comfortable, and of high quality (xa hoa, cao cấp) Ex: Many graduates of four-year colleges are finding that an MBA degree does not guarantee a plush job on Wall Street :T ge Pa ▪️ boarding school (n) /ˈbɔː.dɪŋ ˌskuːl/ a school where students live and study (trường nội trú) Ex: A girl's boarding school obtained a free afternoon to enjoy the spectacle ▪️ plagiarism (n) /ˈpleɪ.dʒər.ɪ.zəm/ the process or practice of using another person's ideas or work and pretending that it is your own (sự đạo văn) Ex: The university decided to fire a professor for committing plagiarism and falsifying data eu Li K a ho ▪️ knack (n) /næk/ a skill or an ability to something easily and well (năng khiếu) Ex: She has a knack for mathematics and calculations H oc H ay Quiz Fill in the blanks with the words from the box vocational plagiarism sentiment grants suffice M n ie He said he wanted to dismiss a student for _, but was told he could not The school offers _ programs in welding, electrical work, and building maintenance The problems were of global importance, and only an international effort would _ to deal with them There has been a dramatic shift in against vocational schools Students are able to take out loans to top up their im iK Ph an V ▪️ all-inclusive (adj) /ˌɔːl.ɪnˈkluː.sɪv/ including everything (bao quát) Ex: Education is much more open-ended and all-inclusive than schooling ▪️ mounting (adj) /ˈmaʊn.tɪŋ/ gradually increasing (tăng dần) Ex: Parents blame it on the mounting pressure on the children in schools and tuition classes ▪️ syllabus (n) /ˈsɪl.ə.bəs/ Vì quyền lợi đáng em Khơng nên chia sẻ tài liệu ĐỘC QUYỀN cho người khác! PRO 3M/ PRO 3MPLUS – ƠN LUYỆN TỒN DIỆN CHO KÌ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Biên soạn: Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương – Ngoaingu24h.vn a plan showing the subjects or books to be studied in a particular course (chương trình học, đề cương khóa học) Ex: The syllabus isn’t as challenging, so clever students aren’t being stretched enough ▪️ exasperate (v) /ɪɡˈzɑː.spə.reɪt/ to make someone very annoyed, usually when they can nothing to solve a problem (làm cáu giận) Ex: He is always making noise in class, which exasperates his teachers :T ge Pa ▪️ halt (v) /hɒlt/ to (cause to) stop moving or doing something or happening (ngưng, dừng) Ex: The government put "extreme pressure" on a school to halt lessons on LGBT relationships, a chief executive said ▪️ procrastination (n) /prəˌkræs.tɪˈneɪ.ʃən/ the act of delaying something that must be done, often because it is unpleasant or boring (sự chần chừ, để chậm lại) Ex: One way to avoid procrastination is to think about the different places you have been when studying –where were you the most focused? eu Li K a ho ▪️ cultivate (v) /ˈkʌltɪveɪt/ to try to develop and improve something (trau dồi) Ex: Study explores use of cartoons to cultivate students’ narrative skills and values H oc H ay ▪️ teacher’s pet (n) /ˌtiː.tʃəz ˈpet/ a student in a class who is liked best by the teacher and therefore treated better than the other students (học trò cưng) Ex: She said: 'I was always the teacher’s pet in school - I won the Einstein Award for being the smartest in my class n ie M halt overwhelming an V Quiz Fill in the blanks with the words from the box teacher’s pet procrastination exasperated im iK Ph ▪️ overwhelming (adj) /ˌəʊ.vəˈwel.mɪŋ/ very great or strong (mãnh liệt, mạnh) Ex: The transition from high school to college can be overwhelming socially and academically _ increases the distance and minimizes the chances of achievement I felt an _ sense of relief when the semester was over After about my third question, my teacher would give me an look But in elementary and high schools, Apple has gone from to the back of the class They need to all services and let people become responsible for themselves Vì quyền lợi đáng em Không nên chia sẻ tài liệu ĐỘC QUYỀN cho người khác! PRO 3M/ PRO 3MPLUS – ÔN LUYỆN TỒN DIỆN CHO KÌ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Biên soạn: Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương – Ngoaingu24h.vn :T ge Pa VOCABULARY HIGHLIGHTS truant (n): học sinh trốn học sophomore (n): sinh viên năm hai undergraduate (n): sinh viên chưa tốt nghiệp shed light on smth: làm sáng tỏ espouse (v): tán thành, ủng hộ privileged (adj): có đặc quyền realm (n): lĩnh vực segregation (n): phân biệt dissertation (n): luận văn, luận án 10 expel (v): đuổi, trục xuất 11 acquisition (n): thu nhận 12 suffice (v): đủ, đáp ứng nhu cầu 13 mediocre (adj): bình thường 14 conducive (adj): có lợi, dẫn đến 15 grant (n): tiền trợ cấp 16 vocational (adj): thuộc nghề nghiệp 17 sentiment (n): quan điểm, ý kiến 18 plush (adj): cao cấp 19 boarding school (n): trường nội trú 20 plagiarism (n): đạo văn 21 knack (n): khiếu 22 all-inclusive (adj): bao quát 23 mounting (adj): tăng dần 24 syllabus (n): chương trình học 25 exasperate (v): làm cáu giận 26 halt (v): ngưng, dừng 27 procrastination (n): chần chừ 28 cultivate (v): trau dồi 29 teacher’s pet (n): học trò cưng 30 overwhelming (adj): mãnh liệt eu Li K a ho ay H oc H n ie M im iK Ph an V PRACTICE Question This pupil is notorious for playing _ from his mathematics lessons A truant B runaway C absent D joyride Question After he broke the window, the boy was _ from school A exiled B excluded C expelled D extracted Question After a short holiday, he _ himself once more to his studies A applied B converted C engaged D exerted Question The children’s bad behaviour in class _ their teacher beyond endurance A disturbed B distracted C aroused D exasperated Question He went to a school which _ good manners and self-discipline A blossomed B planted C harvested D cultivated Vì quyền lợi đáng em Khơng nên chia sẻ tài liệu ĐỘC QUYỀN cho người khác! PRO 3M/ PRO 3MPLUS – ƠN LUYỆN TỒN DIỆN CHO KÌ THI TỐT NGHIỆP THPT QUỐC GIA Biên soạn: Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương – Ngoaingu24h.vn :T ge Pa Question Ian is the teacher’s _, she never punished him, no matter what he does A doll B darling C love D pet Question Here are some tricks I've learned that help me power through the _ A procrastination B cultivation C halting D exasperation Question Students often feel apprehensive _ leaving home and going to university A besides B about C around D towards Question The schoolboy’s excuse wasn’t _ at all Nobody in the classroom believed in the farfetched story he told A credential B creditable C credible D credulous Question 10 The colleges will follow the IIT and work together on research projects A syllable B knack C syllabus D plagiarism Question 11 All universities in India, public and private, have been given trial access to anti- software Urkund August A boarding school B sentiment C plagiarism D vocation Question 12 This study is supported by a _ from the National Institute of Mental Health A sentiment B grant C plagiarism D acquisition Question 13 This is a story heard often in India: someone who was a _ student throughout their life starts to shine just as they begin their PhD A conducive B mediocre C plush D all-inclusive Question 14 We made a big mistake when _ education was de-emphasized or phased out A vocational B plush C conducive D accommodating Question 15 In addition to augmenting various forms of capital, like social, cultural and identity, second language promotes awareness of global diversity and cultural sensitivity A acquisition B grant C plagiarism D dissertation Question 16 It was ruled that of sexes should be allowed in secular schools A realm B undergraduates C sophomore D segregation Question 17 Let's see if Ann can shed any light this question A at B of C on D in Question 18 Laura goes to a _ school, so she only sees her family at the weekend A boarding B day C comprehensive D private Question 19 With a _ of satisfaction on his face, Keith received his degree from the principal A glow B beam C ray D shine Question 20 Education ministers are under pressure to explain a lack of improvement in students’ academic results A granted B all-inclusive C plush D mounting eu Li K a ho ay H oc H n ie M im iK Ph an V Vì quyền lợi đáng em Khơng nên chia sẻ tài liệu ĐỘC QUYỀN cho người khác! ... án 10 expel (v): đuổi, trục xuất 11 acquisition (n): thu nhận 12 suffice (v): đủ, đáp ứng nhu cầu 13 mediocre (adj): bình thường 14 conducive (adj): có lợi, dẫn đến 15 grant (n): tiền trợ cấp 16 ... vocational (adj): thuộc nghề nghiệp 17 sentiment (n): quan điểm, ý kiến 18 plush (adj): cao cấp 19 boarding school (n): trường nội trú 20 plagiarism (n): đạo văn 21 knack (n): khiếu 22 all-inclusive... credible D credulous Question 10 The colleges will follow the IIT and work together on research projects A syllable B knack C syllabus D plagiarism Question 11 All universities in India, public

Ngày đăng: 02/02/2023, 17:31