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Skkn integrating knowledge of many subjects in teaching part b speaking unit 10 nature in danger of english 11 to raise the student’s awereness of protecting the enviroment

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Thach Thanh high school Nguyen Thi Thuong Huyen INDEX Page I INTRODUCTION 1.Reasons for research 2.Purposes 3.Subjects 4.Methods II CONTENTS 1.Theoretical background 2 Realities before applying the research 3.Solutions : Possive teaching techniques by using integrated History, Biography, Civic education, Literature, Music and life skills in teaching Part b- speaking Unit 10: Nature in danger 4.Effectiveness of the research 20 III.CONCLUSION 1.General conclusion 2.Recommendation IV.APPENDIX A list of the research has been rated by the board of examiners of Thanh Hoa Department of Education education and training, which is ranked from the C level Author: Nguyen Thi Thuong Huyen Integrating knowledge of many subjects in teaching part b- speaking unit 10: Nature in danger of english 11 to raise the student’s awareness about protecting the enviroment skkn Thach Thanh high school Nguyen Thi Thuong Huyen Office : Teacher at Thach Thanh High School Number Name of the research Some methods to teach the reading skills in national high school exam for the 12th grade students at Thach Thanh High School Integrating knowledge of many subjects in teaching part c-Listening unit 8: Life in the future,English 12 Assessed by Result Department of C Education and Training Schoolyear 2015-2016 Department of Education and Training 2017-2018 B V REFERENCES [1*] http://giaoan.violet.vn/present/show/entry_id/12030276 (unit 10.National parks – Tieng Anh 11Nguyen Thi Lu – - Thu vien giao an) [2*]http://dethi.violet.vn/present/show/entry_id/10819043 ( unit 10.National Park s- Tieng Anh 11- Pham Quoc Khanh – Thu vien de thi) [2*] http://dethi.violet.vn/present/show/entry_id/744682 (Test Unit 11- Tieng Anh 11-Hoang Tran Bich Hoa – Thu vien de thi va kiem tra Textbook : English 11, , Geography 11, biology 10,chemistry 11 Integrating knowledge of many subjects in teaching part b- speaking unit 10: Nature in danger of english 11 to raise the student’s awareness about protecting the enviroment skkn Thach Thanh high school Nguyen Thi Thuong Huyen I INTRODUCTION Reasons for the research In the general trend of many advanced education in the world, Vietnam’s education has been making a transition from education to content access into access to capacity of learner.It means that from being interested in what the students learn to being interested in how the student learns, applying what students learns.therefore,the requirement of educational innovation is to successfully carry out the transition from one-way teaching method to teaching how, applying knowledge, practicing skills, forming skills.At the same time, we Also shift the way of evaluating educational results from heavy on memory tests to assessing the ability in order to apply knowledge and solve problems that value both academic assessment, assessment in learning process to impact promptly and improve quality of teaching activities Purpose We have all known that the use of teaching possive methods is essential, which makes learners not only knowledge the nature of possive teaching methods but also makes the lesson more interesting in Part B- Speaking unit10: Nature in danger provide them a brief information about, students will be able to be conscious of protecting nature and the endangered species; be aware of preserving and; be proud of in cultural identity, etc Based on the innovation of the teaching possive methods of the Ministry of Education and Training, I would like to give some experiences in teaching part B- Speaking, Unit 10: Nature in danger , English 11 3.Subjects In my research,I will study grade 11 who will study reading skill.Through the processing of learning these parts, Students will understand the important of renovating teaching and learing methos towards modernization; promote positive,proactive,creative and apply knowledge and skills of learning; overcoming one-way transmission impostion, memorizing machines.Focus on teaching how to learn, think,encourage self-study, create a basis for students to update and renew their knowledge, skill, capacity development.Shifting from studying mainly in class to organizing diverse forms of learning, paying attention to social activities, scientific research Promoting the application of information technology and communication in teaching and learning From that practical teaching experience, I’ve found that most of the students were very interested in the class and doing the exercises more perfectly 4.Methods Integrating knowledge of many subjects in teaching part b- speaking unit 10: Nature in danger of english 11 to raise the student’s awareness about protecting the enviroment skkn Thach Thanh high school Nguyen Thi Thuong Huyen To make my solutions effectively, I have used some following methods: Firstly, I always get advice from colleagues through co- working Secondly, I apply science and technology in teaching, use projector, video clip to make the lesson efficiently For example, I use the handout to work in group; use the network to discuss about the topic Next, I often teach English through real situations such as the student can know much about the life, Fourthly, I divide the students into groups and ask them to search for information before coming class.Student has to search all knowledge from textbook,newspaper Internet to help them express the initiative,flexible and possive in the lesson Lastly, from this method , It helps students know the most self-taught method,the way to present and evaluate the other group’s knowledge.Asking students to use Integrating knowledge of many subjects in teaching part BSpeaking unit 10: Nature in danger, English 11 II.CONTENTS Theoretical background The purpose of teaching listening comprehension is to help students understand the key information needed Improving listening skill not only helps students to raise the intellectual activity but also understand other subjects well and vice versa In possive teaching method, students have to find out some new vocabularies in textbook and preapre all the tasks that follow and get some information from English reading lesson, which is considered to be successful In a limited period of time teaching units related many subjects is not easy work because it requires the students have a mount number of knowledge of all subjects Unit 9: Preserving the enviroment is within the theme of environment and nature And the interesting things attracted myself to study this lesson is this period mentioned know about the photosynthesis of plants, global warming, natural greenhouse effect and human enhanced greenhouse effect, about processing of ozone formation.especially, Through the lesson,it is the way to increase the awareness of people about preserve and protect natural enviroment, endangered species 2.Realities before applying the research With the part b in unit 10, I used to teach the students by teaching possive method that follows Homework checking I Lead in the lesson & vocabulary Integrating knowledge of many subjects in teaching part b- speaking unit 10: Nature in danger of english 11 to raise the student’s awareness about protecting the enviroment skkn Thach Thanh high school Nguyen Thi Thuong Huyen - Ask some students to answer some questions in the textbook - Ask ss provide some new words/ expressions that appear in reading text which is prepared before going class II Practice: -Ask ss to all the tasks ( in textbook): matching & make a dialogue III Further practice - Ask sts to talk about nature in danger -Give homework: Write a short paragraph about nature in danger When teaching with the steps above , I realize that most of my students are passive in learning and lessons are less fun for students, even boring I sometimes explain more about some information related unit but not much because of a limitation of time Some students are not well- prepared lesson before going to class Hearing from the teacher also makes students not remember long, so the students’ result is not good From the above situation I always worry about how to help students not only good skills but also interest in the lesson Solutions In my research, I only mention the new ways in teaching Part b-speaking unit 10 Nature in danger effectively by teaching possive methods in it I would like to present the form of teaching plan below Warm - up (Teacher asks each group to prepare one part at home) Student in group shows the picture of people’s interference with the enviroment which are asked to prepare at home Students’s group ask: What can you see in this picture and What problem is it? Some students in group 2,3,4 can give answer: - cutting down the trees - burning the forest - discharging pollutants into environment from factories and vehicles - littering everywhere - climate change: flood, drought, tsunami -> Our nature is being threatened seriously Teacher pays attention carefully student in group 1’s presentation and explain more information if it is neccessary.Students give answer: It is nature in danger T leads students to the new lesson: “To know more about reasons why nature is threatened and measures to protect it,let’s learn the new lesson” Integrating knowledge of many subjects in teaching part b- speaking unit 10: Nature in danger of english 11 to raise the student’s awareness about protecting the enviroment skkn Thach Thanh high school Nguyen Thi Thuong Huyen VOCABULARY Student in group will prepare and introduce some important words and phrases in the speaking Show the pictures and ask students in group 1,3,4 to guess “what is the state of Rhinos and blue whale” by asking : what are they ? What happen to them? Group 1,3,4 guess the state of Rhinos and blue whale: + whale are the endangered Group give the correct answer : Rhinos and blue whale are the endangered animals What does “endangered” mean? endangered animal /ɪnˈdeɪndʒərd//ˈænɪml/ Động vật bị đe dọa - Group Shows the other pictures then ask : What are these men doing? and Why human kill these rare animals?” Group 1,3,4 Look at the pictures and answer the question + He is hunting animals and the bear was captured Teacher check the student’s answer Group gives the correct name of the pictures : They are killing a tiger/ rhino and these rare animals are killed for fur, skin or food + Kill: /kɪl/ : Giết + Fur : Lông + skin: /skɪn/ : Da Ask students in group 1,3,4 to pay attention pictures and ask “What is he doing? and What happened to the bear?” Group 1,3,4 Guess the meaning Group gives the correct answer with the third picture: +He is hunting animals and the bear was captured What these words hunt and capture mean? Hunt: /hʌnt/ Săn Bắn capture/ˈkæptʃə(r)/ Nhốt, giữ Group shows the other picture and ask “What is the woman doing?” Integrating knowledge of many subjects in teaching part b- speaking unit 10: Nature in danger of english 11 to raise the student’s awareness about protecting the enviroment skkn Thach Thanh high school Nguyen Thi Thuong Huyen Group 1,3,4 answer the question of the picture:+ She is burning trees Give the answer with the picture: She is burning trees Burn /bɜːrn/ : (v) đốt Teacher asks all students listen carefully and explain more if it is wrong Group asks student in group 1,3,4 to look at the pictures and guess “What are these people doing? Group suggests about paying attention and guess the word in Vietnamese “Thuốc trừ sâu” Group gives the name of the pictures: They are using pesticides What does it mean? Pesticide :/ˈpestɪsaɪd/ (n) thuốc trừ sâu Group shows the pictures and ask them “What are these people doing? Teacher can suggest answer: They are using fertilizers What does “fertilizer” mean? Fertilizer /ˈfɜːrtəlaɪzər/ (n) phân bón hóa học Group shows the pictures and ask them to guess “what name is the activity?” Group 1,3,4 looks at the pictures and guess: what people are doing? Suggested answer :They are farmers Or they are farming Teacher listens to student’s answer, then give the correct answer if necessary They are farming 7.Farming =Cultivation /ˌkʌltɪˈveɪʃn/: Trồng trọt Integrating knowledge of many subjects in teaching part b- speaking unit 10: Nature in danger of english 11 to raise the student’s awareness about protecting the enviroment skkn Thach Thanh high school Nguyen Thi Thuong Huyen Group gives the eighth picture and ask students “ what is this” Group 1,3,4 looks at the pictures and answer the question :It is pollutants Group gives the answer:It is pollutant discharged from factories What does “pollutant” mean? Pollutant: /pəˈluːtənt/ (n) chất gây ô nhiễm What does “discharge” mean? Discharge: /dɪsˈtʃɑːdʒ/ (v) thải Group shows pictures and ask ss in group 1,3,4 to guess its sign Group 1,3,4 takes a notice to the pictures and answer Group corrects other student’s answer and give the name of the picture: Littering, capturing & hunting animals are banned/ prohibited 10 Ban /bæn/ = prohibit /prəˈhɪbɪt/ (v) cấm 11 encourage :/ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒ/ (v) khuyến khích < discourage /dɪsˈkʌrɪdʒ/ (v) khơng khuyến khích Group gives the series of pictures and ask student : What pictures refer to? Group 1,3,4 gives answer : + it is forest ;he is cutting down the trees wood is used for building and furniture 12.Cut down trees for wood: chặt lấy gỗ Group shows the last pictures and ask students :What are the hobbies? Group 1,3,4 takes note looks at the pictures and answer: They are collecting coins, singing karaoke, keeping fish, watching TV and so on Group gives the name of the last pictures: 13 Entertainment /ˌentəˈteɪnmənt/ Giải trí, tiêu khiểnrecreation /ˌriːkriˈeɪʃn/ Integrating knowledge of many subjects in teaching part b- speaking unit 10: Nature in danger of english 11 to raise the student’s awareness about protecting the enviroment skkn Thach Thanh high school Nguyen Thi Thuong Huyen Teacher shows all words or phrases, then ask students to look at the board and listen to the teacher first Endangered animal: /ɪnˈdeɪndʒərd//ˈænɪml Kill: /kɪl/ Fur : /fɜːr/ Skin: /skɪn/ 5.Hunt: /hʌnt/ 6.Burn: /bɜːrn/ 7.Capture: /ˈkæptʃə(r)/ 8.Pesticide: :/ˈpestɪsaɪd/ 9.Fertilizer: /ˈfɜːrtəlaɪzər/ 10.Cultivation/ˌkʌltɪ ˈveɪʃn/ 11.Pollutant: /pəˈluːtənt/ 12.Discharge:/dɪsˈtʃɑːdʒ / 13.Ban: /bæn/ = prohibit /prəˈhɪbɪt/ 14.encourage : /ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒ/ >< discourage: /dɪsˈkʌrɪdʒ/ 15.Cut down trees for wood 16 Entertainment: /ˌentəˈteɪnmənt/ = recreation: /ˌriːkriˈeɪʃn/ Teacher asks all students to write down on their notebook, then read after the teacher Teacher calls 1,2,students read the words again, then check pronunciation Students listens then copy down in their notebook and reads after teacher then reads individual CHECKING VOCABULARY Teacher use s the vocabulary checking to review the vocabulary for them Ask students to match word in A with its meaning in B in the textbook Teacher checks student’s answer and give the correct 1.a 2.g 3b 4.h 5.e 6.d 7.c 8.f PRACTICES Task 1: Brainstorming ( books closed) Student in group says out their ideas about some reasons why nature is threatened in their group first, then calls on group 1,2,4 to say out their answers Group notes down group 1,2,4 ' ideas on the board Group asks group 1,2,4 : What you thinhk is the most important reason ? Suggested ideas: In my opinion(I think/ I feel As for me), the most important thing is Group shows on the screen this model below for students to follow and asks them to work in pair in each group Hoa: what is the most important reason why nature is threatened? Integrating knowledge of many subjects in teaching part b- speaking unit 10: Nature in danger of english 11 to raise the student’s awareness about protecting the enviroment skkn Thach Thanh high school Nguyen Thi Thuong Huyen Huy: in my opinion/I think/ I feel burning forest is the most important reason why nature is threatened Hoa: well, why you think so? Huy: oh, Forests are green lungs of the earth where many animals live Burning forests means many plants and animals will die Hoa: I strongly agree Moreover, smoke from forest fires causes air pollution Group 1,2,4 takes a notice ,Pairs work and present the ideas in front of whole class Suggest answer1 A: what is the most important reason why nature is threatened B: I think using fertilizers and pesticides for cultivation is the most important A: well, why you think so? B: Because these chemicals that causes the air polluted and effects the water supply and people’s health Suggest answer 2: A: what is the most important reason why nature is threatened B: As for me, I think cutting down trees for wood is the most importanct A: well, why you think so? B: because without trees and plants, most water would run off and cause not only Teacher goes around the class and offer help students to express their ideas correctly if necessary and calls some Ss to speak out their opinion and explain the reason why Key: no fixed answers ( The answers will depend on their own ideas because the aim of this activity is only to encouage Ss to speaking as much as possible) Group listens to their answer, shows some pictures then contribute reasons about threatening of nature Group 1,2,4 pays attention to the pictures to answer +They are killing endangered animals for fur, skin &food Integrating knowledge of many subjects in teaching part b- speaking unit 10: Nature in danger of english 11 to raise the student’s awareness about protecting the enviroment skkn Thach Thanh high school Nguyen Thi Thuong Huyen ->According to a new research 100,000 African elephants and 1,200 South African rhinos were killed in three years ->Each year, 18,000 to 55,000 species of animals and plants are becoming extinct due to human activities Teacher shows the pictures and give out one of the other reason why nature is in danger of? Group 1,2,4 looks at the pictures and can answer Human are burning forests and cutting down trees for wood Group asks: Do you know the alarming numbers of these problems? Give more information ->Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, there were about 3,309 of forest burnt in 2016 Teacher instructs student can accord geographical knowledge, students can give some information Group shows the map about processing resources of Viet Nam forest then ask ss to comment Group 1,2,4 gives comment Resources of Vietnam forests have been decreasing gradually ->The resources of forest decreased considerably from 1009 to 1993 Integrating knowledge of many subjects in teaching part b- speaking unit 10: Nature in danger of english 11 to raise the student’s awareness about protecting the enviroment skkn Thach Thanh high school Nguyen Thi Thuong Huyen Group gives the pictures, then ask students “do you know about the photosynthesis of plants?” Group 1,2,4 based on the biography, students can give answer in Vietnamese -> with the photosynthesis of plants, carbon dioxide is absorbed and oxygen is released that helps the air fresher, makes people feel relax Teacher asks group to give name some consequences of cutting the trees? Group answers that Cutting down trees is killing ourselves Teacher shows some pictures of natural disaster which has happened to people in recently years to ask all class to work in group All groups can use life skill knowledge students can say something about the flood in Thanh Hoa which happened in October, 2017 and the landslide in Hoa Binh Teacher gives some suggests to let students talk about the flood in hoa and the landslide in hoa binh Teacher asks student in group to show some pictues which have been prepared at home , then ask group 1,2,4 “Do you know about what people with the environment?” Group 1,2,4 looks at the pictures and answer : +They are discharging chemical pollutants into the environment Teach asks all students : What are the pollutants? Integrating knowledge of many subjects in teaching part b- speaking unit 10: Nature in danger of english 11 to raise the student’s awareness about protecting the enviroment 10 skkn Thach Thanh high school Nguyen Thi Thuong Huyen + They are smoke from factories and vehicles, waste and so on Group asks group 1,2,4 to use the mindmap to show that every year human emissions into the earth's environment Group asks students to pay attention the pictures, then talk about global warming, natural greenhouse effect and human enhanced greenhouse effect According to this part, Teacher can ask more you know what is the greenhouse gas and ask group to present about greenhouse One member in group presents : a greenhouse gas is a gas in an atmosphere that absorbs and  emits radiant energy within the thermal infrared  range. The primary greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere are water vapor, carbondioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone, consequently, the more the earth heats This increase in heat is called the greenhouse effect Teacher and all groups listen carefully about this information,then teacher checks again Group presents about what are the results of global warming? and asks all group to add information if necessary -> Over 130 years, the earth's temperature has increased by 0.4 degree Present two pictures and ask:What and where is ozone layer? Based on geography, students in group 1,2,4 can answer: Integrating knowledge of many subjects in teaching part b- speaking unit 10: Nature in danger of english 11 to raise the student’s awareness about protecting the enviroment 11 skkn Thach Thanh high school Nguyen Thi Thuong Huyen The earth's atmosphere is divided into several layers, and each layer plays an important role -> The member of group presents :the ozone layer or ozone shield is a region of Earth's stratosphere that absorbs most of the Sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation It contains high concentrations of ozone (O3) in relation to other parts of the atmosphere, although still small in relation to other gases in the stratosphere Teacher only pays attention and explain again for all students to understand clearly Group asks students to tell some cities which is considerd as the six most severely polluted cities in the world Check the students’s answer and give information ->Vietnam has two cities listed as the six most severely polluted cities in the world 1.Beijing Shanghai New delhi Dhakar Hanoi HCM city ->Vietnam ranked lowest among Southeast Asian countries on stable environmental index ->Here are some causes of discharging pollution which has Affected noticebly to the life of people Group explains and represents the health effects of pollution Have some information for ss Respiratory illness: pneumonia, tonsillitis, allergic rhinitis, cough etc Headache fatigue Cancer: lung, skin, stomach Integrating knowledge of many subjects in teaching part b- speaking unit 10: Nature in danger of english 11 to raise the student’s awareness about protecting the enviroment 12 skkn Thach Thanh high school Nguyen Thi Thuong Huyen 4.Hypertension, autism, schizophrenia high infertility rates, birth defects Group shows the pictures about using fertilizers and pesticides for cultivation This is one of the reasons why environment is polluted Group asks what are they doing and suggested answer: ->They are using fertilizers and pesticides for cultivation Group asks :Do you know composition of fertilizer (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium)? Group listend group1,2,4’s answers and presented by basing on chemistry knowledge -> Nitrogen fertilizers provide nitrogen fertilizers for plants in the form of NO3nitrate ion and NH4 + ammonium ion ->Phosphate fertilizers provide phosphorus to the plant as phosphate ions Group asks all groups to look at these pictures and answer “What are the advantages of using them?”,then give the answer ->Chemical fertilizers help plants grow faster and the farmers have a good crop Do you know that total export turnover of agricultural products increased Group shows the pictures and give some information Integrating knowledge of many subjects in teaching part b- speaking unit 10: Nature in danger of english 11 to raise the student’s awareness about protecting the enviroment 13 skkn Thach Thanh high school Nguyen Thi Thuong Huyen ->In the first eight months of 2017, rice exports increased by 21.9% over the same period in 2016, estimated at 4.1 million tons and turnover increased 19.4%, reaching 1.81 billion USD Dragon fruit is one of the favorite fruits exported to China Group presents the pictures and ask :Do they use pesticides regularly? Have some information : ->94% of households using pesticides did not follow the instructions on the packag, 35% of pesticide users not read labels Then ask :What are the harmful effects of using pesticides in cultivation Group gives the disadvantages of using fertilizers and pesticides for cultivation Group gives all reasons why nature is threatened We have discussed the reasons why nature is threatened and see the seriously harmful effects It is time for us to something to protect natural Group shows the pictures and asks “What we should to protect our environment and endangered animals?” The members of group give answers:1 Burning forests Cutting down trees Group shows the picture and check again information Group asks group 1,2,4 to pay attention in textbook (p.118)to match causes with solutions of saving endangered nature Group 1,2,4 give correct answer: Integrating knowledge of many subjects in teaching part b- speaking unit 10: Nature in danger of english 11 to raise the student’s awareness about protecting the enviroment 14 skkn Thach Thanh high school Nguyen Thi Thuong Huyen State the negative impacts made by people on the environment and suggest measures to protect it Teacher asks students to pay attention the model sentences Eg: S1: People are killing endangered animals for fur, skin or food S2: Killing endangered animals for fur, skin &food should be banned - According to model sentence to make structure + S1: People are + Ving +S2: Ving should be Ved/ p.p ->MEASURES FOR PROTECTING THREATENED NATURE Give some pictures and ask students “what should we to protect the forests? ->Cutting down trees for wood and burning forests should be banned What should we do? ->Planting trees should be encouraged, especially in watershed or coastal areas What is message from the pictures? ->Tree provide wood and oxygen They help save energy, clean the air and help combat climate change Teacher asks them to guess which national park is Integrating knowledge of many subjects in teaching part b- speaking unit 10: Nature in danger of english 11 to raise the student’s awareness about protecting the enviroment 15 skkn Thach Thanh high school Nguyen Thi Thuong Huyen Students look at pictures and guess:It is Ben En ->It belongs to two districts: Nhu Thanh -Nhu Xuan,Thanh Hoa province, is located 36 km southwest of Thanh Hoa Teacher asks : What you know about this park? and add some information Ben En National Park was established in 1992 with an area of 16,643 ha, including 8,544 of primary and regenerated forest It is one of the most beautiful national parks in Vietnam Group shows the pictures and tells students in group 1,2,4 to give answer: Where is it? Group listens other group’s answer and provide information about Cuc Phuong ->It expands provinces: Hoa Binh, Ninh Binh, Thanh Hoa Established in 1960, it contains over 200 square kilometres of rainforest Tourists can go there to visit some caves and look at the thousand- year –old tree Group shows the pictures and explains more ->We should sort garbage and just say no to plastic bags to the world cleaner Then ask studets :can you explain ? “ reduce, reuse, recycle” and give the anwer ->We should buy less plastic and bring a reusable shopping bag ->We should go to school on foot or by bike Teacher shows the picture and lets students answer :What should you to save energy? Integrating knowledge of many subjects in teaching part b- speaking unit 10: Nature in danger of english 11 to raise the student’s awareness about protecting the enviroment 16 skkn Thach Thanh high school Nguyen Thi Thuong Huyen Teacher asks each group to give answer then provide answer: ->we should energy efficient light bulbs to reduce greenhouse gas emission and save money Teacher asks students to discuss the question and woirk in group “As a student what should you to save the earth?” Teacher shows the pictures and asks all students When are world environment day; earth day; earth hour ? then,teacher provides information about it -> World Environment Day (WED) occurs on June every year, and is the United Nation's principal vehicle for encouraging worldwide awareness and action for the protection of our environment First held in 1973 -> Earth Day is now a global event each year, and we believe that more than billion people in 192 countries now take part in what is the largest civic-focused day of action in the world ->Earth Hour is a global WWF (formerly known as World Wildlife Fund) climate change initiative It is an event that aims to create awareness of people taking responsibility towards a sustainable future by turning the lights off Teacher show the picture and tell students to find out the differences between fertilizers and organic fertilizers Integrating knowledge of many subjects in teaching part b- speaking unit 10: Nature in danger of english 11 to raise the student’s awareness about protecting the enviroment 17 skkn Thach Thanh high school Nguyen Thi Thuong Huyen Should we use fertilizers? Give more information ->Decreasing the use of fertilizers and pesticides for farming should be encouraged ->We had better not use pesticides and fertilizers that harm the environment What about law about protection of environment? Give answer: + Discharging chemical pollutants into the environment should be prohibited and handled violations following law Teacher adds some information : ->The company has to compensate 34 households with the amount of 1.4 billion of Vietnam dong - Give the pictures and ask “Do you know this problem ? “ ->Nicotex Thanh Thai violated 11 defects in the field of environmental protection The Chairman of the People's Committee of Thanh Hoa province has issued administrative sanctions against 10 administrative offenses with fines of over 421 million dong FURTHER PRACTICE Group are asked to prepare the game at home.It is who is millionaire? Group explains the rule of the game and asks group 1,2,3 to play game Other members of class pay attention to play each other Integrating knowledge of many subjects in teaching part b- speaking unit 10: Nature in danger of english 11 to raise the student’s awareness about protecting the enviroment 18 skkn Thach Thanh high school Nguyen Thi Thuong Huyen Group asks all groups to this exercise Effectiveness of the research To consolidate the lesson I had students done a fifteen minute test with ten multiple choice questions on the worksheet [2*] After 15 minutes I collected the papers, gave marks and feedback From the results of applying my new solution in teaching, I realize that most students understand and well Besides, most of them are interested in learning from manipulating interdisciplinary subjects which provides the students a wide range of information related to the lesson Below is the statistics I have collected from the school year 2021-2022 that my experiences have been done in three classes 11B1, 11B2, and 11B6 at Thach Thanh high school Class Mark 11B1(25sts) Lower 5- Upper 11B2(44sts) Lower 5- Upper 11B6(34sts) Lower 5- Upper 7 Before applying After applying Numbers of students 10 21 20 23 10 Numbers of students 13 12 18 14 12 18 Rate(%) 28% 40% 32% 47,7% 45,4% 6,9% 67% 29,4% 2,% Rate(%) 16% 32% 52% 27,2% 40,9% 31,9% 35,2% 52,9% 11.9% Integrating knowledge of many subjects in teaching part b- speaking unit 10: Nature in danger of english 11 to raise the student’s awareness about protecting the enviroment 19 skkn Thach Thanh high school Nguyen Thi Thuong Huyen II CONCLUSION General conclusion Applying the possive methods help students become active learners and citizens who have the capacity to deal with problematic situations in practice positively and successfully This also makes the class become more interesting English is so far different from Vietnamese, so it is not easy to learn and memorize In listening section, I want students to get some vocabulary, understand meaning of the listening text but also apply flexibly techniques which are suitable for each unit to attract students To sum up, I have applied many posive methods and integrated knowledge of History, Biography, Civic education, Literature, Music and life skills in teaching this lesson Recommendation * For my office and colleagues I would like to offer my office to invest more reference books, hold English clubs so that students have chances to practice and exchange knowledge more often I also take this hope that my colleagues will always cooperate and help me in the process of teaching English at school * For Department of Education and Training I am looking for being paid attention to our teaching in a mountainous school as mine that we feel interested in our career Above all my experiences, which have been applying to teaching English but still have many disadvantages I hope that colleagues are willing to contribute valuable advices and sincere comments to make my research more perfect and successful Finally, I would like to show my sincere thanks Approved by Thanh Hoa, june1st 2022 I am convicted that this is the experience I it myself, not copying from the others Written by Ngo Van Giang (The headmaster of my school) Nguyen Thi Thuong Huyen Integrating knowledge of many subjects in teaching part b- speaking unit 10: Nature in danger of english 11 to raise the student’s awareness about protecting the enviroment 20 skkn ... tra Textbook : English 11, , Geography 11, biology 10, chemistry 11 Integrating knowledge of many subjects in teaching part b- speaking unit 10: Nature in danger of english 11 to raise the student’s. .. “What is the woman doing?” Integrating knowledge of many subjects in teaching part b- speaking unit 10: Nature in danger of english 11 to raise the student’s awareness about protecting the enviroment. .. pollutants? Integrating knowledge of many subjects in teaching part b- speaking unit 10: Nature in danger of english 11 to raise the student’s awareness about protecting the enviroment 10 skkn Thach

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