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Skkn innovation of oral test in english periods

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DEPARTMENT OF THANH HOA EDUCATION AND TRAINING NGUYEN TRAI HIGH SCHOOL EXPERIENCE INITIATIVE SOME EXPERIENCE IN ORAL TEST TO IMPROVE QUALITY OF ENGLISH LESSONS FOR 11TH GRADE STUDENTS AT NGUYEN TRAI HIGH SCHOOL Doer: Nguyen Thi Ha Duty: Teacher Subject: English THANH HÓA, 2022 skkn TABLE OF CONTENT PART I: INTRODUCTION I Reason for choosing the theme II Aims of the experience initiative III Scope of the experience initiative IV Research methodology PART II: CONTENTS I Rationale II Research Content The preparation for oral test Pedagogical requirements on how to organize oral examination Ways of oral examonation a For the Vocabulary test b For Reading lesson c For Speaking lesson d For Listening lesson e For Writing lesson f For Grammar lesson III EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Classes that not apply topics Classes that apply topics PART III: CONCLUSION AND PROPOSAL I Conclusion II Proposal Page 02 Page 02 Page 03 Page 03 Page 03 Page 04 Page 04 Page 05 Page 05 Page 06 Page 07 Page 07 Page 08 Page 09 Page 10 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 14 Page 15 skkn PART I: INTRODUCTION I Reason for choosing the theme: In the tendency of integration of the global economy, English is one of the effective communicative tools for everyone The role of English is considered to be very important in the fields of economics, politics, science, culture and education Especially, Vietnam’s official membership of WHO on th November 2006 opened a new door for integrating with foreign partners, tourism, study tours, etc… Along with the renovation of the textbook program and the innovation of teaching methods, the innovation of testing and assessment is a very important step in the teaching and learning process Innovation in teaching methods and innovation in assessment are two closely related activities Innovation in examination and assessment is the driving force for innovation in teaching methods, contributing to the achievement of educational and training objectives Innovation in assessment includes many stages, contents and stages, in which the renewal of oral test is a very important step because it is an activity that takes place regularly and continuously Oral test is not only an test at the beginning of each class period but can also take place throughout a class period If the teacher neglects to perform well in the oral examination, the process of acquiring knowledge of the students will be interrupted, and they will have gaps in the knowledge and skills required in each lesson This will affect the results of the periodic tests (1 period, semester, ) In fact, the oral examination in English classes today still has many shortcomings due to the pressure of the amount of knowledge and skills that need to be downloaded in each lesson, so the time spent on oral examination is very little Besides, most students are very passive, learning by rote to cope, even some students are lazy in studying old lessons because they have lost their basics Faced with that fact, I have innovated the way of oral test in English lessons to help students be more active in learning, accumulate knowledge and skills, and create a lively atmosphere in class The above mentioned reason leads to the choice of studying about experience initiative in analysing “SOME EXPERIENCE IN ORAL TEST TO IMPROVE QUALITY OF ENGLISH LESSONS FOR 11TH GRADE STUDENTS AT NGUYEN TRAI HIGH SCHOOL” skkn II Aims of the experience initiative: The aims of the experience initiative are: a To form the right learning motivation and attitude b To help students avoid rote learning, passive learning, and coping skills c To help teachers to adjust and supplement the knowledge, skills and attitudes that the subject sets out III Scope of the experience initiative: The writer attempts not only to introduce some methods to apply ways in testing old lessons to reduce students’ difficulties but also makes them more self – confident and interested in learning – English lessons, hence, developing their speaking ability The author applies into the class 11B4, 11B6 at Nguyen Trai High School, Thanh Hoa IV Research methodology: Reading reference books Discussing with other teachers Applying in teaching Observing and drawing out experiences skkn PART II: CONTENTS I Rationale: There is an old English idiom that says "a picture is worth a thousand words" While this idiom doesn't hold completely true when it comes to oral presentations, it's still important to realize that your visual appearance is vital forms of communication that you need to pay attention to if you want to ace your oral test In fact, teaching and learning activities always need feedback for timely adjustment in order to create the highest efficiency in the quality of students’ learning Regular testing helps teachers to adjust and supplement the knowledge, skills and attitudes that the subject sets out, and at the same time, it will help students form the right learning motivation and attitude from which to accumulate and acquire the necessary knowledge and skills The innovation of oral examination in the classroom not only helps to create a lively learning atmosphere, but also helps students avoid rote learning, passive learning, and coping skills, thereby promoting the activeness and initiative of students and bring high efficiency in teaching and learning Most of the students in my school focus on studying natural subjects, and their knowledge of the subject is lacking, so many of them not really like this subject This leads to a low self-awareness of many students To deal with teachers, they often use the book "Study English well" without bothering to learn vocabulary or practice skills In the semester test (issued by the Department of Education or the school) or the graduation exam (issued by the Ministry of Education) only focus on testing grammar and reading comprehension skills, moreover in the form of multiple choice questions 100% test, so many students have neglected to study old lessons and practice skills and only hope for luck in taking the test The traditional old test is usually called or students to the board to answer the question This is both time-consuming and stressful for students, and it is impossible to test many students at the same time Therefore, it is not possible to assess the student's ability Meanwhile, the oral exam demonstrates your knowledge and mastery of a subject matter, its primary purpose is to demonstrate your presentation, speaking and interpersonal communication skills All of the above factors make students lazy and passive in learning, and the quality of teaching and learning is not high The above facilities have helped me apply innovations in oral examination in English classes skkn II Research Content: As mentioned above, the oral exam is not only done at the beginning of each class, but depending on the skill and knowledge, it can be done at the beginning, middle or end of the lesson In order for the oral examination to be successful, the following must be present: The preparation for oral test: The first job of preparation is to determine exactly what to check Teachers need to determine the minimum level of knowledge and skills that students have acquired during the learning process The questions posed to students must be precise and clear so that students not understand into two different meanings, leading to off-topic answers Teachers must redesign the requirements, exercises in the textbook or create similar exercises to avoid students using the keys in the “Good Study Guide” book to deal with the teacher Mouth score column in the personal score book is divided into columns: M1 and M2 Column M1 will score students directly on the board to answer or exercises Column M2 is scored for students sitting at the back of the class to answer or homework The student’s official oral score is the average of M1 and M2 Lớp 11B4 (HKII/ 2020 -2021) Ordinal number 10 … Full name Le Tuan Anh NguyenThi Anh Le Trong Bang Nguyen Van Binh Nguyen Thi Duyen Tran Thi Phuong Dung Le Thi My Duyen Nguyen Van Du Bui Thi Ha Thieu Thi Hang M M1 6 M2 8 9 7 Pedagogical requirements on how to organize oral examination: skkn Create favorable conditions for students to naturally express their understanding to the fullest extent Based on the students’ oral answers and hands-on activities, discover the true status of their knowledge and skills The teacher’s attitude and treatment with students is of great significance during oral examination Teachers need to know how to listen to the answers, know how to monitor students’ activities and on that basis draw conclusions about the student’s knowledge status Teachers’ understanding of students' personalities, pedagogical sensitivities and sensitivities are in many cases the basic factors that help to clearly see the true level of knowledge and skills of students being tested In the process of students answering questions with errors or mistakes, if there is no reason why the teacher should not interrupt the students The same error, but the teacher must know which mistakes should be corrected immediately and which should wait for students to complete Should coordinate testing methods and can test many students at the same time: while calling some students to the board, the teacher will give other questions to the students below and then collect their sketchbooks of some children to mark When organizing the test, the teacher has to solve the following major difficulties: when one or more students are assigned to the board, what and how should other students in the class it The teacher calls many children at once, makes different requests suitable for each student's level, and then asks questions to the whole class after these students have completed their tasks as follows: “Is your answer correct?”, “Do you agree with that answer?”, “Is there anything wrong or missing?”… In addition to basic sentences, teachers can use subquestions during the oral test Thanks to those additional questions, teachers can visualize the quality of students' knowledge Ways of oral test: As we all know, oral examination is a regular and continuous occurrence in the lessons Therefore, this activity must be diversed to avoid monotonous boredom, create a lively atmosphere in the classroom and help students learn more effectively Depending on each class period and depending on the requirements of testing knowledge and skills, teachers can apply the following oral tests: skkn a For the Vocabulary test: Method 1: Call on students to come to the board at once The teacher gives a common question to all, the student who can answer it first, the teacher allows it The rest of the students will answer additional or supplementary questions for you to answer first Example: Check the vocabulary of Reading Unit 11- English 11 The request that the teacher gave: "Write a word in English that means: “endless” Student 1: give word (infinite) Student 2: determine the type of word (adjective) Student 3: give synonyms (unlimited) Student 4: give antonyms (limited) In this way, students will have less anxiety and fear when testing their mouths and have more choices Method 2: Call students to sit on the first rows of tables, each student brings a piece of paper numbered from to 10, the other students in the rest of the class will use their notebooks to write down the words given by the teacher’s request Teacher reads words from to 10 in Vietnamese in turn and asks students to write down the corresponding words in English Then collect the work of these students and some of the student's work below to grade Each correct word corresponds to point In the same way, teachers can also test students' Pronunciation by handing out handouts with some words and asking students to choose the word that has the underlined part read differently from the rest, or choose a word with a different stress with the rest of the words b For Reading lesson: Even in While - Reading activities, teachers can also check to get oral scores Example 1: Reading - Unit - English 12 Multiple choice: Choose the best option Some ways of non-verbal communication to attract someone 's attention are by A waving B raising our hand C both are correct skkn When you see your brother get off the plane and begin walking forward you, if you are excited, you might jump up and down and wave as as you can to attract his attention A hard B slightly C slowly Pointing at someone is usually considered rude However, there are times when pointing is perfectly acceptable, such as A You want someone to look at yourself B A teacher wants to get someone’s attention in class C You want someone to look at sth Decide which of the three options below is the best title for the passage A Attracting Attention: Non-verbal Cues B Attracting Attention by Waving C The Best Ways of Attracting Attention Example 2: Reading Unit – English 11: T/F statements - Give some statements (handouts) and ask students to read these carefully and reread the text to decide if each statement is True or False You can't send a parcel which is more than 31.5 kg There are only two different ways of sending a letter You cannot make a phone call at Thanh Ba Post Office on Sundays The post office offers a special mail service which is particular fast If you want to get your newspapers and magazines delivered to your house, you will have to subscribe to your favorite newspapers and magazines How to it: After handouts are distributed, the teacher asks students to work individually, read the text, and then these exercises for about minutes During this time the teacher walks around the classroom to support them and to keep the children from looking at each other After the allotted time, the teacher collects some students' work, then asks the whole class to answer and grade it right in the class And this score column will be put in column M2 c For Speaking lesson: This is a very important skill, if done well, the oral examination of this skill will have a great effect on encouraging them to learn English However, depending on the level of the students, the teacher should have appropriate requirements to encourage and motivate them to practise the language In Speaking time, depending on the tasks, I will ask you to practise in pairs, groups or individually I also give students practice scores for this skill For this skill, I skkn only apply tasks that are suitable for students Or you can give extra points to the students who volunteered to practise in front of the class in pairs or groups Example: Task - English 11 - Unit Competitions Works in pairs Talking about a competition or contest you have recently joined or seen Use the suggestions below: Where and when did you see or take part in? What type of competition/ contest was it? Who organized it? Who participated in it? Who won the competition/ contest? Did you enjoy it? Why/ why not? After guiding, suggesting and modeling with a good student in the class, I ask students to practise in pairs, one student asks and the other answers While these students are practicing, I can go around to help them if necessary After about 8-10 minutes I call some pairs to stand up to present, then comment and give points d For Listening lesson: This is a difficult skill because their vocabulary is limited and they are not familiar with native accents, so it is very difficult to test this skill right in the new lesson Instead, I will test the student's mouth through the question and answer form to both test their listening and speaking skills and test the knowledge they have learned from the old lesson This test is administered at the beginning of the following class period: How to it: Call on students to answer a question that they have learned and reinforced in the previous period (5 points), in the second sentence, they choose a friend (sitting at the back of the class) to ask them a question in the lesson and then answer (2 points), the third question asked by this student to another student (sitting at the back of the class) (3 points) The number of points obtained by this student will be recorded in column M1, the number of points that other students due to asking the right question or answering correctly will be recorded in column M2 After a period of getting used to it, it is necessary to raise the questions asked by students to their friends Example: Oral test of Listening Unit 15 - English 11 The questions are used for oral test (learned in the previous lesson) How many astronauts were there on board the spacecraft to the moon? Who was the first astronaut to set foot on the moon? skkn How long did the astronaut stay on the moon's surface? What did they while they were staying on the moon's surface? Did they return to the Earth safely? …… Obviously, the above test has been in the direction of innovation in testing and assessment: promoting students’ initiative and creativity, creating conditions for stimulating thinking, dynamism about all activities in class, reducing “ teacher is the center” but strengthens “student-centered” However, teachers must flexibly suggest students to ask questions to suit the content to be tested, so as not to get lost in the topic and save time on new lessons This test method for students to ask questions on their own is not only applicable to the oral test of Listening lessons, but also to Reading and Language Focus lessons To further promote the positivity, initiative and creativity of students, teachers have You can give them homework as follows: Based on the lesson, each student will give her similar questions (2 objective multiple-choice questions, essay questions that apply both theory and exercises) In the next class, the teacher will collect all the work of the whole class and randomly select some students’ work, then the teacher calls on students to hold those questions to take their oral test e For Writing lesson: This skill is rarely applied to regular tests in class because it takes up a lot of time and is not suitable for multiple-choice questions Therefore, to help students be more active in learning Writing skills, teachers can redesign some of the content of the article to avoid the situation that students use reference books to cope or give more appropriate types of exercises such as sentence building, sentence transformation … so that they can it Then the teacher corrects and scores some students, or gives points in groups Example: Writing Unit 12 - English 11: Guided sentence building How to it: After suggesting to help students get the necessary vocabulary and ideas, I ask students to work individually, each student will choose for themselves sentences to complete, and these sentences not be like the person next to you We/ have/ a lot/ things/ do/ prepare/ coming Asian Games We/ build/ one/ National stadium/ sports building/ car park We/ widen/ training areas/ roads/ sports buildings 10 skkn We/ equip/ hotels/ guest houses/ modern facilities We/ promote/ advertise/ preparations/ the Asian Games/ the radio/ TV We/ hold/ competition/ choose an official song We/ recruit/ volunteers/ be/ good/ English/ serve the Games f For Grammar lesson: (Language Focus) For the new lesson: I often redesign some exercises in the textbook (to avoid the situation that students use the manual to answer) and also add some multiple-choice exercises in the production, then call students to work on the board to get points or collect some students’ work for grading For example, in Unit 16 - English 12 in the Production section, I put in multiple-choice exercises to test students’ understanding and reinforce their knowledge: Exercise: Choose the best option We our decision as soon as we come back A will make B make C made D would make I haven't met him since I school A has left B left C leave D am leaving Mary will come after she her work A finish B will finish C has finished D is going to finish After he his homework, he went to bed A had done B did C will D does By the end of this year, we in this company for years A will work B work C will have worked D have worked By the time he got home, his wife out A went B have gone C had gone D has gone Choose the underlined part that needs correcting: He said that he has done his homework since o'clock A B C D The statue was broken while it was moved to another room A B C D + For follow-up lessons: (Consolidation and Review) The time pressure in Language Focus class is great because both the pronunciation part and the Grammar part have to be downloaded, so the time spent on checking students is limited Therefore, this follow-up lesson is the lifeline for the Language Focus class and some Writing lessons With this lesson, it will help students to review, consolidate and practice problem solving 11 skkn skills on phonics and grammar as well as sentence transformation (this is the part that is encountered a lot in exam questions and periodic tests) In this lesson, I will distribute an exercise consisting of 10 objective multiple-choice questions for the whole class to in 10 minutes, and at the same time call students to the board, each student will make essay sentences (usually changing sentences or rewriting sentences using given suggestions …) After 10 minutes, I collected the work of any students and assigned them to other students to mark, students on the board continued to solve while the teacher corrected 10 multiple choice questions After that, the teacher collects the work of the students that are graded and re-checked, recording the points in column M2 Continue to guide how to the essay on the board and ask students to cross mark each other, the teacher corrects the whole class while observing to score Thus, this is a test form that promotes the initiative and positivity of students, reduce stress in the oral exam while promoting the innovation of assessment in both self-report and multiple-choice forms, both oral and revision III RESEARCH RESULTS: To evaluate the effectiveness of applying this topic, I have compared and statistic the results as follows: Classes that not apply topics: Their oral test scores are not high, there are many students who not (because they are lazy to study old lessons) The student's semester grade point average is lower Statistics of oral test scores for the first semester of the school year 2020 - 2021 Class 11B4 11B6 Total students 49 51 8-10 points 6-7 points 12 4-5 points 20 14 1-3 points 10 16 points Statistics of the average score of the first semester of the school year 2020 - 2021: Class 11B4 Total students 49 8.0 or higher 6.5 -7.9 5.0-6.4 3.5-4.9 0-3.4 14 25 12 skkn 11B6 51 16 21 Classes that apply topics: After one year of applying this new method, most of my students have higher oral test scores than last year, the number of students who get bad scores is very low, none of them get points The semester grade point average has also increased significantly Statistics of oral test scores for the first semester of the school year 2019 - 2020 Class 11B4 11B6 Total students 48 50 8-10 points 15 6-7 points 16 21 4-5 points 16 10 1-3 points Points 0 Statistics of oral test scores for the first semester of the school year 2020 - 2021 Class 11B4 11B6 Total students 48 50 8.0 or higher 6.5 -7.9 5.0-6.4 3.5-4.9 0-3.4 10 16 15 22 18 0 PART III: CONCLUSION AND PROPOSAL I CONCLUSION: The ideas of the “Some experience in oral test to improve quality of English lessons for 11th grade students at Nguyen Trai High School” I have mentioned above is ages of the process of teaching, searching, and thinking Those are based on the Ministry of Education and Training’s policy of reforming methods of teaching-learning As teachers of English at Nguyen Trai High School, we have faced many obstacles in developing the 11 th grade students’ oral test and desired of how to improve the effectiveness of oral test is really the strong motivation This study aims at investigating students’ difficulties in using vocabulary in oral test to improve students’ speaking ability The issue of innovation in educational methods must be associated with innovation in assessment, in which innovation in oral examination is an 13 skkn extremely important and urgent step that teachers must perform regularly to improve quality and promote the activeness of students in the process of acquiring knowledge Obviously, after one year of applying this topic, I noticed that the classroom atmosphere was lively, the students’ learning attitude was highly self-disciplined, they no longer thought of learning just to cope Furthermore, student learning outcomes have also improved significantly That is also the motivation to help teachers be more enthusiastic and excited in the teaching hours Through these regular oral exams, teachers will discover students’ abilities as well as know which students are still weak to promptly help them supplement knowledge and skills In addition, it also helps teachers to adjust their teaching process to suit the level of understanding and perception of students There are many methods of teaching English, and each teacher has her/ his own methodology of teaching but the characteristics of teaching oral test are the same in any languages The final purpose of every English teacher is to help students to be speakers This methodology is about how to stimulate students at High School to learn English lessons actively, positively and effectively I hope this study may provide students with suitable ways of learning, and then help them obtain the improvement of speaking and get more interested in learning speaking skill as well I look forward to having colleagues’ contributions to my study so that I will have perfect and suitable methods of teaching English in accordance with the education reform of Ministry of Education and Training * LESSONS LEARNED: However, to apply these improvements effectively, requires very careful preparation of teachers Teachers have to redesign Exercises, Tasks in textbooks and create more types of exercises close to the test questions and exam questions In addition, teachers must evaluate fairly, objectively, behavior must be delicated, encouraging and motivating students in a timely manner While checking students’ work, the teacher must have a way to involve other students to solve the problem, avoiding the situation where the teacher asks and answers with one person Teacher ask questions so that the whole class can think together and mobilize knowledge, thus being able to test the understanding of the students in the class II PROPOSAL: 14 skkn With awareness of these limitations, through the practice of teaching and implementing this topic, I would like to recommend a few things as follows:  The textbook program should be reduced so that teachers have more time with oral test of students  The form of assessment and examination should be improved, the test questions should not be 100% multiple choice, because that will not evaluate the students' Speaking, Writing skills Thereby limiting the dependence and laziness of students in the accumulation of knowledge, skills, vocabulary and at the same time helping students see results that reflect their real abilities  The school library should add more reference books for students and teachers Above is my little experience in oral examination innovation to contribute to the innovation of testing and assessment I look forward to receiving many comments from colleagues to improve my thesis Confirmation of the Head Master of Nguyen Trai High School Thanh Hoa, April 15 th 2022 I declare that the work contained in this initiative is result of my own research Nguyen Thi Ha 15 skkn REFERENCES Hoa, H.X., et al (2004) Tài Liệu Bồi Dưỡng Giáo Viên Dạy Sách Khoa Lớp 10, 11,12 – Môn Tiếng Anh The Ministry of Education and Training Mourtaga, K (2010, October) Poor writing in English: A case of the Palestinian EFL learners in Gaza Strip.  Phương pháp dạy tiếng Anh Trung học phổ thông (written by Nguyễn Hạnh Dung) Sách giáo khoa, sách giáo viên, sách tham khảo tiếng Anh lớp 12 Nguyen Thi Phuong Hoa – Modern teaching theory Thai Duy Tuyen – Traditional and innovative teaching methods Education Publishing House 2008 Regulation 40 on assessment and classification of junior high school students 16 skkn ... renovation of the textbook program and the innovation of teaching methods, the innovation of testing and assessment is a very important step in the teaching and learning process Innovation in teaching... difficulties in using vocabulary in oral test to improve students’ speaking ability The issue of innovation in educational methods must be associated with innovation in assessment, in which innovation in. .. been in the direction of innovation in testing and assessment: promoting students’ initiative and creativity, creating conditions for stimulating thinking, dynamism about all activities in class,

Ngày đăng: 02/02/2023, 08:34

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