Vietnam Proverbs Vietnam ProverbsVietnam Proverbs • Tục ngữ Việt NamTục ngữ Việt Nam Eating is much but accommodating is littleEating is much but accommodating is little • Ăn nhiều ở mấy Ăn nhiều ở mấ[.]
Vietnam Proverbs • Tục ngữ Việt Nam Eating is much but accommodating is little • Ăn nhiều Eating as in the North; clothing as in the South Ăn Bắc mặc Nam You eat slowly, that is good for stomach; you plough deeply, that is good for fields Ăn kỹ no lâu, cày sâu tốt lúa One worm may damage the whole cooking soup Một sâu làm rầu nồi canh Eeating nothing but saying yes Ăn khơng nói có much of rice you eat the sauce Liệu cơm gắp mắm Try to seize the bowl of rice but forget the whole table of food Tham bát bỏ mâm One piece of food while hungry equals a big box of food while full miếng đói, gói no Eats as strongly as elephant Ăn khỏe voi Looks as monkey eats ginger Như khỉ ăn gừng Eating and sitting without labor Ăn không ngồi