Slide 1 1/ She two new books 2/ He breakfast at 6 00 3/ It 4 legs 4/ They 2 daughters and 1 son 5/ We History on Monday 6/ Everyone his opinion 7/ A man a duty to keep peace 8/ My teacher a handsome h[.]
SUPPLY THE CORRECT FORMS OF THE VERB “TO HAVE” IN THE SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE (click your mouse into the boxes and type your answers, then click ANSWER BUTTON to check your answers) ANSWER ANSWER ANSWER ANSWER ANSWER ANSWER ANSWER ANSWER ANSWER ANSWER ANSWER ANSWER ANSWER ANSWER ANSWER ANSWER ANSWER ANSWER ANSWER ANSWER 1/ She _ two new books 2/ He _ breakfast at 6.00 3/ It _ legs 4/ They _ daughters and son 5/ We _ History on Monday 6/ Everyone _ his opinion 7/ A man _ a duty to keep peace 8/ My teacher a handsome husband 9/ Her friends _ good impression about her 10/ I _ one brother and two sisters 11/ His uncle _ to go to work today 12/ Her daughters _ to go to the hospital 13/ Your gandmother to live in a quiet place 14/ His grandfather _ to be taken care carefully 15/ A table _ legs 16/ That girl _ many good books 17/ Their sons _ to go to school 18/ I _ many assignments this evening 19/ We _ to visit her tomorrow 20/ They _ years to try living together DO AGAIN