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UNIT 5 LESSON 2 A3 4 Period 26 A OCJECTIVES 1 Knowledge Ss can use the present simple tense to talk about daily routines Vocab listen to music, watch TV, read, do the housework Grammar what do y do af[.]

UNIT 5: LESSON A3-4 Period 26: A OCJECTIVES Knowledge -Ss can use the present simple tense to talk about daily routines -Vocab: listen to music, watch TV, read, the housework -Grammar: what y after school? Skills: Using all skills Education: Ps Ss have great passion for studying B PREPARATION 1.Teacher: Teaching plan, English book visual aids, projector, laptop Students: Books, notebooks, vocab, structure C METHODS: T/ WhC, pair, group, individual work D CONTENTS: I Organization: II Warm-up (5’) Jumble word: group work BEARKFSAT= breakfast -eryveayd = everyday Shrub= brush Wokrhoem= homework III New lesson Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Step 1: Presentation (12’) -Ss guess the meanings of them +Pre teach (Vocabulary) – Elicit vocabulary -Show new words by pictures in part A3 -Read new words and ask them to read in Listen and repeat in chorus Work chorus individially - listen to music: (picture): nghe nhạc Copy down -watch T.V: (picture) xem ti vi - Copying down the words listening the housework:(picture) làm công việc nhà to the sentences & take note the right - read: (picture): đọc order +Checking: ordering - Checking & correcting +Ordering vocabulary: Answer keys: T reads: Every morning, Lan gets up and listen (to) listen to music to music every afternoon she comes home and (to) watch TV does the housework then she watches T.V 2.(to) the houseworks Every evening she reads and does her 4.(to) read homework +Presentation text:(5’) A3 P.53:(Here are - Reading the dialogue in individual some Ss and their routines after school Play the tape or read part A3 and ask Ss to -Correcting the pronunciation repeat twice - Ask and answer about the routines after school - Introduces & Helps Ss to listen to the text - Asks Ss to read the text in individual - Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments Model sentence: What y after school? - What does Ba after school ? He watches TV Form:-What do/does + S + + after school? S+ V / V(s/es)… Step Practice (17’) +Picture drill: A3 P.53.-T run through the cues - Introduces the example exchange & Helps Ss to practice *Model: A:What you after school? B: I watch TV A:What deos Lan after school? B:She his homework - Reads the first model for example & asks Ss to repeat in chorus & in individual - Asks Ss to make sentences for the next - Repeating in chorus & in individual - Making sentences for the next cues - Practicing in groups & in pairs - Correcting the pronunciation - Practices with Ss & checks Ss’ practicing in groups & in pairs -Corrects S’s pronunciation & comments Step 3: further practice (8’) He/play She/brush her Lan/ the games teeth house work Ba/ get Nam/ go to Thu/ her dressed school homework She/ wash He/ Have Mai/listen to her face breakfast music S1: What does Ba every morning? S2: [ He gets dresses IV.Summary: (2’) V.Homework (2’) Learn by heart all new words -Do Ex in workbook -Prepare part A5,7 for next period Working in groups to choose the cue & make the question & the answer Teacher- whole class ... vocabulary: Answer keys: T reads: Every morning, Lan gets up and listen (to) listen to music to music every afternoon she comes home and (to) watch TV does the housework then she watches T.V 2. (to)... reads and does her 4.(to) read homework +Presentation text: (5? ??) A3 P .53 :(Here are - Reading the dialogue in individual some Ss and their routines after school Play the tape or read part A3 and... Presentation ( 12? ??) -Ss guess the meanings of them +Pre teach (Vocabulary) – Elicit vocabulary -Show new words by pictures in part A3 -Read new words and ask them to read in Listen and repeat in

Ngày đăng: 09/01/2023, 07:39