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Tóm tắt luận án tiếng anh: Quan hệ chính trị an ninh, kinh tế giữa Nhật Bản và Mỹ từ năm 1951 đến năm 1960.

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Quan hệ chính trị an ninh, kinh tế giữa Nhật Bản và Mỹ từ năm 1951 đến năm 1960.Quan hệ chính trị an ninh, kinh tế giữa Nhật Bản và Mỹ từ năm 1951 đến năm 1960.Quan hệ chính trị an ninh, kinh tế giữa Nhật Bản và Mỹ từ năm 1951 đến năm 1960.Quan hệ chính trị an ninh, kinh tế giữa Nhật Bản và Mỹ từ năm 1951 đến năm 1960.Quan hệ chính trị an ninh, kinh tế giữa Nhật Bản và Mỹ từ năm 1951 đến năm 1960.Quan hệ chính trị an ninh, kinh tế giữa Nhật Bản và Mỹ từ năm 1951 đến năm 1960.Quan hệ chính trị an ninh, kinh tế giữa Nhật Bản và Mỹ từ năm 1951 đến năm 1960.Quan hệ chính trị an ninh, kinh tế giữa Nhật Bản và Mỹ từ năm 1951 đến năm 1960.Quan hệ chính trị an ninh, kinh tế giữa Nhật Bản và Mỹ từ năm 1951 đến năm 1960.Quan hệ chính trị an ninh, kinh tế giữa Nhật Bản và Mỹ từ năm 1951 đến năm 1960.Quan hệ chính trị an ninh, kinh tế giữa Nhật Bản và Mỹ từ năm 1951 đến năm 1960.

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING VINH UNIVERSITY HOANG THI MAI HUONG POLITICAL, SECURITY AND ECONOMIC RELATIONS BETWEEN JAPAN AND THE UNITED STATES FROM 1951 TO 1960 Major: World History Code: 9229011 ABSTRACT OF PhD THESIS IN HISTORY NGHE AN - 2022 THE WORK IS COMPLETED AT VINH UNIVERSITY Thesis Advisor: Assoc Prof PhD PHAM NGOC TAN Assoc Prof PhD VAN NGOC THANH Reviewer 1: Reviewer 2: Reviewer 3: The thesis was defended in front of the University-level Doctoral Thesis Examination Board at Vinh University At on ……………………, 2023 The thesis can be found at: - National Library of Vietnam - Information Center - Nguyen Thuc Hao Library, Vinh University PREFACE Reasons for choosing the topic: The relationship between Japan and the United States has a long history and has experienced many ups and downs Since the mid-nineteenth century, the United States has "opened up" Japan and forced it to sign unequal treaties Since then, Japan has become an important stopover for the United States in Asia Japan gradually struggled and gained more equal rights in its relations with the United States during the Meiji era During the first half of the twentieth century, Japan and the United States were essentially rivals in terms of finding markets and expanding influence in Asia-Pacific During World War II, the two countries became direct rivals on the battlefield After the war ended, Japan was defeated and the United States was entitled to occupy Japan on behalf of the Allies On September 08, 1951, the San Francisco Peace Treaty was signed, opening a new page in Japanese history Accordingly, the state of war between Japan and the Allies ceased from the date of entry into force of the Treaty On the same day, the U.S.Japan Security Treaty was also signed, marking a turning point in the relationship between Japan and the United States With these two treaties, the relationship between the two countries has entered a new stage On January 19, 1960, the two countries continued to sign the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States and Japan, marking the consolidation of the alliance relationship The alliance relationship between Japan and the United States was formed in the context of the Cold War entering a tense period, the United States - Soviet Union relationship has turned into a confrontational relationship, the international and regional situation is very complicated Therefore, this relationship is deeply influenced by the international situation, and at the same time, it clearly shows the calculation of the national interests of each country The relationship between Japan and the United States in the 1951-1960 period holds a very special position in the history of the two countries' relationship This is the period that opens a new page in Japanese history when the country ends its occupation and is treated equally in international relations This is also a period of complicated and tense international developments Therefore, the establishment of an alliance relationship between Japan and the United States is considered an inevitable result of the impact of subjective and objective factors The establishment, strengthening and consolidation of the alliance between the two countries not only serves the goals and interests of each country, but also lays a solid foundation for the bilateral relationship in the following period During the 1951-1960 period, the U.S Japan relations were fully developed, but political-security and economic relations were the most prominent and important areas Therefore, the study and clarification of the political - security and economic relations between Japan and the United States in the 1951 - 1960 period is necessary work, has scientific and practical significance: In terms of a scientific point of view: A study of political-security and economic relations between Japan and the US from 1951 to 1960 will clarify the influencing factors, the current situation of the bilateral relationship, evaluate its results, limitations, impacts and characteristics Through studying the issue, it is possible to see the movement of the relationship between the two countries in the context of the Cold War and the calculations of each country The study of the U.S - Japan relations in the 1951 - 1960 period will contribute to explaining the success of Japan, and at the same time better understand the US global strategy in the complex international context at that time In terms of practice: On the basis of the relationship established in 1951, the Japan-US alliance has basically always been consolidated and developed although facing many difficulties and challenges Up to now, has been one of the solid alliances, and both countries still play an important role in each other's policies and is a typical international relation With the above reasons, we selected the topic: " Political-security and economic relations between Japan and the United States from 1951 to 1960" as the topic of my PhD thesis in World History Object and scope of study Object of study The study object of the thesis is the political - security and economic relations between Japan and the United States from 1951 to 1960 Scope of study In terms of time: The time that the thesis focuses on study is from 1951 to 1960 The author identifies the opening milestone as September 8, 1951 - the date of signing the San Francisco Peace Treaty and the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty, creating a fundamental change in the relationship between Japan and the United States The closing milestone is January 19, 1960 - the date of signing the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States and Japan This event represents the consolidation of bilateral relations between the two countries, Japan and the United States However, in order to ensure the continuity and system, the thesis also mentions the U.S - Japan relations in general in the period before 1951 as well as makes assessments and comments on the relationship between the two countries in the later period In terms of space: The main study space of the thesis is Japan and the United States However, because the political-security and economic relations between the two countries in the 1951 - 1960 period took place in a very complex international context, under the great influence of many factors in the region, the thesis has mentioned the Asia - Pacific region at different times In terms of content: The thesis focuses on studying the bilateral political - security and economic relations between Japan and the United States in the 1951 – 1960 period Because these are the most important and prominent fields, expressing the nature of the relationship between the two countries in this period The political-security relations mainly revolve around the formation and deployment of the alliance relationship between the two countries The economic relations focus on the field of trade and investment In the thesis, the author does not study the political - security and economic relations between the two countries in multilateral forums but the multilateral forum is only approached from the perspective of reference, supporting the clarification of bilateral relations between the two countries In addition to the limitations of time, space and content mentioned above, other issues are not within the scope of study of the thesis Study objectives and tasks 3.1 Study objectives The objective of the thesis is to restore the relationship between Japan and the United States in the field of politics - security and economy in the 1951-1960 period From there, evaluate the achieved results, limitations and impacts of the relationship for each country and region; and at the same time, draw the characteristics of the political, security and economic relationship between the two countries in the 1951-1960 period 3.2 Study tasks The study tasks of the thesis are defined as: - Firstly, analyze factors affecting the political-security and economic relations between Japan and the United States in the 1951 – 1960 period - Secondly, analyze process and main contents in the political-security and economic relations between Japan and the United States in the 1951 – 1960 period - Thirdly, evaluate and comment on the political-security relationship between Japan and the United States in the 1951 – 1960 period In which, focus on clarifying the achieved results, limitations and impacts on each country and region; characteristics of the relationship Material sources Original documents: Including treaties, agreements, cooperation agreements; joint declaration between the two countries; statistical reports on relations between the two countries of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan and the United States; Speeches and addresses of the leaders of the two countries are collected in documents or published in newspapers, official websites References: Including monographs, reference books in English, Japanese and Vietnamese on the U.S - Japan relations and related issues; doctoral theses, master theses at home and abroad related to the U.S - Japan relations; scientific articles in Vietnamese and English published in domestic and international journals; proceedings of scientific conferences with contents related to the topic; news pages of official websites of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan and the United States, articles published on highly reliable websites at home and abroad Methodology and research methods 5.1 Methodology The topic applies and masters the viewpoints of dialectical materialism, historical materialism of Marxism - Leninism and Ho Chi Minh Thought; applies the perspective of the Communist Party of Vietnam on international relations issues to study the U.S - Japan relations 5.2 Research Methods The thesis mainly uses specialized research methods, which are historical methods and logical methods The historical method aims to reproduce the political security and economic relations between Japan and the United States in the 1951 – 1960 period from a historical perspective The logical method helps the author to analyze, view and objectively evaluate the relationship The object of the thesis is in the field of international relations, so the author applies many specialized research methods in international relations such as synthesis, comparison, analysis, interpretation, etc With these methods, the political-security and economic relations between Japan and the US from 1951 to 1960 are placed in the context of international relations and are reproduced objectively and evaluated in a multidimensional, scientific way Moreover, the object of the thesis is also in the field of economics Therefore, the author has used a number of research methods specialized in economics such as statistics, comparison tables, charts, qualitative, quantitative, deductive, inductive to clarify the content of economic relations between the two countries Japan and USA Contributions of the thesis This is the first work in Vietnam focusing on the study of the political - security and economic relations between Japan and the United States from 1951 to 1960 Therefore, the contributions of the thesis are: - Systematically, honestly and objectively restore the political - security and economic relations between Japan and the United States in the 1951 – 1960 period - Focus on analyzing and clarifying the influencing factors (under three levels of the world, region, country and individual), the process and specific content in the relationship between Japan and the United States in the political - security and economic field in the 1951 – 1960 period On that basis, draw assessments and comments on the relationship - The Japan- the United States relations in general, the political - security and economic relations between the two countries in the 1951 – 1960 period in particular is a typical relationship in international relations after World War II, associated with an extremely complex world context Up to now, the alliance between the two countries has been constantly strengthened and is considered one of the most sustainable alliances in the world The content of the thesis will contribute to clarifying the nature of the relationship - The thesis systematizes and supplements new documents on the political security and economic relations between Japan and the United States from 1951 to 1960; is a useful reference for researching, teaching and studying Japanese history, American history, two countries' relations and international relations in modern times Structure of the thesis In addition to the preamble, conclusion, references, the content of the thesis includes chapters: Chapter Overview of the research situation Chapter Factors impacting on politics - security and economics relations between Japan and the United States from 1951 to 1960 Chapter Status of political, security and economic relations between Japan and the US from 1951 to 1960 Chapter Commentary on political, security and economic relations between Japan and the US from 1951 to 1960 Chapter OVERVIEW OF THE RESEARCH SITUATION 1.1 Research works related to the topic After approaching and studying the research works related to the thesis topic of both foreign and Vietnamese scholars, we pointed out the specific content that the typical works mentioned, from which we drew the following observations: - Overseas, the relationship between the two countries Japan and the US has drawn the attention of many researchers and achieved certain results However, most of these works had a scope of research which is too long in terms of time, mainly focusing on the period during and after the Cold War Political - security and economic relations between Japan and the US in the period 1951 - 1960 were little studied, or just a content in the overall work of the authors According to the documents accessible to the author, it can be affirmed that there has been no systematic study on "Politicalsecurity and economic relations between Japan and the United States from 1951 to 1960" - In Vietnam, there have been a number of studies on Japan-US relations However, those works mainly refer to the Japan-US relationship in a general way, integrated in works on international relations in the region and the world In addition, there is also a work that selects a very long research period, during the Cold War period It can be affirmed that, so far in Vietnam, there has not been any in-depth and comprehensive research on the political, security and economic relationship between Japan and the US from 1951 to 1960 - Summarizing the research results of foreign and Vietnamese scholars, we find that most of the research works on Japan-US relations have a very long time range, mainly during the entire Cold War period or after the Cold War There has not been so many research works on the period 1951 - 1960 Some works focus on specific political, security or economic content but lack in-depth and systematic works on political - security and economic relations between the two countries in the period 1951 - 1960 It can be said that the political-security and economic relations between Japan and the US from 1951 to 1960 as a separate research object have not been thoroughly studied In terms of content, the published works have not solved the following problems: + The factors affecting the political-security and economic relations between Japan and the US from 1951 to 1960 have not been deeply and comprehensively deepened and comprehensively Those factors have not been fully evaluated at all levels: world, region; national and individual At the same time, there has not been an adequate analysis of the impact of important regional and global events occurring at the same time That affects the perception and evaluation of the relationship between Japan and the US within the time period that the thesis researches + The current situation of political, security and economic relations between Japan and the US in the period 1951 - 1960 has not been clarified because this period is only a short period of time within the scope of research of most of the published works Moreover, most researchers have not taken a multi-dimensional approach (both clarifying the process and delving into specific issues) in the bilateral relationship between Japan and the US (1951 - 1960) + The works that we have access to are of researchers from many different countries, published at different times so there are different perspectives, ways of seeing and evaluating the problem Some authors are still heavy on ideological issues; some overemphasize the approach from the Cold War perspective while others are more inclined to see it from the Japanese or American side That leads to unbiased and unscientific judgments In particular, the nature of the relationship between the two countries in this historical period has not been clearly defined - The results of studies abroad and in Vietnam on the relationship between Japan and the US are an important reference source for us to develop the thesis At the same time, they help us develop ideas, content and choose appropriate research methods In terms of content, it is the basis for restoring the current situation of political, security and economic relations between Japan and the US (1951 - 1960) On the other hand, these results contribute to helping us have a multi-dimensional perspective when evaluating research subjects; make objective and scientific judgments about the results and limitations, the impact of the Japan - US economic and political relations (1951 1960) as well as draw out the characteristics point of this relationship 1.2 Dissertation issues to focus on solving On the basis of selectively inheriting the research results of domestic and foreign scholars, supplementing new sources of material, the thesis poses the following problems to focus on solving: Firstly, present and analyze deeply and fully the factors affecting the politicalsecurity and economic relations between Japan and the US from 1951 to 1960 The factors mentioned in the thesis includes: international and regional situation; Japan-US relations before 1951; Japan's situation and Japan's foreign policy towards the US; the US situation and US foreign policy towards Japan; the role of individual Japanese and American leaders Second, systematically and comprehensively present the status of politicalsecurity and economic relations between Japan and the US from 1951 to 1960; clarify the progress as well as the core contents of the relationship between the two countries in the above fields Third, on the basis of research results on the current situation of political, security and economic relations between Japan and the US from 1951 to 1960, some comments are drawn about this bilateral relationship The comments focused on the following aspects: achieved results, limitations; impact on each country, region and internation; characteristics of the relationship between the two countries in the above fields Fourth, absorbing research results on the political-security and economic relationship between Japan and the US from 1951 to 1960 that have been published, the thesis will analyze and evaluate objectively to determine the true nature of the relationship between the two countries The cross-cutting scientific issue that the thesis wants to clarify is: the Japan-US relationship is a close allied relationship on the basis of mutual exploitation, in which the US takes advantage of Japan to implement its global strategy whereas Japan took advantage of the US to focus on economic development Chapter FACTORS IMPACTING ON POLITICS - SECURITY AND ECONOMICS RELATIONS BETWEEN JAPAN AND UNITED STATES FROM 1951 TO 1960 2.1 International situation and Asia-Pacific region 2.1.1 The formation of Bipolar World Order and Cold War World War II ended, “Yalta Bipolar Order” was formed Before the alliance of the Soviet Union and the United States, Japan could not avoid great impacts That is the condition for Japan-US relations to change rapidly In 1947, the Cold War was born and was quickly pushed to the climax with the rapidly increasing level of confrontation The Cold War not only changed the US policy towards Japan, but it also changed the nature of the Japan-US relationship, from an occupation relationship quickly to an alliance relationship 2.1.2 The development of the Soviet Union, the socialist system and the national liberation movement in the world The development of the Soviet Union and the formation and development of the world socialist system were one of the reasons for the establishment of the Japan-US alliance, and the more socialism developed, the tighter the relationship between the two countries The development of the national liberation movement in the world caused the influence of the US, in particular, and the capitalist faction, in general, at risk of gradually narrowing Therefore, the US wanted to turn Japan into an “outpost” to prevent communism and national liberation movements in the Asia-Pacific region 2.1.3 The birth and development of the People’s Republic of China The birth of the People’s Republic of China in 1949 marked the expansion of socialism from Europe to Asia, becoming the world system This event dealt a strong blow to the US policy of “containment” and had a great influence on Japan-US relations In the 1950s, the People’s Republic of China implemented the policy of “Nhất biên đảo (being prone to one side)”, leaning heavily towards the Soviet Union to oppose the US The birth and development of the People’s Republic of China with an increasingly important role in the international arena turned this country into a force that competes with the US and has a direct impact on Japan Therefore, the US used Japan as a tool to restrain the People’s Republic of China 2.1.4 Korean War and Vietnam War During the Korean War, Japan played an important role as a rear of the US, effectively becoming the US’ bastion in the Asia-Pacific to directly prevent the Communism from spreading from North Korea to South Korea This war made Japan’s 10 2.4.1 Political, economic and social situation of the US (1951-1960) In terms of politics, in the period 1951-1960 in particular, the US political situation had little change compared to before In the United States, there was still a twoparty system in power Economically, the United States was the world’s most powerful superpower in all aspects In terms of society, in general, the American people’s democratic freedoms were limited The life of a large number of working people in the United States faced many difficulties, the rich-poor divide became very serious Conflict in the the US society was acute 2.4.2 US foreign policy towards Japan (1951 - 1960) In the period 1951-1960, the policy that the US implemented towards Japan was an alliance policy, a part of the US global strategy In order to implement that policy, the US contributed Japan’s economic recovery and development These policies had a great impact on the relationship between the two countries, which was an important condition for the relationship between the two countries to become closer 2.5 Roles of Japanese and American leaders 2.5.1 Nobusuke Japanese Prime Ministers Yoshida Shigeru and Kishi Nobusuke During the period from September 8, 1951 to January 19, 1960, prime ministers Yoshida Shigeru, Hato Yama Ichino, Ishibashi Tanzan, and Kishi Nobusuke took turns assuming power in Japan Among those prime ministers, Prime Minister Yoshida Shigeru and Prime Minister Kishi Nobusuke played prominent roles in leading the country and in Japan-US relations Yoshida Shigeru (1878-1967) was a member of the Libertarian Party, serving as Prime Minister of Japan for two periods: From May 1946 to May 1947 and from October 1948 to December 1954 Yoshida had a great influence on Japan-US relations in the period 1951 - 1960 It was the stable rule and appropriate policy that helped Japan overcome the difficult period, creating the foundation to bring the country to the stage of “miraculous” development It is worth noting that Yoshida received the trust of the US Government Kishi Nobusuke (1896-1987) served as Prime Minister of Japan from February 1957 to July 1960 He was considered “the one who established and consolidated the post-war political institution that Prime Minister Yoshida initially built” and influenced Japan-US relations During more than years as Prime minister, Kishi always strived to improve relations with the US in a more equal way, Kishi carefully prepared policies to enhance Japan’s position in the international arena, including even with the US 2.5.2 US Presidents Harry Truman and Dwight David Eisenhower H Truman was the 33rd president of the US, ruling from 1945 to 1953 The highlight that had a profound impact on the United States and Japan-US relations was the “Truman Doctrine” based on the foundation of “Containment Policy” Truman was the 11 one who changed the policy towards Japan after World War II from “defeating” to “recovering”, from enemy to ally During the period 1951 - 1953, at the end of his second term, Truman actively promoted the signing of the San Francisco Peace Treaty, the JapanUS Security Treaty, etc., to establish an alliance between the two countries, increase Japan’s dependence on the United States It can be said that the development of relations between the two countries at that time bears the imprint of Truman Dwight David Eisenhower was the 34th president in American history, ruling from 1953 to 1961 Japan-US relations in the period 1951-1960 took place almost entirely during Eisenhower’s rule, therefore, Eisenhower had a great influence on the practice as well as the development direction of the relationship between the two sides Eisenhower inherited and developed Truman’s U.S policy toward Japan Under the direction of Eisenhower, the US signed a series of agreements on security, defense, administration, finance, and trade, etc with Japan Especially, under President D Eisenhower, the two countries signed the Security Treaty in 1960, marked the consolidation and development of relations between the two countries, laying the foundation for bilateral relations to continue to develop in the following period 12 Chapter STATUS OF POLITICAL, SECURITY AND ECONOMIC RELATIONS BETWEEN JAPAN AND THE US FROM 1951 TO 1960 3.1 Political-security relations 3.1.1 The development of political-security relations between Japan and the US (1951-1960) Since the early 1950s, the world situation, especially in Asia, has become very complicated, which has caused rapid changes in the relationship between Japan and the US The United States wants to make Japan an ally that plays a key role in its global strategy in the Asia-Pacific To achieve that goal, first of all, the US advocates signing a peace treaty with other countries with Japan Under the manipulation of the US, on September 8, 1951, at the San Francisco Conference, 49/52 participating countries signed the San Francisco Treaty with Japan The treaty stipulates: "The state of war between Japan and the Allied countries shall cease on the date of entry into force of this Treaty" The treaty is the legal basis for the US to sign further bilateral treaties with Japan and turn it into an important military ally of the US in the Asia-Pacific Only hours after the San Francisco Treaty was signed, also on September 8, 1951, the US and Japan signed the Japan-US Security Treaty The most important thing in this Agreement is to regulate the deployment of naval, land and air forces of the United States in Japan Despite mixed opinions, both treaties were quickly ratified by the Japanese Congress and the US Senate The San Francisco Treaty and the Japan-US Security Treaty opened the door to the close relationship between Japan and the US, marking the official establishment of the alliance relationship between the two countries On February 28, 1952, in Tokyo, Japan signed an Administrative Agreement with the US to specify the issue of regulating the stationing of US military forces in Japan To strengthen the alliance, the leaders of the two countries have promoted highlevel diplomatic activities In November 1954, Japanese Prime Minister Yoshida Shigeru visited the US and held talks with President D Eisenhower The two sides affirmed that the spirit of friendly cooperation is characteristic of the relationship between Japan and the US In June 1957, Japanese Prime Minister Kishi Nobusuke visited the United States Mr Kishi Nobusuke and US President D Eisenhower discussed many important issues of mutual concern, including the issue of the 1951 Security Treaty In January 1960, the delegation High-ranking officials of the Japanese Government led by Prime Minister Kishi Nobusuke visited the US This visit takes place in the context of international changes, the situation in Japan also appears many issues that need attention, especially when the anti-American movement of the 13 Japanese people is on the rise The two sides took time to discuss the international situation and review the Japan-US relationship, and believed that the partnership and cooperation between the two countries continued to be consolidated On January 19, 1960, in Washington, the two countries signed the Japan-US Mutual Cooperation and Security Treaty (commonly known as the 1960 Japan-US Security Treaty) In essence, the Japan-US Security and Cooperation Treaty in 1960 is an adjustment of the Security Treaty signed by the two countries in 1951 to suit new circumstances It is the result of the actual relationship between the two countries over the past decade, as well as the adjustment to the wave of struggles of the Japanese people and political parties The signing of the Japan-US Security and Cooperation Treaty (January 19, 1960) represents a new development in Japan-US political and security relations 3.1.2 Political-security relations between Japan and the US in specific matters (1951 - 1960) Korean War North Korea is particularly important to Japan's security as well as to US policy in Asia During the Korean War (1950-1953), Japan-US relations were shown to be very close, which can be said to be a new development in the relations between the two countries When the war broke out, Japan was then dominated by the US, almost like an ally of the US (even though no bilateral security treaty had been signed yet) and was essentially a US base, thus whether wanted or not it was dragged into the war, caught up in the confrontation between the US - Soviet Union and the US - China Japan became the most important US base, a place to gather weapons, combat forces, logistics, and fuel for US and UN troops The relations between the two countries during the Korean War were to carry out the US’ global policy above all, but on the other hand to ensure the security of Japan For Japan, this war has had a very profound effect, like a "divine wind" to comprehensively change the state of Japan It was also the basis for the US to strengthen its policy by signing a peace treaty and a bilateral security treaty with Japan to strengthen Japan's defense capabilities and stay ready to deal with threats similar to the Korean War US military bases in Japan Building US military bases in Japan is the primary concern in the politicalsecurity relations between Japan and the US during 1951 - 1960 It was a matter that has been discussed even before the US ended its occupation in Japan The San Francisco Peace Treaty, the Japan-US Security Treaty, and the Administrative Treaty provided a sufficient legal basis for US troops to station permanently in Japan Japan lost its right to maintain its own army, instead the US was allowed to station troops in Japan to ensure Japan's security In fact, this is the formalization of US troops’ presence in Japan as well as the complete security dependence of Japan on the US, creating Japan’s signature characteristic - a "one-legged giant" 14 According to the agreements between the leaders of the two countries, the US was given 612 bases and areas, of which 300 areas can be used indefinitely, the US army also received 18 other areas to conduct military drills and 35 airports and other harbours, factories and military hospitals Military bases on Japanese soil played a huge role in US policy in the Asia-Pacific These bases not only maintain the US’ safety in Japan, but also play a support role for other US military bases scattered throughout the islands in the Asia-Pacific region Japan's rearmament The 1946 constitution forbade Japan to maintain armed forces and wage war However, due to the plans of the US and Japan, the Japanese armed forces were gradually re-established From 1950, right after the outbreak of the Korean War, General Mac Arthur asked the Japanese Government to establish a Reserve Police Force (Keisatsu yobitai) consisting of 75,000 people armed with modern war armaments such as: aircraft, tanks, warships thus began the rearmament of Japan In fact, despite the lack of legal basis, Japan has already received military aid from the United States ever since 1950 From 1952 to 1954, the US and Japan signed two agreements on leasing ships In addition, the Japanese navy also received a significant amount of other equipment in the form of non-refundable aid In 1955, the US again provided military aid to Japan’s air force (air defense force) It can be seen that the US’ military aid was mainly for the rearmament of Japan In essence, rearmament of Japan is also an effective way to increase US power and to strengthen the Japan-US alliance 3.2 Economic relations 3.2.1 Development of Japan-US economic relations in 1951-1960 With the US’ progressive support in the years after World War II, especially the economic reforms, the Japanese economy has transformed rapidly In particular during the Korean War, Japan's economy entered a period of "miracle" development thanks to US military purchase orders and associated services The US’ inflows of "special income" into Japan, as well as US aid during the Korean War, have allowed Japan's economic indexes to rise rapidly During this period, the two countries signed various economic agreements such as the Agreement on Cooperation, Trade and Navigation (April 2, 1930), Agreement on Economic Measures (March 8, 1954) Japan - US Investment Guarantee Agreement (March 8, 1954) During high-level talks, the leaders of the two countries also discussed a lot regarding bilateral economic cooperation, affirming the priority of developing Japan - US economic relations While deploying bilateral economic relations, the US plays an important role in the Japanese economy; the US had actively assisted Japan in joining economic organizations such as the General Treaty on Tariffs and Trade, World Bank, International Monetary Fund Economic relations between Japan and the US during 1951 - 1960 were influenced by the alliance between the two countries The Japan-US Security Treaty has 15 created a "nuclear umbrella" for Japan to protect its own national security, allowing the country to focus on economic development That was one of the reasons for Japan to achieve "economic miracle" during this period 3.2.2 Areas of economic relations Trade relations During the period 1951 - 1960, trade relations between Japan and the US had achieved multiple results and continuously developed First of all, the two countries have regularly introduced measures to promote exports and carry out import-export activities In the trade relations between the two countries, US’ exports to Japan every year are always higher than the reverse and the value constantly increases: from $601 million in 1951 to $1,319 million in 1957 and $1,447 million in 1960 Meanwhile, in the opposite direction, the value of exports from Japan is still modest but does increase continuously: from $205 million in 1951, to $718 million in 1957 and $1,149 million in 1960 In trade relations with the US, Japan is in the deficit, although the imbalance is reducing year by year Among the import-export relations between Japan and other regions of the world, the trade relations between Japan and the US are much more prominent This demonstrates the close trade relation between Japan and the US as well as the importance of the US to the Japanese economy However, trade relations between the two countries also face various difficulties Trade conflicts manifest in several industries, the most severe of which is in textile industry Investment relations On April 2, 1953, the United States and Japan signed an Agreement on Cooperation, Trade and Maritime Affairs, which stipulates the privileges of the United States in investing in Japan Therefore, in the period 1951 - 1960, while foreign direct investment to Japan was not much, US direct investment in Japan still increased every year It was only 19 million USD in 1950, but increased up to129 million USD in 1955, and 254 million USD in 1960 However, direct investment in Japan was quite low compared to total US investment abroad The reason for this situation is that in addition to direct investment, the US also gives Japan a large amount of aid and other special orders for US military operations here In fact, the total amount of money that the US invests in Japan is very large From 1953 to 1960 alone, all accounts, the United States poured more than $4 billion into the Japanese economy US investment in Japan during this time was distributed in many fields, focusing mainly on important fields such as mining, oil extraction, manufacturing, electronic technical equipment, soft drinks water, public services, etc Direct investment and all the money spent by the United States in Japan are both meant to restore and develop the Japanese economy and strengthen Japan's role in US security policy in Asia - Pacific Since 1951, Japan has paid attention and started to invest abroad However, 16 Japanese investment in the US in the period 1951 - 1960 was still very modest Because this is the time when Japan must focus on domestic economic recovery, investment activities have not been prioritized Chapter COMMENTARY ON POLITICAL, SECURITY AND ECONOMIC RELATIONS BETWEEN JAPAN AND THE US FROM 1951 TO 1960 4.1 Results and shortcomings of the Japan - US political, security and economic relations during 1951 - 1960 4.1.1 Results First, the two countries have managed to establish a solid political-security alliance Various political-security matters between the two countries have been developed, demonstrating the solid foundation of the alliance Most notable were during the Korean War, the US military base construction in Japan and Japan’s rearmament It can be said that, although there are still certain obstacles to resolve, the Japan-US alliance during 1951-1960 was one of the most solid alliances in the world Second, economic relations between Japan and the US are in constant development Although not as prioritized in politics-security, the economic relations between Japan and the US during 1951-1960 had achieved outstanding results First of all, the two countries have agreed to sign various agreements on economic cooperation In particular, during 1951-1960, Japan and the US had promoted trade and investment relations The results of economic relations between Japan and the US during 1951-1960 had become one of the driving forces for the two countries to further cooperate, together becoming the world's highest and second highest developed economies Reason: First, the US’ consistent domination policy over Japan following the US’ trajectory toward its global strategy Second, Japan’s wish to develop relations with the US From 1951 to 1960, Japan had relied on the US to ensure its security and focus on economic development Third, impacts from outside factors: The support of capitalist countries, i.e allies of the US in terms of both political - security and economic aspects 4.1.2 Shortcomings First, this political-security relation still has several shortcomings It is an lopsided relationship, demonstrating Japan's excessive dependence on the US In addition, Japan-US relations face various obstacles and challenges Second, economic relations between Japan and the US (1951 - 1960) did not correlate with the alliance between the two countries In particular, trade relations have developed, but the scale is fairly minor, with multiple challenges, the balance is tilted in favor of the US Besides, the investment relation is one-sided, consists mainly of US’ investment in Japan Reason: First, the US is a superpower with the higest political and economic 17 potential in the world, fully capable of influencing and forcing Japan to depend on its policy Second, Japan lacks sufficient power to establish equality in relations with the US Third, due to the impact of external factors: The tense international situation, most prominently with the US-Soviet conflict and the volatile regional situation (the formulation and development of the People's Republic of China, Korean War, Taiwan issue, etc.) 4.2 Impact of political, security and economic relations between Japan and the US during 1951 - 1960 4.2.1 For Japan First, the political-security relations between Japan and the US have helped Japan to ensure its security and expand its foreign relations The political-security relations with the US have helped Japan to stay completely assured of national security The US will handle any outside attack into Japan and also riots inside Japan Thanks to its relations with the US, Japan can develop relations with Western capitalist countries, i.e close allies of the US Second, the political-security relations between Japan and the US make Japan somewhat lose its own independence and self-reliance Japan's excessive dependence on the US has made it seem impossible for Japan to deal with external security threats on its own In fact, Japan's foreign policy is also influenced by the US, which is the price that Japan has to pay for relying on the US to ensure its national security Third, the political-security and economic relations between Japan and the US have enhanced the rapid development of the Japanese economy The economic impact on Japan was probably not accounted for in the US's original plan, the political-security alliance has had a profound impact on the Japanese economy, allowing this nation’s economy to change rapidly In particular, the Korean War became a strong push for the Japanese economy to develop rapidly, like a "divine wind" to the Japanese economy Regarding external affairs, the Japan-US relations have created favorable conditions for the Japanese economy to penetrate directly into the world market Also, with the help of the US, Japan has been given favorable conditions to join and expand its relations with international financial institutions such as the World Bank, IMF Fourth, the political-security and economic relations between Japan and the US have created disturbances in Japanese society Japan-US relations (1951-1960) have had a strong impact on Japanese society, leading to protests of all social classes The movement that erupted strongly was primarily directed against the "San Francisco Treaty System", against the US construction of military bases and against the "too obvious" pro-American policy of the Yoshida cabinet 4.2.2 For the US 18 The Japan-US relations have allowed the US to consolidate its power and smoothly deploy its global strategy in the Asia-Pacific The establishment of alliance with Japan has allowed the US to partially realize its global strategy, preventing the wave of communism in the Asia-Pacific Close relations with Japan during 1951 - 1960 had created the basis for the US to easily carry out its policy Economic relations between Japan and the US have expanded the trade and investment market for the US, contributing to the development of the US economy Economic relations between Japan and the US during 1951-1960 had had an impact on the US economy, although not as great as the impact on Japan With Japan relations, the US has more markets to export and import goods, US capitalists have more investment opportunities, contributing to the development of the US economy 4.2.3 For the region and the world Political-security relations between Japan and the US have consolidated the Yalta Bipolar Order in the Asia-Pacific During 1951-1960, fierce competition between the two poles took place in the Asia-Pacific region Therefore, the US has been trying to create influence in this region, by strengthening its alliance with Japan Agreements between the two countries, in particular Japan's permission for the US to use military bases and station troops in Japan, have made the political situation in the region always in a state of high tension Political-security and economic relations between Japan and the US have changed the correlation of forces between capitalist and socialist systems The fact that Japan allied with the US in the Asia-Pacific has strengthened the capitalist system led by the US It also changed the balance of power in this region Japan's close alliance with the US in Asia has brought disadvantages to socialist countries and increased the power of the capitalist system in terms of economy, security and military Political-security and economic relations between Japan and the US had had an impact on the Cold War After the US launched the Cold War, the world situation became increasingly tense The establishment of Japan-US alliance had an impact on the Cold War If Germany is considered an "outpost" in Europe, then Japan is considered an "outpost" in Asia for the US to fulfill its containment goal The Soviet Union had to deal with the siege from two sides, Germany in the West, Japan in the East, just like in World War II This relation had made the Cold War more prominent in Asia 4.3 Characteristics of Japan - US political - security and economic relations during 1951 - 1960 First, the political-security and economic relations between Japan and the US (1951 - 1960) have clearly demonstrated each country’s political schemes In Japan US relations, both sides have clearly demonstrated plots and schemes for their own interests While the US took advantage of Japan to fulfill its main political and security ... completely changed its target towards Japan, helped and supported Japan more for Japan’s economic recovery and development The change in US policy towards Japan has made rapid changes in the Japan -... States in Japan are both meant to restore and develop the Japanese economy and strengthen Japan''s role in US security policy in Asia - Pacific Since 1951, Japan has paid attention and started... relations between Japan and the US during 1951 - 1960 4.2.1 For Japan First, the political-security relations between Japan and the US have helped Japan to ensure its security and expand its foreign

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