Slide 1 PHARMACOLOGY OF ANTIBIOTICS I Introduction to Pharmacology A Definitions 1 Pharmacology 2 Pharmacokinetics 3 Pharmacodynamics/pharmacotherapeutics 4 Pharmacotoxicology Overview of Pharmacology[.]
PHARMACOLOGY OF ANTIBIOTICS I Introduction to Pharmacology A Definitions Pharmacology Pharmacokinetics Pharmacodynamics/pharmacotherapeutics Pharmacotoxicology Overview of Pharmacology PHARMACOLOGY OF ANTIBIOTICS B Drugs Fundamental characteristics a drugs modify pre-existing functions they not create new functions b drugs have multiple sites of action c difference between a drug and a poison is dose d access to information about new drug development and study sites:; Units of drug doses a chemical weight of drugs = mg; etc b international units (IU) = amount of drug based upon its biological activity relative to a standardized response obtained from a biological assay; e.g minimal inhibitory concentration of an antibiotic on bacterial growth Routes/schedule of administration schedule (frequency) of administration; plateau principle II Pharmacokinetics A Overview II Pharmacokinetics B Absorption Profiles oral route