BindingofactivatedFactorXIItoendothelialcells affects
its inactivationbytheC1-esterase inhibitor
Inger Schousboe
Department of Medical Biochemistry & Genetics, The Panum Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
It is well known that activatedFactorXII (FXIIa) and
kallikrein are rapidly inactivated in plasma as a result of
reaction with endogenous inhibitors. The purpose of this
may be to prevent uncontrolled deleterious spreading and
activation of target zymogens. Both FXII and the complex
plasma prekallikrein/high molecular mass kininogen
become activated when they bind, in a Zn
manner, to receptors on human umbilical vein endothelial
cells (HUVEC). TheC1-esteraseinhibitor (C1-INH) is by
far the most efficient inhibitorof FXIIa. In the present study
it has been investigated whether bindingof FXIIa to
HUVEC might offer protection against inactivation by
C1-INH. It appeared that the relative amidolytic activity of
purified FXIIa bound tothe surface of HUVEC decreased
according tothe concentration of C1-INH in medium;
however, the decrease was smaller than that measured for
inactivation of FXIIa in solution. The secondary rate
constant for theinactivation was 3–10-fold lower for cell-
bound than for soluble FXIIa. Theinactivation was found
to be caused by C1-INH bindingto cell-bound FXIIa.
Accordingly, the amidolytic activity of saturated amounts of
cell-bound FXIIa was reduced in the presence of C1-INH
and was theoretically nonexistent at physiological C1-INH
concentrations. Amidolytic activity was, however, present
on HUVEC incubated with plasma indicating that the
endogenous C1-INH did not completely abolish the activity
of FXIIa generated during the incubation period. This
supports the hypothesis that bindingtoendothelial cells
protects theactivated FXII against inactivationbyits major
endogenous inhibitor. Hence, the function of FXII may be
localized at cellular surfaces.
Keywords: C1-esterase inhibitor; endothelial cells; Factor
Factor XII (FXII) and plasma prekallikrein (PPK) are
zymogens of proteolytically active factor XIIa (FXIIa) and
kallikrein, which constitute a linked activation system.
Contact with an artificial, negatively charged surface
activates the system in the presence of Zn
and high
molecular mass kininogen (HK) [1]. Hence, this system was
named the contact activation system. Initiation of activation
of the system has been found to be a result of a slow
autodigestion and autoactivation of surface bound FXII by
FXIIa [2]. Bindingof FXII to a negatively charged surface
induces a Zn
-dependent conformational change in FXII
enhancing its susceptibility to become activated [3–5]. The
activated FXII then activates prekallikrein, which recipro-
cally enhances the activation of FXII and thereby the entire
system [6]. In blood plasma the proteolytic efficiency of the
proteinases is attenuated by endogenous inactivation of
FXIIa and kallikrein by serine proteinase inactivators. The
C1-esterase inhibitor (C1-INH), belonging tothe super-
family of serine proteinase inhibitors (serpins), binds
covalently tothe active site ofits target [7]. It is the major
FXIIa inactivator [8] and accounts for > 90% of the
inactivation of FXIIa in plasma [9,10]. Its plasma concen-
tration is 2.5 l
[11]. Homozygous deficiency of C1-INH
is not known. Patients with ineffective C1-INH caused by
either a heterozygous deficiency, dysfunctional protein or
the presence of autoantibodies suffer episodes of painless
local swelling ofthe soft tissue resulting from increased
vasopermeability correlated with an increased plasma
concentration ofactivated FXII and cleavage products of
HK during attacks [12–14].
During the past decade convincing results have shown
that FXII and PPK bind to receptors on endothelialcells in
-dependent manner. FXII binds directly tothe cells
[15,16], whereas PPK binds via a bridge generated by the
ability of HK to bind tothecells as well as to PPK [17,18].
The binding results in activation of FXII and PPK by a so
far controversial mechanism [15,19–21]. Whatever this
mechanism might be, a prerequisite for function is that
the cell-bound and -generated FXIIa and kallikrein are
protected from inactivationby endogenous inhibitors in the
plasma. Activation of PPK plays a primary role in initiating
and maintaining the vascular response to injury. By
interacting with HK, kallikrein cleaves off the vasoactive
peptide, bradykinin [21–23]. Bradykinin stimulates endo-
thelial cell prostaglandin synthesis, leading toinactivation of
platelet function [24,25], and increased superoxide [26] and
nitric oxide formation [27]. Consequently bradykinin
is linked with the pathophysiological processes that
Correspondence to I. Schousboe, Department of Medical Biochemistry
& Genetics, The Panum Institute, University of Copenhagen,
Blegdamsvej 3C, DK-2200 Copenhagen N, Denmark.
Fax: + 45 35367980, Tel.: + 45 35327800,
Abbreviations: FXII, Factor XII; FXIIa, activated FXII; PPK,
plasma prekallikrein; HK, high molecular mass kininogen; C1-INH,
C1-esterase inhibitor; HUVEC, human umbilical vein endothelial
cells; CTI, corn trypsin inhibitor; SBTI, soybean trypsin inhibitor;
S-2302, H-
(Received 3 September 2002, revised 1 November 2002,
accepted 14 November 2002)
Eur. J. Biochem. 270, 111–118 (2003) Ó FEBS 2003 doi:10.1046/j.1432-1033.2003.03367.x
accompany inflammation and tissue damage which is
thought to play a major role in the symptomatology of
acute attacks in patients with angiodema [12,28].
Binding of FXIIa to different negatively charged artificial
surfaces has previously been shown to offer protection
against inactivationof FXIIa by C1-INH in a surface- and
C1-INH concentration-dependent manner [29]. Binding
and subsequent activation of FXII in the vascular system
may likewise offer protection of FXIIa activity against
inactivation bythe C1-INH in plasma. FXII and FXIIa
bind indifferently to human umbilical vein endothelial cells
(HUVEC) [16]. The purpose ofthe present investigation
was to analyse whether bindingof FXIIa tothe surface of a
confluent layer of HUVEC might lead to protection against
inactivation by C1-INH.
Experimental procedures
FXII was from obtained Haematologic Technologies as a
high concentration solution in 50% glycerol and stored at
)20 °C as recommended bythe manufacturer. It migrated
as a single band with an M
of 80 kDa on reduced SDS/
PAGE and was unable to cleave amidolytically the FXIIa
substrate, S-2302 (see below). Two-chain FXIIa was
obtained lyophilized from Enzyme Research Laboratory.
It was dissolved as described bythe manufacturer and
stored in aliquots at )80 °C. Once thawed it was never
refrozen. None ofthe proteins, including C1-INH, corn
trypsin inhibitor (CTI; Calbiochem) or soybean trypsin
inhibitor (SBTI; Sigma) were preserved with Zn
substances. Plasma was isolated from normal blood anti-
coagulated with hirudin (50 mgÆL
blood bank procedure. H-
(S-2302) was from Chromogenix, and Sigmacoat (chlorin-
ated organo-polysiloxane in heptane) and gelatine from
porcine skin (G-8150) were from Sigma. 1,3,4,6-Tetra-
chloro-3a,6a-diphenyl glycoluril (Iodogene) was from
Pierce, and Na
I was from Amersham/Pharmacia. All
other reagents were ofthe purest grade commercially
available. Siliconized test tubes were used for all solutions
and dilutions.
Endothelial cell culture
Cryopreserved primary cultures of HUVEC delivered from
Clonetics were plated at a density of 2.5 · 10
tissue culture flasks containing endothelial cell growth
medium supplemented with human recombinant endothel-
ial cell growth factor, fibroblast growth factor and insulin-
like growth factor, vascular endothelial cell growth factor,
ascorbic acid, hydrocortisone, heparin, gentamicin, ampho-
tericin and 2% fetal bovine serum according to the
recommendation of Clonetics. Thecells were incubated at
37 °C in a humidified 95% air : 5% CO
atmosphere. The
medium was changed the day after plating and subsequently
every second day. At confluence (2.8 · 10
cells were subcultured. After seven to eight generations (two
passages) thecells were cryopreserved. During each passage,
the number of living cells was tested by Trypan blue
exclusion. For experiments the cryopreserved cells were
subcultured in microtiter plates at a density of 10
Medium was changed every second day and thecells were
used 4–6 days after plating.
Inactivation of amidolytic activity of cell-bound FXIIa
The medium was aspirated from 12-well microtiter plates
and thecells were washed twice over a period of 20 min with
Locke’s buffer (154 m
NaCl, 5.6 m
KCl, 3.6 m
Hepes pH 7.4) containing 15 l
(wash buffer)
followed by a 10-min incubation with 1 mL 0.1% (w/v)
gelatine in wash buffer (block buffer). The washing proce-
dure, as judged visually by microscopic inspection, neither
removed cells from the surface nor changed the morphology
of the cells. The block buffer was aspirated and the cells
preincubated at room temperature with 400 lL FXIIa
diluted at least 300-fold in block buffer giving a final
concentration of 40 n
. This preincubation period allowed
FXIIa to bind tothecells without being affected by the
inhibitor. After a 60 min preincubation period, 40 lLof
varying concentrations of C1-INH or 0.15
NaCl were
added and mixed by horizontal circular movements and the
incubation continued for a further 60 min. To measure the
degree ofinactivationof FXIIa in the medium 250-lL
aliquots ofthe medium above thecells were transferred to
and mixed with 250 lL0.8m
S-2302 in EDTA buffer
(50 m
Tris/HCl, 12 m
NaCl, 10 m
EDTA, pH 7.8).
The remaining medium was aspirated and thecells washed
continuously for 5 s in a mild stream of wash buffer.
Subsequently, 400 lL0.4m
S-2302 in EDTA buffer were
added. The presence of EDTA destroys thecells and
releases FXIIa into solution. Both series of samples with
S-2302 were incubated for a maximum of 4 h at room temp
and the concentration of p-nitroaniline generated during the
chosen incubation period was measured at 405 nm in
cuvettes with a 1-cm light path after addition of acetic acid
to a final concentration of 4% (v/v).
Comparable experiments were run in parallel. As deter-
mined by microscopic inspection, thecells were intact until
addition ofthe chromogenic substrate. No degradation or
change in specific amidolytic activity of FXIIa was observed
within 6 h of incubation with the chromogenic substrate.
Amidolytic activity on cells incubated with plasma
After washing thecells in 12-well microtiter plates as
described above, thecells were incubated at room tempera-
ture with 400 lL hirudin anticoagulated plasma enriched
with 1/10 vol. 250 l
in Locke’s buffer containing
either nothing, SBTI, CTI or both SBTI and CTI. After
incubation for 120 min the remaining medium was aspir-
ated and thecells washed continuously for 5 s in a mild
stream of wash buffer. Subsequently, thecells were incuba-
ted with S-2302 in EDTA buffer as described above. No
amidolytic activity could be measured when extracts of cells
were added to purified PPK and FXII.
The minimal concentration of CTI for total inhibition of
amidolytic activity of 40 n
FXIIa and the maximal
concentration of SBTI which could be applied without
affecting the activity of FXIIa at these concentrations were
determined by titration. The change in absorption over time
112 I. Schousboe (Eur. J. Biochem. 270) Ó FEBS 2003
was recorded continuously at 405 nm in mixtures of S-2302
(0.4 m
in EDTA buffer), containing FXIIa and varying
concentrations of CTI or SBTI. Complete inhibition
was observed at CTI concentrations > 0.005 mgÆmL
( 0.5 l
) and no inhibition was recorded at SBTI
concentrations < 0.1 mgÆmL
Radiolabelling of proteins
FXIIa was labelled with Na
I bythe Iodogen method as
described by Salacinski et al. [30]. Following iodination,
I-labelled proteins were separated from
by gel-siev-
ing on a Sephadex G-25 column equilibrated with NaCl/Pi
(50 m
phosphate buffer, pH 7.4 containing 0.5
Specific labelling ranged from 10 · 10
19 · 10
c.p.m.Æmg protein
Binding of
I-labelled proteins to HUVEC
and solubilization ofthe cells
The confluent layer ofcells was incubated with
FXIIa and C1-INH added as described above. At the end of
the incubation period thecells were washed and solubilized
as described previously [16]. Amidolytic activity and radio-
activity were measured in 250-lL aliquots ofthe solubilized
cells. Activity was measured as the change in absorbance at
405 nm after a 4-h incubation with S-2302 (0.4 m
Student’s t-test was used to determine the level of signifi-
Inactivation ofthe amidolytic activity offactor XIIa
bound toendothelial cells
To analyse if the presence of C1-INH would inactivate the
amidolytic activity of cell-bound FXIIa in a manner
comparable to that ofinactivationof soluble FXIIa, the
following series of experiments was performed. HUVEC
were preincubed with purified FXIIa for 60 min, allowing
FXIIa to bind tothe cells. Then C1-INH was added to the
incubation medium and the incubation continued for an
additional 60 min. This showed that the ability of C1-INH
to inactivate the amidolytic activity of FXIIa was markedly
reduced when FXIIa was bound tothecells compared to
the inactivationof FXIIa in the incubation medium. The
concentration of C1-INH which inactivated 50% of the
amount of FXIIa bound tothecells from a 40-n
was approximately fivefold higher than the than that which
inactivated the activity in the 40 n
solution of FXIIa in
which thecells had been preincubated (Fig. 1). This
difference may be even larger if taking into account the
difference in amounts of FXIIa bound tothecells and that
in solution.
It was next analysed if amidolytic activity of FXIIa
generated on thecells from cell-bound FXII was likewise
protected from inactivationby C1-INH. As autoactivation
of HUVEC-bound FXII has been widely debated [15,19–
21] it was first analysed if FXII bound to HUVEC was able
to autoactivate. In the presence of 15 l
, a concen-
tration previously shown to be optimal for binding of
purified FXII/FXIIa to HUVEC [16], a slightly but
significantly higher (P < 0.005) amidolytic activity could
be measured on thecells incubated in the presence than in
the absence of FXII (Table 1). During the period of
incubation with FXII, amidolytic activity had been gener-
ated also in the incubation medium. The total activity of this
was, however, lower than the total activity on the cells, and
in the presence of Zn
fourfold higher than the activity of
FXIIa generated in the medium without cells (results not
shown). The difference in activity of FXIIa in the incubation
medium containing FXII may be due to equilibrium
binding of FXII/FXIIa tothe cells. It is noticeable that
the presence of Zn
alone increased significantly
(P < 0.005) the cell-generated S-2302 amidolytic activity.
This indicates that thecells themselves might have expressed
FXIIa- and/or kallikrein-like activity during cultivation. As
this activity could not be inhibited by either CTI, SBTI or
C1-INH (data not shown) it is unlikely that it was due to
either FXIIa or kallikrein adhering tothecells during
cultivation. It was subsequently shown that FXIIa gener-
ated by activation of FXII bound tocells responded to
increasing concentrations ofthe C1-INH in the incubation
medium in a manner similar to that of cell-bound FXIIa
(Fig. 1).
By following the progress oftheinactivation it was
observed that the reaction between C1-INH and the cell-
bound FXIIa proceeded more slowly than the reaction
between C1-INH and FXIIa in the incubation medium
above the cells. Theinactivationof cell-bound FXIIa was
Fig. 1. The effect of increasing concentrations of C1-INH on the activity
of soluble and cell-bound FXIIa. In the presence of Zn
, thecells were
preincubated with FXIIa for 1 h. Then C1-INH of varying concen-
trations was added in 1/10 incubation vol. After incubation for another
1 h, the amidolytic activity was measured on thecells (d)andinthe
medium (s) as described. Cells were also incubated for 2 h with a
mixture of 40 n
FXII and C1-INH (m). The medium was aspirated
and the amidolytic activity measured on thecells as described. The
medium and thecells were incubated with S-2302 in EDTA buffer for
1 h and 4 h, respectively. The final concentration ofthe C1-INH
is shown on the abscissa. The activity measured in the absence of
C1-INH has been given the index 100. The results are corrected for
activity measured on cells incubated in the absence of FXII/FXIIa.
Ó FEBS 2003 Factor XIIa activity on endothelialcells (Eur. J. Biochem. 270) 113
almost maximal after a 20-min incubation in the presence of
a high concentration of C1-INH (Fig. 2). The second-order
rate constant was calculated and in five individual experi-
ments found to be in the range 0.4)0.8 · 10
This is 3–10-fold lower than the constant determined
analogously for theinactivationof FXIIa in the medium
(2.3)4.3 · 10
). The decrease could be explained
by either one of two mechanisms: (a) the first is based on the
assumption that the cell-bound FXIIa is being pulled off the
cells bythebindingof soluble FXIIa tothe inactivator as
illustrated in Fig. 3A; (b) the second mechanism assumes
that the inactivator binds to FXIIa, while still bound to the
cell surface (Fig. 3B).
To analyse which of these mechnisms was followed, the
cells were preincubated with radioactively labelled FXIIa,
and the amidolytic activity as well as the amount of cell-
bound FXIIa were measured in identical aliquots of
lysates ofthecells after incubation with varying concentra-
tions of C1-INH. This showed that the inactivation
only slightly affected thebinding while the activity decreased
with increasing concentrations ofthe C1-INH tothe level
of activity measured in the absence of FXIIa (see
Table 1) (Fig. 4). This suggests that C1-INH inactivates
Table 1. Amidolytic activity measured on thecells and in the incubation
medium after incubation of HUVEC with and without FXII in the
presence and absence of Zn
. Confluent layers of HUVEC were
incubated at room temperature with block buffer in the absence and
presence of 15 l
and 40 n
factor XII [to minimize the risk of
interference from contaminating FXIIa, the stock solution of FXII
(50 l
) was diluted twice with 0.2 m
in 0.15
NaClandkeptat4°C for 20 h before start ofthe experi-
ment]. After 120 min incubation the medium was transferred to and
diluted (1 : 1) with 0.8 m
S-2302 and incubated for 4 h. As rapidly as
possible the rest ofthe medium was aspirated and thecells quickly
washed as described in Experimental procedures. Then 0.4 m
was added tothecells and the incubation continued for the same
period of time as that used for the incubation medium (4 h). An ali-
quot of 0.4 m
S-2302 incubated under identical conditions was used
as blank. The results are obtained from six determinations in three
individual subcultures of confluent cells and given as means ± SD.
Medium composition
Total S-2302 amidolytic activity,
DOD/time period
On cells In medium
0.263 ± 0.028 0.100 ± 0.0136
0.135 ± 0.015 0.038 ± 0.0031
No FXII + Zn
0.199 ± 0.022*
0.000 ± 0.0015
No FXII ) Zn
0.129 ± 0.026*
0.000 ± 0.0013
* Statistically significant differences (Student’s t-test) between
and no FXII + Zn
, and
no FXII + Zn
and no FXII ) Zn
at P < 0.005.
Fig. 2. The progress of inactivating cell-bound FXIIa by C1-INH. Cells
were incubated with 40 n
FXIIa for 1 h. Then C1-INH was added at
a final concentration of 100 n
(.) and in two separate experiments at
a final concentration of 400 n
(s, d), respectively, and the incuba-
tion was continued for the period of time indicated. The medium was
then aspirated, cells were washed and the remaining amidolytic activity
was measured as D ofthe samples after a 4-h incubation with S-2302 in
EDTA buffer.
Fig. 3. Possible mechanisms for C1-INH inactivationof cell-bound
FXIIa. (A) The C1-INH disturbs thebindingof FXIIa to HUVEC by
binding to soluble FXIIa. (B) The C1-INH binds to receptor bound
Fig. 4. Correlation between amidolytic activity and the amount of FXIIa
bound tothe cells. Thecells were incubated for 2 h with 40 n
actively labelled FXIIa and the radioactivity (s) and amidolytic
activity (d) were measured in the same aliquots of solubilized cells.
Following washing as described, thecells were solubilized by 10-min
incubation in 0.1
OH, 1% (v/v) Triton X-100, and subsequently
neutralized bythe addition of acetic acid. Aliquots ofthe solubilized
cells were counted in a c-counter and mixed 1 : 1 with 0.8 m
reading the absorption at 405 nm. The results are shown as
means ± SD of six individual experiments using two individual sub-
cultures of cells. SD is shown by vertical bars, when extending beyond
the symbols.
114 I. Schousboe (Eur. J. Biochem. 270) Ó FEBS 2003
the amidolytic activity ofthe cell-bound FXIIa by binding
to FXIIa while still bound tothe cellular receptor.
This mechanism was confirmed by analysing the effect of
C1-INH on the kinetics of FXIIa bindingtothecells by
determining the S-2302 amidolytic activity ofthe bound
FXIIa. In the absence of C1-INH the activity increased
hyperbolically with the concentration of FXIIa in the
medium (Fig. 5A). The concentration of FXIIa leading to
half maximal activity – and thus half maximal binding –
was found to be 90 n
, and a value that did not change in
the presence of C1-INH. Increased C1-INH concentrations
resulted, however, in a decreased ÔmaximalÕ activity of the
bound FXIIa (Fig. 5B). This result complies with a
mechanism by which C1-INH binds tothe cell-bound
FXIIa (compare Fig. 3B) and thus confirms the results
shown in Fig. 4. It is, however, not compatible with a
mechanism by which the bound FXIIa is being pulled off
the cells (compare Fig. 3A).
-dependent amidolytic activity generated
on the surface ofcells incubated with plasma
The experiments performed with purified FXIIa indicated
that a C1-INH concentration identical to that in plasma
would be expected to inactivate completely the expression of
FXIIa amidolytic activity on the cells. To verify this,
HUVEC were incubated with hirudin anticoagulated
plasma. Hirudin anticoagulation was chosen over that
based on citrate as the addition of hirudin was assumed not
to disturb the normal physiological concentration of
electrolytes and minerals, as does the addition of citrate.
Thus citrate would disturb the endogenous balance of the
concentration of free Zn
, which is of importance for the
binding of not only FXII but also the HK/PPK complex to
HUVEC. Cells were incubated with the plasma for 2 h,
during which FXII was allowed to bind tothecells and to
become activated. Prior tothe incubation, the plasma was
enriched with Zn
increasing its concentration by 25 l
This concentration of Zn
was found to enhance maxi-
mally the total amidolytic activity on thecells after
incubation with plasma. After incubation, the plasma was
aspirated, thecells washed and amidolytic activity was
measured according tothe procedures described previously.
As S-2302 is a substrate not only for FXIIa but also for
kallikrein, the measured activity could be caused by an
FXIIa-independent activation of PPK [20]. In order to
separate the amidolytic activity of FXIIa from that of
kallikrein, the nonphysiological reversible inhibitors SBTI
and CTI were added tothe plasma. CTI is a specific
inhibitor of FXIIa activity [31] and SBTI inhibits the
activity of several proteinases including kallikrein but not
FXIIa [32]. The advantage of using SBTI and CTI was that
they were both removed from the surface ofthecells during
the washing procedure and thus did not interfere with the
subsequent measurement of amidolytic activity. Combined
addition of SBTI and CTI was found to inhibit 82% of the
totally amidolytic activity generated on thecells (Fig. 6).
The remaining 18% was identical tothe activity generated
on thecells incubated with block buffer in the absence of
plasma as well as tothe activity generated on thecells after
incubation with plasma to which no extra Zn
had been
added. To analyse the relative magnitude ofthe SBTI- and
CTI-insensitive activity separately, multiple sets of HUVEC
were incubated in comparable series with plasma to which
the inhibitors were added separately. Ofthe 82% inhibited
by the presence of both SBTI and CTI, 65% was inhibited
by CTI alone and 91% by SBTI (Fig. 6). No CTI-
insensitive activity could be measured when SBTI
(0.01 mgÆmL
) was added tothe chromogenic substrate.
This indicates that the activity inhibited bythe presence of
CTI may be due to reciprocal activation of FXII and PPK.
The difference between the activity generated in the presence
of CTI and that in the presence of SBTI, may be due to
FXIIa-independent PPK activation and the difference
between the activity generated in the presence of SBTI
and that generated in the presence of both SBTI and CTI
Fig. 5. Inhibiting effect ofthe C1-INH on the activity of varying
amounts of FXIIa bound tothe cells. (A) Cells were incubated for 1 h
with the concentrations of FXIIa shown on the abscissa, and 1/10 vol.
NaCl (n) or C1-INH, respectively, was added leading to a final
C1-INH concentration of 206 n
(d). After an addi-
tional 1-h incubation, the amidolytic activity on thecells was measured
as described. The results are shown as means ± SD of determinations
using three individual subcultures. (B) Reciprocal plots ofthe data
from (A) showing the amidolytic activity of bound FXIIa in the
absence (n) and presence (s, d) ofthe C1-INH (the slope ofthe lines
is 1/V
; V
is the maximal activity ofthe bound FXIIa). The
intercept with the abscissa is K
Ó FEBS 2003 Factor XIIa activity on endothelialcells (Eur. J. Biochem. 270) 115
may reflect a kallikrein-independent activation of FXII.
Thus both FXII and PPK became activated on the
endothelial cells incubated with plasma containing physio-
logically normal concentrations ofthe C1-INH but the
majority ofthe S-2302 amidolytic activity measured after a
2-h incubation was accounted for by kallikrein. No
amidolytic activity could be measured in the plasma which
had been incubated with HUVEC.
The present study shows for the first time that the
amidolytic activity of FXIIa bound to HUVEC is
protected from inactivationby C1-INH. The protection
could be explained by a decreased second-order rate
constant for inactivationofthe bound FXIIa compared
to inactivating FXIIa in the medium. The inactivation
only slightly affected the dissociation of FXIIa from
HUVEC indicating that C1-INH inactivates cell-bound
FXIIa bybindingto FXIIa on the surface ofthe cells.
Accordingly, C1-INH reduced the activity of saturated
amounts of bound FXIIa without changing the K
binding of FXIIa tothe cells.
The analysis ofthe protecting effect that thecells might
exert on FXIIa against inactivationbythe C1-INH was
originally thought to be performed on HUVEC incubated
with FXII. The advantage of using this set up instead of cells
preincubated with FXIIa was that the C1-INH would affect
FXIIa when generated on the cell surface while its influence
on the putative low concentrations of FXIIa in the medium
would be insignificant. However, although the activity of
presence of Zn
was significantly higher than that
generated in the absence of Zn
, the fraction of bound
FXII that became activated was judged to be too low for
further investigation. A single series of experiments per-
formed on cells incubated with FXII indicated, however,
that the degree ofinactivationof cell-bound FXIIa was
independent ofthecells being incubated with FXII or
FXIIa. That the amidolytic activity of FXIIa was protected
against inactivation when bound to a cellular surface is in
accordance with a previous investigation showing that
incubation of FXIIa with kaolin and sulfatide protects the
amidolytic activity of FXIIa against inactivation [29]. Three
mechanisms of protection of FXIIa activity against inacti-
vation in the presence of kaolin and sulfatide have been
suggested. One of these was that C1-INH disturbs the
reversible association of FXIIa with thebinding surface
either bybindingtothe surface or tothe soluble FXIIa. This
mechanism was found not to be involved in the inactivation
of cell-bound FXIIa. The other two mechanisms, explaining
decreased inactivation, were based on either steric hindrance
induced by FXIIa bindingtothe surface or to conforma-
tional changes of FXIIa occurring when bound to the
surface. Both of these mechanisms may be involved in the
protection against C1-INH inactivationof FXIIa bound to
HUVEC. Factor XIIa has been shown to change confor-
mation in the presence of Zn
[3,5] and bindingof FXIIa
to thecells is Zn
-dependent [16]. A conformational
change of FXIIa could, however, not by itself explain the
protection against inactivation, as the presence of Zn
the incubation medium only slightly protected soluble
FXIIa from inactivationbythe C1-INH (I. Schousboe,
unpublished data).
It may be argued that C1-INH could bind to HUVEC
in the absence of FXII thus reducing the effective dose of
the inhibitor available for inactivation, which might at least
partly explain the protection. However, a reduction in the
effective dose of C1-INH would affect not only inactiva-
tion ofthe cell-bound FXIIa but also theinactivation of
consequence of this would have been that the secondary
rate constant for bindingtheinhibitorto FXIIa would
decrease but this decrease would be identical for the cell-
bound FXIIa and the FXIIa in the medium above the cells
and would not change the ratio between the values. Thus
FXIIa-independent bindingof C1-INH tothecells would
not have changed the overall results showing that cell-
bound FXIIa is protected from inactivationby C1-INH by
a factorof 3–10. Comparison ofthe rate constant for
inactivation of FXIIa in the medium with that previously
published for inactivationof FXIIa in solution [7] indicates
furthermore that it is unlikely that C1-INH should bind to
HUVEC. The second-order rate constant for inactivation
of soluble FXIIa was found to be unaffected by the
presence of HUVEC.
The gradual decrease in amidolytic activity of cell-bound
FXIIa with increasing concentrations of C1-INH was not
correlated with a decreased bindingof radioactively labelled
FXIIa. This suggests that C1-INH binds to FXIIa on the
cell surface consistent with a C1-INH concentration-
dependent decreased amidolytic activity of saturated
amounts of bound FXIIa, which did not affect the K
binding FXIIa tothe cells.
Fig. 6. S-2302 amidolytic activity measured on HUVEC after incuba-
tion with hirudin anticoagulated plasma in the presence and absence of
reversible FXIIa and kallikrein inhibitors. Cells were incubated for 2 h
with plasma diluted 0.9-fold with either 250 l
in Locke’s buffer
or with this Zn
-solution containing either SBTI, CTI or both [final
concentrations: SBTI of 0.1 mgÆmL
(4 l
Then the plasma was aspirated and thecells washed rapidly with
Locke’s buffer containing 25 l
. Subsequently, S-2302 in
EDTA buffer was added for determination of cell-bound activity. The
hatched parts ofthe columns show the measured activity as
mean ± SD of five individual subcultures. The blank parts of the
columns show the calculated inhibited activity and the P-values indi-
cate the level of significance (Student’s t-test) ofthe change in activity
in the absence and presence ofthe inhibitors.
116 I. Schousboe (Eur. J. Biochem. 270) Ó FEBS 2003
In plasma the generation of FXIIa by activation of
FXII is closely connected to activation of PPK. The
S-2302 amidolytic activity measured on cells incubated
with plasma may thus be due to both FXIIa and
kallikrein activity. The S-2302 amidolytic activity meas-
ured on thecells after a 2-h incubation with Zn
enriched human plasma was found primarily to be due to
kallikrein (Fig. 6). A considerable amount ofthe total
amidolytic activity of kallikrein was, however, generated
by an FXIIa enhanced activation mechanism, which was
inhibited by CTI. That only a negligible amount of the
cell-bound S-2302 amidolytic activity could be measured
as FXIIa activity is in accordance with the suggested
mechanism for FXIIa inactivation on cell membranes. By
binding the C1-INH tothe receptor/FXIIa complex no
free receptors will be available for binding soluble FXII
from the plasma. The reason why no FXIIa activity could
be measured on the surface of HUVEC after incubation
with plasma may therefore be that FXIIa had been
gradually inactivated during the 2-h incubation by binding
C1-INH tothe receptor bound FXIIa. All ofthe receptors
on thecells are saturated with FXII at the normal FXII
concentration (350 n
), which is 4–6-fold higher than the
dissociation constant for bindingto HUVEC. The normal
concentration of C1-INH is 2.5 l
[11] and more than
sufficient to completely inactivate any FXIIa amidolytic
activity generated on the cells. The process of binding
FXII tothe cellular receptor, activating the bound FXII
and inactivating the cell bound FXIIa bybinding C1-INH
is a complicated time-dependent series of events. It may
appear to play a significant role in regulating the function
of cell-bound FXII. Disturbing the regulation by reducing
the concentration of C1-INH is known to have serious
consequences. Patients with a diminished concentration of
C1-INH, having antibodies towards C1-INH or a dys-
functional C1-INH suffer from angiodema, a disease
resulting in episodic swelling of subcutaneous tissues,
bowel walls and upper airways. The vasopermeability
mediator responsible for the swelling may be bradykinin,
a cleavage product of HK generated by proteolytic attack
by kallikrein generated by activation of PPK as a
consequense of vessel injury. The activation of FXII
and PPK/HK may start with a local increase in the
concentration of Zn
as a result of leakage from
disturbed cells. This leakage may lead tobindingof FXII
and PKK/HK to respective receptors on endothelial cells.
Localized at the site of injury, FXII and PPK become
activated and start a series of events involving generation
of bradykinin and activation of plasminogen. The Zn
dependent enhanced FXIIa/kallikrein-like amidolytic
activity on HUVEC measured in the absence of FXIIa
may be the initiating factor. Bindingof C1-INH to
activated FXII may prevent spreading of activation and
be of importance in the subsequent elimination of the
disturbed cellsby macrophage invation.
I thank Jørn Dalsgaard Nielsen (of The University Hospital Gentofte)
for helping to deliver the hirudin anticoagulated plasma and B. Harder
for technical assistance. This study was supported by grants from the
Danish Health Research Council and the Novo Nordic Foundation.
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118 I. Schousboe (Eur. J. Biochem. 270) Ó FEBS 2003
. Binding of activated Factor XII to endothelial cells affects
its inactivation by the C1-esterase inhibitor
Inger Schousboe
Department of Medical. surfaces.
Keywords: C1-esterase inhibitor; endothelial cells; Factor
Factor XII (FXII) and plasma prekallikrein (PPK) are
zymogens of proteolytically active factor XIIa