Engineeringofamonomericandlow-glycosylated form
of human butyrylcholinesterase
Expression, puri®cation, characterization and crystallization
Florian Nachon
, Yvain Nicolet
, Nathalie Viguie
, Patrick Masson
, Juan C. Fontecilla-Camps
and Oksana Lockridge
Centre de Recherches du Service de Sante
des Arme
es, Unite
d'Enzymologie, La Tronche, France;
Laboratoire de Cristallographie
et Cristalloge
se des Prote
ines, Institut de biologie structurale ÔJ.P. EbelÕ, Grenoble, France;
University of Nebraska Medical
Center, Eppley Research Institute, Omaha, NE, USA
Human butyrylcholinesterase (BChE; EC is of
particular interest because i t hydrolyzes or scavenges a w ide
range of toxic compounds including cocaine, organophos-
phorus pesticides and nerve agents. The relative contribution
of each N-linked glycan for the solubility, the stability and
the secretion of the enzyme was investigated. A recombinan t
monomeric BChE lacking four out of nine N-glycosylation
sites and the C-terminal oligomerization domain was stably
expressed as a monomer in CHO cells. The puri®ed recom-
binant BChE showed catalytic p roperties similar t o those o f
the native enzyme. Tetragonal crystals s uitable for X-ray
crystallography studies were obtained; they were improved
by recrystallization and found to diract t o 2.0 A
resolutio n
using s ynchrotron radiation. The crystals belong to the
tetragonal s pace group I422 with unit c ell dimensions
a b 154.7 A
,c 124.9 A
, giving a V
of 2.73 A
Da (estimated 60% solvent) for a single molecule of
recombinant BChE i n the asymmetric unit. The crystal
structure ofbutyrylcholinesterase will h elp elucidate
unsolved issues concerning cholinesterase mechanisms in
Keywords: butyrylcholinesterase; crystallization; N-glycosy-
lation; site-directed mutagenesis; X-ray diraction.
Acetylcholinesterase (AChE; EC and butyrylcho-
linesterase (BChE; EC are closely related serine
hydrolases with different s ubstrate speci®city and inhibitor
sensitivity. AChE terminates the action of the neurotrans-
mitter acetylcholine at postsynaptic membranes and neuro-
muscular junctions. Altho ugh BChE i s found in various
vertebrate tissues (liver, intestine, lung, heart, muscle, brain,
serum), its physiological role remains undetermined. How-
ever, plasma BChE is o f pharmacological and t oxicological
importance because it hydrolyzes ester-containing dru gs
such as succinylcholine and cocaine. Consequently, puri®ed
BChE has been used for treatment of succinylcholine-
induced apnea in humans [1] and it is known to protect
rodents from the toxic effects of cocaine [2,3]. To improve
the rate of hydrolysis of cocaine, a mutated enzyme has been
designed [4]. However, a h igher catalytic rate may be
necessary if BC hE is to be used therapeutically in severe
cocaine overdoses.
Human BChE is also kno wn to be a good scavenger of
organophosphorus (OP) pesticides and chemical warfare
nerve agents [5]. For example, injections of puri®ed BChE as
pretreatment against nerve agent poisoning in mice, rats and
guinea pigs increased their survival with a higher ef®ciency
than the c lassical pretreatment w ith pyridostigmine [ 6±8].
Similar observations have been reported for monkeys [9,10].
Mutants ofhuman BChE (G117H) capable of hydrolyzing
OP have also been designed [11]; however, their catalytic
mechanism is unclear [12]. It is noteworthy that the
equivalent human AChE mutant (G122H) did not acquire
OP hydrolase activity ( Lockridge, O. & B artels, C.F.
unpublished results). Thus, BChE could be used i n t he near
future for OP decontamination, pretreatment and treatment
of OP poisoning.
Progress in engineeringof BChE is currently limited by
the l ack o f a three-dimensional structure. three-dimensional
models ofhuman BChE have been built by homology to
the Torpedo californica acetylcholinesterase X-ray structure
[13,14]. Although these models contributed to t he under-
standing of some aspects of the difference in speci®city
between AChE and B ChE, they are not satisfactory for
enzyme engineering. The crystal structure ofhuman BChE
is expected to provide new insights into unsolved issues
such as allosteric modulation o f cholinesterase activity
(BChE presents substrate activation, whereas AChE has
substrate inhibition) or the traf®c of s ubstrate, products,
and water molecule s in and ou t of the act ive site gorg e
Correspondence to F. Nachon, Centre de Recherches du Service de
des A rme
es, Unite
d'enzymologie, 24 Avenue des Maquis du
sivaudan, BP 87±38702 La Tronche Ce
dex, France.
E-mail: ¯
Abbreviations: A C hE, acetylcholinesterase; BChE, butyrylcholinest-
erase, CCD, charge coupled device; ChE, cholinesterase; C HO, Chi-
nese hamster ovary; DMEM, Dulbecco's modi®ed Eagle's medium;
,5,5¢-dithiobis-2-nitrobenzoic acid; HEK, human embryonic
kidney cells; OP, organophosphorus ester.
(Received 6 A ugust 2 001, revised 19 November 2 001, accepted 20
November 2001)
Eur. J. Biochem. 269, 630±637 (2002) Ó FEBS 2002
During the past decade, the crystallization of puri®ed
plasma BChE has not been successful, despite an exhaus-
tive screening program in one of our laboratories. Human
BChE is a heavily glycosylated homotetramer of 340 kDa
with nine N-glycosylation sites per catalytic subunit
representing almost 25% of its m ass [17,18]. It i s known
that the glycan m oieties o ften perturb crystallization
[19,20]. Human BChE o ligosaccharides, which are o f the
complex biantennary type [21,22], could shield the protein
surface and prevent o r reduce favorable crystal contacts.
Therefore, several attempts to deglycosylate the n ative
enzyme were made. Chemical deglycosylation with tri¯u-
oroacetic acid, w hich was successfully used on horseradish
peroxidase [23], as well as enzymatic partial deglycosyla-
tion using neuraminidase and galactosidase (Masson, P.
unpublished r esults) led to aggregation. Due t o the
presence of fucose residues, enzymatic deglycosylation
using large amounts of recombinant GST±N-glycosi-
dase F fusion p rotein [24] was not ef®cient except under
mild denaturing conditi ons. Thus, we decided to investi-
gate the effects of the suppression of N-glycosylation sites
to produce alow-glycosylated recombinant BChE suitable
for crystallization.
was obtained by PCR u sing Pfu
polymerase. Carbohydrate attachment sites at N17, N455,
N481, and N486 were deleted by mutating Asn residues to
Gln residues. The t etramerization domain at t he C-terminus
of BChE was deleted by placing a stop codon at position
530 [25,26]. The s top codon deleted 4 5 amino acids from t he
C-terminus to yield a protein containing 529 amino acids
and six carbohydrate chains. PCR fragments were cloned
into the expression plasmid pGS and resequenced to
con®rm that only the desired mutations were present.
Plasmid p GS has the CMV p romoter and rat glutamine
synthetase for selection.
Other mutants from which carbohydrate a ttachment sites
were deleted were also constucted by PCR. In each case, a
codon for Asn was replaced by a c odon for Gln. The
expression plasmid pGS was suitable for both transient and
stable expression.
Transient expression
BChE mutants w ere t ransiently express ed i n human
embryonic kidney cell line 293T/17, used with permission
from D. Baltimore (Rockefeller University of New York;
ATCC No CRL 11268). Cells were grown to 80±90%
con¯uence i n 100 mm dishes and then transfected by
calcium phosphate co-precipitation of 20 lg plasmid DNA
per dish. Four days after transfection, the culture medium
[5% f etal bovine serum in Dulbecco's modi®ed Eagle's
medium (DMEM)] was harvested for a BChE activity
assay. Each mutant BChE was transfected into ®ve dishes.
Large scale production of recombinant human BChE
cells and stably transfected as previously described [11].
Selective p ressure to retain the plasmid was provided by
25 l
methionine sulfoximine. Secreted BChE was collected
into serum-free and glutamine-free culture medium, Ultra-
culture (BioWhittaker, Walkersville, MD, USA; catalogue
no. 12±725B), thus avoiding contamination by AChE pre-
sent in fetal bovine serum. No a ntibiotics were added to the
culture medium. The cells were grown in 1-L roller bottles.
The culture medium (150 mL per bottle) in th e roller bottles
was changed every 2±4 days. A roller bottle yielded enzyme
continuously for as long as 6 months. Each L of culture
medium contained 3±5 mg of 4sugOff
Puri®cation of 4sugOff
Units of activity are expressed as lmoles of substrate
hydrolyzed per minute. Protein concentration was estimated
from absorbance at 280 nm (E
18). A speci®c activity
of 720 Uámg
, measured at 25 °Cwith1m
ocholine in 0.1
potassium phosphate pH 7.0, was the
standard for 100% pure native B ChE. All puri®cation steps
were conducted at 4 °C.
Serum-free culture medium was collected from roller
bottles over a period o f 6 months. Twenty-six liters of
culture medium containing 100 mg of 4sugOff
were loaded onto 400 mL o f procainamide±
Sepharose p acked in a XK50/30 Pharmacia column
(diameter, 5 cm; ¯ow rate of 1 Láh
). The column was
washed with 20 m
potassium phosphate, pH 7.0, 1 m
EDTA (until D
NaCl in buffer. The BChE activity was eluted with buffer
containing 0.3
NaCl and 0.1
Br. The eluted
enzyme was 21% pure as judged from speci®c activity.
Then, the 4sugOff
was dialyzed against
20 m
Tris/HCl pH 7.4, and loaded onto 400 mL of
DE52 anion exchanger (Whatman; catalog no. 4057200,
purchased from Fisher Scienti®c) packed in Pharmacia
C26/100 column. The column was washed with 20 m
Tris/HCl pH 7.4 until D
0. BChE was eluted with a
NaCl gradient (0±0.5
NaCl in 1 L buffer); 80% of the
BChE activity was recovered. The cleanest fractions
( 80% pure) were load ed directly on to a 1 0-mL
procainamide±Sepharose column packed in Pharmacia
C10/20 (0.9 c m d iameter ´ 16 cm). The c olumn was washed
with 2 L of 20 m
Tris/HCl pH 7.4. 4sugOff
(9.3 mg, 6740 U; 98% pure) was eluted with
400 mL of 0.6
NaCl in 20 m
Tris/HCl pH 7.4, then
dialyzed against 5 m
Mes pH 6.5 and concentrated to
10 mg ámL
(7200 UámL
) in an Amicon Dia¯o appa-
ratus with a PM10 membrane. The dialyzed, concentrated
sample was ®ltered through a 0.2- lm®lterandstoredat4 °C.
Determination of kinetic parameters
Hydrolysis of butyrylthiocholine iodide at 25 °Cwas
measured at concentrations ranging from 0.010 to 50 m
according to the method of Ellman [27]. The buffer w as
sodium phosphate at pH 7.0 and contained
0.1 mgámL
and 0.1% BSA. The active sites
were titrated by the method of residual activity u sing
diisopropyl phosphoro ¯uoridate (DFP) as titrant [28].
Kinetic parameters (k
, K
, K
, b factor) were deter-
mined by nonlinear ®tting of the apparent rate vs. [S]
using the equation described by Radic et al.[29].
Ó FEBS 2002 Butyrylcholinesterase designed for crystallization (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) 631
A home-made sparse m atrix kit similar to the one described
by Jancarik & Kim [30] was u sed to s creen for initial
crystallization conditions in a hanging drop system [20].
BChE crystallized at a conce ntration of 6 .6 mgámL
from a
Mes buffer solution, pH 6.5 at 20 °C, containing
(Fluka) and using drops of 3 lL
in about 1 week. Their quality was improved using the
recrystallization procedure described by Kryger [31].
Catalytic activity in the crystals
A recombinant BChE crystal grown at pH 6.5 was washed
twice for 5 min in a 100 lLdropof0.1
Mes pH 6.5 buffer
containing 2.4
. Then the crystal was soaked in
a 20-lL drop of the same buffer containing 0.1 mgámL
and 5 m
butyrylthiocholine iodide (Sigma). The
change in crystal coloration (turning yellow) was followed
under a binocular magnifying glass. No spontaneous
hydrolysis of the substrate i n t he soaking liquor was
observed when monitored by spectrophotometry at
412 nm.
Data collection
Diffraction data were collected at k 0.932 A
to 2.0 A
resolution at the ID14-eh2 beamline of the
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility with a MAR-
Research CCD detector. To prevent ice formation, crystals
were soaked for a few minutes in a 2.4-
, 15%
glycerol, 0.1
Mes pH 6 .5 buffer just before ¯ash-cooling
at 100 K in a nitrogen stream. Collected data were indexed,
integrated and reduced using MOSFLM and SCALA from
the CCP4 suite [32].
Engineering ofalow-glycosylated truncated BChE
Glycosylation in¯uences the folding, secretion, stability,
and solubility of ChE as well as the clearance of their
plasmatic forms [22,33±35]. Heavy glycosylation of BChE
contributes to its long residence time in blood circulation
and protects it against proteolysis. For example, the
glycosylation patterns may change with the tissue localiza-
tion, but do not seem to play a critical role in the catalytic
properties of the enzyme [36]. Our goal was to favor the
crystallization of BChE by designing an enzyme with the
fewest possible glycosylation sites, while preserving its
solubility, stability a nd functional properties. Amino-acid
sequences of AChE and BChE from different species were
aligned to pinpoint the conserved N-glycosylation sites
(Table 1). BChEs are generally more glycosylated than
AChEs. AChEs from different species contain three to six
N-glycosylation s ites, t hree of which are conserved in
BChE. Therefore, our ®rst attempt w as to construct a
recombinant BChE containing only these three glycosyla-
tion sites (positions 256, 341 and 455). This was achieved by
mutating six Asn residues in Asn-X-Ser/Thr recognition
sites into Gln residues.
These studies overlooked the possibility that a muta-
tion of Asn486 might unmask a glycosylation site at
Asn485. Three gly cosylation r ecognition s ites are present
in the sequence N
, but the peptide
sequencing ofhuman BChE showed that positions 481
and 486 were glyc osylated, and position 485 was not [18].
Because Asn485 and Asn486 are adjacent, the nongly-
cosylation of Asn485 may be due to steric hindrance.
Therefore, w e assume that all of th e constructs with the
double m utation N 481Q/N486Q should be glycosylated
at position 485.
Table 1. C omparison of the N-glycosylation positions for various cholinesterases.
Potential N-glycosylation sites (human BChE numbering)
17 57 106 241 256 341 455 481 486 Others
human X X X XXXXXX
monkey X X X XXXXXX
tiger X X XXXXXX
rabbit X X XXXXXX
mouse X X X XXXX
horse X X XXXXXX
human X X X
cat X X X
rabbit X X X
mouse X X X
cow X X X X
Torpedo ®sh X X 2
rat X X X
Bungarus X X X 2
eel X X X X 2
zebra®sh X X X X 2
632 F. Nachon et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) Ó FEBS 2002
A recombinant BChE containing the three conserved
glycosylation sites, N256, N341 and N455 plus the one
unmasked at position 485, was transiently expressed in 293T
cells. Unfortunately, the expression level in the culture
medium was 10-fold lower than f or the n ative enzyme
(Table 2, s ix sites off). T he suppression of seven o r nine sites
yielded poor expression levels as well (Table 2, seven and
nine sites off) due to retention of the protein inside the cell,
as shown by Western blotting. As the expression level of
these c lones w as not high enough to p roduce large amounts
of BChE, new constructs were tested in which the
N-glycosylation sites were suppressed empirically.
Suppression of sites N481 and N486 (Table 2, two s ites
off) led to 45% higher expression levels than native BChE.
Suppression of sites N455, N481 and 486 led to a 15%
greater expression level than the native enzyme (Table 2,
three s ites off). When an additional site was suppressed at
position N256, the expression level was similar to t hat of the
native enzyme (Table 2, four sites off; oligomeric domain:
Ôyes Õ). The additional N 341Q mutation resulted in a ®vefold
lower active enzyme (Tables 2, ®ve sites off). Consequently,
the ® ve glycosylation sites mutant was not used any further.
Interestingly, the N341 s ite is also conserved i n Candida
rugosa lipase, where it plays an important role in the
stabilization of the open con formation of the enzyme [37].
Such a role has not yet been observed in cholinesterases.
The tetramerization domain is located at the C-termini of
AChE and B ChE. In human BChE, this domain comprises
40 amino acids, e ncoded by exon 4. I ts deletion leads to
higher levels of secretion into the culture medium and
expression of monomers [ 25]. Crystallization o f monomeric
cholinesterases is more favorable t han for oligomeric forms,
even if they forma noncovalent dimer by association of a
four-helix bundle ( helices 383±372 and 526±543; human
Table 2. I n¯uence of the number and position of N-glycosylation sites on the expression level of secreted human BChE. The presence or absence of the
oligomerization domain at the C-terminus is indicated by yes or no. Transient transfection in 293T cells was repeated in ®ve dishes. The r elative
expression unit corresponds to 0 .2 lmol butyrylthiocholine hydrolyzed p er minute.
sites o
Potential N-glycosylation sites
17 57 106 241 256 341 455 481 485 486
expression level
2 Yes X X X X X X X X 1.45
3 Yes X X X X X X X 1.15
4 No XXXX X X 7.2
5 Yes X X X X 0.2
6 Yes X X X X X X 0.1
7 Yes X X X 0.1
9 Yes X 0.025
Wild-type human BchE.
Clone chosen for crystallization trials.
Fig. 1. Alignment of t he amino-acid sequences of 4sugO
, human BChE, and crystallized forms ofhuman AChE, mouse AChE and
Torpedo c alifornica AChE. 4sugO
(Rec. B ChE), human B ChE [18], human AChE [44], mouse AChE [38] an d T. californica
AChE (Torc a AChE) [45] w ere aligned using
. Asterisks denote identity, and full s tops show high similarity.
Ó FEBS 2002 Butyrylcholinesterase designed for crystallization (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) 633
AChE numbering) under the protein concentrations used
for crystallization [31,38]. Therefore, a truncated BChE
lacking both the tetramerization domain and the N256,
N455, N481 and N 486 N-glycosylation sites was c on-
structed. Deletion of the tetramerization domain was
achieved by introducing a stop codon at position 530
according to Blong et al.[25].Asexpected,activity
measured in culture media was about sevenfold higher for
the monomericform (BChE
) than for the o ligomeric form
(Tables 2, four sites off; oligomeric domain: ÔnoÕ). In
another effort, a second truncated clone also lacking four
N-glycosylation sites (N17, N455, N481 and N486) was
constructed. The activity level of this enzyme was slightly
lower than t hat of t he previous clone but suf®ciently h igh to
produce signi®cant amounts of enzyme. Consequently, this
clone (4sugOff
) was chosen for large
scale expression. Figure 1 shows how the amino-acid
sequence of 4sugOff
17/455/481/ 486
compares to the
native human BChE enzyme and to th e crystallized forms of
Torpedo californica, humanand mouse AChEs. According
to this alignment, the X- ray structure of Torpedo californica
AChE should provid e a good probe model to solve the
structure of 4sugOff
by a molecular-
replacement procedure.
Preparation of 4sugOff
The mutated BChE
cloned into the pGS e xpression vector,
that expresses Gln-synthethase for selection pu rposes, was
transfected into CHO cells. Stable clones secreting high
levels of recombinant BCh E
were selected for large-scale
production. Puri®cation was carried out by anion-exchange
and af®nity chromatography. Axelsen et al. reported that
decamethonium, used during the last af®nity chromatogra-
phy step of T. californica AChE, was present in t he crystals
despite extensive dialysis of the puri®ed enzyme [39]. Thus,
to avoid contamination by a ligand, NaCl was used for
elution of BChE f rom af®nity chromatography gels. T he
purity of the ®nal enzyme preparation was estimated to be
greater than 98% based on its speci®c activity and the
presence ofa single band on SDS/PAGE.
Characterization of 4sugOff
The kinetics of butyrylthiocholine hydrolysis by recombi-
nant BChE under standard conditions (0.1
buffer, pH 7.0) can b e d escribed by the model of Radic
[29]. The kinetic parameters are very close to the values
reported previously for the native BChE [40], with
28 000 min
and K
25.6 0.4 l
(n 3).
The native enzyme and recombinant BChE display
similar substrate activation with K
510 35 l
(n 3) and b factor 2.85 0.15 (n 3). Thus, t he
catalytic properties of the recombinant enzyme can be
considered to be the same as t he plasma enzyme.
SDS/PAGE analysis of the puri®ed recombinant BChE
monomer displayed a single broad band in the 70±75 kDa
molecular mass range. In contrast, the puri®ed plasma
BChE showed a faint band at 170 kDa (nonreducible
dimer) anda major broad band at 85 kDa (monomer)
under r educing conditions (Fig. 2A). The apparent molec-
ular mass of the r ecombinant monomer is consistent with
the expected molecular mass for the truncated BChE after
the d eletion of 45 residues a t t he C-terminal sequence and
Fig. 2. Ge l e lectrophoresis analysis of 4sugO
(Rec) andhuman native BChE (Nat). (A) SD S/PAGE (4.5% stacking/10%
separating) was carried out under reducing conditions according to Laemmli [46] using the Biorad MiniProtean II gel system and Coomassie blue
staining. (B) Isoelec trofocusing g el was carried out on a Pharmacia Phast System using Phast gel (4±6.5; pH r ange) and silver staining [4 7].
634 F. Nachon et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) Ó FEBS 2002
four N-glycosylation sites. The broadness of the band
suggests t hat t he puri®ed 4sugOff
displays a signi®cant glycosylation-related heterogeneity.
This issue was addressed using IEF analysis. The carbohy-
drate chains of BChE are partly capped by sialic acids [22],
which directly in¯uence the pI of the enzyme. Whereas
plasma BChE displayed a continuous smear e xtending from
pH 4.0 t o 5.7, thus re¯ecting h igh sialylation h eterogeneity,
displayed 10 well-resolved
bands between p H 5.0 and 6.5 (Fig. 2B). T his was a de®nite
improvement of the enzyme homogeneity, and encouraged
us to start BChE crystallization trials.
Crystallization of 4sugOff
and data collection
Initial crystallization conditions were screened according to
Jancarick & Kim [30] using the hanging drop method.
Tetragonal crystals appeared within 1 week in a pH 6.5
Mes buffer solution containing 2.1
(Fig. 3A). Interestingly, these crystals appear morphologi-
cally similar to t he crystals of fully glycosylate d equine
serum BChE obtained in 1944 [41]. However these BChE
crystals were not f urther characterized due to technical
limitations at that time.
To check whe ther the crystallized recombinant BChE was
still active, one crystal w as soaked in Ellman's b uffer
containing 5 m
butyrylthiocholine and 2.4
This higher concentration of precipitant was necessary to
avoid the dissolution of the crystal. After a few minutes, the
colorless crystal turned yellow, the color of the product of
the Ellman's reaction (Fig. 3B). The crystalline enzyme
seems to be s uf®ciently ¯exible to d isplay an observable
catalytic activity, and small molecules such as butyrylthi-
ocholine, Nbs
and the product of the Ellman's reaction
may easily diffuse in a short period of time inside and
outside the crystals. However w e cannot rule out the
possibility that t he substrate might have been hydrolyzed by
the protein located in the crystal surface, which is likely to
solubilize during the soaking experiment.
The crystals that m easured up to 0 .3 mm in their longest
dimension diffracted to 2.2±2.3 A
resolution at 100 K, using
15% glycerol (v/v) as a cryoprotectant, and synchrotron
radiation at the ESRF ID14-eh1 beamline. As recrystalli-
zation improved the quality ofhuman AChE crystals [31],
we reproduced the procedure by transferring crystal-
containing drops over reservoirs of water until the crystals
dissolved. The drops were then placed over the original
reservoir solution, or a solution with slightly lower precip-
itant concentration, for r ecrystallization. As reported for
human AChE, these new crystals were fewer but larger with
longest dimensions of up to 0.6 mm. They diffracted to
2.0 A
at 100 K, using 15% glycerol (v/v) as a cryoprotec-
tant, and synchrotron radiation at the E SRF ID14-eh2
beamline. Analysis of the c ollected data (Table 3) indicated
that BChE crystals belong to the tetragonal space group
I422 with unit cell dimensions a b 154.7 A
c 127.9 A
, giving a V
of 2.73 A
per Da (estimated
60% solvent) for a crystal containing a single molecule of
recombinant BChE ( 70 kDa) per asymmetric unit [ 42]. A
total of 371 832 observations were obtained at 2.0 A
resolution giving 49 298 unique re¯ections (98.6% com-
plete, R
0.073). The structure has been successfully
solved by molecular replacement s tarting from the model of
native T. californica AChE, PDB code 2ace [43]. T he
re®nement of the model is underway.
In summary, a recombinant human butyrylcholinesterase
suitable for crystallization has been constructed by sup-
pressing four out of nine N-glycosylation sites and deleting
its oligomerization domain. Large amounts of pure recom-
binant enzyme were obtained by expression in CHO cells
and puri®cation by anion-exchange and af®nity chroma-
tographies. The recombinant enzyme s howed less heteroge-
neity than the natural f orm while conserving identical
catalytical properties. Crystals were grown at pH 6.5 using
as the p recipitant. A fter their quality was
improved by recrystallization, they diffracted to 2.0 A
resolution. The ®rst three-dimensional structure of a
butyrylcholinesterase is expected to improve our knowledge
regarding ChE mechanism, such as allosteric modulation,
product clearance outside th e active site go rge and motion
of water molecules. Moreover, the three-dimensional struc-
ture ofhuman BChE sho uld provide a template for the
design of new mutants capable of hydrolyzing nerve agents
and drugs such as cocaine with increased ef®ciency.
This work was supported by the US Army Medical Research and
Materiel Command under contract DAMD 17-97-1-7349 to O. L. and
Fig. 3. Te tragonal crystals of 4sugO
. (A) The
larger crystal has dimension of 0.5 ´ 0.5 ´ 0.3 mm
. (B) Crystal after a
10-min soaking in Ellman's buer with precipitant and 5 mM butyryl-
Table 3. D ata collection and processing. Values fo r the high est reso-
lution shell a re giv en in parentheses.
Space group I422
Unit-cell parameters a b 154.66 A
c 127.89 A
a b c 90°
X-ray source ESRF
Beamline ID14-eh2
Wavelength 0.933 A
Diraction limit 2.0 A
No. of measured re¯ections 371 832
No. of unique re¯ections 49 298
Highest resolution shell 2.1 ® 2.0 A
Completeness 98.6% (99.1%)
Multiplicity 7.1 (6.4)
(on I) 0.073% (0.431%)
I/r 6.5 (1.7)
b Factor average 30.65 A
Ó FEBS 2002 Butyrylcholinesterase designed for crystallization (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) 635
the De
gation Ge
rale de l'Armement under contract DGA/DSP/
STTC-PEA 990802/99 CO 029 (ODCA, Washington, DC, 00-2-032-0-
00) to P. M. W e thank, respectively, Hassan Belrhali and Jo anne
McCarthy for the opportunity to collect data at the ID14-eh1 and
ID14-eh2 be amline at the ESRF in G renoble.
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Ó FEBS 2002 Butyrylcholinesterase designed for crystallization (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) 637
. Engineering of a monomeric and low-glycosylated form
of human butyrylcholinesterase
Expression, puri®cation, characterization and crystallization
Florian. that positions 481
and 486 were glyc osylated, and position 485 was not [18].
Because Asn485 and Asn486 are adjacent, the nongly-
cosylation of Asn485 may