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I REVIEW ENGLISH 11 ( UNIT 9+10+11) I PRONUNCIATION A Choose the word that has the underlined letter(s) pronounced differently from the others 1 A geothermal B other C without D although 2 A exhausted[.]

REVIEW ENGLISH 11 ( UNIT: 9+10+11) I PRONUNCIATION A Choose the word that has the underlined letter(s) pronounced differently from the others A geothermal B other C without D although A exhausted B hundred C however D heat A small B supply C sure D species A animals B forests C planets D pollutants A equipped B delivered C transferred D received A gas B danger C change D energy A secure B energy C potential D develop A notify B bother C mobile D postal A helped B landed C outdated D transmitted 10 A solar B panel C another D relative 11 A smell B smile C enthusiasm D small 12 A swing B sweat C answer D swan 13 A limit B plentiful C advertise D wind 14 A recipient B competitive C deliver D equip 15 A spacious B parcel C part D spa B Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others A potential B exhausted C pollution D infinite A power B enough C water D solar A energy B natural C relative D plentiful A fossil B limit C windmill D entire A animal B national C serious D pollutant A extinct B human C species D planet A secure B service C parcel D early A convenient B recipient C transmission D possible A relative B spacious C deliver D office 10 A courteous B subscribe C document D offspring II VOCABULARY A Choose the best answer I would like to send these letters airmail A in B with C by D over He was a kind and courteous mailman A polite B strict C unpleasant D rude Without more training or advanced technical skills, they’ll lose their job A out of date B backward C up to date D old John often uses Express Money to send money to his parents in the countryside A Change B Exchange C Transfer D Send Those telephone companies have launched major campaigns to increase their number of A subscribe B subscription C subscribers D subscribing Britain has still been proud of the cheapest postal A sending B care C service D delivery Laws have been introduced to prohibit the killing of endangered animals A advised B decreased C ban D encouraged Garbage is considered to become kind of A pollute B pollutants C pollution D polluting More and more rare animals are danger of extinction A for B on C at D in 10 Oil, coal and natural gas are A solar system B nuclear power C hydropower D fossil fuels 11 energy is one that comes from sun A Wind B Wave C Nuclear D Solar 12 Solar energy is not only plentiful but also infinite A strong B rapid C limited D without limit 13 The sun releases large amounts energy everyday A for B in C for D of 14 heat comes from deep inside the earth A Geothermal B Solar C Nuclear D Hydro 15 present, scientists are trying to find out the most suitable energy A In B On C At D For B Give the correct form of the given words to complete the following sentences Many efforts have been made to protect animals and plants (danger) We should cut down the use of and pesticides for cultivation (fertile) People are discharging a lot of chemical into the environment (pollute) We are trying to save money rare animals from (extinct) We offer and secure services of transferring money (speed) The staff in this post office are well-trained and always to customers.(think) Solar energy is not only but also clean and safe (plenty) The total energy in 2005 was over 150 million tons (consume) Grass for animal is a resource (new) 10 Many are studying the effects of building dams on the local life (ecology) III Grammar A Fill in each space of the following sentences with a correct relative clauses I saw the man closed the door of the post office We are studying sentences contain adjective clauses The people we visited yesterday were very nice Mr Brown owns a stamp value is inestimable The post office my aunt is working is very large Alan and Jackie, didn’t come to class yesterday, explained their absence to the teacher Sunday is the day my grandparents will come 8 Rice, is grown in may countries, is a staple food through out much of the world We enjoyed Hue City, is the ancient capital of Viet nam 10 Mrs Mai, house is opposite the post office, is our English teacher 11 Do you still remember that day you sent that letter? 12 I recently went back to the village I grew up 13 What’s the name of the person bicycle you borrowed? 14 My brother, you talked to yesterday, works as a post man 15 Alexander Bell was the man invented the telephone 16 There is nothing I need 17 Dorothy said something I couldn’t hear clearly 18 There was a little we could to help her 19 These walls are all remain of the city 20 It’s the best film has ever been made about madness B Choose the best answer 21 I think the reason we got on so well is that we both enjoy talking A why B which C that D what 22 The computer the memory capacity has just been upgraded is among the latest generations A that B whose C of which D which of 23 The school has been given 20 computers, half of are brand new A those B that C them D which 24 My English teacher, Mrs Brookes, was someone I had great respect A that B whom C for whom D whose 25 Nellie Ross of Wyoming was the first woman governor in the United States A who elected B to be elected C was elected D her election as 26 Pioneers,………… in isolated areas of the United States, were almost totally self-sufficient A who living B living C lived D that lived 27 Lady Astor was the woman…………… her seat in parliament A take B to take C taking D who takes 28 Dry cleaning is the process…………… clothes are cleaned in liquids other than water A by B which through C by which D through 29 Rain forests are places…………… People harvest wood, delicious fruits, and power medicine A in that B in where C in which D which 30 I met the waiters, several of…………… are university students A them B who C that D whom 31 John,…………….that his girlfriend went out with another guy, decided to say goodbye to her A believe B believing C to believe D believe 32 The scientist…………… the medicine to cure AIDS say there is now hope for patients A which B making C make D having making 33 The novel…………… by Patrick is a best-seller A writing B written C wrote D write 34 The woman…………… next door is a famous singer A lives B who live C living D that living 35 The house…………… in the storm has now been rebuilt A destroyed B destroying C which destroyedD that is destroyed 36 Jane has two brothers,…………… are famous footballers A both of who B both of whom C of who both D of whom both 37 The paintings……………… with a small red dot have already been sold A which mark B are marked C marked D marking 38 Do you see the beautiful young girl…………… over there? A to stand B whom is standing C standing D stood 39 The authority gathered those villagers…………… they explained the importance of forests A who B whom C to whom D to that 40 She is the woman…………… I told you A at who B about whom C in whom D of whom IV Error identification Your bag is possible in the car I did not see you take it along with you A B C D The first person finishing the exercise will receive a big present from the teacher A B C D After gave her bunch of red roses, Mark surprised Joanna with an engagement diamond ring A B C D The village which Napoleon lost the last battle was Waterloo A B C D The number of tourists have declined significantly this season A B C D The old theatre located next to the supermarket is being pulling down A B C D Bogota, that is the capital of Columbia, is a cosmopolitan city A B C D Viet is the sixth student in my college winning the scholarship to study in America A B C D The person sits next to me is someone I’ve never met him A B C D 10 They are talking with Lan, who’s house is next to mine A B C D 11 We all know which the world’s energy resources are limited A B C D 12 The accident looked serious but unfortunately anybody was injured A B C D 13 Laura said that the coffee was too hot that she could hardly drink A B C D 14 The second day of Tet is the time at that I go to visit my relatives and friends A B C D 15 The people about who the novelist wrote were factory workers and their families A B C D V WRITING A Choose the most appropriate way of arranging these following words so that they form a meaningful sentences by circling A, B, C or D the staff/ help / me/ send the money / very helpful and courteous A The staff helped me to send the money were very helpful and courteous B The staff that helped me to send the money which were very helpful and courteous C The staff whom helped me to send the money they were very helpful and courteous D The staff that helped me to send the money were very helpful and courteous I / satisfied / the service / Thanh Ba post office A I was satisfied with the service of Thanh Ba post office B So that, I was satisfied with the service of Thanh Ba post office C Nevertheless, I was satisfied with the service of Thanh Ba post office D I was satisfied with the service of which Thanh Ba post office I / write / express / some ideas / the service of your post office A I wrote to express some ideas on which the services of your post office B I have written to express some ideas on the services which is of your post office C I am writing to express some ideas on the services of which is your post office D I am writing to express some ideas on the services of your post office Denali National Park / the central mountains of Alaska A Denali National Park, which is in the central mountains of Alaska B Denali National Park that is in the central mountains of Alaska C Denali National Park, where is in the central mountains of Alaska D Denali National Park is in the central mountains of Alaska the park / one of America’s greatest wildness areas A It is that the park one of America’s greatest wildness areas B The park which is one of America’s greatest wildness areas C It is the park one of America’s greatest wildness areas A The park is one of America’s greatest wildness areas wind farms / generate up to 7% / U.S electricity / in 15 years A Wind farms which are generated up to 7% of U.S electricity in 15 years B Wind farms generating up to 7% of U.S electricity in 15 years C Wind farms to generate up to 7% of U.S electricity in 15 years D Wind farms can generate up to 7% of U.S electricity in 15 years wind powered turbines / produce / 11.605 megawatts of electricity / the United State / 2006 A Wind powered turbines producing 11.605 megawatts of electricity in the United States in 2006 B Wind powered turbines which produced 11.605 megawatts of electricity in the United States in 2006 C Wind powered turbines produces 11.605 megawatts of electricity in the United States in 2006 D Wind powered turbines that produces 11.605 megawatts of electricity in the United States in 2006 farmers / not use fertilizers and pesticides carelessly A Farmers should not use fertilizers and pesticides carelessly B Farmers, they should not use fertilizers and pesticides carelessly C Farmers, they not use fertilizers and pesticides carelessly A Farmers whom should not use fertilizers and pesticides carelessly the Royal National Park / located / 29 km south / Sydney A The Royal National Park located 29 km south of Sydney B The Royal National Park locating 29 km south of Sydney C The Royal National Park is that locates 29 km south of Sydney D The Royal National Park is located 29 km south of Sydney 10 everybody / take part in / solve / the environmental pollution problem A Everybody can take part in to solve the environmental pollution problem B Everybody that can take part in solving the environmental pollution problem C Everybody can take part in solving the environmental pollution problem D Everybody whose can take part in solving the environmental pollution problem B Choose the sentence A, B, C, or D which in closest in meaning to the printed sentence 11 I would be very grateful if you could send me the document A I would appreciate your sending me the document B I was very grateful for your document C I’m upset about your not sending me the document D Do not send me the document, please 12 Scientists say forests are being destroyed by air pollution A Scientists blame air pollution for the destruction of forests B Scientists are blamed for destroying forests C Scientists say that there’s much air pollution in the forests D Forests are being destroyed by scientists 13 Julia didn’t listen to what her doctor told her A What the doctor told Julia was not worth listening to B Julia couldn’t hear what the doctor told her C The doctor told Julia to listen to what he said, but she didn’t so D Julia took no notice of what her doctor told her 14 John Smith is a farmer I bought his land A John Smith, whose land I bought, is a farmer B John Smith, who is a farmer, whose land I bought C John Smith, whom I bought his land, is a farmer D John Smith, a farmer, bought his land 15 She has always got on well with her colleagues A She has always had poor relationship with her colleagues B She has always been on good terms with her colleagues C Her colleagues have always put up with her D She is trying to establish a good relationship with her colleagues VI READING COMPREHENSION Exercise 1: Read the following passage and choose the best given A, B, C or D to fill in each gap Post office service is…………… (1) developing with some certain inventions The first envelopes were made……………….(2) cloth, animal skins, or vegetable parts The Babylonians…………….(3) their massages in thin sheets of clay…………… (4) were then baked In 1653, a French man, De Valayer………………(5) a postal system in Paris He set up mail………… (6) and delivered any letters placed in them if they used envelopes…………… (7) only he sold………………(8) enemy put live mice the letter boxes and ruined De Valayer’s business A schoolmaster from England, Rowland Hill…………….(9) the adhesive post-age stamp in 1837, an act for……………….(10) he was knighted Through his efforts the first stamp in the world was issued in England in 1840 He created the first uniform postage rates that were based on weight, rather than size A more B more and more C the more D the most A of B in C for D about A hugged B embraced C wrapped D rolled A that B whom C whose D when A established B erected C rebuilt D discovered A contains B cans C bottles D boxes A whom B where C whose D which A a B an C the D these A operated B worked C invented D examined 10 A what B which C that D whom Exercise 2: Read the following passage and choose the best given A, B, C or D to fill in each gap Human beings .(1) to protect only the beautiful and non-threatening parts of our environment We tend to pay more (2) to animals on land than (3) other large sea animals Environmentalists have not done (4) to help save the Pacific Ocean sharks (5) population has decreased nearly to the (6) of extinction Sharks are .(7) the oldest creatures on Earth, (8) in the seas for more than 350 million years The fact that they have managed to live in the oceans for so many millions years is enough proofs of their efficiency and adaptability to change environments It is time (9) human beings to begin considering the protection of sharks as .(10) important part of a program for protection of our natural environment A make B seem C let D advise A attention B pleasure C notice D fun A some B an C any D one A too much B too many C much enough D enough much A which B that C whom D whose A stop B dot C top D point A among B in C between D upon A survived B that survived C which survived D having survived A for B for which C for that D when 10 A a B an C the D  Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer Recent research reveals that the degradation of agricultural soils, forests, woodlands, coastal fisheries, and wild resources is more and more serious The majority of the estimated costs of environmental degradation comes from forests and natural resources are being depleted at an alarming rate More than 50% of the original forest has been converted to agricultural land by slash-and-burn Despite land expansion, productivity has declined because of soil erosion Fish, timber, and non-timber forest product stocks are decreasing As a result, coastal towns have begun to experience severe water shortages Hydropower is dropping Wildlife populations and biodiversity are in serious decline and many species face extinction Poor forest management and soil degradation result in huge economic losses The degradation of water increase the costs and reduces the quality of both water and power The prospects for economic development and poverty reduction are dependent on natural resources Natural households rely on natural resources for their livelihoods, fisheries, and wildlife which provide protein in diets Urban economic activities depend on reliable hydroelectric power However, people not have much awareness of protecting the environment on which their life depends The passage is about A forests fires B the degradation of the environment C fishery and agriculture D economic losses Which does not suffer from degradation? A industry B agriculture C fishery D forestry It is that makes agricultural productivity decline A land expansion B slash-and-burn C soil erosion D agricultural land Which sentence is NOT true? A There are water shortages in coastal towns B Hydropower is declining C Water is not influenced by pollution D We depend on natural resources to solve the problems of poverty People A not know much of protecting the environment B have a great awareness of the environment C are doing a lot of things to prevent pollution D can increase economy without natural resources ANSWER I PRONUNCIATION A 1.A 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.A 6.A 7.A 8.B 9.A 10.B 11.C 12.C 13.C 14.B 15.A B 1.D 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.D 6.D 7.A 8.D 9.C 10.B II VOCABULARY A 1.C 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.C 6.C 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.D 11.D 12.D 13.D 14.A 15.C B endangered fertilizers pollutants extinction speedy thought plentiful consumption renewable10 ecologists III GRAMMAR A who / that which / that whom / that whose who when which where 11 when 12 where 13 whose 14 whom 15 who /that 16 that 17 that 18 that 19 that B where 10 whose 20 that 21.A 22.C 23.D 24.C 25.B 26.B 27.B 28.C 29.C 30.D 31.B 32.B 33.B 34.C 35.A 36.B 37.C 38.C 39.C 40.B IV ERROR IDENTIFICATION 1.A 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.B 11.B 12.C 13.B 14.C 15.A V WRITING A 1.D 2.A 3.D 4.D 5.D 6.D 7.C 8.A 9.D 10.C B 11.A 12.A 13.D 14.A 15.B VI READING COPREHENSION Exercise 1: 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.A 6.D 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.B Exercise 2: 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.D 6.D 7.A 8.D 9.A 10.B Exercise 3: 1.B 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.A - THE END ... I / satisfied / the service / Thanh Ba post office A I was satisfied with the service of Thanh Ba post office B So that, I was satisfied with the service of Thanh Ba post office C Nevertheless,... post office C Nevertheless, I was satisfied with the service of Thanh Ba post office D I was satisfied with the service of which Thanh Ba post office I / write / express / some ideas / the service

Ngày đăng: 18/12/2022, 16:33
