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cambridge IELTS 9 full book

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cambridge IELTS 9 full book

For IELTS help http://letfl.com For IELTS help http://letfl.com Cambridge IELTS 9 Authentic examination papers from Cambridge ESOL For IELTS help http://letfl.com For IELTS help http://letfl.com Test1 sECTION1 Quesfions 1-10 Complete the nofes below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. JOB ENQUIRY Example . Work at: a resTaurant . Type of work: 1 . . . Number of hours per week: l2 hours . Would need work permit . Work in the: 2 branch . Nearest bus stop: next to 3 . Pay: 4 t an hour . Extra benefits: a free dinner extra pay when you work on 5 transport home when you worl< 6 . Qualities required: 7 ability to 8 . Interview arranged for: Thursday 9 at 6 p.rn. . Bring the names of two referees . Ask for: Samira 10 10 For IELTS help http://letfl.com For IELTS help http://letfl.com Listening SECTION 2 Quesfions 11-20 Quesfio ns 11-1 6 Complete the nofes below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. sP口ⅡTs W⑴ⅡL口 . a new 11 of an international sports goods company . located in the shopping centre to the 12 of Bradcaster . has sports 13 . and equipment on floors '1 - 3 . can get you any item within 14 days . shop specialises in equipment for 15 . . has a special section which just sells 16 For IELTS help http://letfl.com For IELTS help http://letfl.com Test 1 Quesfio ns 17 and 1 8 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. 17 A champion athlete will be in the shop A on Saturday morning only. B all day Saturday. C for the whole weekend. 18 The first person to answer 20 quiz questions correctly will win A gym membership. B a video. C a calendar. Quesfio ns 19 and 20 Choose TWO letters, A-E. Which TWO pieces of information does the speaker give about the fitness test? A You need to reserve a place. B lt is free to account holders. C You get advice on how to improve your health. D lt takes place in a special clinic. E lt is cheaper this month. 12 For IELTS help http://letfl.com For IELTS help http://letfl.com Listening SECTION 3 Quesfions 21-30 Choose the correct letter. A, B or C. Course Feedback 21 One reason why Spiros felt happy about his marketing presentation was that A he was not nervous. B his style was good. C the presentation was the best in his group. 22 What surprised Hiroko about the other students' presentations? A Their presentations were not interesting. B They found their presentations stressful. C They didn't look at the audience enough. 23 After she gave her presentation, Hiroko felt A delig hted. B dissatisfied. C embarrassed. 24 How does Spiros feel about his performance in tutorials? A not very happy B really pleased C fairly confident 25 Why can the other students participate so easily in discussions? A They are polite to each other. B They agree to take turns in speaking. C They know each other well. 26 Why is Hiroko feeling more positive about tutorials now? A She finds the other students'opinions more interesting. B She is making more of a contribution. C The tutor includes her in the discussion. 27 To help her understand lectures, Hiroko A consulted reference materials. B had extra tutorials with her lecturers. C borrowed lecture notes from other students. 13 For IELTS help http://letfl.com For IELTS help http://letfl.com Test 1 28 What does Spiros think of his reading skills? A He reads faster than he used to. B lt still takes him a long time to read. C He tends to struggle with new vocabulary. 29 What is Hiroko's subject area? A environmental studies B health education C eng ineering 30 Hiroko thinks that in the reading classes the students should A learn more vocabulary. B read more in their own subject areas. C develop better reading strategies. 14 For IELTS help http://letfl.com For IELTS help http://letfl.com Listening sECTION4 Q〃 esⅡ o刀s3仁 犭 o Complete the nofes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. Accidental Strandings Anirnals rnay'fbllo\\'prey ashore. e.g. Thurston (1995) Unlikely bccause the rnajority of animals were not 34 stranded Human Activity 35 . f}om rnrlitary tests are linked to sorrre recent strandings The Baharnas (2000) stranding was unusual because the w'hales o \\ crc all 36 . were not irr a 37 Mass Strandings of Whales and Dolphins Mass strandings: srtuations where groLlps of ri'hales, dolphins, etc. su'ir-rt onto the beach and die Comrron in areas n.here the 31 Ser cnrl other theories: can change quickly Parasites e.g. solre parasites can afl-ect rnarine arrinrals' 32 . on fbr nar igation . . u'hich they depend Torins Poisons fl'onr 33 u'hales . are cor-nmonly consr-rrned by e.g. Cape C'od (1988) - whales \\'ere killed by saxitoxin they 15 www.swten.com For IELTS help http://letfl.com For IELTS help http://letfl.com Tesr彳 Group Behaviour . More strandings in the rnost 38. whale s 1994 dolphin stranding - only Further Reading ,Vurirte X,(ctmmctl.s A.shore (Connor) - sives inforrnation about stlarrding 40 16 For IELTS help http://letfl.com For IELTS help http://letfl.com READING PASSAGE 1 You should spend about 20 minutes Passage 1 below. Reading on Questions 1-13, which are based on Reading At the time, quinine was the only viable medical treatment for malaria. Tht: drug is derived from the bark of the cinchona treet, native to South Arnerica, and by 1856 demand fbr the drug was surpassing the available supply. Thus, when Hofmann made some passing comments about thc desirability of a synthetic substitute for quinine, it was unsurprising that his star pupil was moved to take up the challengc. During his vacation in 1856, Perkin spent his timc in the laboratory on the top flclor of his family's hcluse. IIe was attompting to manufacture quinine from anilincl, an inexpensive and readily available coal tar waste product. Dospitc his best efforts, however. he did not end up with quinine. Instead, he produced a mysterious dark sludge. l.uckily, Perkin's scientific training and nature prompted him to investigate the substance f'urther. Incorporating potassium dichromatc and alcohol into the anilinc at various stages of the experimental process, he finally produced a deep purple solution. And, proving the truth of thc lamous scientist Louis Pasteur's words'r:hanc:e l'avours only the prepared mind', Perkin saw thc potential of his unexpccted find. William Henry Perkin The man who inuented synthetic dyes William Henry Perkin was born on March 12,1838, in London, England. As a boy, Perkin's curiosity prompted early interests irr the arts, sciences, photography, and engineering. tsut it was a chance stumbling upon a run-down, yet functional, laboratory in his late grandfather's home that solidified the young man's enthusiasm fbr chetmistry. As a student at the City of l.ondon School, Perkin became immersed in the study of chemistry. FIis talent and devotion to the subject were perceived by his teacher, Thomas Flall, who encouraged him to attend a series of lectures given by the eminent scientist Michael Faraday at the Royal Institution. Those speeches fired the young chemist's enthusiasm further, and he later went on to attend the Royal College of Chemistry, which he succeeded in entering in 185.3, at the age of 15. At the time of Perkin's enrolment, the Royal College of Chemistry was headed by the noted German chemist August Wilhelm I{ofmann. Perkin's scientific gifts soon caught Hofmann's attention and, within tr,vo years, he becams' IJofmann's youngest assistant. Not long after that, Perkin made the scientific breakthrough that would bring him both fame and fortune. 17 For IELTS help http://letfl.com For IELTS help http://letfl.com [...]... Preferred roomtype a single 6 Interests: the 7 board (red) badminton 33 For IELTS help http://letfl.com Tesr2 For IELTS help http://letfl.com Priorities choice hall in of to be with otherstudents who are 8 to liveoutside 9 the to havea 10 phonenumber: Contact 6675 49 34 For IELTS help http://letfl.com for socialising area For IELTS help http://letfl.com SECTION 2 Listening Q u e s f i o n s1 1 - 2 0... e o questionof whethento neply, and penhapscanefully dnafbs neply a 23 For IELTS help http://letfl.com Test 1 For IELTS help http://letfl.com Quesfions 18-20 Answer the questionsbelow ChooseNO MORE THAN THREEWORDSAND/ORA NUMBERfrom fhe passage for each answer Writeyour answersin boxes 1B-20 on your answer sheet 18 What is the lifeexpectancy Earth? of 19 Whatkindof signals fromotherintelligent civilisations... habitat ichthyosaurs be determined the appearance theirfossilised of can by of remains 27 For IELTS help http://letfl.com For IELTS help http://letfl.com Test 1 Quesfions 34- 39 Completethe flow-chartbelow ChooseNO MORE THAN TWO WORDSAND/OR A NUMBERfrom fhe passage for each answer Writeyour answersin boxes34- 39 on your answersheef Method of determiningwhere the ancestorsof turtles and tortoises come from... the famousscientist of LouisPasteur Perkin by 19 For IELTS help http://letfl.com Test 1 For IELTS help http://letfl.com Quesfions 8-13 Answer the questionsbelow ChooseNO MORE THAN TWO WORDSfrom fhe passage for each answer Writeyour answersin boxesB-13 on your answer sheef 8 BeforePerkin's discovery, what groupin society with was the colourpurple associated? 9 Whatpotential Perkin did immediately understand... 15 Forthe activity Wednesday, A B C are onlygroupbookings accepted visitors shouldbookin advance is attendance free visitors should 16 Forthe activity Saturday, on A B C c c o m ei n s u i t a b l e l o t h i n g makesurethey are ableto stayfor the wholeday beforethe eventwhat theywish to do tell the rangers 35 For IELTS help http://letfl.com Test2 For IELTS help http://letfl.com ns Quesfio 17-20 Labelthe... Characteristics organ powersource Role culture Characteristics organ of isation : 39 For IELTS help http://letfl.com Tesr2 For IELTS help http://letfl.com Advantages economies scale of successful when37 ability important is Disadvantages: slowto see when 38 needed slow to react Suitable employee: valuessecurity doesn't want 39 Task culture Characteristics organ of isation : Advantage: projectorientated... lifein extremely environments theiroriginal formwas a kindof primeval life bacteria they haveso muchin commonwith sea turtles fromsea to landmorethanonce they havemadethe transition 29 For IELTS help http://letfl.com Tesr彳 For IELTS help http://letfl.com W R I T I N GT A S K 1 Youshould spendabout20 minutes thistask on The two maps below show an island, before and after the construction of some tou rist... mapbelow Writethe correct letter, A-1, next to questions17-20 Hinchingbrooke Park East gate Westgate Refreshments 1 7 b i r dh i d e WEsT N o R T H 18 dog-walking area 19 flowergarden 20 woodedarea 蛳 36 For IELTS help http://letfl.com EAsT For IELTS help http://letfl.com sECTlON3 Listening eso s Q 〃 Ⅱ 刀 2 仁3 0 一 2亻 O Qt/es″ 门s2彳 erre巧 C f l o o s ee rc O r r e c r ∫ ^ , B 幻 orc Self-AccessGentre Centrebecause... moreclearly collection .a.n d i v i d e h e mu p d t Use of the room Speakto the teachers and orqanise 28 a for supervising centre the l n s t a la n 2 9 l personal of 30 Restrict use computers on 38 For IELTS help http://letfl.com For IELTS help http://letfl.com sECTION4 Listening 亻 Q″ esJOns3仁 o Completethe nofes below Write ONE WORD ONLYfor each answer Business Cultures Powerculture small... Step 4 Bonesof P quenstedti and P talampayensis were examinedin a similarway and the results added Outcome: The position the pointsindicated of that boththeseancientcrearures were 3 9 28 For IELTS help http://letfl.com For IELTS help http://letfl.com Reading Quesfion 40 Choosethe correctletter,A B, C or D Writethe correctletter in box 40 on your answer sheef thingabouttortoises that is According the

Ngày đăng: 23/03/2014, 09:47



