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C# 4.0 Pocket Reference THIRD EDITION C# 4.0 Pocket Reference Joseph Albahari and Ben Albahari Beijing • Cambridge • Farnham • Kưln • Sebastopol • Taipei • Tokyo subtract operator (-), 46 Sum operator, LINQ, 150 XML tag, 185 switch statement, 51–52 System.ArgumentException class, 123 System.ArgumentNullExcept ion class, 124 System.ArgumentOutOfRang eException class, 124 System.Exception class, 123 System.InvalidOperationExc eption class, 124 System.NotImplementedExc eption class, 124 System.NotSupportedExcepti on class, 124 System.ObjectDisposedExce ption class, 124 T Take operator, LINQ, 143, 148 TakeWhile operator, LINQ, 148 ternary conditional operator (?:), 27, 47 ThenBy operator, LINQ, 149 ThenByDescending operator, LINQ, 149 this keyword (calling another constructor), 61 this modifier (for extension methods), 138 this reference (referring to instance), 63 tilde (~) bitwise complement operator, 23, 46 finalizers, 68 ToArray operator, LINQ, 146, 151 ToDictionary operator, LINQ, 146, 151 ToList operator, LINQ, 146, 151 ToLookup operator, LINQ, 146, 151 ToLower method, strings, 31 ToString method, object class, 82 ToUpper method, strings, 31 Trim method, strings, 31 TrimEnd method, strings, 31 TrimStart method, strings, 31 true boolean value, 11 try statement, 117–124 type parameter variance, delegates, 106 typeof operator, 45, 80, 95 types, 10–19 anonymous types, 140 conversions between (see conversions) custom, 11–14 generic types, 92 getting, 80 instantiating, 13 members of, 12 nested, 91 numeric types, 19–25 partial types, 68–70 predefined (built-in), 10, 12, 18 primitive types, 19 Index | 203 reference types, 15, 16, 18 runtime checking of, 80 static checking of, 80 value types, 15, 18 U U suffix, numeric literals, 20 uint type, 19 ulong type, 19 unary operators, 43 unbound generic types, 95 unboxing, 79–80, 132 unchecked operator, 23, 45 #undef directive, 183 Unicode characters, escape sequences for, 28 Union operator, LINQ, 145, 149 unmanaged code, pointers and, 181 unsafe code, 177–181 unsafe keyword, 178 upcasting, 71 ushort type, 19, 24 using directive (importing namespaces), 5, 57, 59 using statement (leveraging IDisposable), 121 V value types, 15, 18 var keyword, 42 variables, 35–43 assignment, 36 default values, 37 iteration variables, capturing, 115 local variables, 4, 42 204 | Index outer variables, capturing, 114 verbatim strings, 29 vertical bar (|) bitwise or operator, 23 logical or operator, 47 || conditional or operator, 27, 47 vertical tab, escape sequence for, 28 virtual members, 73, 87 void expressions, 43 void return type, void* pointer, 181 W #warning directive, 182, 183 Where operator, LINQ, 142, 148 while loops, 52 whitespace, adding or removing, 31 X XML, for documentation comments, 184–187 Y yield break statement, 128 yield return statement, 127– 128 Z zero division by, 22 negative, 24 ... C# 4. 0 Pocket Reference THIRD EDITION C# 4. 0 Pocket Reference Joseph Albahari and Ben Albahari Beijing • Cambridge • Farnham • Köln • Sebastopol • Taipei • Tokyo subtract operator (-), 46 ... System.InvalidOperationExc eption class, 1 24 System.NotImplementedExc eption class, 1 24 System.NotSupportedExcepti on class, 1 24 System.ObjectDisposedExce ption class, 1 24 T Take operator, LINQ, 143 , 148 TakeWhile... 117–1 24 type parameter variance, delegates, 106 typeof operator, 45 , 80, 95 types, 10? ??19 anonymous types, 1 40 conversions between (see conversions) custom, 11– 14 generic types, 92 getting, 80 instantiating,

Ngày đăng: 04/12/2022, 09:31