z The disease of respiratory system is one of the most frequent reasons for hospitalization of infants and children.. z The chest wall →short and barrel-shaped barrel-shaped thorax or b
Trang 1Disease of the Respiratory
system in Children
ShangYunxiao Department of Pediatrics , The
Second Clinical Hospital , China
Medical University ,
Trang 2z The disease of respiratory system is one of
the most frequent reasons for hospitalization
of infants and children
z Basic knowledge of the development and
functions of respiratory system are essential
to understand many of these respiratory
tract diseases
Trang 31.Anatomical characteristics of
respiratory systemz
z(1) The upper airway
Trang 4z Nose cavity→relatively short and small in
z The mucous membrane(mucosa) →tender
and soft, rich in vascularity;
z Infection occurs →swelling and congestion
of the mucous membrane → nasal
obstruction →dyspnea
Trang 5paranasal sinuses
z Maxillary sinuses appear at 2yrs, develop
fully after 12yrs
z Frontal sinuses appear at 2-3yrs, enlarge at
6yrs →Paranasal sinusitis rarely occurs in infants
Trang 6z Relatively narrow and vertical, rich in
lymphoid tissue
z Palatine tonsils begin to enlarge gradually at
the end of 1 yrs →develop at 4-10 yrs
→degenerated gradually after 14-15 yrs
z Tonsillitis is often seen in elder children
than in infants
Trang 7Eustachian tube
z Broad, straight and short in infant;
z The position →horizontal;
z So when an infant catches cold, he may be
complicated with otitis media (tympanitis)
Trang 8z Narrow in infants
z The mucous membrane is rich in vascularity.
z Congested and swollen in inflammation
Trang 9(2) The low airway
z Trachea;
z bronchus;
z lungs;
Trang 10Trachea and bronchus
z The lumen of trachea and bronchus
→relatively narrow;
z Mucosa →rich in vascularity;
z Cillium movement →poor;
z So easy to get infection →develop
Trang 11z The right bronchus →direct continuation of
the trachea;
z The left bronchus spreads out from the
lateral surface of trachea;
z So foreign body →often aspirated into right
bronchus →atelectasis or emphysema of
right lung segment
Trang 13(3)Mediastinum and chest wall
z mediastinum →relatively larger in infant
than in adult
z Surrounding tissue of mediastinum →loose
and elastic
z If the pleural effusion or pneumothorax
occurs →mediastinal organs are easily
Trang 14z The chest wall →short and barrel-shaped
(barrel-shaped thorax or barrel chest)
z The position of diaphragm →high →small
chest cavity,while the lungs are relatively large, the respiratory muscles are not well developed →chest wall movement is
limited relatively and the expansion of
lungs are limited during respiration
z When the respiratory tract disease occur,
exchange of gas →insufficient
Trang 152.physiological characteristics
z (1) Frequency and rhythm of respiration
z The younger the child, the more rapid the
respiration is
z The metabolism and oxygen requirement of
infants →high, but respiratory volume is
limited →have to increase frequency of
respiration for metabolic requirement
z When the child begins to stand up and walk
→the diaphram decline gradually to the
level of 5th intercostal space
Trang 16z (2) Type of respiration
z In infant → abdominal respiration
z After the child stands up and walks →the
diaphragm moves downward →the chest cavity →increased (above 2 yrs)
→abdominal-chest respiration appears
z (3)Volume of tidal air
z 6 ml per kg when the respiration is
Trang 173.The immune characteristics
z The principal antibody in respiratory tract →
z S-IgA
z S-IgA is produced by plasma cells in the
submucosa of airway →can neutralize certain
viruses and toxins, and help the lysis of bacteria.
z The serum levels of IgA remain low during early childhood →infants and children are susceptible to infection of respiratory tract.
Trang 18z 1.Classification of pneumonia
z (1) According to pathological changes
z A: lobar pneumonia
z one or more lobes are involved.
z lobar pneumonia is often present in old
Trang 19z B: lobular pneumonia
z lobular pneumonia is the most common
pattern in infants and younger children
z So it is the focal point in our study.
z C: Interstitial pneumonia :
Trang 20z (2) According to etiologic agents
z A: virus pneumonia
z Caused by viruses such as respiratory
syncytial virus (RSV), adenovirus (ADV), cytomegalovirus (CMV), parainfluenza
virus,et al
z B: Bacterial pneumonia:
z Such as pneumococcal pneumonia,
staphylococcal aureus pneumonia,
colibacillus pneumonia
Trang 21z Severe pneumonia →heart failure,
respiratory failure, toxic encephalopathy,
toxic intestinal paralysis, DIC
Trang 22z Mycoplasma↑
z Viruses (RSV, ADV)
Trang 232.pathophysiology of bronchopneumonia
z Edema and accumulation of mucus
→bronchiolar obstruction
z Walls of alveoli →thicken
z Alveoli are filled with inflammatory
z →impairs the normal exchange of gases in the lungs
Trang 24z Diminished ventilation of the alveoli
→hypoxemia and carbon dioxide retention
→interfere normal metabolic process and normal function of the chief organs
Trang 25z flow rate is increased by increase
respiratory frequency and heart rate in order
to compensate the hypoxemia
z The respiratory failure occurs when PaO2
z <50mmHg and PaCO2 >50mmHg
Trang 26(2)acid and basic disorder
z PaO2 ↓ →O2 metabolism interruption
→acid metabolic ↑
z →metabolic acidosis
z PaCO2 ↑(retention of CO2)
z →respiratory acidosis
Trang 27(3)cardiovascular system
z PaCO2 ↑and PaO2 ↓ →reflectory
contraction of pulmonary artery
→pulmonary hypertension
z Toxemia →toxic myocarditis.
z The pulmonary hypertension and toxic
myocarditis →heart failure
Trang 28(4)Nervous system
z Retention of CO2 and hypoxemia →increase
of capillary permeability →cerebral edema
→central respiratory failure
z PaO2↓ →acid metabolic products ↑
→ATP ↓ → cerebral edema
z Toxemia →toxic encephalopathy
Trang 29(5)Digestive system
z Hypoxemia and toxemia→toxic intestinal
paralysis →hemorrhage of gastrointestinal tract
Trang 303.Clinic manifestation
z Fever
z Cough dry cough →wet cough
z Dyspnea cyanosis →face, finger nails.
z respiratory distress
z grunting, flaring of nares, retractions
z Retractions (supraclavicular, intercostal,
and subcostal areas)
z tachypnea and tachycardia
Trang 32Severe pneumonia
z A: Congestive heart failure
z B: Toxic encephalopathy
z C:Toxic intestinal paralysis
z D:Disseminated intravascular coagulation
Trang 33A: Congestive heart failure
z a Restlessness, dyspnea becomes more
severe suddenly, paleness or cyanosis
z b Heart rate >180 /min (infants); >160
/min (children); heart sounds becoms low and dull
z c Liver enlarge >2cm in a short time.
z d Edema of face and feet may be
seen.Oliguria or anuria (some patients)
Trang 34B Toxic encephalopathy
z a irritability, restless, lethargy
z b convulsion, coma, irregular respiration
and apnea (in severe case)
Trang 35C:Toxic intestinal paralysis
z a Abdominal distension
z b peristaltic sound disappear
z D:Disseminated intravascular
z Bleeding tendency: bleeding at sites of vein
puncture, or scattered petechiae over the skin, or gastric-intestinal bleeding
Trang 36z WBC may be normal when the pathogen
is bacterium if the patient is malnutrition or very severe condition
Trang 37z B Etiologic agent isolated
z from the nasopharygeal secretions
z (deep coughing, tracheal suction, or
z pleural fluid obtained at thoracentesis).
z Blood culture →bacteria pneumonia.
z Serological test →specific antibody to
Trang 39z A empyema:
z Purulent pleurisy is an accumulation of
pus in the pleural spaces
z Pathogen →staphylococci, pneumococci.
z Toxic symptom →respiratory difficulty,
limited respiratory movement, dullness to percussion, breath sounds and vocal
fremitus↓(over the effusion)
Trang 40z The radiological findings→collection of
fluid in the costaphrenic angles
z Large collection of fluid →shift of trachea
and mediastinal structure
z Thoracentesis should be performed when
empyema is suspected, and it is a good
procedure for diagnosis and treatment
Trang 41B Pyopneumothorax or tension pneumothorax
z When the small abcess around the lung
breaks, air leaks into thoracic cavity
z Symptom →severe dyspnea and cyanosis
z percussion →hyperresonance
z auscultation →breath sound↓
z X-ray→air and fluid level
z When tension pneumothorax appears, the
thoracentesis and thoracic drain are required
Trang 42z A symptoms →fever, cough and dyspnea
z B.Signs→moist rales in the lung
z C.Chest X-ray →spotted-like or patchy
shadows over the lung field
z D.Severe case → Congestive heart failure, Toxic encephalopathy,Toxic intestinal
paralysis, DIC
z E.Complications →empyema,
pyopneumothorax and pneumatocele
Trang 437.Differential diagnosis
z A Acute bronchitis:
z symptoms →mild
z breath sound →coarse,or a few
rales(sputum) at the end of inspiration and early expiration
z Chest X-ray →lung markings↑,
z no spotted or patchy shadows .
Trang 44z B Bronchial foreign body:
z history → foreign bodies aspiration
z physical signs → bronchial obstruction,
z sudden onset of cough and wheezing.
z complete obstruction → atelectasis
z incomplete obstruction → emphysema
Trang 45z C Pulmonary tuberculosis:
z Toxic symptom of TB → fever,
diminished appetite, weigh loss, irritability, malaise, easy fatigability, night sweating
z Positive tuberculin test
z history of recent contact with TB
Trang 468.The characteristics of different types of pneumonia
z A Staphylococcal aureus pneumonia:
z Pneumonia caused by Staph aureu is a
serious and rapidly progressive infection, unless recognized early and treatment
appropriately, the mortality is very high
z Pathologic changes → extensive areas of hemorrhagic necrosis
Trang 47z Clinical manifestations → abrupt onset with fever, cough and evidence of respiratory
distress The sighs include
tachypnea,grunting respiration, three
retractions, cyanosis and restless
z Convulsion and shock-like state may be
z Some infants may be associated with
vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal distention
Trang 48z Signs → diminished breath sounds and
z scattered rales are commonly
z heard over the affected lung
z Complications appear easily → lung
abscess, empyema, pyopneumothorax,pneumatocele
Trang 49z WBC increase in peripheral blood with
increased neutrophils
z X-ray fidings →small patches of shadows
z small abscess.
z Pleural effusion or empyema is noted
during the course in the most patients
z Sputum or blood culture → Staph.aureu
Trang 50z B.Adenovirus pneumonia
z It occus during the first 2 years of life,
with a peak incidence at approximate 6 months of age The illness usually occurs epidemically
z Pathologic lesion →bronchiolar
z obstruction and interstitial lesion
Trang 51z Clinical manifestations →sudden onset with
z higher fever, usually continuous for one
z week, in severe case, the fever lasts for
z 2-3weeks.
z Respiratory distress →wheezy cough,
z dyspnea, pale, restless and cyanosis.
z Sighs →fine rales may be heard a few day
z later.
Trang 52z Hypoxemia (diminished ventilation of
z Carbon dioxide retention
z Respiratory acidosis
z In severe cases →toxic encephalopathy,
z congestive heart failur
z WBC →usually normal
z X-ray →small patch or perifocal emphysema.
z Igm-ADV →positive
Trang 53z C.Respiratory syncytial virus pneumonia
z It occurs during the first 2 years of life
z with a peak incidence within 6 months of
z age.
z Symptoms and signs →expiratory
z dyspnea, prolonged expiratory time
z expiratory grunting, pallor, restlessness,
z cyanosis and moderate fever.
Trang 54z Auscultation →expiratory wheezes
z inspiratory moist rales.
z Percussion → hyperresonance sound.
z The liver seems enlarged owing to
z downward displacement of the right
z diaphragm or to congestive heart failure.
z In severe case →hypoxemia
z respiratory acidosis
z respiratory failure
z congestive heart failure
Trang 55z WBC →usually normal
z X-ray →emphysema
z increased lung marking.
z IgM-RSV →positive
Trang 56z D Mycoplasma pneumoniae
z pneumonia(MPP)
z mycoplasma(MP) can cause both upper
z and lower respiratory tract illness →
z bronchiolitis, pneumonia, bronchitis,
z tonsilitis and otitis media.
z MPP usually occurs in elder
children(5-15yeares), and in the climate of autumn and winter
Trang 57z The incubation period →1-3weeks →may have headache, malaise, cough, fever, sore throat and muscular pain, or chest pain, loss
of appetite, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea
z Auscultation →a few dry or moist rales
z breth sound ↓(pleural
Trang 58z WBC →normal or slightly high.
z Serum cold agglutination test →postive
z (highest titer at 2-4weeks)
z Specific antibody to MP (IgM-MP )
z X-ray →characterized by cloudy infiltration
z both lower lungs.The shadow sometimes
z wandering (the infiltration disappear in one
z lung and reappear in another lung) →
z lobar, lobular, interstitial changes.
Trang 60(1) General treatment
z A Keep the ventilation well, relieving
hypoxia and CO 2 retention.
z when the secretion in airway is thick
→intermittent ultrasonic inhalant therapy is recommended
Trang 61z B Oxygen therapy
z oxygen inhalation can be administrated
z with nasal cannula, the flow is
z 0.5-1L/min.
z If the hypoxia continues →Oxyhood
z may be used with a flow of 2-4L/min
z when respiratory failure occurs →
z ventilator is needed.
Trang 62z The selection of antibiotics depends on →
z the degree of illness and the kinds of
bacteria.(the best way →give the most
sensitive antibiotic to the bacteria by
medicine sensitive test)
z intramuscular antibiotics →mild cases;
z intravenous antibiotics →severe cases
Trang 63z Pneumococcal pneumonia →penicillin
z 300,000-600,000u /kg.d Bid iv.
z Staphylococcal aureus pneumonia
Trang 64z Virus pneumonia →
z Virazole,10-15mg /kg.d qd iv.
z Interferons, 20000u, qd im (injection
z intramuscularity), for 3 days.
z Chinese traditional medicine
z Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia →
z erythromycin 20-30mg /kg.d qd iv
Trang 65z The principle of discontinue antibiotics:
z The signs of lungs have disappeared for 3 days,
no fever and cough.
z Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia →
z usually 2-3weeks or longer.
z Staphylococcal aureus pneumonia →shoud be treated with a long course , the antibiotics should
be used for another 2 weeks if the signs of lungs have disappeared and no fever
Trang 67z B.Control of heart failure:
z The following cardiotonnic drug is used:
z a Strophanthin K , 0.007-0.01mg /kg, iv.
z b Cedilanid
z total digitalizing dose 0.03-0.04 mg /kg,
z half od the total dose is used initially;
z after 6 hour,1 /4 of total dose is used
z again; the final 1 /4 of total dose is used
z another 6 hour later.
z The daily maintaining dose → 1 /4 of total dose.
z The way of administation may be im or iv.
Trang 68z C Dehydration;
z Furosemide, 1mg /kg, im or iv;
z 20%Mannital 5ml /kg, q12h iv (used in
toxic encephalopathy)
Trang 70(5)Supportive treatment
z A Inhale clean air;
z B good and enough nutrition;
z C.Elevate resistance of the body
z ( Ig, plasma or blood )
Trang 71Tuberculosis in children
z Tuberculosis (TB) is a chronic infectious
disease caused by tubercle bacillus
z Primary TB is the chief type in children.
z Many cases of TB continue to occur in our
country, so TB remains an important
clinical problem in China
Trang 73z Infants and children are most frequently
infected by adult, usually close relative such
as the members of the household
z The mode of infection consists of three
Trang 74(1)From respiratory tract:
z Inhale the droplets of sputum, expelled by
the infectious individual during his