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(TIỂU LUẬN) human resource management recruitment and selection analyze influencing factors and make decisions to increase or decrease employees

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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT 21C1MAN50204802 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Recruitment and selection STUDENT NAME: Nguyễn Thị Yến Linh STUDENT ID: 31191021290 HO CHI MINH CITY, 2021 Table of Contents I- Introduction Introduction .3 The importance of the topic / reason for choosing the topic 3.Work purpose II - Analyze influencing factors and make decisions to increase or decrease employees .4 Analyze the factors affecting human resources .4 1.1 Elements of the organization 1.2 Environmental factors Staff evaluation Analysis of human supply and demand and the ability to adjust 3.1 Analysis of actual resources .7 3.2 Analysis of future resources .8 3.3 Comparing actual and future resource differences .8 3.4 Make decisions about personnel needs III - Recruitment process Planning Recruitment Strategy development Search .9 Screening Evaluation and Control 10 IV - Selection Process 10 1.Short-term recruitment plan 10 1.1 Identify recruitment needs .10 1.2.Recruitment method 11 1.2.1 Direct Recruitment 1.2.2 Indirect recruitment 1.2.3 Recruited through another unit/business 1.2.4 Recruitment sites 1.2.5 Behavioral Interview 1.3.Post recruitment and collect records .12 1.4.Organizing the examination 12 1.5.Grading and input 15 1.6.Interview 15 1.7.Take on new employees and try .16 2.Long-term goals: .16 3.Implementation and evaluation 17 IV - Redundancy methods 17 1.Talent-seeking cooperation: 17 Use multiple media to promote recruitment: 18 Cooperation and investment in future human resources: .18 V - Conclusion 19 I- Introduction FPT has the full name FPT Joint Stock Company (FPT stands for "Food Processing Technology") is an information technology service company, the brand is no stranger to the vast majority of Vietnamese people FPT operates in three main areas: technology, telecommunications and education FPT owns telecommunications infrastructure covering 59 out of 63 provinces and cities in Vietnam and is constantly expanding its operations in the global market Currently, the company has 46 offices in 22 countries and territories outside Vietnam During its operation, FPT has always strived with the highest goal of bringing satisfaction to customers With more than 30 years of operation and development, the company has achieved many outstanding achievements FPT always strives with the highest goal of bringing satisfaction to customers through the most optimal technology services, products and solutions At the same time, FPT is constantly researching and pioneering new technology trends that contribute to affirming Vietnam's position in the 4th industrial revolution - the Digital Revolution Currently, FPT is oriented far in the Vietnamese and international markets, so it is necessary to orient the most optimal personnel plan, propose many new HR policies, based on the concerns and insights of leaders with Generation Z – the breakthrough generation The organization's strategic objectives for the next year are to expand the market internationally, improving the view of customers with FPT HR will support the implementation of these goals by planning to recruit talented professionals at department levels Currently, FPT is considered as a group with many talented people proud to be the group with a large concentration of the best informatics officers in Vietnam It is the most valuable asset and the foundation for all FPT’s success FPT Group has more than 13,000 employees working in 36 provinces and cities in the country and 10 countries in the world, such as Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, France, Australia, USA, Laos, Cambodia, demonstrating FPT's globality In order to recruit a large team, including many talented people and work in many provinces and countries, in addition to the influence of the FPT brand as well as good personnel policies, recruitment has played a particularly important role to gather this team That is the combination of many activities in FPT's recruitment process However, in the recent time according to the survey of the situation at FPT, it is known that human resources in talent are still a problem that many leaders have to wonder about, especially when the country is integrating, is having to grow every day, every hour Although more than 300,000 graduates annually contribute to solving human resources for businesses, in fact, our human resources are still lacking and weak, some are not used properly in training, so they have not yet developed capacity Others have not adapted to the working environment, professional style, modernity and many other inadequacies The number of new employees applying to FPT will account for a lot, so the administrative department needs to recruit more talented recruits to meet the application needs of students and employees Talent Acquisition Executive helps FPT to lead and lay the foundation for the search, recruitment, assessment, training, and education of talents for certain positions in the FPT organization in a "longterm" plan "long term" from the present to the future to meet high-quality human resources for the enterprise Create a sustainable group of candidates, handle unexpected situations, difficult cases to shorten the time, ensure progress and reduce costly costs for the company.Recruitment is understood as a process of finding and acquiring job applicants, the recruitment and selection process begins with the recruitment of a candidate and ends with the selection of a candidate to be hired, as the company has can expect In short, this is also the reason why I chose to write this article to implement the recruitment plan of Talent Acquisition Executive for FPT company in order to attract more talents to increase operational efficiency for the company II - Analyze influencing factors and make decisions to increase or decrease employees Analyze the factors affecting human resources - - - - - - 1.1 Elements of the organization The more prestigious organizations will be appreciated by candidates, the more likely they are to attract talent because the general mentality of job applicants is to find a good, stable job Reputable organizations in the market will be able to provide jobs that meet the wishes of employees, so workers often focus on applying for jobs to reputable organizations On the contrary, organizations that are underrated by candidates often have few candidates and the ability to attract good candidates is not great Financial capacity of the company: The financial capacity of the company affects the costs that the company intends to pay for recruitment activities Companies with strong financial potential are willing to invest a lot of money to set up the recruitment process to achieve the highest efficiency of the organization to attract more candidates Not only that, organizations with financial potential will be able to pay high and stable salaries The employee's salary and the level of contribution to the company are related, because high salary is a good incentive for excellent employees to apply for vacant positions in the organization, and vice versa Advertising: not only a form of promotion of products, goods and services, the field of business activities but also builds the image and reputation of the organization in the market Nowadays, many organizations invest a large amount of money for advertising thanks to which everyone knows the organization, which is also a way for the organization to attract many candidates Human resources policy, corporate culture atmosphere, relationships:Companies with good policies, attractive and fair human resource policies along with good salaries will attract more workers and retain qualified people in their organizations In contrast, organizations that pursue promotion and internal promotion policies limit the number of candidates for positions, especially important positions, so it is often difficult for them to find the most suitable candidate for the position there The cultural atmosphere of the organization also has a great impact on recruitment because the organizational culture is the spiritual dish, the glue of solidarity, is the pride for each officer, employee in the organization A dynamic, united, youthful, creatively stimulating atmosphere, the management level will recruit many talents Employers must be highly specialized, knowledgeable about recruitment, able to create a comfortable atmosphere for candidates to show their full potential From there, employers make the right decisions, in recruitment activities must be conducted publicly and equally with all candidates must be fair to ensure the recruitment of people who are truly competent, suitable for the job On the contrary, unfair employers will recruit workers who depend on their own relationships, recruit workers who are not fit for the job, fail to meet the organization's selection standards, and reduce the effectiveness of hiring 1.2 Environmental factors Labor market: The company needs to consider the supply and demand relationship of the type of labor used by the company When the labor supply exceeds the labor demand, it will lead to a labor surplus Generally, the higher the unemployment rate, the more candidates are supplied, and the easier it is for port organizations to recruit employees There will be many applicants for - - - - the same job, and the administrator will have the opportunity to choose the most suitable candidate for the job In Vietnam, the population is growing rapidly, and the labor force that needs to work is increasing every year This is an advantage for recruiters On the contrary, if the labor supply is less than the labor demand, recruitment will be difficult Managers need to seize recruitment opportunities to ensure that the selected candidates still meet the established requirements and are not "handled" by competitors Organizational competition in the market: In a market economy, organizations not only compete on products, goods and services but also on the quantity and quality of human resources Human resources are the most valuable asset that an organization must retain, maintain, and develop The organization must have a reasonable human resource policy and a good salary to attract and retain talents A fiercely competitive market environment Any organization with strength in the competition will attract more talents On the contrary, if the salary policy is not good, the organization is easy to lose talents, but it is not easy to recruit similar people, and it takes time and money Government Law: China's labor law has been promulgated and implemented since January 1995 This law has a great influence on human resource recruitment activities Organizations need to abide by the law when recruiting and contracting labor Economic conditions: Economic conditions have a great influence on recruitment activities During the economic downturn, unstable factors tend to decline, and the company rewards the appropriate scale On the one hand, it still needs to maintain a skilled labor force On the other hand, it must cut labor costs by not hiring more workers, reducing working hours, giving employees temporary leave or layoffs, etc., leading to an increase in the unemployment rate Technology: With the continuous development of technology today, to be sufficiently competitive in the market, Vietnamese companies must improve technology and equipment This change has led to organizations needing excellent candidates who can adapt to the modern working environment Changes in technology also mean that fewer labors are required and still produce a larger number of equivalent products This means that administrators must redeploy labor and rearrange excess labor Staff evaluation Human quality: The quality of labor is analyzed and evaluated based on two factors: current productivity and future development potential After being evaluated and analyzed, the team will be divided into groups as follows: group of potential personnel and group of professional personnel   The group of potential personnel will be involved in more knowledge and skills activities to be able to take on higher responsibilities Professional personnel are often not promoted much because they cannot meet the requirements of higher ranks However, the salary of the professional staff may still increase, but the influence role should remain the same Therefore, the company should consider keeping or firing to avoid reducing the productivity of the work or wasting the organization's resources The current labor quality of the enterprise is very well evaluated based on the productivity of current workers and the development potential of workers in the future The input worker has good experience and professional competence, skills proficient in good work Being hierarchically clearly forms an airconditioned ecosystem People with good behavioral abilities will be promoted to higher positions and weigh their salaries in the business Workers always have clear time consistency, good communication skills, honest creativity, ability to get along with colleagues and good relationships with customers Number of personnel: The number of employees in the business always meets the goals set by the business The company always has a method to predict the personnel development of the business, from which there is a plan to arrange and arrange personnel appropriately to limit the risk of personnel in the business Analysis of human supply and demand and the ability to adjust 3.1 Analysis of actual resources On the basis of assessing the quality and quantity of human resources as above, the human resources department found that: _ The company has also surveyed talent scouts and developers about their job satisfaction and other factors related to their loyalty to the company and the results are extremely positive This shows that they feel a lot of love for the company and have little desire to leave _ In addition, the company has set goals for leaders at all levels to limit the rate of employee lay-offs At the same time create favorable conditions and help employees in their work From there, make them feel valued and want to continue to contribute to the company more _ Professional work attracts talent selection is a very good job that should always be of interest to employees in some other departments involved So in the future they can apply to be rotated through if this position is underedated although this number of employees is not much _ The consideration of the supply of the company's current employees is also based on the company's resources on the company's ability to meet the demand for salary, bonuses, working regimes of the company The company recognizes that it is currently responding well to these things for employees, so it is always confident that employees will not leave the company for these reasons However, there are many young people in this place right now They are quite active, enthusiastic at work and always looking for innovations Therefore, in the future they may not continue to work in their current position but may move to work elsewhere or move to other departments thereby reducing the number of personnel in their current positions - In the course of the job, the company may also consider those who are qualified for higher positions, which in which will reduce a small number of employees in the current position Some employees who work in this position feel that they are no longer suitable, they may quit in the future By using statistical tools on the supply of employees in the position of specialist in attracting personnel combined with the judgment of HR people, we come to the conclusion that the supply for the position of talent attracter of the company will decrease in the future but this number is not much 3.2 Analysis of future resources Based on external factors that affect the demand for the position of a selectors to attract talents of the company such as: economic factors, political factors, law, technical and technological factors, competition of competitors We recognize that in the current economic context, there is a constant increase of information technology and engineering industries In the context of our country, the country has a stable political economy Therefore, the political and legal factors are very stable and will also change in favor of the business.To be able to so, the company needs to have a strong staff in terms of qualifications and skills In order to help the company achieve that, the first thing is to have a team of selecting professionals, attracting full talent in both quality and quantity to help the company build and recruit the best personnel Therefore, the HR department forecasts that the demand for talent-attracting selecting staff positions will increase much in the future 3.3 Comparing actual and future resource differences Based on the above forecast results on the supply and demand of human resources for the position of specialist to attract future personnel of the company The human resources department found that the company's staff supply to this department will decrease and the demand for personnel increases much Therefore, in the future, it is highly likely that the company will be short of personnel for the position of talent recruiter In addition, the job of attracting and selecting talent in the future requires candidates to meet higher level requirements, skills must also be better such as better communication ability, ability to find and recruit employees as well as better relationships, 3.4 Make decisions about personnel needs Based on analysis of the difference between actual resources and future needs, hr found that in the future, talent scouting positions will be under-staffed In addition, the human resources department in the future must have a more active task, taking on more important jobs, so there are more requirements for qualifications and skills ➔ Therefore, hr needs to promptly set goals and development plans to get a team of recruits to attract enough talent in quantity and meet enough quality.= > The company's resources are in short supply, so it needs to recruit more employees III - Recruitment process Planning Recruitment The first stage in the Recruitment Process is planning Planning involves converting potential job positions and information about the nature of these jobs into a set of objectives that define the number and types of candidates to be recruited plan Strategy development     Employee selection or acquisition Technological sophistication of recruitment and selection devices Geographical distribution of the labor market including job seekers Recruitment resources Source inside External Source Search   Source Activation: Source Activation occurs when the organization has a vacancy If the organization has well planned and done a good job developing its source and search methods, the activation will soon lead to a large number of applications Sell: In selling, both the Message and the Media are worthy of consideration within the organization The message refers to the recruitment advertisement Media refers to the source of any recruitment message Example: Job Exchange, Advertisers in Business magazine 4 Screening The purpose of screening is to remove from the recruitment process at an early stage those candidates who are not qualified for the job Effective screening can save a lot of time and money Care must be taken to ensure that potential good employees are not lost Evaluation and Control It is necessary because of significant costs incurred in the recruitment process Factual information needs to be collected and evaluated to know the relevance of the recruitment process Choice Selection is considered the most important function of the human resources department It assures the organization that; it has the right amount, the right kind of people in the right place and at the right time Meaning and Definition: "It's the process of discriminating between applicants to identify (and hire) those with a higher chance of success." IV - Selection Process Having a team of personnel that has enough staff and can meet the attractive workload, talent selection will increase in the future At the same time, meet the requirements as set out in the plan Do not require candidates for the position of selectors to attract talent with too high qualifications as well as skills Strategic plan in the short term  Recruit to meet the needs of personnel  Consider to come up with a hiring plan that is in line with the current company situation and existing costs  Do short-term training courses to improve the quality of employees if their input is not good  It is possible to consider students who are about to or have just graduated from college so that they can attract multiple candidates without meeting high salaries, bonuses, and benefits  If in the near future, the recruitment work becomes more, it may be possible to ask other departments for support or outsourcing  There are many relationships with many universities to be able to recruit many employees 1.Short-term recruitment plan 1.1 Identify recruitment needs - The subject is a university student in the area The number of recruits for specialized positions is 10 men and women graduating from college or higher - Outline information about the position to be hired: the job required, the job describes the version, - Estimated cost for the recruitment is: 100,000,000 VND - FPT's online recruitment channels, arranging a schedule to take steps in the recruitment process such as receiving applications, interviews, training, taking jobs 1.2.Recruitment method 1.2.1 Direct Recruitment - FPT will select candidates directly from the training place including university students, colleges, professional intermediates, vocational schools, We must build a connection with candidates who are looking for work through learning the majors that are trained and affiliated with the university so that we can quickly get the right candidate for the profession as soon as the company needs it and the students are qualified to work - To be more effective, employers can contact faculty directly and sift through the information of students with outstanding achievements to recruit In addition, recruit through seminars, create in-person recruitment sessions at the school, in-person interviews and recruitment - Organizing the company's recruitment festival at the school and using mobile offices to be able to contact job seekers directly this is a method that requires high professional competence and regular recruitment 1.2.2 Indirect recruitment - Through advertisements in newspapers, radio, TV or professional magazines, recruitment websites, helps to expand information to candidates to a greater extent than adjacent recruitment, but also helps the company to manage more of the company's information However, the risk is that it will not guarantee all the expertise and work experience of the applicant 1.2.3 Recruited through another unit/business - Recruiting personnel through private recruitment companies, HR management consulting, 1.2.4 Recruitment sites: - The simplest and most economical method to reach those who are looking for a job, in Vietnam, these popular websites can be mentioned as Vietnamworks, CareerBuilder, Ybox, 24-hour jobs 1.2.5 Behavioral Interview - Job candidates often ask the difference between a regular job interview and a behavioral interview.This is an interview based on exploring how the intervieweer acts in specific employment-related situations Logic is how you behaved in the past that will predict how you will behave in the future, i.e., past behavior predicts future performance - In a traditional interview, you'll be asked a series of questions that often have candid answers like "What are your strengths and weaknesses?" or "How you handle a challenge?" or "Describe a typical work week." - In a behavioral interview, employers have decided what skills are needed in the person they hire and will ask questions to find out if the candidate has those skills Instead of asking how you're going to behave, they'll ask how you've behaved 1.3.Post recruitment and collect records - It is necessary to prepare a detailed recruitment notice on the requirements of the company, the benefits the candidate is entitled to and posted to the mass media FPT Telecom also has its own social networking channels such as Facebook, Youtube, Tik Tok, Workplace It's like a recruitment media - When a job position is announced, there will be many applications submitted However, not all resumes are suitable for job requirements, so employers must select resumes The selection of applications includes a pre-qualification interview, which will select the right candidate for the position and then schedule interviews with the selected person Saving a lot of their time in the recruitment process is something that managers always want - Contact: by email or phone, ask the candidate for more essential information before you really want to interview them This is also to confirm that they are really interested in the job 1.4.Organizing the examination Basic tests: Tests that can help you find candidates with the skills, competencies, and values that best suit your requirements There are two common types of interview questions: Behavioral questions: These types of questions help predict future behaviors based on asking about past candidates' behavior They can help employers assess a candidate's confidence, creativity, and problemsolving skills Questions about problem solving  What they want to know: Questions asked to explore the analytical thinking the candidate uses to solve the given problem  The detailed explanation focuses on the steps the candidate has taken in the past to solve problems in the assigned job and examines the skills of answering interview questions to solve the problem Give an example of a case when you used logic to solve a problem  When handling a challenge at work, how will you it?  Have you made a risky decision in your assignment? Why? How can you manage at a safe level?  Tell me about a goal you achieved and tell me how you achieved it? Give a specific example  What goals have you set but haven't achieved yet? Why?  How you work on many FPT projects?  Give examples of how you set goals and achieve them while working at FPT Questions about teamwork  This is the type of question that will help recruiters identify people who have the ability to cooperate and coordinate in an organization  What you when you have to work with someone whose personality is different from yours?  Have you ever faced a major conflict in your team and how did you resolve it?  Tell about an experience when you had to work closely with someone whose personality was very different from yours  How you resolve conflicts when working in groups?  You or a colleague must have made a mistake that affected the whole team Tell me about how your teammate overcame that mistake?  Talk about how you can motivate and motivate your employees or colleagues when working in groups  What will you if the project you propose does not agree with your boss? Questions about stress  What they want to know: questions about how you handle stress are a good clue about the work environment because through questions managers will learn how you manage your time and cope with pressure like before at work  Tell me about a stressful situation at work and how did you handle it?  How you deal when your work schedule is interrupted?  Do you have a method to organize your work in a scientific way; and still meet all of his top priorities?  In a long-term project, how you make sure everything goes well?  Tell me about a time when you set a goal for yourself without consulting a manager How you ensure that you will meet your own goals?  Have you ever missed a deadline? How you arrange to overcome that late deadline while still ensuring the remaining work goals? Questions about self-knowledge  What they want to know: These questions are sometimes the ones that trick candidates into finding what the employer needs  Employers care about how you see your strengths and weaknesses and how you correct mistakes you or others have made in the past  Have you ever been unemployed?  What mistakes have you made while working? How can you fix it?  How long is your decision-making time?  Tell about a time when you successfully persuaded someone to accept your point of view at work  When having to explain matters of their expertise to other departments; How you make people understand your point of view?  Give an example of a case when you had to explain something rather complicated to an unhappy customer How you handle this delicate situation?  When was your successful presentation? Why you feel proud of that? Situational questions These types of questions are usually putting the candidate in a hypothetical situation they may encounter at work and asking to address it This method helps you assess the candidate's knowledge, skills and working methods Preliminary Interview: Once you have received and selected the resumes, the next step is to schedule interviews for the selected resumes This round of interviews will help employers determine for sure what information is on the candidate's resume, in addition to being a way to continue to eliminate candidates with no experience as on the resume FPTJobs, candidates can apply, take online exams => Since then, FPT Telecom has saved nearly 50% of its time on data entry, interview arrangements and input screening 1.5.Grading and input This test assesses the actual competence of the candidate in the profession, through the test of IQ, logic, foreign language proficiency test and professional test of the candidate => This test will help employers continue to eliminate unsatisfactory candidates to go to the next round.Job requirements - Graduate in subjects related to People, Psychology, Human Resources or related disciplines - Have year of experience working as a headhunter or recruitment specialist of businesses Note the location in the profile for similar locations - Master the channels of candidate search Having good networking is an advantage - Proactively communicate and reach candidates via email, SMS, 1-1 Personal Meeting, Social Media channels - Proficient use of headhunter vocational support tools in storing, managing and arranging candidate profiles, evaluating and tracking candidates' competence - Assertive - Good coverage 1.6.Interview In-person interviews, online interviews with machines, or online with employers This round of interviews is aimed at evaluating candidates in many aspects, qualifications and ability to take on the job In addition, employers also weigh up questions to exploit more information about personal personality and personal qualities that are suitable for the business In this round of interviews, candidates selected for the employer trial also need to mention the issue of salary, the company's regime so that the candidate is known and decide whether to work with the company or not 1.7.Take on new employees and try After completing recruitment, students will directly participate in fpt telecom's key projects in the form of paid apprentices The most attractive thing is that young people will be able to participate in the model of teacher-disciple training Teachers are unit leaders or level or older professionals These are the people who will be closest to students, guiding and tutoring students to adapt well to the working environment and can become official employees of the company later 2.Long-term goals: - - - FPT hopes that in the future, there will be a team of selecting experts to attract strong talents leading the country FPT wants to prove to the labor market that the position of selecting specialist attracts talents of the company is to have good skills knowledge From there, it is possible to attract the best candidates who can recruit, attracting other talents to all departments of the company FPT's goal at that time was no longer enough in terms of the number of employees recruiting talent but also those that brought high value, selected and attracted many good candidates for the company The team of talent recruiters will select the top talents of the country and internationally Long-term plans  Set higher goals and increase requirements for professionals who recruit and attract talent  Find ways to retain the selectors who attract the best talent for the business through salary, bonus, benefits  Focus on training and developing employees while also trying to recruit even more talented candidates  Continue to recruit but with more difficult criteria, and consider and consider employees in the business to know if they are really suitable for the job It is possible to quit or move to another department for those who are not suitable  Focus on recruiting experienced employees in the HR department or selectors, attracting talent from other companies  Focus on relationships with prestigious universities, trying to recruit better candidates than having multiple relationships with multiple universities to be able to recruit more staff 3.Implementation and evaluation After planning the operations and being approved, the HUMAN RESOURCES department will proceed as planned Plans and activities need to be implemented and implemented carefully, and some individuals will need to be held accountable if mistakes or goals are not achieved During the implementation process it is necessary to constantly evaluate the working process as well as the results obtained to recognize the errors and correct them Assessments and analyses often have quantitative flaws between the plan and implementation, so the goal of this content is to manage the risk of such deviations More specifically, hr needs to estimate the errors between the plan and implementation, predict the cause of them and propose measures to overcome and improve IV - Redundancy methods 1.Talent-seeking cooperation: - Work with internal stakeholders to make adjustments based on talent needs and expectations (progress, quantity, capacity and culture) - Proactively create talent pipelines to meet current and future - Understand the business challenges in e-commerce and the challenges that the company is addressing and work alongside business leaders on basic talent topics, i.e acquisition, integration, user retention, etc - As an ambassador for talent to work with external partners (executive search companies, talent markets ) to market and help position Onpoint as a priority employer in the Vietnamese labor market - Personnel are selected through two methods: recruiting elite graduates at FPT University and recruiting external talent - With students from FPT University who have been well trained to become industrial engineers, study and intern at external enterprises contributing to improving experience and skills, soon access to the most advanced technology equipment Educated in ethics, philosophy of life, comprehensive development - For personnel selected from the outside must go through rigorous and thorough selection rounds to avoid missing talents and well-qualified personnel Hr needs to have skills such as communication skills, teamwork, independent thinking, creativity, problem solving, This is accompanied by practical experiences that the person has had before Both methods select the elite personnel for the company, experienced and skilled in solving practical work, trained in technical technology Having a good foreign language proficiency will make it more convenient at work in addition to helping to apply advanced technologies from abroad In addition, in order for personnel to be good, management also needs to make efforts to improve themselves better as an example for employees There is additional training to improve the technical level for employees while facilitating employees to develop their skills and learn from those with more experience Use multiple media to promote recruitment: - Whenever you need to recruit people, LPT often communicates its needs widely In order to widely promote its recruitment work, FPT has used many different recruitment channels, namely: Participating in job fairs Organizing recruitment at universities where training specialties that the company rewards recruitment, It can meet the company's human resources needs The schools are often selected as: HN University of Science and Technology, Foreign Trade University GOI National Economy, University of Nature, Institute of Post and Telecommunications University of Foreign Languages Posting recruitment information on the company's website posted recruitment information in some newspapers and job websites: FPT considers recruitment as also a promotion activity for the brand, maintaining the company's image in the public so the recruitment information is often presented attractively, Polished In particular, the information provides adequate air about the requirements of the vacancy as well as a preliminary description of the job This makes candidates understand the job, self-consider their competence before applying It is also a good profile filter, does not take the time of the recruitment officer when the right line does not like the job However, in order to avoid limiting the source of candidates, the information required by the vacancy is often expanded beyond reality For example, for programmer positions, fpt usually only recruits universities But in recruitment information, it is still only required to graduate from a university or vocational training centers to expand the audience to students who may not study excellently but have good practice Thanks to the wide promotion of recruitment information, along with FPT's strong brand, FPT's recruitment sessions always attract a large number of candidates to participate Cooperation and investment in future human resources: - In order to have a large source of candidates for recruitment FPT has carried out cooperation activities and investment for future human resources as follows: Cooperation with universities (University of Science, University of Natural Sciences, DH Economics ), academies (Academy of Post and Telecommunications) high-quality vocational training centers (International Programmer Center ) To "drop" qualified students To cooperate with professional recruitment companies: For many positions that need to invest a lot in recruitment, FPT has cooperated with recruitment companies to promote information as well as hire a number of positions Investing in future human resources: FPT understands that, in order to improve competitiveness, there are many companies in Vietnam that are also having big investment policies for people to attract good people right from the school chair Therefore, FPT's recruitment work has targeted this audience Having attracted good students, FPT has established a Young Talent Center to bring together students who have achieved achievements in national and international entrance exams in information technology, mathematics To create an environment for them to live and study This not only encourages talent to develop better, but many talents who understand FPT will choose FPT as a place to develop their careers Besides, FPT has internship programs for students of some schools Through the examination, the students are gathered together, assigned jobs and pharmacy managers, experts help to quickly access the actual work, directly participate in the production and business activities of the business to create products as well as improve their professional profession Since then, it is easy for them to choose FPT as the starting point of their career In addition, in order to be able to take the initiative in human resources for the future, FPT has invested in opening the International Programmer Training Center and FPT University The university is both for business and providing human resources input for FPT, so it is only practice V - Conclusion FPT is a technology-driven company known for excellence in today's software industry The Company adheres to reasonable and effective recruitment and selection policies and procedures The company can apply the Psychometric test as one of the recruitment tests to understand the candidate in a better way And knowing the candidate has emotional intelligence, team cohesion and leadership qualities, etc Thus, the company has the scope to increase the number of active employees to continue to establish and expand the business as well as earn revenue get the best human resources in this competitive environment ... company II - Analyze influencing factors and make decisions to increase or decrease employees Analyze the factors affecting human resources - - - - - - 1.1 Elements of the organization The more prestigious... The importance of the topic / reason for choosing the topic 3.Work purpose II - Analyze influencing factors and make decisions to increase or decrease employees .4 Analyze. .. economic factors, political factors, law, technical and technological factors, competition of competitors We recognize that in the current economic context, there is a constant increase of information

Ngày đăng: 02/12/2022, 18:32


