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Document GRADE 10 – UNIT TWELVE – MUSIC – TEST 01 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questi[.]

GRADE 10 – UNIT TWELVE – MUSIC – TEST 01 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions A gas B grass C mess D has A sit B easy C resign D busy A princess B hiss C mess D princes A success B chairs C set D sat A ease B please C fuss D exercise Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions A communicate B emotion C combine D language A popu lar B music C express D animal A maintain B people C feeling D peaceful A favourite B traditional C reason D listen 10 A.radio B picture C happy D prefer Mark the letterA, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions 11 The school boys are in a hurry .be late for school A so as to B in order not to C in order that D for 12 He lighted the candle read the note A as long as B because C to D so tthat 13 He had to explain the lesson very clearly A in order that his students to understand it B so that his students could understand it C as his students to understand it D so that his students to understand it 14 We set off early avoid getting stuck in the traffic A although we B so that C because we D so as to 15 You may put your money in a small coin bank A so that to keep it safe B so as notto keep it safe C in order to keep it safe D not to keep it safe 16 They were talking in whispers nobody could hear them A in order to B so that C in order that D B and C are correc t 17 Mary put on her scarf get cold A in order that will not B so as to not C so as not to D in order to not 18 We stopped at a square .have a rest A so as B in order that C in order to D in order 19 My parents got up very early morning .pack the car for our journey A so that B in order that C to D so as 20 He studied very hard A in order to fail the examination B so as to pass the examination TQT C so that to get knowledge D in order that he could be illiterate 21 My mother needs a tin opener this bottle A to open B in order to open C so as to open D All are correct 22 Be as clear as possible .any misunderstanding A in order to make B so as to make C in order not to make D in order that 23 “I spoke slowly The foreigner could understand me.” means…… A I spoke slowly so the foreigner could understand me B I spoke slowly in order to the foreigner could understand me C I spoke slowly that the foreigner could understand me D I spoke slowly for the foreigner to understand me 24 We have to start early we won't be late A so that B so as to C because D although 25 They went to the seaside .being disturbed by the noise of the city A in order to avoid B so that avoid C to avoid D A and C are correct 26 The children .better leave now, it's getting late A should B had C would D ought 27 It's a good idea to see your doctor regularly for A a revision B a control C an investigation D a check-up 28 lost loo much money betting at the races last time, so you won't .me to go again A convince B impress C persuade D urge 29 from Bill, all the students said they would go A Except B Only C Apart D Separate 30 goes the bus; now we will have to walk! A On time B At once C There D Early 31 When he retired from his job the director .him with a clock A offered B pleased C satisfied D presented 32 It is usually better not to things, in case they are not returned A lend B offer C borrow D lose 33 Let's go for a long walk, .we? A will B C shall D must 34 My doctor .me to take up swimming as it is such good exercise A suggested B proposed C advised D said 5.1 disapprove people smoking in public places A of B with C at D on 36 Please leave this soace .on the enrolment form A absent B blank C missing D undone 37 I often miss the bus because my watch is A overdue B late C slow D behind 38 Hurry up! They've only got .seats left EXTRA COURSE - GRADE 10 UNIT TWELVE TEST No 1A A a little B a few C a lot of D plenty of 39 This sort of music was very in the 1940s A preferred B liked C favourite D popular 40 They'll never .to get here by six - the roads are quite busy today A manage B arrive C succeed D able Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions The trumpet player Louis Armstrong, or Sachem, as he was usually called, was among the first jazz musicians to achieve international fame He is known for the beautiful, clear tone of his trumpet-playing and for his singing voice Armstrong was born into a poor family in New Orleans He first learned to play the cornet at the age of 13, taking lessons while living in a children's home As a teenager, he played in a number of local jazz bands in New Orleans In 1922, Armstrong moved to Chicago to play in Joe "King" Olive's band Two years later, he joined Fletcher Henderson's band Then, from 1925 to 1928, Armstrong made a series of records with groups called the Hot Five, the Hot Seven, and the Savoy Ballroom Five These records rank among the greatest recordings in the history of jazz Armstrong led a big band during the 1930s and 1940s, but in 1947 returned to play with small jazz groups He performed all over the world and made a number of hit records, such as Hello, Dolly and Mack the Knife Armstrong also appeared in a number of movies, first in New Orleans in 1947, High Society in 1956 and Hello Dolly in 1969 41 What was Armstrong's nickname? A Louis B Sachem C Hot Five D King Oliver 42 Which of the following best describes Armstrong? A He was a poor musician B He was an internationally-known jazz musician C He was a famous actor D He played the trumpet 43 In what city was Joe "King"Olive's band based? A In New Orleans B In Savoy C In Chicago D In Armstrong's birth place 44 Which of the following is not a movie? A New Orleans B High Society C Hello, Dolly D Mack the Knife 15 What was the first movie Armstrong appeared in? A High Society B Mack the Knife C New Orleans D Hello, Dolly Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks John Lennon was born in Liverpool in 1940 He was always keen on music ami played in pop groups (46) .school and Art College John got married (47) .Cynthia in 1962 and they had a son, (48) name was Julian At that (49) John was a member of a group (50) ."the Beatles." Many beautiful songs were written by John and wherever the group went, crowds of fans gathered to see them They (51) scream TQT and faint when "the Beatles" played, and lots of people (52) their hair cut in a Beatles style Soon, everyone had heard of "the Beatles" and John was much richer than he had ever (53) Having achieved world-wide success, John started to makerecords (54) .his own after 1968 and it was in the same year (55) his marriage to Cynthia (56) .to an end He had met Yoko Ono, a Japanese artist, whom he married the following year John lost weight and grew his hair long, as can be s'een on the covers of the records that he made with Yoko They (57) up home in the United States and had a son called Sean Many people consider John Lennon to be the most talented of all "the Beatles." He sang about peace and love and so when he was murdered (58) .one of his fans, outside his New York apartment, the (59) .world was shocked More than 50,000 fans turned (60) to a special ceremony in his memory He was only forty when he died 46 A in B of C on D at 47 A to B with C into D onto 48 A whose B his C whom D with 49 A period B time C stage D step 50 A named B known C called D considered 51.A used B would C usually D use to 52 A have B wanted C.asked D had 53 A expected B was C want D imagine 54 A by B on C with D in 55 A which B that C while D then 56 A come B go C went D came 57.A set B make C put D wake 58 A because B by C with D also 59 A all B most C whole D.every 60 A up B on C.into D at Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions 61 Henry (A) regretted (B) bought (C) the (D) second-hand car 62 Amanda (A) final (B) managed (C) to get (D) a good job 63 They (A) have sold that (B) old house (C) in (D) the end of the road 64 (A) "Don't bite (B) my nails," (C) said Mrs Rogers (D) to her son 65 Charles (A) lives (B) quitely (C) near his (D) aunt's house 66 (A) That's (B) the last time I (C) was going (D) to that restaurant! 67 (A) It was (B) so a dirty beach that we (C) decided (D) not to stay 68 (A) It isn't (B) necessary (C) to finishing (D) the work today 69 I (A) don't (B) really want (C) having lunch (D) yet 70 (A) Sebastian's career (B) as a television presenter (C) began for five years (D) ago 71 "Don't (A) leave the house (B) until I (C) got back, William," his mother (D) said 72 (A) I'd rather not (B) to (C) see him (D) tomorrow 73 (A) Alice's (B) strange (C) ideas (D) to astonish everybody 74 It was (A) careless (B) of you (C) to leave the windows (D) opened last night EXTRA COURSE - GRADE 10 UNIT TWELVE TEST No 1A 75 You (A) will catch (B) a cold if you (C) don't keep your feet (D) to dry 76 It (A) looks (B) like (C) raining (D) to me 77 (A) This is the (B) more (C) delicious cake I have (D) ever tasted 78 The people (A) who were there (B) didn't notice (C) nothing (D) unusual 79 She (A) has left (B) university (C) two years (D) ago 80 The gate (A) is close (B) to stop the children (C) running (D) into the road The End ANSWER KEY D 11 B 21 A 31 D 41 B 51 B 61 B 71 C A 12 C 22 C 32 A 42 B 52 D 62 A 72 B D 13 B 23 D 33 C 43 C 53 A 63 C 73 D B 14 D 24 A 34 C 44 D 54 B 64 B 74 D C 15 C 25 D 35 A 45 C 55 B 65 B 75 D D 16 D 26 B 36 B 46 D 56 D 66 C 76 C 61 B => buying 63 C -> at 65 B ~> quite 67 B => such 69 C => to have i C => get back 73 D => astonish (omit "to") 75 D => dry 77 B => most 79 A => left TQT C 17 C 27 D 37 C 47 A 57 A 67 B 77 B A 18 C 28 C 38 B 48 A 58 B C 78 C B 18 C 29 C 39 D 49 B 59 C 69 C 79 A 10 D 20 B 30 C 40 A 50 C 60 A 70 C 80 A 62 A => finally 64 B => your 66 C => went 68 C => to finish 70 C => began (omit "for") 72 B => bo "to" 74 D => open 76 C => rain 78 C => anything 80 A => is closed EXTRA COURSE - GRADE 10 UNIT TWELVE TEST No 1A ... astonish everybody 74 It was (A) careless (B) of you (C) to leave the windows (D) opened last night EXTRA COURSE - GRADE 10 UNIT TWELVE TEST No 1A 75 You (A) will catch (B) a cold if you (C) don''t... => bo "to" 74 D => open 76 C => rain 78 C => anything 80 A => is closed EXTRA COURSE - GRADE 10 UNIT TWELVE TEST No 1A ... a poor musician B He was an internationally-known jazz musician C He was a famous actor D He played the trumpet 43 In what city was Joe "King"Olive''s band based? A In New Orleans B In Savoy C

Ngày đăng: 30/11/2022, 09:45
