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Document GRADE 11 UNIT SIXTEEN – THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the followin[.]

GRADE 11 - UNIT SIXTEEN – THE WONDERS OF THE WORLD Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions A arrived B laughed C proved D improved A coughs B kisses C misses D finishes A knives B smiles C tries D likes A roofs B proofs C moves D looks A stopped B looked C knocked D travelled Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions A retail B pursue C direct D consult A fancy B portrait C endless D require A agency B memory C encounter D influence A advancement B chemical C conception D deposit 10 A similarity B Japanese C superpose D teenager Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions 11 I love this painting of an old man He has such a beautiful, smile A childhood B childish C childless D childlike 12 If you wish to take photographs you'll have to have A an application B a pennit C an allowance D an admission 13 Come , children! Get your coats on or you'll be late for school A to B across C along D over 14 She tried to prevent the dog .running into the road A iron B to C against D for 15 My main to the new bypass is that it will spoil the countryside A object B objection C objective D objecting 16 You'd better leave for the airport now there's a lot of traffic on the way A in fact B in time C in order D in caise 17 To our great , it rained all the day of the pic nic A disappointing B disappoint C disappointed D disappointment 18 I was still .interested in outdoor activities A keen B keenly C keenful D keenfully 19 Prices continue to show an upward A tendency B intend C tension D intention 20 They discussed the matter calmly and A unreason B reasonable C reasonably D unreasonably 21 The result of the experiment was A satisfactory B satisfied C satisfy D satis fact orly 22 ! I had no idea you were in Paris A What surprise B How much a surprise C What a surprise D Such surprise 23 he entrance examination shouildi't be hard .be done successfully A so that B as as C too to D so as TQT 24 My uncle Jim the manager of the firm A is just made B has just made C has just been made D has just been making 25 The men were very strong and healthy Althoigh they .for more than three hours, they did not need a rest A were walking B have walked C have been walking D had been walking 26 The athlete .a new world record A fixed up B won C set up D arranged 27 It's a good idea to see your doctor regularly for A a revision B a control C an investigation D a check-up 28 I lost too much money betting at the races last time, so you won't me to go again A convince B impress C persuade D urge 29 Last year, the potato harvest was very disappointing, but this year it looks as though we shall have a better A product B outcome C amount D crop 30 The shop assistant was .helpful, but she felt he could have given her more advice A entirely B exactly C quite Đ totally 31 When the starter gave the all the competitors in the race began to run round the track A signal B warning C shot D show 32 Have you got time to discuss your work now or are you .to leave? A thinking B planned C around D about 33 I don't see any in arriving early at the theatre if the show doesn't start until o'clock A cause B aim C point D reason 34 The children won't go to sleep .we leave a light on outside their bedroom A except B otherwise C unless D but 35 I wrote to the company them for a catalogue A demanding B asking C enquiring D applying 36 Patrick, he can't possibly go alone - he's far too young A As for B As if C As D As far as 37 She applied for training as a pilot, but they turned her because of her poor eyesight A back B up C over D down 38 No child .the age of sixteen will be admitted to this film A before B except C lacking D below 39 He lost the race because he .petrol on the last lap A got out of B ran out of C made out of D put out of 40 You may borrow as many books as you like, provided you show them to .is at the desk A whoever B who C whom D which EXTRA COURSE - GRADE 11 UNIT SIXTEEN - TEST No.1A Read the following passage and mark the letterA, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions WONDERS OF THE MODERN WORLD I don't believe that today's wonders are similar in kind to the wonders of the Ancient World They were all buildings, such as the Pyramids in Egypt, or other architectural structures Over the past 100 years, we have seen amazing technological and scientific achievements These are surely our modern wonders It is everywhere More than half a billion people use it, and the number of people who are online increases by 100 million every year In 1994, there were only a few hundred web pages Today there are billions It has revolutionized the way we live and work But we are still in the early days Soon there will be more and more interactivity between the user and the website, and we will be able to give instructions using speech In 1960, Neil Armstrong stepped out of his space capsule onto the surface of the moon and made his famous statement: 'That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind' Since then, there have been space probes to Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and even to the sun One day, a space observatory will study how the first stars and galaxies began So far, it seems that we are alone in the universe There are no signs yet that there is intelligent life outside our own solar system But who knows what the future holds? Surely nothing has done more for the comfort and happiness of the human race than the advances in health care! How many millions of people have benefited from the humble aspirin? How many lives has penicillin saved? Average life expectancy worldwide has risen dramatically over the past 100 years, from about 47 years in 1900 to about 77 years today We are a world on the move Airlines carry more than 1.5 bullion people to their destinations every year It is estimated that, at any one time these days, there are as many people travelling in aeroplanes as the total number of people who travelled abroad in the whole of the nineteenth century (but I have no idea how they worked this out) It is true that they are now commercialized, and there is greed and drug abuse However, it is a competition in which almost every country in the world takes part Every four years, for a brief moment, we see the world come together in peace and friendship We feel hope again for the future of mankind In 1724, Jonathan Swift wrote, 'Whoever makes two blades of grass or two ears of corn grow where only one grew before serves mankind better than the whole race of politicians’ In Europe our farmers have done this In 1790, whole villages in France died of hunger Now in Europe, we can't eat all the food we produce If only politicians could find a way to share it with those parts of the world where there is famine We are still here! The last wonder of the modern world is simply that we are still here We have had nuclear weapons for over 50 years that could destroy the world, but we haven't used them to it This is surely the greatest wonder of all 41 What has changed because of the Internet? A The way we live and work B The way we entertain C The way we love D The way we study 42 What has happened in space exploration since 1969? TQT A Spaceships fly much faster in the space B Space probes have been to Mars Jupiter, Saturn, and the Sun C Aliens have visited the earth several times D People have flown to the planets outside the solar system 43 What is the most noticeable result of better health care? A Average life expectancy has risen dramatically B Average life expectancy is 47 nowadays C The diseases have become more dangerous D Many people are healthier 44 X = the number of people who travelled abroad in the nineteenth century What does X also equal? A The number of people travelling abroad today B The number of airplanes in the world C The number of people in aeroplanes at any one moment nowadays D The number of people in aeroplanes in the nineteenth century 45 ‘We are still here!’ Why is this a wonder? A We have struggled successfully against pollution B We have solved many medical problems C We have been able to avoid natural disasters D We haven't used nuclear weapons to destroy the world yet Read the following passage and mark the letterA, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks The Great Pyramid of Giza is probably the most famous of the seven wonders of the ancient world It was built by King Khufu (known as Cheops to (46) .Greeks) around 2450 BC, and its neighbour, (47) .is a little smaller, was constructed later (48) his son Khefren By the time of the beautiful Queen Cleopatra, they had already stood against the desert skyline through the reigns of more than a hundred kings or pharaohs (49) .centuries archaeologists have puzzled (50) the reasons for their construction Now a new solution (51) .the mystery (52) .been proposed, according to (53) .the Great Pyramid was intended (54) .a focus for (55) .pharaoh’s complicated funeral ceremony Astronomers think (56) .narrow passages (57) .from the royal burial chambers (58) .aligned with certain stars in the 26,000-year cycle of the constellations, so that the (59) king's soul could be launched to the stars The latest discovery is a hitherto unopened door in the depths of the Pyramid Who can imagine what (60) .behind it? 46 A the B all C many D some 47 A who B that C which D it 48 A for B to C of D by 49 A During B For C Since D In 50 A of B on C over D about 51 A to B for C on D about 52 A have B had C would have D has 53 A what B which C that D it 54 A as B on C in D of EXTRA COURSE - GRADE 11 UNIT SIXTEEN - TEST No.1A 55 A a B the C whom D whose 56 A of B about C as D the 57 A led B lead C leading D leads 58 A were В was C have D had 59 A died B death C dead D dying 60 A was B lies C lay D laid Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions 61 Only (A) by reading carefully and slowly (B) you can understand (C) what the manual (D) says 62 (A) Should there be (B) any emergency, the tenants (C) would ring me (D) at home 63 My (A) little daughter is (B) fond of eating (C) raw onions and (D) carrot 64 (A) How much (B) each dress (C) costs is not (D) mention in the catalogue 65 (A) The change from (B) date to night results (C) from the rotation of (D) the Earth 66 (A) Mary and her sister (B) studied biology (C) last year, and (D) so does Jean 67 We (A) called yesterday (B) our friends in Boston (C) to tell (D) them about the reunion party that we are planning 68 Before (A) the invention of the (B) printing press, books (C) have been all printed (D) by hand 69 Each package (A) that is not (B) properly wrapped (C) have to be returned (D) to the sender 70 She suggested (A) taking (B) the plane tills evening or (C) that we go (D) by train tomorrow Choose the answer that best completes each person below 71 Seldom A I have met him in the street B have I met him in the street C have I meet him in the street D have met him in the street 72 No sooner had he begun his vacation A than he became ill B that he became ill c than ill he became D than does he became ill 73 Neither she nor being criticized A I don’t like being criticized B I likes being criticized С I like being criticized D I doesn't like being criticized 74 Nowhere else A had he not been given such an enthusiastic welcome B had he been given such an enthusiastic welcome C had not he been given such an enthusiastic welcome D he had not been given such an enthusiastic welcome 75 My sister as well as my brothers A have already got married B has already got married C has already married D have already got married Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions 76 The new syllabus will the take place of the old one soon TQT A Soon the new syllabus will take place with the old one B The old syllabus will give place to the new one soon C Both the new and the old syllabuses will be replaced D The old and the new syllabuses will have no place soon 77 As far as I am concerned, you can whatever you like A You can what you like providing that it is not too far B In my opinion, you can what you like C What you like is not as much as what I am concerned about D I am concerned about what you like 78 Verona treated us better than her mother A Verona's mother didn't treat us as badly as Verona B Verona treated us as badly as her mother C Both Verona and her mother gave us better treatment D Verona's mother did not treat us as well as Verona 79 If you forget to your homework, the teacher will get angry A The teacher will get angry only when you forget to your homework B You forget to your homework though the teacher gets angry C Unless you don't your homework, the teacher will not get angry D If you don't remember to your homework, the teacher will get angry 80 In order not to be punished by Mom, I got into the house through tile backdoor A I got into the house through the back door, which made me punished by Mom B in order that I wouldn't be punished by Mom, I got into the house through the backdoor C I got into the house through the backdoor sc as I wouldn't be punished by Mom D Getting into the house through the backdoor meant being punished by Mom EXTRA COURSE - GRADE 11 The End UNIT SIXTEEN - TEST No.1A ANWSER KEY B 11 D 21 A 31 A 41 A 51 A 61 B 71 B A 12 B 22 C 32 D 42 B 52 D 62 C 72 A D 13 C 23 C 33 C 43 A 53 B 63 D 73 C D 14 A 24 C 34 C 44 C 54 A 64 D 74 B D 15 B 25 D 35 B 45 D 55 B 65 B 75 B 61 В  can you 63 D  carrots 65 В  day 67 В our friends in Boston yesterday 69 C  has to TQT A 16 D 26 C 36 A 46 A 56 D 66 D 76 B D 17 D 27 D 37 D 47 C 57 C 67 B 77 B C 18 B 28 C 38 A 48 D 58 A C 78 D B 18 A 29 D 39 B 49 B 59 C 69 C 79 D 10 D 20 C 30 C 40 A 50 C 60 B 70 C 80 B 62 C  Will 64 D  mentioned 66 D  so did Jean 68 C  had been 70 C  going EXTRA COURSE - GRADE 11 UNIT SIXTEEN - TEST No.1A ... number of people who travelled abroad in the nineteenth century What does X also equal? A The number of people travelling abroad today B The number of airplanes in the world C The number of people... correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks The Great Pyramid of Giza is probably the most famous of the seven wonders of the ancient world It was built by King Khufu (known... 50 A of B on C over D about 51 A to B for C on D about 52 A have B had C would have D has 53 A what B which C that D it 54 A as B on C in D of EXTRA COURSE - GRADE 11 UNIT SIXTEEN - TEST No.1A

Ngày đăng: 19/11/2022, 19:04
