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Document GRADE 11 UNIT FOURTEEN – RECREATION – TEST 1A Mark the letterA, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following qu[.]

GRADE 11 - UNIT FOURTEEN – RECREATION – TEST 1A Mark the letterA, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions A shoots B boots C meets D loads A arranged B reached C encouraged D managed A friends B oranges C messages D packages A defects B effects C collects D leads A kissed B.looked C marched D delayed Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions A recreation B television C entertainment D popiulrity A pursuit B include C snooker D creater A improvement B activity C enormous D diffiernt A opinion B appropriate C miracle D minacious 10 A audience B entrance C definite D sup]prss Mark the letterA, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions 11 Mary .Peter likes working in thisoffice They are looking for new jobs A Both - and B Either – or C Neither - nor D Not only - but also 12 I think you .your wife is to come to our party this weekend A either - or B both - and C neither - nor D not only - but also 13 She is an excellent student a talented piarist A either - or B neither - nor C both - and D not only - but also 14 I don’t want to talk to .her her sister A either - or B not only - but also C neither - nor D both - and 15 When we were in Paris on holiday, we stayed at a hotel at a guest-house because our relatives put us up there A not only - but also B both – and C neither - nor D Not only - but also 16 He lost his best friendship .honour because of his stupid action A either - or B both - and C neither - nor D not only - but also 17 We’ve been doing business with .IBM .Miciosoft They are our best partners A both - and B either – or C not only - but also D neither - nor 18 This evening, I .go to the library .come to ny friend’s house to study because we are going to have an important examination the day after tomorrow A either - or B both - and C neither - nor D not only - but also 19 the director .his secretary are away on business You have to wait until they return on Friday A Either - or B Both - and C Neither - nor D Not only - but also 20 you .your friends can stay here n now Go home immediately! A Not only - but also B Either - or TQT C Neither - nor D Both - and 21 I was just to go out when you telephone A around B about C thinking D planned 22 You will become ill you stop working so hard A until B when C unless D if 23 When he heard the terrible noise he asked me what was .on A happening B being C getting D going 24 I don’t think that red dress .her A suits B matches C cheers D agrees 25 It was .that we decided to stay indoors A so hot a day B such hot a day C so a day hot D such a day hot 26 Hello Is that 821035? Please put me .to the manager A across B up C over D through 27 We flew to the island, a car for three days and visited most places of interest A lent B bought C charged D hired 28 The teacher them the answer to the question A explained B said C told D discussed 29 One disadvantage of their new house is .it has no garden A why B the reason C when D that 30 If we where you lived, we would have visited you A would have known B would know C had known D have known 31 Fans often ask pop stars for their A autographs B signature C handwriting D graphic 32 Mrs Brown was very .when she broke her beautiful Wedgwood teapot A disturbed B damaged C upset D offended 33 He will probably awarded a Nobel prize on account of his .achievements in physics A exposed B outstanding C conspicuous D high 34 The part of the week is always busy for me A front B start C early D near 35 When you come tomorrow why not your brother with you A fetch B take C bring D carry 36 We had to drive carefully because the road was icy in several A blocks B places C pieces D bits 37 The butcher cut some steak, it up and handed it to me A closed B wrapped C wound D strung 38 He often forgets to what he has been told and is scolded for being A insolent B impertinent C malicious D disobedient 39 Spies may have a number of names and papers A artificial B false C imitation D untrue 40 He stroke his cat's silky fur and the cat contentedly A growled B snored C purred D hummed EXTRA COURSE - GRADE 11 UNIT FOURTEEN - TEST No 1A Read the following passage and mark the letterA, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions Art is considered by many people to be little more than a decorative means of giving pleasure This is not always the case, however, at times, art may be seen to have a purely functional side as well Such could be said of the sandpaintings of the Navaho Indians of the American Southwest: these have a medicinal as well as artistic purpose According to Navaho traditions, one who suffers from either mental or a physical illness has in some ways disturbed or come in contact with the supernatural - perhaps a certain animal, a ghost or the dead To counteract this evil contact, the ill person or one of his relatives will employ a medicine man called a “singer” to perform a healing ceremony which will attract a powerful supernatural being During the ceremony, which may last from to days, the “singer” will produce a sandpainting,on the floor of the Navaho hogan On the last day of the ceremony, the patient will sit on this sandpainting and the “singer” will rub the ailing parts of the patient’s body with sand from a specific figure in the,sandpainting In this way the patient absorbs the power of that particular supernatural being and become strong like it After the ceremony, the sandpainting is then destroyed and disposed of so its power will not harm anyone The art of sandpainting is handed down from old “singers” to their students The materials used are easily found in the areas the Navaho inhabit: brown, red, yellow and white sandstone, which is pulverized by being crushed between stones much as corn if ground into flour The “singer'’ hold a small amount of this sand in his hand and lets it flow between his thumb and forefingers onto a clean, flat surface on the floor With a steady hand and great patience, he is thus able to create designs of stylized people, snakes and other creatures that have power in the Navaho belief system The traditional Navaho does not allow reproduction of sandpaintings, since he believes the supernatural powers that taught him the craft have forbidden this; however, such reproductions can in fact be purchased today in tourist shops in Arizona and New Mexico These are done by either Navaho Indians or by other people who wish to preserve this craft 41 A good title for this article might be A “Modern Art” B “The Navaho Indians” C “Sandpainting” D “Medicine” 42 The purpose of a healing ceremony is A to please supernatural powers B to attract supernatural powers C to frighten supernatural powers D to create a sandpainting 43 The “singer” rubs sand on the patient because A the patient receives strength from the sand В it has medical value C it decorates the patient D none of the above 44 What is used to produce a sandpainting? A paint B beach sand C crushed sandstone D flour 45 A hogan is probably A a Navaho house B a medicine man C a supernatural power D a ghost TQT Read the following passage and mark the letterA, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks SEASIDE HOLIDAYS IN BRITAIN British families started going on holiday to the seaside around the middle of the 19 th century The invention of the railvays (46) this possible The first holidaymakers were qaite rich and went for their health and education The seaside was a place to be (47) of illness, and doctors recommended bathinr in the sea and drinking sea water Also to (48) their knowledge, families attended concerts and read books from the library At that time, ordinary working people had very little time (49) work However, in 1871, the government (50) .four Bank Holidays' - national holiday days This (51) .people to have a day or two out, which (52) .gave them a (53)… for leisure and the seaside At first, they went on day-trips, taking (54) of special cheap tickets on the railways By the 1880s, rising incomes (55) that many ordinary workers and their families could have a week's holiday at the seaside Rail fares were reduced and cheap hotels were built to (56) them Holidaymakers enjoyed being (57) sitting on the beach, bathing in the sea, and eating ice cream Cheap entertainment was (58) offer and holidaymakers went to (59) fun Today, the English seaside (60) popular, with more than 18 million holidays taken there each year 46 A let B made C got D had 47 A cured B remedied C recovered D improved 48 A raise B spread C increase D add 49 A out B off C away D from 50 A installed В presented C introduced D brought 51 A allowed B provided C offered D opened 52 A hardly ever B here and there C seldom D now and then 53 A taste B sense C favour D pleasure 54 A benefit B opportunity C advantage D profit 55 A caused B produced C meant D resulted 56 A accommodate B board C cater D lodge 57 A idle B easy C restful D spare 58 A in B for C to D on 59 A get B have C take D make 60 A remains B stays C continues D lasts Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions 61 Having been beaten (A) by the police (B) for striking an officer, (C) the man (D) will cry out in pain 62 The bridge (A) was hitting by a large ship (B) during a (C) sudden storm (D) last week 63 Alaska (A) is the coldest (B) than (C) all the states (D) in the United States EXTRA COURSE - GRADE 11 UNIT FOURTEEN - TEST No 1A 64 (A) According to the syllabus, you (B) can either write (C) a paper or (D) you can take an exam 65 The (A) progress (B) made (C) in space travel (D) for the early 1960s is remarkable 66 Sandra has (A) not rarely missed a (B) play or concert (C) since she (D) was seventeen years old 67 We (A) took the bus (B) downtown, did (C) a few errands, and (A) had gone to lunch 68 (A) No longer (B) the world can afford (C) to waste its natural (D) resources 69 I (A) have always wanted (B) to visit Paris (C) that is the capital of (D) France 70 Do you (A) remember Mrs Goddard, who taught us (B) the English composition (C) when we were (D) in grade 10? Choose the answer that best completes each sentence below 71 Not only is she very beautiful A but she also very intelligent B but also very intelligent C but she is very intelligent D but she is very intelligent as well 72 Neither she nor .being criticized/ A I don’t like being criticized B I likes being criticized С I like being criticized D I doesn't like being criticized 73 My sister as well as my brothers A have already got married B has already got married C has already married D have already got married 74 She’d rather A eat Italian food to French food B eat Italian food than French food C prefer Italian food to French food D prefer Italian food than French food 75 Sarah is better A in chemistry than Susan B on chemistry than Susan C at chemistry to Susan D at chemistry than Susan Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions 76 Paula will never lend you the car if you not tell her what you use it for A Paula will only lend you the car if you tell her what you use it for B Unless you tell Paula what you use the car for, she will lend it to you C Paula will never lend you the car, so you will not tell her what you, D By telling Paula what you use the car for, Paula will lend it to you, 77 You should have made allowance for her thoughtlessness A You should have allowed her to be thoughtless B Iler thoughtlessness was allowed to be made C If only you had tolerated her thoughtlessness D Iler thoughtlessness should be tolerable 78 I am fed up with your cat's messing around A Your cat should be fed, not messed around B Messing around, your cat is not fed C Your cat messes around though it has been fed D I am bored with the fact that your cat messes around TQT 79 Austin's success took us all by surprise A We were taken aback by all of Austin's successes B Austin's success was surprised to all of us C We took all of Austin’s successes surprisingly D Austin was successful, which surprised all of us 80 The new syllabus will take place of the old one soon A Soon the new syllabus will take place with the old one B The old syllabus will give place to the new one soon C Both the new and the old syllabuses will be replaced D The old and the new syllabuses will have no place soon EXTRA COURSE - GRADE 11 The End ANSWER KEY 14 D 11 C 21 B 31 A 41 C 51 A 61 D 71 D B 12 A 22 C 32 C 42 B 52 D 62 A 72 C A 13 D 23 D 33 B 43 A 53 A 63 B 73 B D 14 A 24 A 34 C 44 C 54 C 64 D 74 B D 15 C 25 A 35 C 45 A 55 C 65 D 75 D 61 D  cried out 63 B  of 65 D  in 67 D  went 69 C  which B 16 B 26 D 36 B 46 B 56 A 66 A 76 A C 17 A 27 D 37 B 47 A 57 A 67 D 77 C D 18 A 28 C 38 D 48 C 58 D B 78 D C 18 B 29 D 39 B 49 B 59 B 69 C 79 D 10 D 20 C 30 C 40 C 50 C 60 A 70 B 80 B 62 A  was hit 64 D  take 66 A  rarely 68 В  can the world 70 В  Omit the UNIT FOURTEEN - TEST No 1A Navaho Indian’s hogan https://dethi.violet.vn/user/listpost/user_id/322182/showall/ 1/entry_type/test TQT EXTRA COURSE - GRADE 11 UNIT FOURTEEN - TEST No 1A ... Omit the UNIT FOURTEEN - TEST No 1A Navaho Indian’s hogan https://dethi.violet.vn/user/listpost/user_id/322182/showall/ 1/entry_type /test TQT EXTRA COURSE - GRADE 11 UNIT FOURTEEN - TEST No 1A ... Alaska (A) is the coldest (B) than (C) all the states (D) in the United States EXTRA COURSE - GRADE 11 UNIT FOURTEEN - TEST No 1A 64 (A) According to the syllabus, you (B) can either write (C)... creatures that have power in the Navaho belief system The traditional Navaho does not allow reproduction of sandpaintings, since he believes the supernatural powers that taught him the craft have forbidden

Ngày đăng: 19/11/2022, 19:04
