NGHIEN Ciru, LlTA CHON PHU^ONG A N DAN DONG QUAT LAM MAT TREN CAc D A U MAY DIESEL PGS TS NGUYEN VAN CHUYEN KS PHAM HUY KHUONG Bd mdn Ddu mdy - Toa xe Khoa Cff Trudng Dgl hgc Giao thdng Van till Tom tat:i-iiQfi y^y (.^Q ^^H f,-,^ ^{/a yj^i f4am sie dung rdt nhiiu loai ddn ddng quat ldm mdt Di Ilea chgn vd kiin nghi sit dung phuang dn ddn dgng qugt hap ly, thdng nhdt, bdi bdo dua cdc phdn tich vd kiin nghi giiip cho viic sie dyng vd van dung dugc di ddng, tiin lai, ndng cao hiiu qud ldm mdt cho ddu mdy Summary: [\fowadays, there are several kinds of cooling fans which are in use in locomotives in Vietnam To select and propose a reasonable method of driving cooling fans of locomotives, the article presents analysis and recommendations in order to easily operate and effectively enhance the use of cooling fans in locomotives LDAT VAN D E - Din ddng quat lam mat phai tao ap suat va luu lugng dii dd mang di hdt nhiet lugng ma ket lam mat tda va thing dugc tdng sue can thiiy lye eac phan eiia he thdng lam mat Nhu vay, ngoai kdt ciu eiia quat lam mat dd tao dugc ap suat va luu lugng tdi uu, quat phai cd kha nan