NGHltN CCrU-TRAO e6l NGHIEN c u u A N H H U P N G C U A M O T S T H P N G S C O N G NGHE CHiNH Dtfi NANG SUAT T H I ^ T Bj LAM MAT Xl KI^U TANG • QUAY OAY L H O I O O T T H A N T U A N H O A N ( C F B ) RESEARCH SEVERAL MAIN TECHNOLOGY PARAMETERS INFLUENCE ON CAPACITY OF THE BOTTOM SLAG TUMBLING COOLER FOR CIRCULATING FLUIDIZED BED BOILER (CFB) Hoing Trung Kien, Hoing Vin Gyt Vifn Nghien cuu Co khi, Bp Cdng Thuang T6MTAT Hign nay, a nu&c la dang phdi Iriin nhieu nhd mdy nhigl dign vdi Id hai cong nghg dot ludn hodn (Id hai CFB) Xi thdi day Id hai vai khii liegrng ldn cd nhigt dp trung binh la 700 phdi ldm mdt ten 120'C [1,2], Miie dich cua bdi bda Id nghien cOu dnh hucmg cda mpt sa tho cdng nghg chinh den ndng sudt thiit bi ldm mdt xi day Id hai dot than tuan hodn (CFB) Tren dd, lifa chgn chi dg vgn tidnh phu hpp, dgt dtegc ndng sudt vdi nhigt dp xi sau ldm mdt duoi 12 TCr khfa: Ldm mdlxi day id hai; Thiet bi trao doi nhigt ABSTRACT Presently, number of coal fired power plants using Circulating Fluidize Bed Boiler (CF technology have been being developed in Vietnam After burning, the slag at boiler bottpm average temperature around 700PC needs to t>e cooled to below 120°C[1,2] The paper inte for researching several main technology parameters influence on capacity of the CFB bottom cooler On it's base to selee optimization operating condition to meet the cappacity with oupu temperature