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Sự liên tục về giải phẫu: các tuyến mạc cơ ( myofascial meridians) theo Myer

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Anatomy Trains được thiết kế để cho phép bác sĩ trị liệu hoặc người đọc nói chung thu thập ý tưởng chung một cách nhanh chóng hoặc cho phép đọc chi tiết hơn trong bất kỳ khu vực nhất định nào.Cuốn sách bao gồm các bước đi vào một số lĩnh vực liên quan, được chỉ định ở lề bên cạnh các tiêu đề bằng các biểu tượng:Các chương được mã hóa bằng màu sắc để dễ dàng tìm thấy bằng ngón tay cái.Hai chương đầu tiên kiểm tra cân bằng, khái niệm kinh lạc cơ thể và giải thích cách tiếp cận Xe lửa giải phẫu đối với các cấu trúc giải phẫu của cơ thể.Chương 39 trình bày chi tiết về từng đường chính của cơ thể thường thấy ở các kiểu tư thế và chuyển động.Mỗi chương dòng mở ra với các minh họa, mô tả, sơ đồ và bảng tóm tắt cho người đọc muốn nắm bắt phạm vi của khái niệm một cách nhanh chóng.Hai chương cuối áp dụng khái niệm Xe lửa giải phẫu cho một số kiểu chuyển động phổ biến và đưa ra phương pháp phân tích tư thế.Vì các cơ riêng lẻ và các cấu trúc khác có thể xuất hiện ở các đường khác nhau, nên chỉ số có thể được sử dụng để tìm tất cả các đề cập của bất kỳ cấu trúc cụ thể nào.Bảng chú giải thuật ngữ Xe lửa giải phẫu cũng được bao gồm.Ba Phụ lục xuất hiện ở cuối. Chúng bao gồm thảo luận về kinh tuyến vĩ độ của Tiến sĩ Louis Schultz, giải thích mới về cách áp dụng lược đồ Xe lửa giải phẫu cho giao thức Tích hợp cấu trúc của Ida Rolf và mối tương quan giữa các kinh tuyến của châm cứu và các kinh tuyến cơ thể này.DVD đi kèm cũng bao gồm một số video hữu ích cho người đọc, giáo viên hoặc người thuyết trình quan tâm.

Dedication To Edward, for the gift of language To Julia, for the tenacity to see it through 'Every act of the body is an act of the soul.' (William Alfred') 'I don't know anything, but I know that everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough.' (Richard Feynman ) For Elsevier: Publisher: Sarcna Wotfaard Development Editor: Slieila Black Project Manager: foannalt Duncan Designer: Steioart Larking Alfred W The Curse of an Aching Heart Out of print Fei/nman R Six Easy Pieces Neil' York: Addison Wesley: 1995 CHURCHILL LIVINGSTONE ELSEVIER © 2001, 2009, Elsevier Limited All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher Permissions may be sought directly from Elsevier's Rights Department: phone: (+1) 215 239 3804 (US) or (+44) 1865 843830 (UK); fax: (+44) 1865 853333; e-mail: healthpermissions® elsevier.com You may also complete your request on-line via the Elsevier website at http://www.elsevier.com/permissions First edition 2001 Second edition 2009 Reprinted 2009 ISBN: 978-0-443-10283-7 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress Notice Neither the Publisher nor the Author assumes any responsibility for any loss or injury and/or damage to persons or property arising out of or related to any use of the material contained in this book It is the responsibility of the treating practitioner, relying on independent expertise and knowledge of the patient, to determine the best treatment and method of application for the patient The Publisher has made every effort to trace holders of copyright in original material and to seek permission for its use in Anatomy Trains: Myofascial Meridians for Manual and Movement Therapists Should this have proved impossible, then copyright holders are asked to contact the Publisher so that suitable acknowledgment can be made at the first opportunity The Publisher Printed in China Elsevier DVD-ROM Licence Agreement Preface Preface to the 1st edition Acknowledgments How to use this book Introduction: laying the railbed vi vii viii ix xi 1 The world according to fascia 13 The rules of the game 65 The Superficial Back Line 73 U The Superficial Front Line 97 The Lateral Line 115 The Spiral Line 131 The A r m Lines U9 The Functional Lines 171 The Deep Front Line 179 10 Anatomy Trains in motion 203 11 Structural analysis 229 A note on the meridians of latitude: 255 Appendix the w o r k of Dr Louis Schultz (1927-2007) Appendix Structural Integration 259 Appendix Myofascial meridians and oriental medicine 273 Anatomy Trains terms 283 Bibliography 285 Index 289 ELSEVIER DVD-ROM LICENCE AGREEMENT PLEASE R E A D T H E F O L L O W I N G A G R E E M E N T CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THIS PRODUCT THIS P R O D U C T IS LICENSED U N D E R T H E T E R M S C O N T A I N E D IN THIS LICENCE A G R E E M E N T ("Agreement") BY USING THIS PRODUCT, YOU, AN INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY I N C 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the enforcement or any other provision of this Agreement G O V E R N I N G LAW This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales In any dispute arising out of this Agreement, you and Elsevier each consent to the exclusive personal jurisdiction and venue in the courts of England and Wales Since initial publication in 2001, the reach and application of the ideas in this book have far outstripped this author's expectations We have been invited to present these ideas and their application on every continent save Antarctica to a wide variety of professionals, including rehabilitation doctors, physiotherapists, chiropractors, osteopaths, psychologists, athletic trainers, yoga teachers, martial artists, performance coaches, massage therapists, and somatic therapists of all stripes A simple Google® search of Anatomy Trains now yields nearly 200000 hits, as therapists and educators find useful applications far beyond our original conception This 2nd edition includes many small updates and corrections that arose out of our continuing teaching and practice, as well as preliminary findings from the dissections we have initiated since the 1st edition with Todd Garcia and the Laboratories of Anatomical Enlightenment We have been able to include some recent discoveries made in the fascial and myofascial world since initial publication (much of it summarized in the Fascial Research Conference of October 2007 - www.Tascia.2007 com), as well as to fill in areas where our initial ignorance of the wider world has been rectified This edition benefits from completely new artwork by Debbie Maizels and Philip Wilson, as well as color updating of the artwork provided by Graeme Cham- bers New client assessment photos have been produced by Michael Frenchman and Videograf The new full color design allows color-coded access to the information, allowing for a quick gathering of the relevant concepts for a hurried reader, or a detailed analysis for the curious Like most textbooks these days, this edition makes increasing use of electronic media The text is studded with website addresses for further study, and our own website, www.anatomy trains.com, is being constantly updated There are also consistent references to the set of a dozen or more DVDs we have produced to support professional application of the Anatomy Trains concepts The DVD accompanying this book provides other goodies not otherwise available in a book format, including clips from this DVD series, computer graphic representations of the Anatomy Trains, further dissection photographs and video clips, and some extra client photos for visual assessment practice Both the understanding of the role of fascia and the implications and applications of Anatomy Trains are developing rapidly This new edition and its connections to the web ensure an up-to-date point-ofview on fascia, a largely missing element in movement study Thomas W Myers Maine 2008 I stand in absolute awe of the miracle of life My wonder and curiosity have only increased during the more than three decades of immersion in the study of human movement Whether our ever-evolving body was fashioned by an all-knowing if mischievous Creator, or by a purely selfish gene struggling blindly up Mount Improbable, " the ingenious variety and flexibility shown in somatic design and development leaves the observer shaking his head with a rueful grin of astonishment One looks in vain inside the fertilized ovum for the trillion-cell fetus that it will become Even the most cursory examination of the complexities of embryology leaves us amazed that it works as often as it does to produce a healthy infant Hold a helpless, squalling baby, and it seems almost unbelievable that so many escape all the possible debilitating pitfalls on the road to a healthy and productive adulthood Despite its biological success, the human experiment as a whole is showing some signs of strain When I read the news, I confess to having feelings of ambivalence as to whether humankind can or even should continue on this planet, given our cumulative effect on its surface flora and fauna and our treatment of each other When I hold that baby, however, my commitment to human potential is once again confirmed This book (and the seminars and training courses from which it developed) is devoted to the slim chance that we as a species can move beyond our current dedication to collective greed - and the technocracy and alienation that proceed from it - into a more cooperative and humane relationship with ourselves, each other and our environs One hopes the development of a 'holistic' view of anatomy such as the one outlined herein will be useful to the manual and movement therapists in relieving pain and resolving difficulties in the clients who seek their help The deeper premise underlying the book, however, is that a more thorough and sensitive contact with our 'felt sense' - that is, our kinesthetic, proprioceptive, spatial sense of orientation and movement - is a vitally important front on which to fight the battle for a more human use of human beings, and a better integration with the world around us The progressive deadening of this 'felt sense' in our children, whether through simple ignorance or by deliberate schooling, lends itself to a collective dissociation, which leads in turn to environmental and social decline We have long been familiar with mental intelligence (IQ) and more recently have recognized emotional intelligence (EQ) Only by re-contacting the full reach and educational potential of our kinesthetic intelligence (KQ) will we have any hope of finding a balanced relationship with the larger systems of the world around us, to fulfill what Thomas Berry called 'the Dream of the Earth' ' L relational view ventured in this book will go some little way toward connecting Descartes' view of the body as a 'soft machine' with the living experience of being in a body which grows, learns, matures and ultimately dies Although the Anatomy Trains ideas form only one small detail of a larger picture of human development through movement, an appreciation of the fascial web and balance in the myofascial meridians can definitely contribute to our inner sense of ourselves as integrated beings This, coupled with other concepts to be presented in future works, leads toward a physical education more appropriate to the needs of the 21st century " As such, Anatomy Trains is a work of art in a scientific metaphor This book leaps ahead of the science to propose a point of view, one that is still being literally fleshed out and refined I have frequently been taken to task by my wife, my students, and my colleagues for stating my hypotheses baldly, with few of the qualifying adjectives which, though necessary to scientific accuracy, dampen the visceral force of an argument As Evelyn Waugh wrote: 'Humility is not a virtue propitious to the artist It is often pride, emulation, avarice, malice - all the odious qualities - which drive a man to complete, elaborate, refine, destroy, and renew his work until he has made something that gratifies his pride and envy and greed And in so doing he enriches the world more than the generous and the good That is the paradox of artistic achievement.' 10 Being neither a scholar nor a researcher, I can only hope that this work of 'artifice' is useful in providing some new ideas for the good people who are Finally, I hope that I have honored Vesalius and all the other explorers before me by getting the anatomy about right Maine 2001 Thomas W Myers References The traditional mechanistic view of anatomy, as useful as it has been, has objectified rather than humanized our relationship to our insides It is hoped that the 9 10 Dawkins R The selfish gene Oxford: Oxford University Press; 1990 Dawkins R The blind watchmaker New York: WB Norton; 1996 Dawkins R Climbing Mount Improbable New York: WB Norton; 1997 Csikzentimihalyi M Flow New York: Harper & Row; 1990 Berry T The dream of the earth San Francisco: Sierra Club; 1990 Myers T Kinesthetic dystonia Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 1998; 2(2):101-114 Myers T Kinesthetic dystonia Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 1998; 2(4):231-247 Myers T Kinesthetic dystonia Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 1999; 3(l):36-43 Myers T Kinesthetic dystonia Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 1999; 3(2):107-116 Waugh E Private letter, quoted in the New Yorker, Oct 1999 ... Permissions may be sought directly from Elsevier''s Rights Department: phone: (+ 1) 215 239 3804 (US) or (+ 44) 1865 843830 (UK); fax: (+ 44) 1865 853333; e-mail: healthpermissions® elsevier.com You may also... 1990 Myers T Kinesthetic dystonia Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 1998; 2(2 ):101-114 Myers T Kinesthetic dystonia Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies 1998; 2(4 ):231-247 Myers... mental intelligence (IQ) and more recently have recognized emotional intelligence (EQ) Only by re-contacting the full reach and educational potential of our kinesthetic intelligence (KQ) will we have

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