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Factors influencung the decision to pay tution fees online by students of ho chi minh banking university

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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING THE STATE BANK OF VIETNAM HO CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF BANKING  - PHAM THAI DAT FACTORS INFLUENCING THE DECISION TO PAY TUITION FEES ONLINE BY STUDENTS OF HO CHI MINH CITY BANKING UNIVERSITY GRADUATE THESIS COURSE MAJOR: BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION CODE: 5240101 HO CHI MINH CITY, 2022 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING THE STATE BANK OF VIETNAM HO CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF BANKING  - PHAM THAI DAT FACTORS INFLUENCING THE DECISION TO PAY TUITION FEES ONLINE BY STUDENTS OF HO CHI MINH CITY BANKING UNIVERSITY GRADUATE THESIS COURSE MAJOR: BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION CODE: 5240201 TUTOR: NGUYEN VAN TIEN HO CHI MINH CITY, 2022 i ABSTRACT With the goal of analyzing the factors influencing the decision to pay tuition fees in the form of online form of students of Ho Chi Minh City Banking University In the integrated and developed economy as in the current era, online forms of payment are increasingly popular and especially explosive under the influence of the Covid-19 pandemic The research paper is aimed at the audience, aiming to study "Factors that influence the decision to pay tuition fees in the form of online practice", through the process of data income, theoretical analysis (concept, introduction of problems ) practical analysis of the problem, reference from related studies The process of analyzing, building scales to evaluate results, comparing factors with each other, comparing results from models including: independent variables, Personal Intentions (INT), Security Safety (SER), Convenience (CON), Information (INF) and Pandemics (PA), all have influence on the decisions of students to pay tuition fees at the Banking University of Ho Chi Minh City HCM Throughthe results of the study, in order to understand the limitations and give related administrative implications, help the reader have a clear view of the problem KEYWORDS: Payment, online, Covid-19, students ii SUMMARY In today's market economy, technology plays an extremely important role in the development of each country, when the Covid 19 pandemic broke out, most transactions had to be done online and using the Internet Use technology platforms to perform daily activities It can be said that online payment is gradually becoming a trend of modern society, when the use of cash is less and less popular and has been replaced by new forms of payment such as e-wallets, banks, etc virtual money However, Vietnam is still one of the countries with the highest average cash usage compared to other countries in the region and the world In recent years, the state has been implementing policies to encourage the reduction of cash usage and the increase of online payment methods, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic Understanding consumer psychology, in the world and Vietnam in recent years, there have been many studies on online payment and the study "FACTORS INFLUENCING THE DECISION TO PAY TUITION FEES ONLINE BY STUDENTS OF HO CHI MINH CITY BANKING UNIVERSITY" was conducted on the basis of a survey and assessment of students studying at Banking University to understand their decisions when using the school's payment system, with the goal of increasing the birth rate Members using online systems reduce cash rates The research model is built with independent variables affecting the decision to choose a lending bank, including: Personal intentions, Security safety, Convenience, Information, Pandemic and a dependent variable on the decision to pay online tuition fees student Collected data are processed through Cronbach's Alpha coefficient method, EFA (Exploratory Factor Analysis), multivariate regression analysis, T test for two independent samples and ANOVA method for analysis of variance, other factors The research results show that all factors affect the decision to choose a lending bank of individual customers in Ho Chi Minh City, in which Convenience is the most influential factor The study also shows that the difference in fields of study iii and gender also affects the decision to pay tuition fees online of HCMC Banking University students Based on the research results, the author proposes some recommendations, limitations of the study and the future direction of the topic The first,” Convenience” is the factor that most strongly influences the decision of students to pay tuition fees online compared to the rest of the Therefore, banks and schools need to promote student-oriented affiliate activities with the main purpose of increasing the convenience of student payments such as allowing payments in different forms not only through the bank but also through e-wallets or in the future the school can create its own payment apps, especially bank accounts that can provide information and increase the convenience for students in paying for school In fact, the University of Banking is operating the e-student app, which has the function of paying small fees, but there are still a lot of inadequacies in operations especially it is difficult to pay when requiring students to own a specialized bank account Increasing convenience will make a difference and attract an increased number of students to pay online, reducing the use of cash to increase professionalism to harmonize with the general trend of the world Second, the research results show that the factor "Safety and security" has a similar effect and is the second most influential factor in the research variables Increasing safety and security will help students feel more secure when making online payments, so schools and banks need to have policies to limit online fraud Third, the results of the study show that the "Pandemic" factor has a positive impact on students' decision to pay for online education This is an unpredictable factor but also requires a counter-policy., For students, it is necessary to be proactive, especially in exchange and transaction activities such as paying for school fees online because of the policy of limiting contact, as well as always keeping contact information with the school in order to keep up with the needs of students time to solve problems on the iv part of the school, still need to have policies to support students in payment such as extending time, reducing tuition fees and encouraging students to use online payment forms, limiting cash and cash, face contact Fourth, the research results show that the "Information" factor has a positive impact on students' decision to pay online tuition fees, keeping information will help students a lot in the learning process and activities outside the school, the school needs to be able to combine with the integrated bank to send information available on the payment application such as the amount, Expiry date or can send it to the student right on the payment application, not must notify through the group on Facebook, this will help students always know the information, avoid mistakes Finally, the results of the study showed that the factor "Personal intentions" have the same effect on the decision of students to pay for online education, this is a factor derived from the student's own Therefore, in the future, in addition to the development policies of the state, students must also be self-conscious, try to make clear plans for the development of the future and always update new information and trends in the world so as not to fall behind in the development of the country, thus helping to increase the rate of payment and use of electronic services, supporting form habits v REASSURING My name is Pham Thai Dat, a high-quality training system student majoring in Business Administration at Ho Chi Minh City University of Banking, Ho Chi Minh City I would like to assure you that thesis with the topic "Researching the factors affecting the decision to pay tuition fees online of students of Ho Chi Minh City Banking University HCM" is my personal research, under the support of Dr TS Nguyen Van Tien All data is referenced from reputable sources and has clear quotes, agreed in the reference section The results of the study were completely honest and accurate, not copied The author takes full responsibility for the assurance HCMC, the day month year vi THANK YOU First of all, I would like to thank all the teachers of The Banking University of Ho Chi Minh City, who have directly taught, taught and imparted knowledge during my time studying and working at the school, as well as creating opportunities for me to this research paper In particular, I would like to thank Dr Nguyen Van Tien, who has helped me in choosing topics, building content, editing research and giving valuable suggestions to help me complete the graduation course in the best I would also like to thank the Management Board of the Faculty of Business Administration of the Banking University for enabling me to complete my research Finally, I would like to express my deep thanks to my family and friends, who have always been by my side for helping, supporting and motivating me throughout my studies and completing my studies Because of the limitations of knowledge and experience, the essay is not immune to errors, looking forward to receiving the help and feedback of teachers vii IMAGE CATEGORIES Figure 2.1: The model of organizing consumer buying behavior Figure 2.2: Research model Figure 3.1: Research process diagram Figure 4.1: Histogram Plot Figure 4.2: Normal P-P Plot Figure 4.3: Scatterplot viii TABLE CATEGORIES Table 2.1: Summary of related studies Table 3.1: Summing up the scale Table 4.1: Research Dashboard Table 4.2: Information table of research variables Table 4.3: Statistics describing variables Table 4.4: Cronbach's Alpha (INT) Analysis Table 4.5: Cronbach's Alpha Analysis (SER) Table 4.6: Cronbach's Alpha (CON) Analysis Table 4.7: Cronbach's Alpha (INF) Analysis Table 4.8: Cronbach's Alpha (PA) Analysis Table 4.9: Cronbach's Alpha Analysis (DC) Table 4.10: Summary of Variables and Scales Cronbach's Alpha Analysis Table 4.11: Independent Variable KMO Analysis Table 4.12: AnalysisTotal Variance Explained for Independent Variables Table 4.13: Factor Loading Analysis for Independent Variables Table 4.14: KMO Analysis for Dependent Variables Table 4.15: Total Variance Explained Analysis for Dependent Variables Table 4.16: Factor Loading Analysis for Dependent Variables Table 4.17 Correlations Analysis ... tuition fees online of the group of students of The Bank of Ho Chi Minh City 4 The scope of research of the topic is mainly students who are studying at The Banking University of Ho Chi Minh City The. .. of Banking, Ho Chi Minh City I would like to assure you that thesis with the topic "Researching the factors affecting the decision to pay tuition fees online of students of Ho Chi Minh City Banking. .. questions of the topic used by the author are as follows: What factors influence the decision to pay online tuition fees of students at Banking University? - The degree of influence of factors affecting

Ngày đăng: 27/11/2022, 20:39


