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PREPOSITIONS 1 Giới từu chỉ thời gian after, at, before, by, during, for, from, in, on, since, throughout, until, within 2 Giới từ chỉ địa điểm / nơi chốn above, across, at, before, behind, below, ben[.]

PREPOSITIONS Giới từu thời gian after, at, before, by, during, for, from, in, on, since, throughout, until, within Giới từ địa điểm / nơi chốn above, across, at, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, beyond, by, in, on, over, through, to, toward, under, within * Một số giới từ thông thường: a AT, IN, ON - AT: dùng trước thời gian ngắn: giờ, phút giây… At 10 o’clock; at thí moment; at 10 a.m - ON: dùng trước thời gian chỉ: ngày, thứ ngày (trong lịch…) On Sunday, on this day… - IN: dùng trước thời gian dài: tháng, mùa, năm,… In June; in July; in Spring; in 2015 b IN, INTO, OUT OF - IN: dùng vị trí (địa ddiiemr – khơng chuyển hướng) In the classroom; in the concert hall; in the box… - INTO: dùng chuyển động từ vào I go into the classroom - OUT OF: dùng chuyển động từ I go out of the classroom c FOR, DURING, SINCE: - FOR: dùng để khoảng thời gian For two months, for four weeks, for the last few years… - DURING: dùng để hành động xảy suốt thời gian vật, kiện: During Christmas time; During the film; During the play… - SINCE: dùng để đánh dấu thời gian since last Saturday, since yesterday d AT, TO - AT: dùng để cố định vị trí tương đối nhỏ, diện tích nơi lớn ta dùng “in” At the door; AT home; At school In Hanoi, In the world - TO: dùng chuyển động tới nơi Go to the window; go to the market e ON, OVER, ABOVE - ON: dùng vị trí đứng liền on the table; on the desk … - OVER, ABOVE: vị trí có khoảng cách Ví dụ: The plane is flying over my city There is a clock above the door f TILL, UNTIL (tới, khi) - TILL: dùng cho thời gian không gian Wait for me till next Friday (thời gian) They walked till the end of the road (không gian) - UNTIL: dùng với thời gian He did not come back until 11.pm yesterday (thời gian) g between (ở vật / người), among (giữa đám đông) From =từ >< to= đến Out of + noun = hết, khơng cịn Out of town = vắng Out of date=cũ, lạc hậu >< up to date = mới, cập nhật Out of work = thất nghiệp, việc Out of the question = trả lời Out of order = hỏng, không hoạt động By: động từ chuyển động + by = ngang qua (walk by the library) động từ tĩnh + by = gần (your books are by the window) by + thời gian cụ thể = trước lúc, lúc (hành động lúc phải xảy ra.) by + phương tiện giao thông = by far + so sánh (thường so sánh bật nhất) => dùng để nhấn mạnh by accident = by mistake = tình cờ, ngẫu nhiên >< on purose In time for = In good time for = Đúng (thường kịp làm gì, sớm định chút) In the street = lòng đường In the morning / afternoon / evening In the past / future = trước kia, khứ / tương lai In future = from now on = từ trở In the beginning / end = at first / last = đầu / rốt In the middle of (địa điểm) = In + the + STT + row = hàng thứ In the event that = trường hợp mà On + a / the + phương tiện giao thông = chuyến / lên chuyến … On the + STT + floor = tầng thứ … On time = vừa (bất chấp điều kiện bên ngoài, nghĩa mạnh in time) On the sidewalk = pavement = vỉa hè On the way to : đường đến >< on the way back to: đường trở On the right / left On T.V / on the radio On the phone / telephone = gọi điện thoại, nói chuyện điện thoại On the phone = nhà có mắc điện thoại (Are you on the phone?) On the whole = nói chung, đại thể On the other hand = nhiên = however on foot = At + số nhà At home / school / work At night / noon At least = chí ít, tối thiểu >< at most = tối đa At once = At present / the moment = now At times = đôi khi, At first = đầu >< at last = cuối At the beginning of / at the end of… = đầu / cuối (dùng cho thời gian địa điểm) At + tên ngày lễ + day = on Christmas day… At / on / in thường không dùng thành ngữ thời gian có mặt: next, last, this, that, one, any, each, every, some, all * Tính từ với giới từ: - TO: acceptable, accustomed, agreeable, contrary, harmful, kind, likely, lucky, important, open, pleasant, similar, angry … - OF: afraid, ahead, aware, capable, full, centre, confident, tired, fond… - FOR: difficult, late, perfect, sorry, useful, famous, ready… - AT: clever, good, bad, quick, present, amused… - WITH: acquainted, crowded, popular, fed up, bored, wondered, wrong,… - IN: interested, rich, successful… -FROM: absent, safe, different … - ABOUT: confused, sad, serious, excited, worried… I Put in the correct preposition: at, on or in The course begins January and ends 10 March I went to bed _ midnight and got up _ 6.00 the next morning Mozart was born Salzburg _ 1756 There are usually a lot of parties _ New Year’s Eve Mary and Henry always go out for a meal their wedding anniversary The price of electricity is going up _ October I might not be at home _ the morning Can you phone afternoon Tom doesn’t see his parents very often these days – usually only _ Christmas and sometimes the summer for a few days Tom’s grandfather died _ 1977 the age of 79 10 I’m going out to some shopping I’ll be back _ half an hour 11 The doorbell and the telephone rang _ the same time 12 Do you fancy going to the cinema _ Friday night? 13 Hurry up We’ve got to go five minutes 14 Are you doing anything special the weekend? 15 Carol got married _ 17, which is rather young to get married II Complete the sentences with in, at or on Turn left the traffic lights You’ll find the cups _ the top shelf It can be dangerous when children play football the street We got stuck in a traffic jam _ the way on the airport Ann’s brother lives _ a small village _ the south coast of England Paris is _ the river Seine Do you take sugar _ your coffee? Mr Brown’s office is _ the first floor When you come out of the lift, it’s the third door _ your left Look at those beautiful horses _ that field 10 I’ll meet you _ the corner of the street 10 o’clock 11 I can’t find Tom _ this photograph Is he it? 12 You’ll find the sports results the back page of the newspaper 13 I didn’t see you the party on Saturday Where were you? 14 Tom’s ill He wasn’t work today He was _ home bed 15 I haven’t seen Ken for some time I last saw him Dave’s wedding 16 Paul is a student _ London University 17 The exhibition the art gallery finished Saturday afternoon 18 What time did you arrrive London 19 When we arrived _ London Station, there was a long queue outside 20 He speaks quite good French He studied _ Paris for a year III Supply the correct prepositions It’s very nice you to let me use your car Thank you very much Why are you always so rude your parents? Can you be nice them? It wasn’t polite _ him to leave without saying thank you I don’t understand people who are cruel animals Why you always get so annoyed little things? The people next door are annoyed us making so much noise last night We enjoyed our holiday but we were rather disappointed _ the hotel I was surprised _ the way he behaved It was quite out of character She doesn’t often go out at night She’s afraid _ the dark 10 I’ve been trying to learn Spanish but I’m not satisfied _ my progress 11 Jill starts her new job on Monday She’s quite excited _ it 12 I was shocked what you said You should be ashamed _ yourself 13 Did you know that Linda is engaged a friend of mine 14 I had never seen so many people before I was astonished _ the crowds 15 Bill has been doing the same job for too long He’s bored it 16 These days everybody is aware the dangers of smoking 17 Are you still upset what I said to you yesterday? 18 She’s quite nice but I wouldn’t like to be married _ her 19 I’m hopeless repairing things 20 I’m not very good tennis 21 I’d rather not go to an Indian restaurant I’m not very keen Indian food 22 I’m sorry the smell in this room It’s just been painted 23 The police are responsible maintaining law and order 24 Ann is very fond her younger brother 25 Britain certainly isn’t famous _ its food 26 This place is always very lively at night It’s usually crowded _ people 27 That man’s very honest He isn’t capable telling a lie 28 Our house is similar theirs – I think ours is a bit larger 29 I felt sorry the cildren when we went on holiday It rained very hard and we had to spend most of the time indoors 30 Bill and I come from the same town but my accent is different _ his IV Underline one correct preposition in each sentence Your father is very kind (with for / to / in) David His book is different (about / from / for / between) mine Your plan is similar (with / to / of / for) his The boy is afraid (of / on / in / about) snakes She is accustome (with / to / on / of getting up early That student is very quick (with / at / for / about) mathematics He has been absent (from / of / to / with) school lately They are interested (in / on / about / with) buying a new house Smoking is harmful (for / with / to / about) our health 10 He is accustomed (to / with / for / in) driving fast like this 11 This theatre is often crowded (with / to / on / about) viewers 12 It was very nice (to / of / in / for) him to give me a lift 13 Contrary (to / with / for / about) his doctor’s orders, he has gone back to work 14 Don’t worry (about / with / to / for) the money! I’ll lend you 15 They have been waiting (for / with / to / at) the bus for half an hour 16 Ken prefers Chinese food (about / to / over / with) French food 17 I have been looking (after / for / into / at) my dog for two days but I haven’t seen it yet 18 Don’t make noise! I’m concerning (to / on / in / at) the question 19 I usually regard him (with / in / as / at) my close friend 20 Congratulate you (in / to / on / with) winning the game 21 I feel very hot because the electricity has gone (off / out / along / after) 22 The book is divided (to / in / into / for) three parts 23 I wrote to the company asking them (to / for / about / with) more information about the job 24 Her children are very quick (with / about / at / for) computer games 25 This kind of music is popular (for / to / with / about) the young 26 Boys are fond (in / of / on /at) playing football 27 She’s very worried (for / with / at / about) her mother’s health 28 Henry was born (on / in / at / to) 1992 29 Lisa is very good (at / with / in / about) chemistry 30 The forest fire went (after / off / out / along) after two days 31 I always find it hard to keep pace (up / with / for / on) Nam, one of the best students in my class 32 What you often (in / on / at / of) the evening? 33 Smoking is not good (for / at / about / of) our health 34 The future of a country depends (in / at / on / from) the youth 35 There is a great difference (from / between / about / for) these two things 36 My father insisted (in / on / of / at) building a new house 37 We are looking forward (in / at / for / to) seeing you again ... thời gian không gian Wait for me till next Friday (thời gian) They walked till the end of the road (không gian) - UNTIL: dùng với thời gian He did not come back until 11.pm yesterday (thời gian) ... day… At / on / in thường không dùng thành ngữ thời gian có mặt: next, last, this, that, one, any, each, every, some, all * Tính từ với giới từ: - TO: acceptable, accustomed, agreeable, contrary,... order = hỏng, không hoạt động By: động từ chuyển động + by = ngang qua (walk by the library) động từ tĩnh + by = gần (your books are by the window) by + thời gian cụ thể = trước lúc, lúc (hành động

Ngày đăng: 27/11/2022, 20:04

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