Week 1 1 WEEK 1 Period 1 GETTING STARTED Period 1 Lesson 1 I Objectives By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to say "Hello!" and "Goodbye!" II Teaching aids Teacher’s aids Studentbook and teache[.]
1 WEEK Period 1: GETTING STARTED Period 1: Lesson I Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to say "Hello!" and "Goodbye!" II Teaching aids - Teacher’s aids: Studentbook and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, IWB software, projector/ interactive whiteboard/ TV - Students’ aids: Studentbook, workbook III Languages focus - Vocabulary: hello, goodbye IV Procedures Steps/Activities Warm-up * Sing and Dance - Play “i-Learn Smart Start” song (from YouTube) and make gestures following the lyrics, have Ss stand up and make the gestures New lesson A Listen and point Repeat Have students listen to each new word Have Ss listen to each new word and repeat all together and individually Correct student’s pronunciation if necessary Arrange the flashcards on the board Play audio and have Ss listen and point at the pictures in their books Play audio again and have Ss listen, repeat several times Change the order of the flashcards, point at them individually and have Ss say the words, correct pronunciation when needed Have Ss work in pairs, one points at the pic in the book and the other says the word TPR practice step 1: say the word and make the gesture/ sound all together according to the word TPR practice step 2: the actions and Ss say the word accordingly TPR practice step 3: have Ss work in pairs, one would the action, the other say the word Play the game “Who is faster?” - Divide the class into groups - Arrange the flashcards on the board - Invite a student from each group to go to the board - Teacher says a word and the Ss run to tap the right card B Listen and point Organization • Teacher – whole class • Teacher – whole class/ individuals/ pairwork/ groupwork • Teacher – students in groups Pre-listening: Introduce the situation While-listening: - Play audio and have students look at the picture - Demonstrate the activity by pointing at the words - Play the audio again Have Ss listen and repeat - Play audio again Have Ss listen, repeat and point Post- listening: Point at each word and have Ss call it out “hello/ goodbye.” C Sing Play audio and have students listen Play audio and have students turn to page 68 Play audio and have Ss sing the song as a whole class Have some students sing in front of class D Role-play * Practice (optional) Say a name to the class Have students practice the structure using the name Repeat with other names E.g Teacher: "Bill" - Class: "Hello, Bill." * Role-play: Divide the class into pairs Have pairs practice the conversations and swap roles Have some pairs demonstrate the act in front of the class E Say Divide the class into groups of four Have Ss take turns saying “Hello!” and “goodbye!” to their friends Have some groups demonstrate the act in front of the class * Activity: (optional) Say “Hello!/ Goodbye!” - Go around the class, say “Hello!/ Goodbye!” to Ss, one by one, and have them say “Hello!/ Goodbye!” - Then have Ss say “Hello!/ Goodbye” to their neighboring friends Wrap-up +, Option 2: Review Play the game “Lips read” - Teacher says a word silently Students say that word loudly • Teacher – whole class • Teacher – whole class • Teacher – whole class • Teacher – students in pairs • Teacher students in groups • Teacher individuals/ Ss – Ss • Teacher – whole class/ students GETTING STARTED Period 2: Lesson I Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to understand basic classroom language II Teaching aids - Teacher’s aids: studentbook and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, IWB software, projector/ interactive whiteboard/ TV - Students’ aids: Studentbook, notebooks, workbook III Languages focus - Vocabulary: stand up, sit down, listen IV Procedures Steps/Activities Warm-up +, Option 1: Sing - Play audio Part C and have students sing the song New lesson A- Listen and point Repeat Have students listen to each new word Have Ss listen to each new word and repeat all together and individually Correct student’s pronunciation if necessary Arrange the flashcards on the board Play audio and have students listen and point at the pictures in their books Play audio again and have Ss listen, repeat several times Change the order of the flashcards, point at them individually and have Ss say the words, correct pronunciation when needed Have Ss work in pairs, one points at the pic in the book and the other says the word TPR practice step 1: say the word and make the gesture/ sound all together according to the word TPR practice step 2: the actions and Ss say the word accordingly TPR practice step 3: have Ss work in pairs, one would the action, the other say the word *Activities: (optional) +, Option 1: Play the “GUESS” game - Arrange the flashcards on the board - Write a number under each flashcard - Have Ss look at the flashcards for the count of ten Organization • Teacher – whole class • Teacher – whole class/ individuals/ pairwork/ groupwork • Teacher – whole class - Turn the flashcards over to face the board when the students are not looking - Call out a number and have students take turns guessing the face down card - Turn the card over after each guess +, Option 2: Play the game “What is it?” - Hold up the flashcards, one at a time, partly hidden by a sheet of paper - Slowly reveal the flashcard - Students try to guess what the flashcard is B Listen and point Pre- listening: Introduce the situation While- listening: - Play the CD and have students look at the picture - Demonstrate the activity by pointing at the words While-listening: Play the CD again Have Ss listen and repeat Post- listening: Point at each word and have students call it out “Stand up/ sit down/ listen.” C Sing Play audio and have students listen Play audio and have students turn to page 68 Play audio and have Ss sing the song as a whole class Have some students sing in front of class D Say and * Practice (optional) Show a flashcard to the class Have Ss practice the structure using the new word Repeat with other flashcards E.g Teacher shows a flashcard "listen" Class: "Listen." * Say and do: Divide the class into pairs Have St A say (e.g 'stand up') and St B the action Have students swap roles and repeat Have some pairs demonstrate the act in front of the class E Play “Simon says” Have students look at the example Have Ss follow commands that start with “Simon says…” Give them different commands with or without “Simon says…” such as “stand up”, “Simon says stand up”, etc If it doesn’t start with “Simon says…”, Ss who the action must sit down Have one student stand in front of the class to be Simon Have students swap roles and repeat * Activity: Play the game “Slap the board” • Teacher – whole class • Teacher – whole class • Teacher – whole class • Teacher – whole class • Teacher – students in pairs • Teacher whole class/ Ss - Ss • Teacher - - Arrange the flashcards on the board - Have groups of Ss stand in front of the board - Call out a word - Ss from groups slap the flashcard on the board - The st who can slap the flashcard first is the winner Wrap-up +, Option 1: Review Play the game “Thumbs Up or Down” - Show a flashcard one at a time and have Ss identify the word teacher says by putting their thumbs up or down - Repeat the activity with other flashcards E.g Teacher: (showing the flashcard ‘stand up’) sit down - Students: (putting their thumbs down) - Teacher: sit down - Ss: (putting their thumbs up) +, Option 2: Review Play the game “Listen and point” - Write the vocabulary in different areas on the board - Teacher says a word (written on the board) - Ss use their fingers to point at the word on the board and say it loudly Students in groups • Teacher – whole class • Teacher – whole class WEEK Date of teaching: 16, 17/ 9/ 2020 (1B, A) English Unit 1: FAMILY Period 3: Lesson I Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to introduce family members II Teaching aids - Teacher’s aids: studentbook and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, IWB software, projector/ interactive whiteboard/ TV - Students’ aids: Student book, notebooks, workbook III Languages focus - Vocabulary: father, mother - Structures: This is my (mother) IV Procedures Steps/Activities Warm-up +, Option 1: Sing and Dance Play “i-Learn Smart Start” song (from YouTube) and make gestures Organization • T - whole class following the lyrics, have Ss stand up and make the gestures +, Option 2: Say “Hello!” - Go around the class, say “Hello!” to Ss, one by one, and have them say “Hello!” - Ask them say “Hello!” to their neighboring friends +, Option 3: Play “Simon says” - Have Ss follow commands that start with “Simon says…” - Give them different commands with or without “Simon says…” such as “stand up”, “Simon says stand up”, etc - If it doesn’t start with “Simon says…”, Ss who the action must sit down - Have one st stand in front of the class to be Simon New lesson A Listen and point Repeat Have students listen to each new word Have Ss listen to each new word and repeat all together and individually Correct student’s pronunciation if necessary Arrange the flashcards on the board Play audio and have Ss listen and point at the pictures in their books Play audio again and have Ss listen, repeat several times Change the order of the flashcards, point at them individually and have Ss say the words, correct pronunciation when needed Have Ss work in pairs, one points at the pic in the book and the other says the word TPR practice step 1: say the word and make the gesture/ sound all together according to the word TPR practice step 2: the actions and Ss say the word accordingly TPR practice step 3: have Ss work in pairs, would the action, the other say the word *Activities: (optional) +, Option 1: Play the “GUESS” game - Arrange the flashcards on the board - Write a number under each flashcard - Have Ss look at the flashcards for the count of ten - Turn the flashcards over to face the board when the Ss are not looking - Call out a number and have Ss take turns guessing the face down card - Turn the card over after each guess +, Option 2: Play the game “Flash look and say” - Teacher shows a flashcard quickly - Students say that word B Listen and point •Tindividuals / whole class • T - whole class/ Ss - Ss • T – whole class • Teacher individuals / whole class • Teacher whole class/ Ss - Ss 1 Pre-listening: Introduce the situation, point at each person in the • Teacher – pic and have Ss call out the words “father, mother” whole class While-listening - Play audio and have Ss look at the picture - Demonstrate the act by pointing at "father", "mother" in the pic While-listening: Play the audio again Have Ss listen and repeat While-listening: Play audio again Have Ss listen and point Post- listening: Point at each pic and have Ss call out the words again “father/ mother/ Kim.” C Sing Play audio and have students listen • Teacher Play audio and have students turn to page 68 individuals / Play audio and have Ss sing the song as a whole class whole class Wrap-up +, Option 1: Review Play the game “Listen and point” - Write the vocabulary in different areas on the board • Teacher - Teacher says a word (written on the board) whole class/ - Ss use their fingers to point to the vocabulary on the board and say students it loudly +, Option 2: Review Play the game “Lips read” -Teacher says a word silently - Students say that word loudly Date of teaching: 17, 18/ 9/ 2020 (1B, A) English Unit 1: FAMILY Period 4: Lesson I Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to introduce family members II Teaching aids - Teacher’s aids: studentbook and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, IWB software, projector/ interactive whiteboard/ TV - Students’ aids: Student book, notebooks, workbook III Languages focus - Vocabulary: father, mother - Structures: This is my (mother) IV Procedures Steps/Activities Warm-up & Review +, Option 1: Review What is the missing letter? - Have Ss look at the flashcards and call out the words - Write them on the board - Erase or letters of each word - Have a student go to the board - Show a flashcard and have that st call out the word and say the Organization • T – whole class/ Ss missing letter(s) - Repeat the activity with other students +, Option 2: Review Sing - Play audio Part C and have students sing the song +, Option 3: Sing and Dance - Play “i-Learn Smart Start” song (from YouTube) and make gestures following the lyrics, have Ss stand up and make the gestures New lesson D Role-play Point to each person in the pictures and have Ss call out the words "father / mother" Demonstrate the activity with a st using the speech bubbles Show a flashcard to the class and have Ss practice the structure E.g (Teacher shows a flashcard "mother"): This is my mother Repeat the activity with another flashcard * Role-play Divide the class into pairs Have pairs practice the conversations and swap roles Have some pairs demonstrate the act in front of the class E Say Divide the class into groups of four Have St A introduce Students C and D as their family members to St B, and have St B say “Hello!” Have Students C and D say “Hello!” to St B Have students swap roles and repeat the activity Have some groups demonstrate the ac in front of the class *Activity: Draw and say - Have Ss look at the flashcards and say the words - Give each student a blank sheet of paper and ask them to draw their father and mother - Have Ss work in pairs, practice saying about their pictures Eg ‘This is my (mother).’ - Ask some Ss stick their pictures on the board and introduce their family members Wrap-up +, Option 1: Review Step away lines - Have each st prepare a photo/ drawing of their father/ mother (or drawings) - Have Ss stand in two rows facing each other, so that each st has a partner in the opposite line - Have each pair hold up their photos and say a sentence Eg ‘This is my (mother).’ Each time the pairs complete their sentences, they take a giant step back and repeat the sentences Every time they • T – whole class • Teacher – whole class • Teacher – whole class • Teacher – students in pairs • Teacher students in groups • Teacher/ individuals/ Ss in pairs • Teacher students in pairs so, they will naturally need to speak louder in order to be heard by each other +, Option 2: Review Unscramble sentences - Have students work in groups of four - Give each groups some flash cards, each card has a word on it - Set a time limit for the completion of the task - Have Ss arrange words to make sentences There are sentences for each group - Check answers father is my mother is This This • Teacher students in groups my WEEK Date of teaching: 23, 24/ 9/ 2020 (1B, A) English Unit 1: FAMILY Period 5: Lesson I Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to recognize the /æ/ and /b/ sounds II Teaching aids - Teacher’s aids: Studentbook and teacher’s book, class CDs, flashcards, IWB software, projector/ interactive whiteboard/ TV - Students’ aids: Studentbook, notebooks, workbook III Languages focus - Vocabulary: Aa, Bb, ant, boy IV Procedure Steps/Activities Warm-up +, Option 1: Sing - Play audio Part C and have students sing the song +, Option 2: Play the game “Matching” - Write the words/ sentences on the board - Have students read the words/ sentences on the board - Give Ss flashcards Organization • Teacher – whole class • Teacher students 10 - Have Ss match the flashcards with the words/ sentences on the board and call out the words/ sentences New lesson * The alphabet Play the alphabet song and have Ss listen Play audio again and sing the song Put the flashcards on the board for the letters in red (a and b) Point to each flashcard, call out the letter's name, and have Ss repeat * Letter A Listen and repeat Trace +, Listen and repeat Have students look at the letter Play audio Have Ss listen and repeat all together and individually Correct student’s pronunciation if necessary Have some Ss demonstrate the act in front of the class +, Trace Have students call out the letter sound Demonstrate the steps of tracing the letters with your finger Have students trace the letters with their fingers Have some Ss demonstrate the act in front of the class 2- Listen and repeat Have students look at the picture, letter and word Play audio Have Ss listen and point to the letter and word as they hear Have Ss listen and repeat all together and individually Correct student’s pronunciation if necessary Have some Ss demonstrate the act in front of the class Sing Have students look at the lyrics and pictures Read the lyrics as a whole class Play audio, have Ss listen and point at the letters/ words Have students listen and sing along Have students sing and make a gesture (of an ant) Have some Ss sing and make the gesture in front of the class Wrap-up Listen and clap Demonstrate the activity Have students stand up Have students clap when they hear the 'a' sound Have some Ss demonstrate the act in front of the class Date of teaching: 24, 25/ 9/ 2020 (1B, A) English Unit 1: FAMILY • Teacher whole class • Teacher – whole class/ individuals • Teacher – whole class/ individuals • Teacher – whole class/ students • Teacher – whole class/ students ... quickly - Ss say that word or a sentence, using “It’s a…” WEEK Date of teaching: 14 , 15 / 10 / 2020 (1B, A) English UNIT 2: SCHOOL Period 11 : Lesson whole class • Teacher – students in pairs • Teacher... Have other Ss guess the answer Repeat the act with other Ss WEEK Date of teaching: 30/ 9/ 2020 (1B) 1/ 10 / 2020 (1A) English Unit 1: FAMILY Period 7: Lesson I Objectives: By the end of this lesson,... groups • Teacher – students in groups • Teacher – students in groups 15 Date of teaching: 1, 2/ 10 / 2020 (1B, A) English Unit 1: FAMILY Period 8: Lesson I Objectives: By the end of this lesson,