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2 3 4 5 6 Unit 13 Unit L4 Unit L5 Units 13 15 Cut ond moke 5 Unir ,,,e"1{r "''''i &i lN tl L l 1 Complete the puzzLe Find t w E trkffi,trS^ I trMtrft***l rM tE f t lg lI@( 2 took ond complete L Where is[.]

2 Unit Unit 13 L4 Unit L5 Units 13-15 Cut ond moke Unir ,,,e"1 {r -"'i Exfro writing &i lN tlL -_l Y$xey-r'w Srwmc &*xsgrw$6m$ w.E Complete the puzzLe Find t he onswer to the question trkffi,trS^ I- d :*'"j f-t-lg- - -lI@( ! rl: i-r ri{-riK 2' j '.i- i lr;':!.t : I i ,3:' trMtrft***l rM tE *- ond drow the fl.og i 'lI I I ",i "-: -l-" : l,-, i - l - - i, i r, -' ,- -: i ,5r - , *- -1 -"i- , ''i-' :" ,- Il'" i1 i' iY i7't II i! iI i* lI '6,, ; r1 ""******- .,, .-.-*., -*'r,1 "*' -i-' "" : I: ir i i ;1 whereisitsummer inDecemberono '^^^-:;*^-,- ll ii rl winter in August? t -.-.-J took ond complete L Where is he from? Theg're i-ie's from Russic Where ore Uou from? from Where ore Uou from? from from Where is she from? Where is he from? f rom Where ore theg from? from Whot obout gou? Write o sentence ond drow Uour countrg's flag q $" *3.4 "" g;t,8.l;:q, c.1."-r 4"Y&*fiffi$ ffi f'J!?tlilfE lllllil @ oxford University press Unir t1 Exlro writing My w*ekwmd tl Whot theg Like? Motch ond write L_ha ffi \e/ Emmo ILikes flshl '-:7 Ioe Likees u *1ei t Anno i PoLLg rl :=., ll .,All i@ffil Ben ll('@oll Look ond write *****-***'*-l*ia' I I i ! @ )l"ll re=#a skoteboord t **lll-M$1 * shoP "".-." ,lf{'h\ to ttt ,***l .*, .*"-" i mvl ;i I l l i i I i \/ t_*^ 1 t i I ' "1I I x ! / L Emmo lik*s skeitEh*erCing ond sh*Bg:ire6 She d*ssn't Ben Ben ond Ioe ond Ben Does Ioe Like shopping? He photos Emmo piici*s skoteboording photos skoteboording Emmo ond Joe Does Emmo Like shopping? , Whot gou tike? Write o sentence ond drow Uour hobbg Ess!!fifif,fl i.ike takang @ oxford University press s4 *".-: -c q r#sYlg$v frild; rii$€{'Esas # Unit {4, Exfro writing x '] r*' / I ffiy i, Write the words Find them in the puzzle HM@ r:mirna t:_J L:t rr dl f,,1r*t'r:r+-^e ** e L e V I m r C o m p u p t d k z a U p j x W p u L h c L i o I a o g U p e r o n t e r m o S o n I d e C b u V r a V f I J b t m C t h e d n e x r J L r s m U r z k d V d ? L a U e r 1r :r_"4.L.Y.: ec60 /\ t -::-( V ll ffi@ **, Reorronge the words L t we to moke questions with *$x$xr6s Con / see / ? /their / Canl shells Con we see thelr shetts? listen to our / /I/ Can Can we / / 7/ I / Can MP3ploger / ? / gour /car /gou /? /Jind buV /postcords Uour / / /7 / reod / some /we / comics / Con have/ ice creo,^ Can / ,o^" / I Hove gou got o cotlection? Write o sentence ond drow Uour collection r.('!"o,.9 P,3l' " "' - - " ".?'\ "*"4 ]@$!!@f,fl @ oxforduniversitypress Unirs i ti {* ,t4&.irring &:& I Reod obout lenng Then reod obout Corlos ond circte the 14 missing r ri.ki,llr,.,:., lm.',i Swmxxy,; ,, # $, , $ copitol letters Hi! I'm Ienng ond I'm from Britoin I've got two brothers Mg birthdog is in lune Mg bestfriend is Angelo She'sfrom Spoin She's got o sister {h]eLLo! i'm corlos ond i'm from broziL mg birthdog is in ougust i've got o brother ond o sister mg bestfriends ore oLi ond imron theg're from egUpt theg're eight geors old Motch ond write the controctions A I hove she's LI Iom theg've 2lom she is I've she hos I,M she hos theg ore theg're theg ore theg hove she's theg hove hove she is Reod Amelio's interview Add punctuotion morks , ? Amelia HellQ Have you and your family got any petsS David vesfiwe havefiwe've got a rabbiQ a cat and a goldfish{1 Amelia And you like sports David Yes My favourite sporfs are football basketball and tennis Amelia Does anyone in your family collect things David Yes My sisters collect shells stickers and badges Amelia Thanks Last question Where are you from David l'm from Canada @!!@f,fl @ oxford universitypress -)-e,^,a L" #itr- , ;,"1-"n-l-^" "!1rq 1?d Units h i,*spJ r"'h*;) t _- - t -tg :r:S:: di,:.& ffi#5mss,sg s, *.w s.@.,* wfil ill$ i ? Who's being heLpfuL? Whot Look ond tick Voluer I mmd *mfm fu*fusmqflEmur (./l o, cross (f) theg sog? Reod ond write the questions Iomes wonts to finish his computer gome Con I Jinish rng f,*firp{lftrr #*rfi.c , pleose? Eliso wonts to wotch her Jovourite TV progromme Con I Doniel wonts to plog his fovourite song Declon wonts to ploy outsideforfive more minutes tse&q "!cr ,,., t -&:'Emra.*r rj!!a!q ]@$!!![ffl o oxforduniversitypress Units i t,#% \Iorluei I l &:$se$1psar$,.,,mmd l'sffi I 6#, &wl$*6ry6**,* Motch the beginnings ond the ends of the sentences gou help me skoteboord in gour bedroom, pleose? help Can Uou wotch Con Uou help me put the cleon clothes owou, pleose? Con gou Who me tidg up the coots, pleose? set the toble, pleose? sogs it? Write the questions ]@s@ffl o oxfordUniversitypress $mrm$$w *md Sril*m*s S Unir Extro writing l,rh, Wmuw*r fumxr6mry I 1_ 6exmx qxf efusr fuwws*a! Unscromble ond write I Love our gorden It's be*utful Thot ploUground (ueobLiJut) The zoo in town is is (erondougs) We don't plog there (fose) The onimoLs con't get out Look, This is mg fovourite beoch (Lenoc) It's big It's ond thot gorden hosn't got ong flowers (guuL) We don't go to thot beoch It's Look ond correct the sentences L Theg're kogoking He's swimming Theg're (LoLutdep) The; or€r1't kmgckl"ng rh*U'i"ff v,rir";;5,-"1:rifi ?l soiLing She's snorkelling She's woterskiing He's diving Whot's Uour fovourite sport? Write o sentence ond drow yourself &,*dry-E{,r s esa{ *F}*aBf4ts -vrrur sH, w ]@@!!![f,fl @ oxforduniversitypress Unir {p, t'*d I Extro writing ]lr /: dt **o"o$*&** ***f;r**r* a-.e x!q#Edrt#rr fr 3r B{Fqircssrlr6;pr ; Look ond motch Write the words ongru -seored"' Jree L Thot monkeg is sor!"U sil{ar€d Ho ho!Thot monkeg is Ooh!Thot monkeg is Thot monkeg is Thot monkeg is Look! Thot monkeg is Look ond write questions ond onswers 1_ penguins / swim? r\i r"i :hP ;,,pn*.;rtri;t'lIilfn,flg? Ygl, f hgU *re zebra / run? :5 fl-iP l+"til-fi r'llfr,n:?lSf :\i: girl /toke o photo? Lizards / eatl crocodlf Z rf pi flomin gos / JLg? Whot's Uour fovourite onimo[? Write o sentence ond drow the onimol ]@s!!![f,fl @ oxfordUniversityPress funng kind Unit ,44j: / s*-\ Exfro writing xe s Jn8ffi $ ##y tnl E Motch write q bout lim ;"i, !' 1\ I]C "? \ t.t ly_ l-r; | \5* -41 \l ?-5./ ,/ :1 -\ ':\ fi*" l| {r \"a \r ,r;, i- : \ /.^tt I / s-l;'l -\ \'* / ^'; \/ e :"r' \- * - -'t I q l-rrst, L J rm n05 m slaowsr ot -":", \tx t:^t.*;* r tltr *1"r of He He ot He ot He ot qLr*rier pnst six ot FinoL[9, he Write questions ond onswers obout lim's week Mondog - ; Loqk] rafe, horse sheep ii:Geti 11p, :.Ride at tUesdoU " i , .'' , r,, :r rr i ' '".Loo.k'.af,.er horse sheep !.Ge! up, :r',-'.lpide' ot L lim /ride his horse /evergdag? l)*es "iim rld* h.{.s }:*ns* trv*}-H dexy? Y*s, }ae dces Tim / get up eorlg / on Sotu rdag? Wednesdog :., Ge! uP , ' Ride.r '., j Loo,k q$ei horse sheep -, Thursdogi r : , ,i : :,::Gqt up rr.,,'.,.t,Rdg, , , Loqk iqJtei ot horse sheep at ,, ' Iim ond hisfriends / goto the pork / on Soturdog? Fridog Get up Ride Look aJter Jim / get up Lote / on Sotu rdag ond Sundog? horse sheep Sat,urdog ,i ,, '' ' Get up Ride Go to park tate horse with Jriends Iim / Look rf,;;the sheep everg dog? / :'Ride Lo-ok'aftei ' Ger uP late horse sheep ' at Whot gou everg dog? Write ond drow Swm*$ymmd Srlmmds& ]@@@f,fl @ oxfordUniversitypress ... Lo 5o high mountoin Long river on old bridge Look ond write ffi lll" lt /''1 ffi €+ffi /a\ )f\ -X.\:/ @l''A- s i\g lrs r -1.1 \+/ ffiffi /iUouAlfedi/\r-eot1 L loe is t*llier thon Leo, but Ted is... countrg''s flag q $" *3. 4 "" g;t,8.l;:q, c.1."-r 4"Y&*fiffi$ ffi f''J!?tlilfE lllllil @ oxford University press Unir t1 Exlro writing My w*ekwmd tl Whot theg Like? Motch ond write L_ha ffi \e/ Emmo ILikes... PoLite t" ***-*^-* I t I I t I ffe*w3$qr *rs** Srt*mds ffi f''Jltll''itllltlEltlFlfil @ oxford University pre s s Units !?/-a Volues \-j v I / /.* -rl lrai I l,''* kr ?l'' v: ffia*am**imm *m p@rygs& mueBa$ie

Ngày đăng: 25/11/2022, 09:21

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