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Fingerprints 3 activity book full

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I irlto Cqnoline Linse Ellg Schottrnon A MACMILLAN ' o;r *& u% opolinre Linse Ng Activitg tsook tr MACMILLAN $cfroffr?trn @@o# $ I /G\ firhis boT to \"lonss $ A tr ffi ffi ffi # A"W'-._.,, Contents Unit English Closs tt Unit Fornilies ond Hornes L2 Unif Heolthg ond Stnong 20 At the 7oo 28 Unit tt Unit Lonch Tirne 36 Unit Mg Neighbonhood qtf Unit Gane Dog 50 Unit Son, Wind, ond Roin 58 Unit Childnen's Foin 66 Unit 10 Unden the Moshnoorn 75 re t= T \ 5C ooo loC Unit 1, Lesson I Tnoce the poth fnorn the bog to the fonfle, f inst using o f ingen, then o pencil I e&ww w & x Dnow goun foce ond wnite goun nome below, Cot oot the poge ond rnount it on coloned popen Unit 1, Lesson %w ll:lllrrr, lllW] "::1,:.,,:::l:,, :':a.::.::'::::::',r;',::,:,tt;':t " ""*,i.,,,,,''(li t ',, ,,,,,,,,*""'v,l1ffi11111,,, '"rlrllliillli:, iil, iii]llllr' ir.r.i1iiil11i111ti:::,, "iiiilillllll - | ,,*l, a r ssr ffi,ils * * Ml ffi w ffiffi ffi 1ffi w Ml ffi ffi ,i M arc w ;6 lwsw ffi ffi ,*ffiMB ffi ffi ffi ffi **\, *^/f_ '-J Cot oot the pictones ond poste on the tnog with the sorne initiol letten soond Unit 1, Lesson { @@@ ,ltu, ffffl /&/&& ,,, Tnoce the nurnbens Count eoch set of pictones ond dnow o line to the ;,|:,ii;',:t,,1)',',:',,,,,:,,, ::.a.a.a.a.:::::::, :',::" :4?:::::::::, .:t#:i$l L IJ ,, aj1t:::::tttttt:) .*, ,,,, Unit 1, Lesson { rnotching nurnben "" *#l -T_ Jq r Ii ke 'rrir, Reod ond cornplete the nebos sentence with o pictone Sog the sentence ,5 o J 'rrrl fl:a:,: Unit 1, Lesson ,iS ,,,,,,i,,,,,1 rilriiiiilli.ir, ll' f uuu:, Colon the dolls ond cut thern oot Listen to the stong ond hold op the dolls of the night tirnes 1riirrrtrr'i:* Unif ?, Less on rlllill -&l",;Wld, ;1:lllltttttttt:::,, : : : ttiliij::::::::t:tllll:l::aa i,rrrllrllrr., i1111:i:::::::,: ,illillllllr.lll: ririrrrrrr: ,:lt!l1tr, .,,,1;,141,L1',1;:, ;::l:', w lltrrr,,.,,llll::::::rrll$i ,lta:a:a:a:affi:a : rt 11ly&11t,,: i '"'"""'' 9'rya M !]WI W it:r%.w ffi \$$1n ffid ,trl Join the dots to rnoke o bed Dnow o pictone of gounself on sorneone fnorn gou? fornilg in the bed 0nit 9, Lesson Todoy is ft f is orn Todoy is ft I is orn Unit 9, Lesson Wnite the dog of f he week with gou? teochen's help Cornplete the sentences: dnow todog's weothen ond lf choose o Pictone Sticken fon how goo feel OJ OJJOJ OJ OoJOo OoJ Coloun the fnuit in the f inst column, f inst row: gneen fon opples, gellow fon bonono Sog the pottenn togethen, gneen opple, gellow bonono, ond so on Colon the pictune thot (lnif ?, continoes the pottenn in the night-hond colornn Lesson Drow o big Drow o bigge? Drow the biggest @ iiF *ryffifl *ili ** W Unit ?, Less on Reod the instnuctions qnd dnow f he pictunes slowest biggest fostest n@ Lr Colon the r r.| Lrr- rr-rJ L_ littlest pig pink, the biggen pig block ond the biggest pig, bnown, Ctrt oot the pigs Rernernben The Pig Roce Which pig is the slowest? fostest? biggesf? Stick the pigs in the connect boxes Unit ?, Stong Tirne -r I ,,,,ffi :,- rr",irrlr:r,irrrrrrrttti ,:lr''"rr irrilililll'lll:iilii ,,;*tz::::::lllllll|i, :l ll;ll lrililllii:l,t,rrttrrir.illiliiiitiirii]llll ililllllli , t uuull:t,,lrl'' '.:::a::::::tttt:.:.:.tt::t:l:llryt::t:::: ::'' s- 5-rtrrttutttrtirr'm 'rlllllllllllliii,,rr,Ur::&llllllll:llllrala : I "illllll: illlllrlllrrr/:,,ffiltilz:i .,,l, iiiilll:iiili ilillllllllil ,, u:*! ',iirllllllll,ii, tNNfl illllirl IiiiIiii i i' ii I lilllrlli;:rrrlrrrrrrrrr, ,iriiiliirliirlltl :rtllilll)ruurutt' '::::t:i:,),t::::6iiw: .,,*: ::::::::::::.4* 1r:::::::::::::::.'' -!{&:::lM-l i\|!)Wrr':' ': i;w$il- *iii!i&r 'flr *-.J ' 1:::::::llllll :., 't:aa:t:l:1:::':.:a: .aa::j::r 'lll\ lillllrlll{&rrrrrrr,irililiilillli -, "t ,;;"- :"il ,, I I I I I I I i i: l: i iiIiiIIII II IIIIIII rr r lr, ]t])),:):)l::;#,ttlttltttiti!' I JQ ]ii|iitil 7'd1 YW? AI |} 1l iil ii l]]] I il x Cut oot ond colon Use os stong p0ppets Unif 10 :::::11:11::::::::::.:.t :; : : 1\1a \;\:: L::;l:)a:):)1:::::::tt tH:1.::::'' tut :::::ll:l\:.,:.: t),.;)::' ::"'' il: *"#tllllil$l:i , -f, "if!,lJttt : ];;llli:iiiiiritrul:€illllllll'llllli:'s:.r:;' ,t]i]iilllltlllIiliiii;:]1utl,,, t ttttt t : tttttt tt - ri:!llllrrrrrrlllllllili:arl:iiiillitilltF iiliriiiirrrlg,, ;.gll\ l:tirr, r : :r,riiiiiuiurirtrrrt' r\rllLtaaa:ti rlliilllllif 'ffi " *' tttutt ,M tut-t 'ffi -ffi@ r&;,rrIr)t\|t':& "':illlllllillilillllr'' * - I fliffil*,' *i F{ ffiE:{ Ei$:, lllllllirL d# t, :: d trffi ,BS3' .$Biti o o\[" e4l X Cot oot ond colon Use os stong poppets Unif 10 ririuiii::r:i:rllltrilliil*:li,iili ,, l]iilllill,lll,,,.al]]iull],]]illllllls' ll "r :* ',,fullllllrrrlllrlraalllllll,,,rlr,,.::llillil, t :lly:::):::.::::ffi1y : i:::))irllp I ffi' ,,, ::::u,tllllfff$:.::::::t::\.&rr i r ir!ilir ?t*l?l I ;? M 51 6j 71 8j 41 91 3j 1o o 21 11 o $M ffi 12 ffi 76i YffiT *d irr.iiiriiiiiirt Connect the dots (1-1 2) to cornplete the rnoshnoorn, then colon the pictone Unit 10, Lesson I Macmillan Education Between Towns Road, Oxford ox4 3pp, UK A division of Macmillan Publishers Limited Companies and representatives throughout the world ISBN 978 333 95464 Text @ Caroline Linse Elly Schottman 2002 Design and illustration @ Macmillan Publishers Limited 2002 First published 2002 All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers a retrieval system, transmitted Designed by Anne Sherlock Illustrated by Simon Abbott represented by Advocate Printed in Thailand 2015 2014 20t3 2012 22 2t 20 19 2011 18 Fingerprints is an innovative three-level course in American Engtish which offers pre-schooI chitdren a hands-on approach to [anguage learning Fingerprints has been designed to appeatto chitdren's interests and address their a[t-round devetopment lt features: f a controlled language sytlabus based on nine child-centered themes cross-curricular activities to stimulate language use in the context of other f.: ' subject areas f.: full-color stickers to reinforce key vocabulary f; an extensive program of songs, chants and dialogs f: a we[[ known fairytale, which children can prepare as an end-of-year production For the teacher, the interteaved Teacher's Guide provides: d; futt support for planning and assessment d: vocabulary games in every unit f: ideas for an interactive bulletin board featuring disptays and open-ended practice activities f; options for further developing early titeracy levelof Fingerprints consists of a Student Book, Activity Book, Teacher's Guide and Audio Program (avaitable on cassette or CD) Posters and Picture Cards for use with atlthree levels are contained in the Activity Pack, and an interactive CD-ROM al[ows chi[dren to practice and review language at their own pace Each Two additionaI series of activity workbooks follow the syltabus of Fingerprints, to further consolidate the language presented First Letters supports and extends the early [iteracy strand of Fingerprints, white First Numbers devetops basic number and math skitts lsBN 978-0-333-95464-5 l|[ilffillilllLllllll ... ',",,,,,,rrUr.t ,W,., Toke-horne book Unif 3, Lesson q) c a J) o a {- a -o o o E o o _.c +-o t- o = qC -0/d -o -r'J cJ/a^ t- o ut< c,l= c- o _.c C,l= g o Ci= r-l o a o_ e L _a $ s Unit 3, Lesson x .! i ;... hos o hof ':liltl,ll: 't::::.: t? aa- Unit 3, Lesson { ,6 -6 r m w € ffi ffi >

Ngày đăng: 29/03/2018, 20:50

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