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ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP HỌC KÌ II (2012 – 2013)

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ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP HỌC KÌ II (2012 – 2013) PHÒNG GD&ĐT QUẬN NAM TỪ LIÊM ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP NGỮ VĂN 6 Trường THCS Đại Mỗ Năm học 2019 2020 I PHẦN VĂN BẢN 1 Truyện và kí Bài học đường đời đầu tiên Sông nước C[.]

PHÒNG GD&ĐT QUẬN NAM TỪ LIÊM Trường THCS Đại Mỗ ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP NGỮ VĂN Năm học: 2019-2020 PHẦN VĂN BẢN Truyện kí: - Bài học đường đời - Sông nước Cà Mau - Bức tranh em gái - Vượt thác Thơ: - Đêm Bác không ngủ Yêu cầu: - Học sinh nắm tác giả, tác phẩm, thể loại phương thức biểu đạt + Thơ: học thuộc lòng + Truyện: tóm tắt - Những đặc sắc nội dung nghệ thuật tác phẩm - Tập viết đoạn văn phân tích tác dụng số biện pháp nghệ thuật học I PHẦN TIẾNG VIỆT Các biện pháp tu từ Yêu cầu: - So sánh: cần trình bày khái niệm, phân tích tác dụng, cấu tạo kiểu so sánh Làm tập 1.Tr 43/SGK - Nhân hóa: trình bày khái niệm, phân tích tác dụng kiểu nhân hóa Làm tập 4.Tr 59/SGK II PHẦN TẬP LÀM VĂN Văn tự Văn tả cảnh Văn tả người Yêu cầu: - Nắm vững khái niệm, phương pháp làm văn tự sự, văn tả cảnh tả người - Cách làm văn tự miêu tả IV- MỘT SỐ BÀI TẬP THAM KHẢO TIẾNG VIỆT Câu 1: So sánh gì? Có kiểu so sánh? Đặt câu phép so sánh gạch chân phép so sánh Câu 2: Cho biết mơ hình cụm danh từ Điền cụm danh từ sau vào mơ hình a, Một lưỡi búa cha để lại b, Tất em học sinh chăm ngoan c, Những cánh buồm giương to Câu 3: a, Nêu kiểu nhân hóa Cho ví dụ minh họa b, Đặt hai câu với hai phó từ: đều, I PHẦN VĂN BẢN Câu 4: Học xong văn bản" Bài học đường đời đầu tiên" trích “ Dế Mèn phiêu lưu kí” Tơ Hồi, em cho biết sai phạm Dế Mèn ? Từ sai phạm Dế mèn em rút học ? Câu 5: đọc đoạn văn trả lời câu hỏi: Những động tác thả sarút sào rập ràng nhanh cắt Thuyền cố lấn lên Dượng Hương Thư tuđồng đúc, bắp thịt cồn cuộn, quai hàm bạnh ra, cặp mắt nảy lửa ghì ngonj sào giống nhyw hiệp sĩ Trường Sơn oai linh hùng vĩ” (Trích SGK Ngữ văn – tập 2) a) Đoạn văn trích từ văn nào? Của ai? b) Đoạn văn viết theo phương thức biểu đạt nào? c) Trong đoạn văn tác giả sử dụng biện pháp nghệ thuật nào? Gạch chân chi tiết có sử dụng biện pháp nghệ thuật cho biết tác dụng việc tái chân dung nhân vật Dượng Hương Thư? d) Hình ảnh Dượng Hương Thư cho em ấn tượng vẻ đẹp người lao động? Câu 6: Từ văn "Bức tranh em gái " Tạ Duy Anh, em rút học cho thân? Câu 7: a) Chép thuộc lòng khổ thơ đầu thơ “ Đêm Bác không ngủ” Minh Huệ b) Cho câu thơ: “Người Cha mái tóc bạc Đốt lửa cho anh nằm” Chỉ biện pháp nghệ thuật sử dụng câu thơ nêu tác dụng biện pháp Câu 8: Thế truyện truyền thuyết? Em có ấn tượng sâu sắc với nhân vật truyện truyền thuyết nào? Vì sao? (Thánh Gióng, Lang Liêu, Lạc Long Quân, Sơn Tinh, ) Câu 9: Viết đoạn văn khoảng 10 câu nêu cảm nhận em hình ảnh Bác Hồ sau học xong thơ “Đêm Bác khơng ngủ”, có sử dụng biện pháp nhân hóa so sánh TẬP LÀM VĂN Đề 1: Hãy tả cảnh đẹp quê hương mà em yêu thích Đề 2: Một lần bị bệnh, mẹ (hoặc người thân yêu) ln cận kề chăm sóc chu đáo Hãy miêu tả hình ảnh mẹ (hoặc người thân yêu lúc ấy) Đề : Kể chuyến chơi em PHÒNG GD&ĐT QUẬN NAM TỪ LIÊM Trường THCS Đại Mỗ ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP Năm học: 2019-2020 Câu 1: Tính nhanh a) -48 + 48 (-78) + 48.(-21) b) 135 (171 – 123) – 171 (135 - 123) c) 35 18 – 28 d) 24 (16 – 5) – 16 (24 - 5) e) 29 (19 – 13) – 19 (29 – 13) g) 31 (-18) + 31 ( - 81) – 31 h) (-12).47 + (-12) 52 + (-12) k) 13.(23 + 22) – 3.(17 + 28) 2n+1 * m) (-25).21 (-2) (-  ).(-1) (n  N ) n) (-5)3 67 (  ) (-1)2n(n  N*) Câu 2: Tính giá trị biểu thức a/ (-25) ( -3) x với x = -4 b/ (2ab2) : (abc) với a = 4; b = -6; c = 12 c/ (a2 - b2) : (a + b) (a – b) với a = 5;b = -3 d/ (-1) (-4) y với y = 25 e/ [(-25).(-27).(-x)] : y với x = -4; y = -9 Câu 3: Tìm số nguyên x a/-2x – (x – 17) = 34 – (-x + 25) b/17x – ( -16x – 37) = 2x + 43 c/ -2x –3 (x – 17) = 34 – 2(-x + 25) d/ 17x + ( -16x – 37) = 2x + 43 - 4x e/ -2x + 12  2 3x   20  x   x   1  45 Câu 4: Tính tổng 1/1 + (-2) + + (-4) + + 19 + (-20) 2/ – + – + + 99 – 100 3/ – + – + + 48 – 50 4/ – + – + - - 97 + 99 5/1 + – – + + 97 + 98 – 99 – 100 Câu 5: So sánh 1/ (-99) 98 (-97) với 2/ (-5)(-4)(-3)(-2)(-1) với 3/ (-245)(-47)(-199) với 123.(+315) 4/ 2987 (-1974) (+243) với 5/ (-12).(-45) : (-27) với │-1│ Câu 6: Điền vào ô trống a -3 +8 -(-1) -a -2 +7 3 │a│ a2 a3 a -6 +15 10 b -2 -9 a+b -10 -1 a–b 15 a.b -12 a:b -3 Câu 7: Tìm 1/ Ư(10) 2/ B(-15) 3/ Ư(-24) 4/ ƯC(-12; 18) 5/ BC(-15; +20) Câu 8: Tìm x  Z 1/ x.(x + 7) = 6/ 2x + 1 - 19 = -7 2/ (x + 12).(x-3) = 7/ -28 – - 3x + 15 = -70 3/ (-x + 5).(3 – x ) = 8/ 18 – -x + 5 = 12 4/ x.(2 + x).( – x) = 9/ 12 – 2.(-x + 3)2 = - 38 5/ (x - 1).(x +2).(-x -3) = 10/ -20 + 3.(2x + 1)3 = -101 Câu 9: Tìm số nguyên x biết 1/  x x > 6/ (x - 3) (y + 5) = -17 2/ 12  x x < 7/ (x + 1) (xy – 2) = 11 3/ -8  x 12  x 8/ xy - 7x + y = -22 9/ xy - 3x + y = -20 4/ x  ; x  (-6) -20 < x < -10 10/ xy – 5y – 2x = -41 5/ x  (-9) ; x  (+12) 20 < x < 50 Câu 10: Viết dạng tích 1/ ab + ac 4/ a(b + c) – d(b + c) 2/ ab – ac + ad 5/ ac – ad + bc – bd 3/ ax – bx – cx + dx 6/ ax + by + bx + ay Câu 11: Chứng minh đẳng thức 1/ (a – b + c) – (a + c) = -b 6/ a(b – c) + a(d + c) = a(b + d) 2/ (a + b) – (b – a) + c = 2a + c 7/ a.(b – c) – a.(b + d) = -a.( c + d) 3/ - (a + b – c) + (a – b – c) = -2b 4/ a(b + c) – a(b + d) = a(c – d) 5/ (a + b).( c + d) – (a + d).( b + c) = (a – c) (d – b) Câu 12: Tìm số nguyên n a) n + n + c) n2 + n + 17 n +1 b) - n n - d) n2 + 25 n + e) 2n + n + g) 3n2 + n – h) 3n + 2n + i) 2n2 + 11 3n + Câu 13: Chứng minh giá trị biểu thức sau không phụ thuộc vào a (3a + 2).(2a – 1) + (3 – a).(6a + 2) 17.(a 1) Câu 14: Tìm GTLN hc GTNN cđa: b) B   x  17  y  36  12 c)C  x   35 a)A=  x   21 d) D = 3(3x – 12)2 – 37 e) E = -21 – x  50 g) F = (x – 3)2 + x   25 I PRACTICE TEST FOR GRADE NUMBER Find the word which has a different sunnd in the part underline A cool B wardrobe C poem D rosy A houses B toothbrushes C stores D glasses A oven B brother C stove D roses A hands B legs C lips D ears A Monday B another C month D judo II Find the word which the stress pattern pronounced differently form others A teacher B student C lecture D engineer A diploma B folder C backpack D sharpener A apartment B wardrobe C kitchen D bungalow A brunette B curly C redhead D ugly 10 A generous B pretty C attractive D scruffy III Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete these sentences 11 John in a house in the countryside A live B lives C living D to live 12 We might have smart phones the Internet A surf B surfing C to surf D surfed 13 Robot will help us the housework such as cleaning the floor, meals and so on A cooking B to cook C go D going 14 If we waste paper, we will save a lot of trees A repeat B recycle C review D remark 15 If we plant more trees in the school yard, the school will be a A darker B dirtier C greener D more polluted 16 your house have an attic? - , it does A Do/Yes B Do/No C Does/Yes D Does/No 17 Where are you, Hai? — I’m downstairs I to music A listen B to listen C am listening D listening 18 My close friend is ready things with her classmates A share B to share C shares D sharing 19 This Saturday, we to the Art Museum A go B going C is going D are going 20 My best friend, Hanh, is She talks all the time A talkative B kind C confident D creative l How often you watch TV? - A Twice B One a week C Five days D Everyday 22 Maggie was born under the of Virgo, she is very careful and hard-working A story B sight C sign D signal 23 does Lam go to school? - By school bus A How B Why C What D By what 24 What does your cousin Anh look like? - He very tall, and he big eyes with a pair of glasses A isn’t/ have B is/ have C isn't/ has D don't/ has 25 Jane's colors are red, white and gold A love B lovely C likes D favorite IV Find a mistake and correct it 26 The cat is among the lamp and the bed _ A B C D 27 There are a cupboard, a dishwasher and a table in the kitchen _ A B C D 28 Is there a television front of the microwave? _ A B C D 29 There are two bookself in my sister’s bedroom _ A B C D 30 I can see that there is a vase behind of the light _ A B C D V Supply the correct form of the words in brackets 3l My neighbor has vast _ of past events (know) 32 The weatherman says there is a strong _of rain today (possible) 33 Athens is _for its ancient buildings (fame) 34 His picture is very _ (create) 35 The news isn't very _ (cheer) VI Read the following email Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each question From: an@fastmail.com To: nick@fastmail.com Subiect: My best friend Hi Nick , It's great to hear from you I want to tell you about my best friend My grandma is my best friend She's 68 years old She lives with our family She was a maths teacher at a secondary school She likes getting up early and watering the flowers in our garden She usually helps me with my homework In the evening, she tells me interesting stories She also listens to me when I'm sad I love my grandma very much What about you? Who's your best friend? Please write to me soon Bye bye, An 36 The e-mail is about _ A An’s best friend at school B An’s grandma C An’s math teacher D An’s mom 37 _is his grandma's hobby A helping An his homework B watering flowers C telling stories D listen to music 38 An usually listens to his grandma's stories in the _ A morning B afternoon C evening D at noon 39 An likes his grandma best because _ A she lives with his family B she gets up early every morning C she always listens to him when he's sad D she is a Maths teacher 40 Which of the following statement is NOT GIVEN? A An’s grandmother taught maths B An’s grandmother like doing homework with her C An’s grandmother is nearly 70 years old D An loves her grandmother V Reorder the following words to make meaningful sentences 41 a/ classroom/ map/ and/ has/ my/ a/ proiector/ 42 Sue/ going/ school/ is/ to/ by / tomorrow/ bus 43 the/ in/ bookshelf/ room/ is/ my/ next/ the/ to/ window 44 difficult/ friends are talking/ my/ about/ a/exercise/ now 45 Lien/ house/ is/ live/ my/ and/ classmate/ near/ l/ her/ too VI Rewrite the following sentences based on the given words 46 Mary's hair is short and her face is round Mary has 47 My house is next to a big super-market There is 48 There are some trees in front of my school Some trees are _ 49 My school is far from my house  My schoolis not _ 50 Dave is cleaning the floor His brother is not doing anything  _ but PRACTICE I Find the word which has a different sunnd in the part underlined A writes B drives C takes D makes A funny B lunch C sun D computer A breakfast B eating C teacher D reading A couches B boxes C houses D tables A know B close C town D sofa II Find the word which the stress pattern pronounced differently form others A piano B blanket C pillow D towel A borrow B agree C await D prepare A paper B police C people D purpose A confident B talkative C friendly D creative 10 A handsome B obese C overweight D moustache III Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete these sentences 11 My sister will give last year's clothes to the _ instead of throwing them away A charity B shop C people D survey 12 Don't throw rubbish into the river because you will make it A greener B dirtier C fresher D cleaner 13 With a smart watch, you will your friends in other countries , A talk B take C surf D contact 14 In the future, we won't go on holiday to the beach but we go on holiday to the moon A must B can't C might D won't 15 There are many chairs in the kitchen, there are no chairs in my bedroom A and B because C but D or 16 Mark usually goes to the art club to draw pictures and paint them His friends like his pictures a lot Mark is very A creative B talkative C hard-working D sociable 17 My mum and dad work on Saturdays and Sundays A doesn't B don't C isn't D aren't 18 Trang always gets up early so she is usually early school A on B tor C at D to 19 "Can you pass me the soda, please?" - A Sorry? B No, thank you C Yes, why? D Here you are 20 We to the cinema to see the tilm "Beauty and the Beast” tonight A are going B go C goes D going 2l Tam is very pretty with her A brown long hair B hair long brown C long brown hair D brown hair long 22 John isn't lat he is very strong A but B so C because D and 23 Mai is chatting her classmates their Science exercises A on - to B to - about C with - about D to - on 24 There is a bank the supermarket A next B between C on the lett D near l5 My friend a round lace and short hair A have B is C are D has IV Find a mistake in each of the following sentense and correct it 26 How many classes is there in your school? _ A B C D 27 Nam studys the past and present events in Vietnam and around the world A B C D 28 There are a banana and five oranges on the table _ A B C D 29 Linh has a beautiful girl with blonde hair and a fit body _ A B C D 30 Turn left, you can see that the post office is opposite of my house _ A B C D V.Supply the correct form of the word 3l She was very _ She writes poetry and paints (create) 32 It's so _ out here in the country (peace) 33 She tried to clean his watch, but only _ in breaking it (success) 34 Trinh Cong Son is a highly _ musician (talent) 35 She wants to _ her knowledge of history (wide) VI Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank ‘ My name is Phong I am ll years old and I am in grade I live in a house (36) _a lake in the countryside There is a rice paddy opposite my house, too There is a small yard (37) _of my house There are tall trees behind my house (38) _the tall trees, there are mountains To the (39) _of my house, there is a well To the left of my house, there is a big garden There (40) _ flowers in the garden 36 A next B near C under D on 37 A in front B opposite C in opposite D front 38 A opposite to B front C behind D next 39 A front B left C near D right 40 A is B are C have D has VI Reorder the following words to make meaningful sentences Ks 41 large/ a/ Huong/ has/ with/ decorations/ lot/ a/ beautiful/on/ room/the/ of/ walls 10 42 my/ living/ next/ room/ room/is/ to/ the/ but/ far/bathroom/ from/ the 43 is/ hard-working/ Sue/ student/ a/ and/reads/ books/ a/ lot/ she/ of/every month 44 She/ the/ participating/ is/ in/ sports/ of/ school next/ club/ semester/ the 45 Lam/ lives/ near/ so/ his/goes/ schooI/ school/walk/ he/ to/ by V Rewrite the following sentences based on the given words 46 My father's working room has a desk, an armchair, two computers and a printer  There 47 Jane is intelligent, kind-hearted and helpful Many people in my class love her  Because 48 Huong is sitting to the left of Nam in the classroom at the moment  Nam is _ 49 His computer is on the table  On 50 I have a plan to visit my grandparents next weekend  I am PRACTICE I Find the word which has a different sound in the undeined parts A equipment B experience C excellent expensive A centimeter B corn C city A burst B coast C question A celebrate B federation C market fed A chance B chocolate C chin backache II Choose the word with the different stress A pedestrian B subway C drugstore A cathedral B police C antique noisy A fireworks B festival C dancer convenient A exciting B polluted C noisy expensive A incredible B suburb C backyard difficult 11 D D central D suggest D D D bakery D D D D III Put the following words into the correct comparison l Is a tiger than a rabbit? (dangerous) We went to Da Nang for holiday because the weather there was than that in Hai Phong city (wonderful) In my opinion, life in a city is than that in the countryside (noisy) He is student in his class (good) Fansipan is mountain in Viet Nam (high) IV Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences l The streets are very busy and noise every day because there are many shops A B C D He must makes his bed after he wakes up every day A B C D My new school is most modern than my old one A B C D You must walk on grass when you see the sign "No walking” A B C D 5.We travelled to Singapore with our family next week A B C D V.Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D l Which country is _ Viet Nam orlapan? A large B larger C largest D the largest You should bring a _with you when you walk into a forest because you may lose your way A camera B torch C phone D compass You can buy fruits and vegetables in a _ A cinema B post office C hospital D grocery Could you _me the _to the nearest hotel? A tell/ road B show/ way C tell/ street D show/ road Life in the city is more _than that in the countryside A convenient B busier C quitter D boring There are a lot of amusement parks our neighborhood A on B in C at D in front of You can improve your health by doing _activities A indoor B outdoor C outside D inside There is a theatre _Nguyen Du Street First go straight, then _left A in/ take B on/ turn C at/ turn D by/ take Ayres Rock is not the _mountain _the world A higher/ in B highest/ in C higher/ on D highest/ on 10 When New Year comes, people in different countries always wear their clothes 12 A tradition B normal C ordinary D traditional VI Read the following passage and choose the correct answer Do you sometimes have problems with your neighbor such as noise or littering? Well, the people of Pilton Somerset, England have such problems every summer For three or four days every year, the village is full of people of all ages who come here for the annual Glastonbury pop music festival They usually stay in tents, caravans and motorhomes They leave drink cans and papers all over the street The music plays until the early hours of the morning, and you can hear people talking and singing all night The quiet country village becomes a nightmare to live in and some villagers are even thinking of moving to another village A villager said that last year; "l don't want to stop the Glastonbury Festival I just want the fans to enjoy the festival without disturbing normal village life" l What happen in Pilton Somerset every summer? A The neighbors are noisy B There are many villagers C There is a pop music festival D the villagers litter the street Visitors litter the street with A tents B caravans C motorhomes D cans and papers How long is the pop music festival every year? F A one night B The whole summer C.Three or four days D The whole year What is Pilton like during the rest of the year? A A noisy place B A quiet village C A nightmare D A music concert The villagers just want to A have a normal life as usual B stop the fans enjoy the festival C move far away D put an end to the festival VI Reorder the following words to make meaningful sentences super-market/ will/ my / to/ there/next/ be/ a/ house France/enjoy/ will/ my/ to/ travel/ family/ to/ the/ Tet Money/ shouldn’t/ cards/ during/ Tet/ play/ we/ for At/ become/noisier/ streets/ weekends is/ the/ year/ hottest/ summer/ the/ season/ in VII Rewrite the following sentences based on the given words l The Nile is longer than any other rivers in the world  The Nile lt is good for people to exchange New Year's wishes at Tet People Leeds castle is the loveliest castle in the world 13 No castle lt is good for us to keep our places clean  We should _ Bluesky is the tallest building in my area  No building PRACTICE Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part A thirty B theme C both A brother B weather C through A schedule B comedy C red A channel B game C national A show B programme C sport D them D than D when D relax D most II 10 D programme D documentary D educational D local D director Find one odd word for each question, and then read them aloud A comedian B newsreader C film producer A cartoon B world news C studio A popular B reporter C exciting A boring B international C national A viewer B audience C watcher III Choose the correct answers 11 Disney Channel is one of the most channels children A good - for B exciting - of C popular - to D popular - for 12 My family enjoys watching game shows they are very exciting and interesting A because B so C but D and 13 VTV is a television channel in Viet Nam, and it attracts millions of TV viewers in Viet Nam A wide B local C international D national 14 "What is your TV programme?" - "It's cartoons" A good B favourite C best D like 15 “ you like the Modern English programme? " - "Because it helps me with my English." A What B How C When D Why 16 My brother wants to become a to tell TV viewers what the weather is like A newsreader B actor C weatherman D producer 17 TV can join in some game shows through telephone or by mail A people B weathermen C newsreaders D viewers 18 are films by pictures, not real people and often for children A Documentaries B Love stories C Cartoons D Detective stories 19 Are there any good programs teenagers on TV tonight? A to B for C of D with 20 My father works late tomorrow, so he will the first part of the film on VTV1 A miss B lose C forget D cut 14 21 That TV programme is not only interesting it also teaches children many things about family and friendship A but B so C and D because 22 " is the weather forecast programme on?" - "At 7.30 pm every day." A What B How C When D Where 23 the newsreader on BBC One reads very fast, my brother can hear everything in the news A But B Although C When D But 24 Children can participate in a TV for a game show or a quiz show A channel B competition C studio D cartoon 25 Millions of children around the world enjoy the cartoon because it can both and a young audience A entertain - education B entertainment – education C entertainment - educate D entertain - educate IV Read the passage, and decide whether the sentences are true (T) or false (F) Television is an important invention of the 20 th century It has been so popular that we can't imagine what life would be like if there were no television Television is a major means of communication and entertainment It brings pictures and sound from around the world into millions of homes Through television, viewers can see and learn about people, places and things in distant lands Television widens our knowledge by introducing new ideas which may lead us to new hobbies and recreations In addition to the news, television provides us with a variety of programs that can satisfy every taste Most people now seem to like spending their evenings watching television than to go out 26 Television is an important means of communication 27 Television provides us with a variety of programs 28 Most people don't like watching TV in the evening 29 Television can't satisfy all our tastes 30 People can learn many things through TV V._There is ONE mistake in each sentence, try to find the mistake and correct it 31 There are much music programmes on TV nowadays 32 The Discovery Channel makes education funny for children all over the world 33 Would you like go to the theater with me tonight? 34.Although I enjoy sports every much, but I don't often watch the Sports programmes 35 The News programme help TV viewers know about what happens every day in their country as well as all over the world VI.Rewrite the following sentences, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same 36.Cartoons are colourful and funny: that's why children enjoy watching them - Children enjoy watching cartoons 37 VTV Channels offer many interesting programmes in different subjects VTV Channels are broadcast in several languages VTV Channels offer many interesting programmes in different subjects _ 38.That film is very famous in the USA but not many Vietnamese people know it Not many Vietnamese people know that film 39.Many people think the Fashion programme is only for women; the programme is for everyone 15 Many people think the Fashion programme is only for women 40 I am going to have a test tomorrow; I can't watch the cartoon I am going to have a test tomorrow VII Make sentences using the words and phrases given 41 Game show/ this week/ test/ knowledge/ rain forests 42.Questions/ quiz show/ about different subjects/ grade one/ grade six 43.That singer/ live show/ theater/ be/ TV/ tomorrow 44.That channel/ tell/ people/ life/ animals/ world 45.Show/ help/ us/ remember/ childhood PRACTICE I.Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part A square B badminton C grandfather A idea B reason C feature A easy B please C weak A goggles B sport C stop A match B machine C champion D match D teacher D pear D not D chess II 10 D chess D high jump D bicycle D player D kick Find one odd word for each question, and then read them aloud A basketball B volleyball C football A marathon B running C swimming A net B ball C racket A swimmer B gym C athlete A sporty B play C hit III.Choose the correct answers 11 I usually play football when I have A spare time B good time C no time D times 12 In team sports, the two teams against each other in order to get the better score A are B C make D compete 13 draw on the walls and tables, please A Do B Don't C Should D Shouldn't 14 Nam plays sports very often, so he looks very A sport B sports C sporty D sporting 15 Last summer, I fishing with my uncle in the afternoon A go B went C goes D going 16 I like watching football matches, but I am not very good playing football A at B in C on D for 17 Team sports are sometimes called sports A compete B competition C competitor D competitive 18 " you judo?" - "Twice a week." A When B Where C How often D Why 16 19 sports you like watching on TV? A How B What C Do D How often 20 Football is regarded the most popular sport in the world A for B as C like D of 21 Sports and games an important part in our lives A play B C go D make 22 When you go to the zoo, don't the animals A play B C tease D watch 23 Playing sports helps us get A fat B free C fittest D fitter 24 Nam's dream is to become a A loser B champion C contest D gamer 25 "I'd like to watch motor racing because it is very " A frightening B exciting C excited D boring 26 My sister often badminton in her free time A play B plays C playing D to play 27 Marathon is considered a/an sport A team B individual C indoor D sporting 28 Our school football team the match with Tran Phu School last Sunday A wins B won C scores D scored 29 Tam three goals for our team and made it a hat trick A scores B scored C plays D played 30 Blackburn Rover is at the bottom of the league They most of their matches this season A played B won C lost D scored IV.Complete the short conversations Choose the correct answer: A, B or C 31."I enjoy playing tennis." A - "I don't like reading." B - "Where you play?" C - "In the afternoons." 32 "It's sunny today." \A - "I like camping." B - "How much is the ticket?" C - "Yes Do you want to go to the beach?" 33."I love football." A - "What's your favourite team?" B - "Do you like football?" C - "I'm watching a match." 34."Can you pick up the ball, please?" A - "I play football on Tuesdays." B - "Yes, of course I do." C - “Yes, here you are." 35."What is the most popular sport in our country?" 17 A - "Yes, I play football every Sunday." B - "You know I judo twice a week." C – “I think football is" Answer A B 36 Which sports you play? a) Once a week 37 What does your brother in his spare time? b) Just a racket 38 How often you karate? c) I play table tennis 39 What should I bring to play table tennis? d) Well, OK 40 Will you come with me this Sunday morning? e) He plays football V Match the questions with the answers, and write the answer in each blank VI.Read the passage, and then decide whether the sentences are True or False I have three good friends: Ba, Lan and Hoa They like sports Ba likes soccer and tennis; Lan likes badminton; and Hoa likes aerobics They all like watching soccer on television Ba often plays soccer in the afternoon with his classmates at the weekend Lan plays badminton twice a week; and Hoa does aerobics on Thursday and Sunday Lan and Hoa play sports at the sports club 41 Ba, Lan and Hoa like the same sports. _ 42 Ba plays soccer every day 43 Lan plays badminton three times a week 44 Hoa does aerobics twice a week _ 45 Lan and Hoa play sports at home 18 ... b) – (b – a) + c = 2a + c 7/ a.(b – c) – a.(b + d) = -a.( c + d) 3/ - (a + b – c) + (a – b – c) = -2b 4/ a(b + c) – a(b + d) = a(c – d) 5/ (a + b).( c + d) – (a + d).( b + c) = (a – c) (d – b)... (-2) + + (-4) + + 19 + (-20) 2/ – + – + + 99 – 100 3/ – + – + + 48 – 50 4/ – + – + - - 97 + 99 5/1 + – – + + 97 + 98 – 99 – 100 Câu 5: So sánh 1/ (-99) 98 (-97) với 2/ (-5)(-4)(-3)(-2)(-1)... + ac 4/ a(b + c) – d(b + c) 2/ ab – ac + ad 5/ ac – ad + bc – bd 3/ ax – bx – cx + dx 6/ ax + by + bx + ay Câu 11: Chứng minh đẳng thức 1/ (a – b + c) – (a + c) = -b 6/ a(b – c) + a(d + c) =

Ngày đăng: 24/11/2022, 23:59
