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Bộ môn Cơ học ứng dụng Department of Applied Mechanics Final exam DYNAMICS Time 90 min St’ name Course Biomedical Eng K55 St’ Number Year 2012 A 1 Students have to submit this exam question and the an[.]

Department of Applied Mechanics Final exam DYNAMICS Time: 90 St’ name: Course: Biomedical Eng K55 St’ Number _ Year 2012 A-1 Students have to submit this exam question and the answer together Problem At the instant shown, rod AB has angular velocity ωAB and angular acceleration αAB Determine the angular velocity and angular acceleration of rod CD at this instant The collar at C is pin-connected to CD and slides over AB Given: ωAB = rad/s, αAB = rad /s2,  = 600, a = 0.75 m, b = 0.5 m Problem The disk of mass md and radius r is originally at rest, and the spring holds it in equilibrium A couple moment M is then applied to the disk as shown Determine its angular velocity at the instant its mass center G has moved distance d down along the inclined plane The disk rolls without slipping Given: md = 20 kg, M = 30 Nm, r = 0.2 m,  = 300, d = 0.8 m and stiffness k = 150 N/m copy of 2012-13-1-final-dynamics-exam.doc Department Head’s Signature Department of Applied Mechanics Final exam DYNAMICS Time: 90 St’ name: Course: Biomedical Eng K55 St’ Number _ Year 2012 A-2 Students have to submit this exam question and the answer together Problem At a given instant the top end A of the bar has the velocity and acceleration shown Determine the acceleration of the bottom B and the bar’s angular acceleration at this instant Given: L = 10 m, vA = m/s, aA = m/s2,  = 600 Problem The inner hub of the wheel rests on the horizontal track If it does not slip at A, determine the speed of the block of weight Wb at time t after the block is released from rest The wheel has weight Ww and radius of gyration kG Neglect the mass of the pulley and cord Given: Wb = 100 N, Ww = 300 N, rO = 0.6 m, ri = 0.3 m, kG = 0.4 m and t = s copy of 2012-13-1-final-dynamics-exam.doc Department Head’s Signature Department of Applied Mechanics Final exam DYNAMICS Time: 90 St’ name: Course: Biomedical Eng K55 St’ Number _ Year 2012 A-3 Students have to submit this exam question and the answer together Solutions of Exam Prob Prob copy of 2012-13-1-final-dynamics-exam.doc Department Head’s Signature Department of Applied Mechanics Final exam DYNAMICS Time: 90 St’ name: Course: Biomedical Eng K55 St’ Number _ Year 2012 A-4 Students have to submit this exam question and the answer together Solutions of Exam Prob  = 1.0 rad/s, vB = 8.66 m/s,  = - 0.332 rad/s2, aB = - 7.88 m/s2 Prob copy of 2012-13-1-final-dynamics-exam.doc Department Head’s Signature

Ngày đăng: 23/11/2022, 22:51

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