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TRƯỜNG TỔ – KHUNG KẾ HOẠCH BÀI DẠY/ ENGLISH 10 – UNIT 1 Soạn bởi – THPT – https //violet vn/quocbinh72 trang 1 KHUNG KẾ HOẠCH BÀI DẠY Trường Tổ Họ và tên giáo viên TÊN BÀI DẠY Unit 1 FAMILY LIFE Môn T[.]

TRƯỜNG …….……………………………… TỔ: ………… …………… – KHUNG KẾ HOẠCH BÀI DẠY/ ENGLISH 10 – UNIT KHUNG KẾ HOẠCH BÀI DẠY Trường: ………………………… ………… Họ tên giáo viên: Tổ: ……………………………………………… …………………………………………… TIẾT 02 TÊN BÀI DẠY Unit FAMILY LIFE Môn: TIẾNG ANH, Lớp: 10A1 Thời gian thực hiện: tiết Lesson GETTING STARTED Date of preparation: …./… /2021 Date of teaching: …./… /2021 Class: 10A1 I Objectives: Knowledge, skills, attitude: * Knowledge: The overall topic of the unit relating to household chores in family life; to enable students to guess some new words and expressions from the conversation; to help students use the collocation related to the verbs and nouns of household chores * Skills: - Integrated skills; Guessing meaning in context, scanning for specific information * Attitude: Aware of the responsibility for sharing the household chores in their family Orientation for competency development: - General competences: language ability, communication, cooperation and self-learning - Specific competences: learning about the roles of members in family II Preparation of teacher and students: Teacher’s part: pictures, colored chalks, textbooks, handouts, sub-boards, etc Students’ part: Lesson preparation III Teaching procedures Stabilization (2 ms) Check-up (0 m) (NO – The previous lesson was the Introduction of the new English course) Classroom activities: A START/ WARM UP ACTIVITY (5ms) Expected outcome & Aims of the Content, techniques for organising students’ assessment of students’ activity learning activities performance To get Ss to - Asks students to play a game: NOUGHTS AND - Ss’ answers may vary but know the CROSSES - Uses the followings: they must be grammatically topic about What does your father do? and lexically correct household What does your mother do? chores in Who often cooks in your family? => language ability and family life Who does the shopping? communication Who often earns the most money in your family? Who lays the table every meal? Do you often help your mother to clean the house? Who does the washing up in your family? - Suggested answer: What you often to help your father? - They are a family - Corrects mistakes if necessary and chooses the - The father is vacuuming the winner - Then leads in the lesson today by asking floor The mother is cooking some questions: The son is washing dishes + Who are the people in the pictures? and the daughter is doing the + What are they doing? laundry →HOUSEHOLD CHORES - Informs the class of the lesson objectives and leads to the lesson B KNOWLEDGE FORMATION ACTIVITIES (5 ms) - Activity Listen and read (5 ms) Aims of the Content, techniques for organising Expected outcome & assessment activity students’ learning activities of students’ performance To introduce - Read the heading and guess who the two - Read and listen to the conversation the dialogue speakers will be talking about between Nam and Mr Long and the - Play the recording twice Soạn bởi: ………………………… ………… – THPT …………………………… – https://violet.vn/quocbinh72 trang TRƯỜNG …….……………………………… TỔ: ………… …………… – KHUNG KẾ HOẠCH BÀI DẠY/ ENGLISH 10 – UNIT language - Listen and read the conversation - Ss can predict the content of the involving in silently conversation the dialogue - Asks Ss if their predictions were correct C PRACTICE ACTIVITIES (17 ms) Activity Decide whether the following sentences are true (T), false (F), or not given (NG), and tick the correct (7 ms) Aims of the Content, techniques for organising Expected outcome & assessment of activity students’ learning activities students’ performance To focus on - Guides and reminds Ss of some tips - Suggested answer: comprehension to this kind of task Nam’s father is going out to play - Asks students to work in pairs to tennis with Mr Long → F decide whether the statements are Nam’s mother is a busy woman → NG true (T), false (F), or not given (NG) Nam’s sister is cooking dinner → F Have students refer back to the Sometimes Nam’s father cooks → T conversation to give reasons for their Everybody in Nam’s family does answers some of the housework → T - Goes around and supervise Mr Long never does any household - Calls sts to present answers chores → NG - Corrects and gives feedback =>Reading for main idea Activity Listen and repeat the words/phrases (5 ms) Aims of the Content, techniques for organising Expected outcome and assessment of activity students’ learning activities students’ performance To help Ss - T plays the recording and ask Read along recognize students to listen and repeat the Household chores rubbish homophones words/phrases Household finances groceries in English - T may ask to confirm their Heavy lifting washing up understanding of some words Laundry Activity Write the verbs (phrases) that are used with the words/phrases (5 ms) Content, techniques for Aims of the Expected outcome and assessment of organising students’ learning activity students’ performance activities To focus on - Tells students to refer back to - Suggested answer: words used the conversation to find the Verbs/ verb phrases Words/ phrases together verbs or verb phrases that go Split, divide, handle (Household) chores (collocations) with the words or phrases in the Take out Rubbish conversation Do Laundry - Asks students to pay attention Shop for Groceries to words that are often used Do Heavy lifting together (collocations) and then Do Washing up asks them to give some more Be responsible for Household finances examples D APPLICATION AND EXTENSION ACTIVITIES: (10 ms) Activity Answer the questions (5 ms) Aims of the Content, techniques for organising Expected outcome and assessment activity students’ learning activities of students’ performance To check Ss’ - Asks students to answer the - Suggested answer: comprehension question: “Nam’s father is preparing dinner and and improve “Why is Nam’s father preparing dinner no one can help him when Mr Long their and can no one help him when Mr calls because everyone is busy at this expressing Long calls?” moment: his mother is working late; skill his sister is studying for exams, …” Activity Make sentences using the collocations in activity (5 ms) Aims of the Content, techniques for organising Expected outcome and assessment activity students’ learning activities of students’ performance Soạn bởi: ………………………… ………… – THPT …………………………… – https://violet.vn/quocbinh72 trang TRƯỜNG …….……………………………… TỔ: ………… …………… – KHUNG KẾ HOẠCH BÀI DẠY/ ENGLISH 10 – UNIT To help sts form - Has Ss think of sentences using the - Ss’ answers may vary in mind the collocations in activity language of - Asks some sts to speak out their doing household sentences chores - Gives feedback IV Homework: (5 ms) Learn the new words by heart, read and translate the conversation, the tasks again Prepare the next lesson (Language) V Self-Evaluation:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… TIẾT 03 Lesson LANGUAGE Date of preparation: …./… /2021 Date of teaching: …./… /2021 Class: 10A1 I Objectives: Knowledge, skills, attitude: * Knowledge: To introduce &help students use lexical items related to the topic Family life - To enable students to pronounce consonant clusters /tr/, /kr/ and /br/ correctly - To help students understand the present simple vs the present continuous * Skills: Integrated skills * Attitude: sts can know the responsibility of helping parents with household chores Orientation for competency development: General competences: language ability, communication, cooperation and self-learning Specific competences: learning how to divide household duties in family & improving their pronunciation in language learning II Preparation of teacher and students: Teacher’s part: pictures, colored chalks, textbooks, handouts, sub-boards, etc Students’ part: Lesson preparation III Teaching procedures: Stabilization (2 ms) Check-up (0 m) (NO –The checking-up will happen during the lesson) Classroom activities: A START/ WARM UP ACTIVITY (5ms) Aims of the Content, techniques for organising Expected outcome and assessment activity students’ learning activities of students’ performance To get Ss to Game: Jumbled words Expected answers: remember - Ask sts to rearrange the letters to CHORES/ LAUNDRY words about make meaningful words GROCERIES/ WASHING UP household OSCERH/ RYDNUAL FINANCES/ SPLIT chores CEIRSEORG/ SAIHWGN PU BREADWINNER /8 HOMEMAKER NASECINF/ ILPTS NREINWAEDRB/ REKMOHAME - Informs the class of the lesson objectives and leads to the lesson B KNOWLEDGE FORMATION AND PRACTICE ACTIVITIES (25ms) VOCABULARY - Activity Match the words and phrases with their meaning (5 ms) Expected outcome & Aims of the Content, techniques for organising students’ assessment of activity learning activities students’ performance To help Ss - T asks Ss to work individually to read the words and Expected answers: understand phrases in the box and match them with the f 5.b the meaning explanations e 6.g of some - T shows them the way to the guessing by finding a 7.d words about out key words T may one as a model h 8.c household - Ss match and then compare the result with their chores partner and discuss (peer-correction is encouraged) - Ss show their answer and explain for it - T corrects and gives feedback Soạn bởi: ………………………… ………… – THPT …………………………… – https://violet.vn/quocbinh72 trang TRƯỜNG …….……………………………… TỔ: ………… …………… – KHUNG KẾ HOẠCH BÀI DẠY/ ENGLISH 10 – UNIT Activity List all the household chores that are mentioned in the conversation Then add more chores to the list: (5 ms) Content, techniques for Aims of the Expected outcome & assessment of organising students’ activity students’ performance learning activities To focus on - Ask students to work in Expected answers: vocabulary pairs Read the conversation Chores from the conversation: in GETTING STARTED again prepare dinner/ cook (do the cooking) and list all the household shop/ clean the house chores that are mentioned in take out the rubbish/ the laundry the conversation the washing-up/ the heavy lifting - Then elicit more chores to be responsible for the household finances add to the list Other chores: mop/sweep/tidy up the house bathe the baby/ feed the baby water the houseplants/ feed the cat/dog iron/fold/put away the clothes lay the table for meals Activity Work in pairs Discuss the questions below: (5 ms) Aims of the Content, techniques for organising Expected outcome and assessment of activity students’ learning activities students’ performance To help Ss - Lets students work in pairs to ask Suggested answer: Question 1: use words and answer the questions + We usually light household chores like words about - Encourages them to use the chores sweeping the floor, laying the table household in the list in their answers + because we spent most of the time at chores - Make sure students use the correct school at extra classes, we just a little in correctly verbs/ verb phrases in the correct our free time such as watering the flowers or tense with the name of the chores taking out rubbish PRONUNCIATION: Activity Listen and repeat (4 ms) Expected outcome & Aims of the Content, techniques for organising students’ assessment of activity learning activities students’ performance To provide -Play the recording and let students listen Play it again Listen and repeat students with pauses for them to repeat each word with a right Give the meaning of the words if necessary Help way to students distinguish the three sound clusters pronouncing the sound pronounce - Ask students to work in pairs and take turns reading some the words in columns and in rows Then, invite clusters individuals to read the words in one or two rows Activity Listen to the sentences and circle the word you hear (5 ms) Expected outcome & Aims of the Content, techniques for organising students’ assessment of activity learning activities students’ performance To help - Asks students to read the words in rows paying Expected answers: students attention to the difference between the sound cluster b recognise - Plays the recording and lets students listen to the b correct sentences and circle the word they hear c clusters - Has them share the answers with their partners a - Checks students’ answers by asking them to call out Identifying and the letter a, b, or c corresponding to the word they hear pronouncing the sound GRAMMAR - Activity Read the text and choose the correct verb form (4 ms) Aims of the Content, techniques for organising Expected outcome & assessment of activity students’ learning activities students’ performance To help - T asks Ss to talk about the use of the Expected answers: students two tense and give some examples Soạn bởi: ………………………… ………… – THPT …………………………… – https://violet.vn/quocbinh72 trang TRƯỜNG …….……………………………… TỔ: ………… …………… – KHUNG KẾ HOẠCH BÀI DẠY/ ENGLISH 10 – UNIT distinguish present simple and present continuous tense + The present simple is used to talk about daily habits and routines + The present continuous tense is used to talk about something that is happening or not happening now; at the moment of speaking does cooks cleans is watching is doing is doing is tidying up is trying Activity Use the verbs in brackets in their correct form to complete the sentences (5 ms) Aims of the Content, techniques for organising Expected outcome & assessment of activity students’ learning activities students’ performance To help - T explains the task to students Expected answers: students -Ss read carefully each sentence and does, is not cooking, is working distinguish supply the correct form of the verbs in Is preparing present brackets is taking out simple and - Ss are asked to tell the cues from which Looks after, works present they know the answers cleans, is cleaning continuous -Ss are asked to comment their partners’ Is watching, watches tense answers Solving problems - T corrects and gives feedback C APPLICATION AND EXTENSION ACTIVITIES: (No Because sts have practised a lot and no time left) IV Homework: (5 ms) Learn the new words by heart Prepare the next lesson (READING) V Self-Evaluation:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… TIẾT 04 - Ss may take notes - T tells Ss to read through the text and choose the correct option - Ss are asked to compare the result with their partner - T corrects and give feedback Lesson READING Date of preparation: …./… /2021 Date of teaching: …./… /2021 Class: 10A1 I Objectives: Knowledge, skills, attitude: * Knowledge: - New words related to family life and guess the meaning in the context - Read for specific information about the benefits of sharing housework - New words and to understand the content by asking and answering the questions - To help them know the benefits of sharing housework in the family * Skills: - Integrated skills, - Guessing meaning in context, scanning for specific information * Attitude: - Students can know the benefits of sharing household chores Orientation for competency development: - General competences: language ability, communication, cooperation and self-learning - Specific competences: learning about the roles of members in family II Preparation of teacher and students: Teacher’s part: pictures, colored chalks, textbooks, handouts, sub-boards, etc Students’ part: Lesson preparation III Teaching procedures: Stabilization (2 ms) Check-up (0 m) (NO –The checking-up will happen during the lesson) Classroom activities: A START/ WARM UP ACTIVITY (5 ms) Aims of the Content, techniques for organising Expected outcome & assessment activity students’ learning activities of students’ performance To get sts Show the pictures and elicit students Sts’ answers may vary familiar with the by asking them some questions: topic of the Picture description lesson Soạn bởi: ………………………… ………… – THPT …………………………… – https://violet.vn/quocbinh72 trang TRƯỜNG …….……………………………… TỔ: ………… …………… – KHUNG KẾ HOẠCH BÀI DẠY/ ENGLISH 10 – UNIT Who the housework in your family? How is the housework divided in your family? What is your duty? B KNOWLEDGE FORMATION ACTIVITIES (5 ms) - Activity Vocabulary (5 ms) Aims of the Content, techniques for organising Expected outcome & assessment activity students’ learning activities of students’ performance Sts can grasp * Presents some new words: New words: the meaning + enormous ( adj) /i'nɔ:məs/ (synonym) + enormous ( adj) /i'nɔ:məs/ of some + sociable (adj) /'səu∫əbl/ (explanation) (synonym) khổng lồ, to lớn vocabulary + vulnerable (adj)/'vʌlnərəbl/ + sociable (adj) /'səu∫əbl/ before (translation) (explanation) dễ hòa đồng reading + critical (adj) /'kritikəl/ ( translation) + vulnerable (adj) /'vʌlnərəbl/ - Reads new words and asks students to (translation) dễ bị tổn thương repeat after the teacher + critical (adj) /'kritikəl/ - Calls some students to read aloud (translation) hay trích - Checks the understanding of new words: C PRACTICE ACTIVITIES (25 ms) Activity Read the text below and decide which of the following is the best title for it (4 ms) Expected outcome & Aims of the Content, techniques for organising students’ assessment of students’ activity learning activities performance To focus on - Read the heading (a-c) first Make sure that they - Suggested answer: general understand all of them and tell students that one C: ( Sharing Housework comprehension of them is the title for the text; they have to read Make the Family Happier) the text and decide which one it is - Read through the text once without stopping at =>Reading for main idea the words that they don’t know the meaning of, and then ask them to work in pairs to decide on the best title for the text Remind students that the title for the text is the one that gives the general idea of the whole text - Guide students to the correct choice if necessary by helping them eliminate the sentences that are only about one aspect of the text Activity Look at the text again Tick the appropriate meaning for each word from the text (5 ms) Expected outcome and Aims of the Content, techniques for organising assessment of students’ activity students’ learning activities performance - Sts can Read the text again and underline the words Expected answer: guess the sociable, vulnerable, critical, enormous and A meaning of tend when they see them on the text B words in Explain to students how to use context to B context guess the meaning of the unknown words if B necessary A Activity a What does “it” in line 11 mean…? b What does “it” in line 14 mean (4 ms) Aims of the Content, techniques for organising Expected outcome & assessment activity students’ learning activities of students’ performance Sts can make - Helps Ss to this kind of exercises - Suggested answer: references + singular or plural? a- c (the husband doing + the nearest words or phrase standing housework) Ask students to continue to work in pairs, b- b ( the time when everyone and find out what it refers to in each of the work together) sentences Let students read and understand the sentences before and after Soạn bởi: ………………………… ………… – THPT …………………………… – https://violet.vn/quocbinh72 trang TRƯỜNG …….……………………………… TỔ: ………… …………… – KHUNG KẾ HOẠCH BÀI DẠY/ ENGLISH 10 – UNIT the one that has the word in it to decide what it means Students can use the elimination technique to give the right answer Activity Answer the questions (7 ms) Aims of the activity Content, techniques for organising students’ learning activities Expected outcome & assessment of students’ performance - Suggested answer: They better at school, become more sociable, and have better relationships with their teachers and friends Because it shows that they care about their wives and that make their wives happy They may fall ill easily or may think about divorce There is a positive atmosphere for the family Sts can read Ask students to work in groups of three, ask them to for specific read the questions first to make sure they understand information what information they need in order to answer the questions It may help if students can underline the key words in the questions For example: How children benefit from sharing housework? Why men tend to have better relationships with their wives when they share housework? What may happen to women whose husbands not contribute to the household chores? How does the family benefit when everyone works together on household chores? - Then ask students to read the text again, and locate the part of the text where they can get the answer to each of the questions before they discuss the answers - Check students’ answers by inviting a representative from each group to give the answer to one of the questions If the students’ answer is incorrect, don’t give the right one at once, but try to elicit it from other students D APPLICATION AND EXTENSION ACTIVITIES: (5 ms) - Activity Discussion (5 ms) Expected outcome & Aims of the Content, techniques for organising students’ assessment of students’ activity learning activities performance To enable sts - Asks students to work in the groups of six to Sts answer freely to exchange discuss the questions opinions - Gives them some examples of problems such as -> communication about problems with time, skills and attitude if they household have difficulty with ideas chores - Calls the representative of each group to report the discussion results to the class IV Homework: (5 ms) + Learn the new words by heart + Prepare the next lesson (Speaking) V Self-Evaluation:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… TIẾT 05 Lesson SPEAKING Date of preparation: …./… /2021 Date of teaching: …./… /2021 Class: 10A1 I Objectives: Knowledge, skills, attitude: * Knowledge: - To help students know their friends’ likes and dislikes in doing housework - To help students express and exchange opinions about housework in family life - To develop the skill of speaking: present their ideas and attitudes towards housework * Skills: - Integrated skills * Attitude: To make students responsible for their household chores Orientation towards students’ competency development: - General competences: language ability, communication, cooperation and self-learning - Specific competences: Solving problem Soạn bởi: ………………………… ………… – THPT …………………………… – https://violet.vn/quocbinh72 trang TRƯỜNG …….……………………………… TỔ: ………… …………… – KHUNG KẾ HOẠCH BÀI DẠY/ ENGLISH 10 – UNIT II Preparation of teacher and students Teacher’s part: pictures, colored chalks, textbooks, handouts, sub-boards, etc Students’ part: Lesson preparation III Teaching procedures Stabilization (2 ms) Check-up: (0 m) (NO –The checking-up will happen during the lesson) Classroom activities: A START/ WARM UP ACTIVITY (5 ms) Aims of the Content, techniques for organising Expected outcome and assessment of activity students’ learning activities students’ performance To help sts Brainstorming: Household chores - cook meals/ - the washing up have the - clean the floor/ - take care of baby household - wash the dishes/ - the laundry chores in - water the plants/ - lay a table for meals Household mind - Informs the class of the lesson chores objectives and leads to the lesson: today you will have a chance to express your views on doing household chores in family life B KNOWLEDGE FORMATION (20 ms) Activity Which household chores you like and which you dislike? Give the reasons (10 ms) Aims of Content, techniques for Expected outcome & assessment of students’ the organising students’ performance activity learning activities To help Sts - Ask students to work by Suggested answers Likes express themselves, write at least Name of chore Reasons their three household chores Feeding the cats and dogs Love animals opinions they like and three they Do the groceries Like shopping dislike doing in the “Name Taking out the garbage It is not too hard of chore” column, then add Dislikes a reason why they like or Name of chore Reasons dislike the chore Laundry Take much time and - Call some of them to quite hard present the answers orally Washing the dishes Often break things Looking after the baby Waste time, be tired C PRACTICE ACTIVITIES Activity They are talking about the household chores Mai like and dislike Match Ma’s answer with Anna’s questions Then practice the dialogue (10 ms) Aims of the Content, techniques for organising Expected outcome and assessment activity students’ learning activities of students’ performance Sts can - Have students work in pairs Ask Suggested answers practice in a them to read all the questions in c a d b conversation Anna’s column first and underline the Practise the conversation key words in each question before Anna: What household chores you asking them to guess the answer to every day? each question Mai: I the laundry, wash the dishes, What household chores you and sweep the house I sometimes the every day? cooking when my mum is busy Which of the chores you like Anna: Which of the chores you like doing the most? doing the most? What you like about it? Mai: well, I think I like sweeping the Which of the chores you dislike house doing the most? Anna: What you like about it? Soạn bởi: ………………………… ………… – THPT …………………………… – https://violet.vn/quocbinh72 trang TRƯỜNG …….……………………………… TỔ: ………… …………… – KHUNG KẾ HOẠCH BÀI DẠY/ ENGLISH 10 – UNIT - Encourage students to use the key Mai: It’s not too hard, and I like seeing words as cues to find the answers in the house clean after I sweep it Mai’s column to match with Anna’s Anna: Which of the chores you dislike questions doing most? - Ask students to take turns being Mai Mai: Washing dishes, because I often and Anna to practice the conversation break things when I the washing-up D APPLICATION AND EXTENSION ACTIVITIES: (13 ms) Activity Have a similar conversation with a partner Find out which chores she/he likes or dislikes the most and why Report to the class about your partner’s likes and dislikes (5 ms) Aims of Content, techniques for Expected outcome & assessment of students’ the organising students’ performance activity learning activities To help - Ask students to work with SUGGESTED CONVERSATION: sts report a different partner to have a A: How are the household chores divided in your what the similar conversation family? find out Explain that this time they B: equally among the family members should talk about A: What are your duties? themselves, and they have to B: I am in charge of taking out the garbage and find out what chores their cleaning the floor Sometimes, when my mum is busy partner does, what chores I the cooking she/he likes or dislikes the A: Which of the chores you like the most? most and why B: Well, I like cooking - Tell students to use the A: What you like about it? questions in activity and B: It’s interesting to cook good food the family It’s the ideas in activity to really an art as well this activity A: Which of the chores you dislike the most? - Invite a student from one or B: Cleaning the floor Because my house is large with two pairs to report to the floors It takes me the whole day to that class what she/he has found Report: I have just talked with Nga about what about his/her partner chores she does and what chore she likes and dislikes the most She told me that she likes cooking a lot because she likes eating so much ……………… IV Homework: (5 ms) - A short paragraph about your family life - Prepare the next part: Listening V Self-Evaluation:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… TIẾT 06 Lesson LISTENING Date of preparation: …./… /2021 Date of teaching: …./… /2021 Class: 10A1 I Objectives: Knowledge, skills, attitude: * Knowledge: - To introduce some new words relating to changing roles in family life - A TV programme about roles performed by family members, roles are changing * Skills: - Integrated skills - Guessing meaning in context, listening for specific information * Attitude: - Students are aware of the importance of equally shared parenting in families Orientation towards students’ competency development: - General competences: language ability, communication, cooperation and self-learning - Specific competences: learning about the roles of men and women in family II Preparation of teacher and students: Teacher’s part: pictures, colored chalks, textbooks, handouts, sub-boards, etc Students’ part: Lesson preparation III Teaching procedures: Stabilization (2 ms) Check-up (0 m) (NO –The checking-up will happen during the lesson) Classroom activities: A START/ WARM UP ACTIVITY (5ms) Soạn bởi: ………………………… ………… – THPT …………………………… – https://violet.vn/quocbinh72 trang TRƯỜNG …….……………………………… TỔ: ………… …………… – KHUNG KẾ HOẠCH BÀI DẠY/ ENGLISH 10 – UNIT Aims of the activity To equip students with more knowledge about household chores in family life Content, techniques for organising students’ learning activities Game: Collocation -Put students into groups -Each group is given a set of word cards as follows: rubbish groceries split lay - Prepare another set of cards (see below) and stick the cards one by one on the board - Get the groups to choose and stick the appropriate cards to the ones on the boards to make meaningful phrases - Award one point to the first group who gives a correct answer - The group having the most points wins - Here are the cards to stick on the board: Household chores Expected outcome & assessment of students’ performance - Suggested answer: Shop for groceries Split household chores Lay the table for meals Do the heavy lifting Take out rubbish The heavy lifting Shop for Take out The table for meals - Checks and leads to the new lesson: “Today, let’s listen to the tape about changing roles in the family.” B KNOWLEDGE FORMATION (8 ms) Activity Looking at the chart and discuss the changes in weekly hours of basic household by married men and married women in the USA between 1976 and 2012 (5 ms) Aims of the Content, techniques for organising Expected outcome & assessment activity students’ learning activities of students’ performance To help Ss - Ask students to work in pairs, looking at PAIR WORK practice skill the chart and discussing the changes in - Suggested answer: of expressing the weekly hours of basic housework by The chart illustrates the average married men and married women in the hours of housework per week done USA between 1976 and 2012 Students by married women in comparison don’t have to report the exact number of with married men In general, hours men and women spend on doing married women more housework housework They can just talk about the than married men The numbers of general changes weekly housework hours that men - Introduce some new words and useful and women is 29 and 6.8 expressions: respectively it takes married women +the chart shows/presents/ illustrates…… ….hours to housework whereas +As can be seen from the chart married men spends … hours doing +According to the chart housework +In general/generally speaking - Encourage students to guess the reasons for the changes Ask them to call out their Groups guesses Write the reasons given by Discussion students on a corner of the board so that they can see if their guesses are correct later, after they listen to the recording Activity Vocabulary (3 ms) Aims of the Content, techniques for organising Expected outcome & assessment activity students’ learning activities of students’ performance To help Ss focus - teach some vocabulary * Vocabulary - take notes on some + Contribute to(v) make a great * Vocabulary vocabulary contribution to Soạn bởi: ………………………… ………… – THPT …………………………… – https://violet.vn/quocbinh72 trang 10 TRƯỜNG …….……………………………… TỔ: ………… …………… – KHUNG KẾ HOẠCH BÀI DẠY/ ENGLISH 10 – UNIT + Recreation(n) (formal) fun, relax + Contribute to(v) make a great after work contribution to + entertainment (n) fun for film, TV… + Recreation(n) (formal) fun, relax + amusement (n) something you like after work - Have sts practise reading the + entertainment (n) fun for film, TV… vocabulary + amusement(n) something you like C PRACTICE ACTIVITIES (20 ms) Activity Listen to a family expert talking about how the roles of men and women in families have changed Decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F): (7 ms) Aims of the Content, techniques for organising Expected outcome & assessment activity students’ learning activities of students’ performance To focus on - Tell students that they are going to INDIVIDUAL WORK listening for listen to a family expert talking about how Listen carefully comprehension the roles of men and women in families Expected answer: have changed Ask them to read all the T T T F T statements and guess if they are true or Listen for specific information false Make sure that students understand all the statements - Play the recording and have students the exercise Check students’ answers Activity Work in pairs Match the word/phrase with its appropriate meaning (5 ms) Aims of the Content, techniques for organising Expected outcome & assessment activity students’ learning activities of students’ performance Sts can listen - Lets students work in pairs to match the Expected answer: and guess the word/ phrase with its appropriate - e - b meaning of meaning - c - d the words - Asks them if they know the part of speech – a of the word/ phrase given and then Identifying new words choose the meaning - Calls some students to tell the answer Activity Listen again and answer the questions (8 ms) Aims of the Content, techniques for organising Expected outcome & assessment activity students’ learning activities of students’ performance To help sts Ask students to read the questions carefully - Suggested answer: listen for Make sure that they understand what is PAIR WORK specific asked in each question Have them Read the questions carefully information underline the key words if necessary Then Listen to the recording play the recording and let students listen to - Suggested answer: it and answer the questions Ask students to They are not the only work with a partner to compare their breadwinner in the family, and they answers Invite representatives from pairs get more involved in housework to present the answer to each of the and parenting questions to the class Give feedback and Both are responsible for family correction if necessary finances, home-making/ How has the role of men in the family housework, and parenting changed? The families become happier and How have men’s and women’s roles the divorce rate amongst them is become alike? the lowest What is the result of “equally shared parenting”? C APPLICATION AND EXTENSION ACTIVITIES: (5 ms) - Activity Discussion (5 ms) Aims of the Content, techniques for organising Expected outcome and assessment activity students’ learning activities of students’ performance Soạn bởi: ………………………… ………… – THPT …………………………… – https://violet.vn/quocbinh72 trang 11 TRƯỜNG …….……………………………… TỔ: ………… …………… – KHUNG KẾ HOẠCH BÀI DẠY/ ENGLISH 10 – UNIT To check Ss’ comprehension and improve their expressing skill - Asks students to work in groups to Sts can answer from their own discuss the importance of changes in knowledge roles performed by men and women in the family - Corrects and gives marks to encourage their work IV Homework: (5 ms) - A short paragraph about your family life - Prepare the next part: Writing V Self-Evaluation:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… TIẾT 07 Lesson WRITING Date of preparation: …./… /2021 Date of teaching: …./… /2021 Class: 10A1 I Objectives: Knowledge, skills, attitude: - Knowledge: + The meaning of the saying about sharing the household chores + Enable students to know how to build a household chore chart + Write a paragraph about how people in a family share housework - Skills: + Integrated skills, especially writing - Attitude: The responsibility for sharing the household chores in their family Orientation towards students’ competency development: - General competences: language ability, communication, cooperation and self-learning - Specific competences: learning about the roles of members in family II Preparation of teacher and students: Teacher’s part: colored chalks, textbooks, handouts, sub-boards', etc Students’ part: Lesson preparation III Teaching procedures: Stabilization (2 ms) Check-up (NO –The checking-up will happen during the lesson) Classroom activities: A START/ WARM UP ACTIVITY (3 ms) Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for Expected products & activity organising students’ learning activities assessment of student work To get Ss to Work in pairs - This saying means if many know the Discuss the meaning of the saying "Many people share a piece of work, it meaning of the hands make light work" will become easier for everyone saying about Do you agree with it? How to apply: If If all family the benefits of How does this saying apply to doing in the members contribute to sharing family housework, each won’t have too housework in a - Leads to the new lesson much to Each will have more family time for relaxation B KNOWLEDGE FORMATION ACTIVITIES (12 ms) Activity Read the text about Lam’s family below and complete the chore chart (5 ms) Aims of Lesson content & Expected products & assessment of student the techniques for organising work activity students’ learning activities To help - Lets Ss read through the text HOUSEHOLD CHORE CHART students about Lam’s family and Dad Mending things around the house, cleaning know how complete the chart below ( Ss the bathroom members are expected to focus on the Mum Doing most of the cooking and grocery in a family information needed only) shopping share the - Asks sts to compare the table Lam Doing the laundry, taking out the garbage household with their partners and cleaning the fridge, laying the table for chores and - Asks sts to provide the meals, sweeping the house and feeding the how to information they have found cat (share with sister) make a Soạn bởi: ………………………… ………… – THPT …………………………… – https://violet.vn/quocbinh72 trang 12 TRƯỜNG …….……………………………… TỔ: ………… …………… – KHUNG KẾ HOẠCH BÀI DẠY/ ENGLISH 10 – UNIT household chore chart - Gives Sts chances to the peer-correction first -Gives feedback and corrects An Helping Mum prepare meals and washing the dishes, laying the table for meals and washing the dishes, laying the table for meals, sweeping the house and feeding the cat (share with brother Activity Read the text again and answer the questions (7 ms) Aims of Lesson content & Expected products & assessment of student the techniques for organizing work activity students’ learning activities To help - lets Ss to read the questions KEY: students to know what information There are four people in Lam’s family understand they will have to find in the Both parents work and the children spend most more how text this time of their time at school members in - Asks Ss to compare the result They split the housework equally in the family Lam's with their partners Dad mends things around the house, cleaning the family - Invites some Ss to present bathroom Mum does most of the cooking and share the their answers in front of the grocery shopping household class Yes, they They it willingly chores and - Gives Ss chances to the The burden is not on one or two members, so get the peer-correction first everyone has time to relax structures - Corrects and gives feedback * The outline of the paragraph about how people in and ideas to - Draw the structures and the family share the household chores write a ideas to write a paragraph + Introduction: how many people, who the members paragraph - Make an outline of the are etc (questions & 2) paragraph about how people + How the family members share housework, what in the family share the each of them (questions & 4) household chores in groups of + What family members thinks of sharing housework together.(questions & 6) C PRACTICE ACTIVITIES - Activity Make your own family chore chart (3 ms) Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for Expected products & activity organising students’ learning activities assessment of student work To help students - lets ss make their own household chart Students' answers may vary know how to individually *Expected products build a family - invites some to show their products and (Handout 1) chore chart asks the class to give comments - gives feedback and corrects Activity Use the idea in the chart, write a paragraph about how people in your family share housework based on the ideas in the chart (15 ms) Aims of Lesson content & Expected products & assessment of student the techniques for organising work activity students’ learning activities To help - Lets Ss write the paragraph SUGGESTED ANSWERS: students in groups of or in minutes My family, like many other ones in a modern know how - observes and gives help if society, shows equality in daily life in term of to write a necessary sharing the household chores We all lead a busy life paragraph - asks Ss to exchange their when my parents go out to work and we spend most about how paragraphs for peer comment of our time at school Coming home we share the members in - walks around to give help, household chores equally among us My mother is in a family noting down good idea as well charge of going shopping and doing the cooking My share as errors in Ss’ pieces of father usually does the heavy lifting and repair housework writing electronic household appliances My sister, Linh, together - gives general comment and likes doing the washing and cleaning the house She writes good ideas in one does it very carefully As the youngest members in column and errors in another the family, I just simple things such as watering Soạn bởi: ………………………… ………… – THPT …………………………… – https://violet.vn/quocbinh72 trang 13 TRƯỜNG …….……………………………… TỔ: ………… …………… – KHUNG KẾ HOẠCH BÀI DẠY/ ENGLISH 10 – UNIT - asks Ss for the solution to the flowers, feeding the pets and laying tables for these errors meals We are all happy to perform our duties, and we think each of us play an important role in keeping the house clean, the home warm and happy D APPLICATION AND EXTENSION ACTIVITIES Activity Discussion in pairs: make a short conversation of how people in your family share housework and what benefits they get from this (5 ms) Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for Expected products & activity organising students’ learning activities assessment of student work To enable -Lets sts work in pairs: asking and answering Students' talks may vary students to talk about how their family members share about how their housework together and what benefits they family members get from this share housework - goes around and gives help if necessary together - call some pairs to present their talks confidently -gives feedback and marks for those who perform their talks quite well IV Homework: (5 ms) - A short paragraph about your family life - Prepare the next part V Self-Evaluation:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… TIẾT 08 Lesson COMMUNICATION AND CULTURE Date of preparation: …./… /2021 Date of teaching: …./… /2021 Class: 10A1 I Objectives: Knowledge, skills, attitude: - Knowledge: + To help students understand more about family life in Singapore and in Vietnam + To enable students to give answers after listening to the talk show + To give students a chance to talk about their household duties - Skills: + Integrated skills, especially listening and reading - Attitude: The responsibility for sharing the household chores in their family Orientation towards students’ competency development: - General competences: language ability, communication, cooperation and self-learning - Specific competences: learning about the roles of members in family II Preparation of teacher and students: Teacher’s part: colored chalks, textbooks, handouts, sub-boards', etc Students’ part: Lesson preparation III Teaching procedures: Stabilization (2 ms) Check-up (NO –The checking-up will happen during the lesson) Classroom activities: A START/ WARM UP ACTIVITY (3 ms) Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for Expected products & activity organising students’ learning activities assessment of student work To get Ss to tell Discussion - Ss talk about the household duty what each Discuss the question: Who does what in of each family member person in his/ your family? How to apply: If all family her family does - Leads to the new lesson members contribute to housework, each won’t have too much to Each will have more time for relaxation B KNOWLEDGE FORMATION ACTIVITIES (10 ms) Activity Look at the pictures What is the person in each picture doing? Do you think they are happy? Why? Or Why not? (3 ms) Soạn bởi: ………………………… ………… – THPT …………………………… – https://violet.vn/quocbinh72 trang 14 TRƯỜNG …….……………………………… TỔ: ………… …………… – KHUNG KẾ HOẠCH BÀI DẠY/ ENGLISH 10 – UNIT Aims of the activity To help students know that the husband should share the household chores with his wife Lesson content & techniques for organising students’ learning activities - Lets sts look at the pictures and answer the above questions - Gets answers -Gives feedback Expected products & assessment of student work - The man is cleaning the house, doing the laundry and cooking The woman is taking care of the baby, cooking, cleaning the house at the same time They are too busy with their household chores and certainly unhappy Family member should share the household duty Activity Listen to the talk show Who said what? (7 ms) Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for Expected products & assessment activity organizing students’ learning activities of student work To help - introduces the talk show, the people and KEY: students the task by asking simple questions Mr Pham Hoang c,e understand - lets sts read the statement, makes sure Ms Mai Lan a,f the attitude of they understand everything by asking Mr Nguyen Nam b,d each speaker them for translation of all sentences - sts know more about the attitudes about sharing - plays the cd twice, sts listen and match of people about the household duty household then compare with their peers duty - checks with class by saying the number, sts say the letter C PRACTICE ACTIVITIES (20 ms) Activity Work in groups Discuss the questions, report your group’s opinions to the class (5 ms) Lesson content & techniques Aims of the Expected products & assessment of for organising students’ activity student work learning activities To give - guides sts to work in group of Suggested answer: students a and prepare the answers; Our group agree with Mr Nguyen Nam, chance to talk they can use the ideas in task husband and wife should have a similar role about their Each group has a leader to take They should share housework, parenting, opinions notes and report their opinion homemaking, financial burden In our family, about to the class our parents share all the work and we are sharing - groups report their happy with that housework in opinions, others listen and - Sts know that a husband should share the family comment housework with his wife in order to make the family happy Activity Read the two texts about family life in Singapore and in Vietnam then answer the questions (15 ms) Lesson content & techniques for Aims of the Expected products & assessment organising students’ learning activity of student work activities To help - Look at the pictures at the end of the SUGGESTED ANSWERS students unit to elicit the terms "nuclear family" (handouts) know more and "extended family" - Sts know more about the cultures of about the - Work in pairs to read and complete the the two countries family life of table, after that sts compare to correct the two Sts can use a dictionary to look up new countries words while doing the task - Write the answers on the board for class checking D APPLICATION AND EXTENSION ACTIVITIES (5ms) Activity Discussion in groups: What should each family member should to help bring happiness to the family? Soạn bởi: ………………………… ………… – THPT …………………………… – https://violet.vn/quocbinh72 trang 15 TRƯỜNG …….……………………………… TỔ: ………… …………… – KHUNG KẾ HOẠCH BÀI DẠY/ ENGLISH 10 – UNIT Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for Expected products & activity organising students’ learning activities assessment of student work To enable -Lets sts work in groups of to answer the Students' talks may vary students to talk question What should each family member about the to help bring happiness to the family? responsibility of - goes around and gives help if necessary each family - calls some representatives to present their member for a talks happy family -gives feedback IV Homework: (5 ms) - A short paragraph about your family life - Prepare the next part V Self-Evaluation:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… TIẾT 09 Lesson LOOKING BACK AND PROJECT Date of preparation: …./… /2021 Date of teaching: …./… /2021 Class: 10A1 I Objectives: Knowledge, skills, attitude: - Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, sts are able to: - review words/phrases about household chores - consolidate the grammar points of the unit: the present simple and the present continuous - exchange opinions about household chores - write about doing household chores in their family - Skills: Integrated skills - Attitude: To raise the Ss’ awareness of revising and applying the language and the skills they have learnt throughout the unit to perform a task in a real-world situation Orientation towards students’ competency development: To help the students develop their further skills; especially the skill of using language in the collaborative way II Preparations: Teacher’s part: Appliances for studying (textbooks, references, teaching aids, etc.) Students’ part: Vocabulary, grammar, requirements related to the lesson III Teaching procedures: Stabilization (1m) Check-up (0m) (Students will get marks in the Project part.) Classroom activities: A START/ WARM UP ACTIVITY (4 ms) Aims of the Content, techniques for organising Expected outcome & assessment of activity students’ learning activities students’ performance To help GAME: CHORES I walk the dog every day students Ss click on the words in the right order Make your bed please remember to make a sentence Can you lay the table? the language https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil We have to clean the kitchen they have org/archived-word-games/make-the- Sweep the floor please learnt sentences/chores Can you mop the floor? - Leads to the lesson Tidy up please I want to cook dinner Can you wash up please? 10 Dry the dishes please 11 I need to put away my books 12 Hoover the carpet please B KNOWLEDGE FORMATION ACTIVITIES (8 ms) Activity Read the following words containing the sound clusters /tr/, /kr/ and /br/ (2 ms) Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for Expected products & activity organising students’ learning activities assessment of student work To help Ss - T asks Ss to pronounce the three sound review the way clusters /tr/ /kr/ /br/ to pronounce treasure crab brave Soạn bởi: ………………………… ………… – THPT …………………………… – https://violet.vn/quocbinh72 trang 16 TRƯỜNG …….……………………………… TỔ: ………… …………… – KHUNG KẾ HOẠCH BÀI DẠY/ ENGLISH 10 – UNIT the three sound - T gets Ss to work in pairs and take turns tractor crown bride clusters /tr/, reading the words containing the sound trunk creature bracelet /kr/ and /br/ clusters /tr/, /kr/ and /br/ trampoline crazy bring - T invites individuals to read the words Activity VOCABULARY What are the people doing? Write the name of the chores under the pictures (3ms) Aims of the Content, techniques for organising Expected outcome & assessment of activity students’ learning activities students’ performance To revise - T lets Ss work in pairs to write the cooking some of the name of the chores under the shopping for groceries Vocabulary pictures doing the laundry/washing clothes items used - T checks Ss’ answer by asking them taking out the rubbish in the unit to write the names of chores on the cleaning the toilet board next to the number of the washing up/ washing the dishes picture or call out the word/phrase ironing when T says the numbers of the sweeping the house picture watering house plants/ flowers 10 feeding the cat/pets Activity One minute (3 ms) Aims of the Lesson content & techniques for Expected products & activity organising students’ learning activities assessment of student work To revise the - T has Ss talk about the present simple rules of using the and the present continuous tense in pairs present simple in one minute and the present continuous tense C PRACTICE ACTIVITIES (12 ms) LOOKING BACK: Activity PRONUNCIATION: Listen and underline the words that have the consonant cluster sounds /tr-/, /br-/, and /kr-/ Write /tr-/ or /br-/ and /kr-/ above the word that has the corresponding consonant cluster sounds, then practice reading the sentences (3 ms) Aims of the Content, techniques for organising Expected outcome & assessment of activity students’ learning activities students’ performance To help Ss - T explains the instructions clearly cream- /kr-/; brushed /br-/ distinguish - T plays the recording and lets Ss listen crashed /kr-/; tree /tr-/; traffic /tr-/ the and the task created /kr-/; brother/br-/ consonant - T invites some Ss to read the brown/ br-/; bread /br-/; breakfast/ clusters /tr/ , sentences in front of the class br-/ /br/ and /kr/ - T corrects Ss’ mistakes if there are any, brave/br-/; cime/kr-/; increasing/ focusing on the three consonant kr-/ clusters Activity VOCABULARY Use the words/phrases in the box in their corrects form to complete the text (3 ms) Aims of the Content, techniques for organising Expected outcome & assessment activity students’ learning activities of students’ performance To practise - T asks Ss to read the text carefully, Does the cooking words/phrases using the context clues to decide which Shops for groceries about word/phrase can be used to complete Does the heavy lifting household each gap in the text Laundry chores in - T reminds Ss that they may have to Ironing context change the form of the verbs before Takes out the rubbish putting them in the gaps Sweeping the house/floor -T checks Ss’ answers by asking for peer Lays the table correction first Does the washing up - T provides correction if necessary Soạn bởi: ………………………… ………… – THPT …………………………… – https://violet.vn/quocbinh72 trang 17 TRƯỜNG …….……………………………… TỔ: ………… …………… – KHUNG KẾ HOẠCH BÀI DẠY/ ENGLISH 10 – UNIT Activity GRAMMAR Finish the sentences with either the present simple or the present continuous (3 ms) Aims of the Content, techniques for organising Expected outcome & assessment activity students’ learning activities of students’ performance Practice the - T explains the instructions to Ss clearly present - Ss work in pairs to finish the sentences Am writing/ miss simple and the - Ss are required to find out the signals for Am looking after present the two tenses Looks/ is wearing continuous - T calls Ss to read aloud the sentences Am cooking with the answers Are you reading - T confirms Ss’ understanding by asking Do people in the family others to give comments - T corrects and gives feedback Activity GRAMMAR Work in groups Discuss the following questions Then report the result to the class (3 ms) Aims of the Content, techniques for organising Expected outcome & assessment of activity students’ learning activities students’ performance Review the - T put Ss in groups of or to discuss Question 1: language they the questions Yes, we should Because the housework have learnt in - T should tell them that they can use makes us responsible for the family the lesson the ideas and language in the lessons That is also a way for us to show love to for their answers our parents and our family - T assigns a leader for each group Question 2: whose task is to note down the Due to the limit of time for study and our group’s ideas age, we can light work only - T calls the representative of each Question 3: group to perform in front of the class I usually look after the pets, water - T gives Ss a chance for peer- flowers, take out the garbage or sweep correction first the floor - T corrects and gives feedback D APPLICATION AND EXTENSION ACTIVITIES (15ms) - PROJECT: Activity Do a survey to find out… (5 ms) Content, techniques Aims of the for organising Expected outcome and assessment of students’ activity students’ learning performance activities explore the - T tells Ss what they Students’ preparation and performance topic in a need to in this INTERVIEW FORM: collaborative activity No Name From Who How What way - Ss work in groups of nuclear/ housework? many is an or Extended hours ideal - The survey can be family? for family? done during in class or house during the break work? - Ss are told to go around and ask their classmates questions to get information for … their project - T is always ready to support if they need any help - T also take part in the -T encourages each group member to speak for at least projects to see how the minutes interviews are going on Activity Work in groups Compare your findings and get ready to report to the class (10 ms) Soạn bởi: ………………………… ………… – THPT …………………………… – https://violet.vn/quocbinh72 trang 18 TRƯỜNG …….……………………………… TỔ: ………… …………… – KHUNG KẾ HOẠCH BÀI DẠY/ ENGLISH 10 – UNIT Content, techniques for organising students’ learning activities Choose the - Ss come back to their seat best to combine the data presentation collected during their interviews - Ss the calculations to get the final result of their project - Ss have time to prepare for the oral report - T calls the representative of each group to present the project in front of the class Aims of the activity Expected outcome and assessment of students’ performance Students’ preparation and performance SUGGESTED ANSWER: Hi, everybody! Today, I’d like to present our project about the family life We have interviews ….people and what we have found is surprisingly interesting Most of the interviewees are from nuclear/ extended family 1/3 of the fathers share the household chores It is good to find that all the children help doing the housework in their free time and the most popular one is to take out the garbage/clean the floor However 2.5 percent of them don’t like doing the housework with different reasons …… IV Homework: (5 ms) - A short paragraph about your family life - Prepare the next part V Self-Evaluation:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Soạn bởi: ………………………… ………… – THPT …………………………… – https://violet.vn/quocbinh72 trang 19

Ngày đăng: 19/11/2022, 11:18

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