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BUI Thi Kieu Clang cd Dig Tap chl KHO A HOC & C 6 \ G NGHE Jif f f S''''^^'''' '''' ''''^^^ '''' " '''' LANGUAGE G AMES ,^PRO,ACH I T THAI vr^^ ^f " '''' '''' '''' * ''''^^ ''''^ ''''•^L'''' S O" raE "RST VTAR STIDE VTS AT THAI NGL YEN l s[.]

BUI Thi Kieu Clang cd Dig Tap chl KHO.A HOC & C \ G NGHE Jif f-f.S'^^'''^^^ ' " ' LANGUAGE G.AMES ,^PRO,ACH I T THAI v r ^ ^ ^ f " ' ' ' * ' ^ ^ ' ^ '•^L'-S O" raE "RST VTAR STIDE.VTS AT THAI NGL-YEN l-sn-ERSITV OF AGRICUTLTU; A-\D FORESTRY Bui Thi Kieu Giang'', Dang Thi Thu Huong" College o-'.Sgr.cal:are ard Faresu, - TS L -College a,'Educa„an -TSC SUMMARY No»ada>s as the need to communicate oralh wiih the »orld outside increases o t h i s p e a l ™ ; the :„Hd »^ua.T thereL " ' ' " ° ^ ' " ' ' " ' '" IS \er\ nece5iar\ " ' " ^ "^ =""•' "" -""-^^ ' " f > ™ " » " " "^ f " " * ^ " " " '" " "^ ">ô *'"ã> ãằ ' " > ™' " conversation i„ the n|£s^;-r: ™ ™r::t™i:=;:^=r^s 9rrrrs2=:rtr:?s,: i"^^^^^ r-^oih^ r i=^r r:•:^^:^^r• ^cEF^^^^ s fiindamental to human communication It is a maior tool to commumcation^ ' teaching speaking in her school imponant fTect of u.ing games in siuaents at thai Nguien uniiersit; of Agriculture and Foresir> lTe7sT\JZn':fi cnoersrn ji -,gr,cli,ue''"''-'dT"'" and Forestry '-ô"ôãã?ãã"ãô INTRODUCTION Nouadass, as the need to commutlicate oralh vMth the world outside increases, it is \ e n necessar> for both teachers and students to concentrate on teaching and leaming speaking English An oral English communication is being recognized as a ice> means of gi\ ing and getting information uith other speakers in Ihe^orld In English classes, teachers aluass focus on grammar and socabulan The> not teach speaking much because speaking seems the most difficult of all the four skills (listening speaking, reading and uritingl that most of teachers aioid teaching it Funheimore teachers use their mother tongue to teach or explain much more than using English The ; Tc, m.s.r.cv, E^ac ba„h,„,ag,ar.fii„a,,aa:„ "•.V.fcr c„„™v„„ r/,., ^ *g -, „ „ , , ' be that teachers are not sood at speakin" English, too although the> knou abouT English grammar \er> clearh Therefore students not haie man> chances to practice speaking although the> quietl> knou about English grammar That is uh> thes are not good at English speaking skills Speaking effectneness using games uill ha\e a significant meaning to the mam goal of TN Eni\ersit> of Agriculture and ForcsttA (TUAF) Moreover, srudents are not interested m the Wpic that thei have to speak It means that the ' " P ' ^ stiouM not be too eass or loo difficull It •""!• be suitable to students- levels If ihe '"PK is too eas> students ma\ get bored On the other hand, if the Ioplc'ls^oo difficyll Students uiM not knou hou l o d e a l u i i h i t Bill Thi Kieu Gia i Dig Tap chi KHOA HOC & CONG NGHE In addition, students aluays use their mother tongue because it feels unnatural to speak to one another in foreign language, and because they feel less "exposed" if they are speaking Iheir mother tongue These are just some of the problems that teachers and students encountered when teaching and leaming speaking activities in Ihe classroom These also show us the important role of teachers if they know and choose the suitable ways to improve students' speaking skills These particular observations give the researcher an idea and an inspiration to study "Effectiveness of Language games approach in improving the speaking skills of the first year students al Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry" SUBJECT AND METHODOLOGY The sludents were chosen using purposive, quota and random sampling techniques Listing the names of the students in each class and then using students' record to check for similar gender and age Together with the resiill of English score from the entrance exam to colleges gi\ en b\' Vietnamese Lxammalion Board, sixty sample students who have the same mental abilities will then be selected as the subjects, of the study They were divided into two groups in which there were thirty sample students in each group The experimental meihod of research was used m the sludy According to Clamoring (2000), this meihod shows a problem solving 152(07/1): 97.|ffi approach that the study is described in the future on what will be when certain variables are carefully controlled or manipulated It is also the most prestigious method fw advancing science and technology as well as research and development Furthermore, they say that expenmental method is the only design that can lest hypothesis regarding cause and effect relationships "Hie purpose is to find new facts and to verity the results of previous experiments This study used the experimental two - group design as a major mean of research The compared groups are employed experimental and control groups The traditional approach was used to (each the control group while language games approach as the experimental one In order to find out the effectiveness of language games approach in improving the speaking abilities of the students, a loi of data collection instrument was used such as pretest, post test The difference between Ihe mean scores ol' the two groups was then computed and tested for significance FrNDINGS: The Prc-test Mean Scores of The Students Taught Using Language Games Approach and Traditional Approach Table presents the pre-test mean scores of the students taught using language games approach and traditional approach Table I The Pre-test Mean Scores of the Students Taught U.,ing Language Games Approach and Traditional Approach Conlrol group Experimental i^oup l e u l t n d r b " d " " " / " ' TV""'"' 67 87 Fair Fair °'""""'' ^'""O '" *ã= P " ' - ' ô ' -""' 67 and 1,6 stand«tl t!^'s,°a;e1'e"aris"!oi''l"'Tl " d T " " " " "'""'•>•»'"'> group and experimental group ,n the preom oge u 'a Th b ' ' " " ' T f ' " " """''"'"' " " ' - ' ' - g = s s tha, t h ! two groups.! P m ta l l s , " " T " " * ' " " " • " = ' ° = - ' ' o ' l ' " - b « b tbe conlrol and He b c" s 11 n e'ns ihl h , " ' '""" " " " " ' " " l - s l a n d i n g of the lessons in the Englisli ullccls means ihat the students ,n two groups have same level BuiThi^GiangvaPfg Tap ehi KHOA HOC & CONG NGHE 152(07/1) - 102 I p t o a c h ' L T ' " f i ! " " ^ l ' *' ^ ' ' P ™ ™ ' " ^""P- « h " b was taught through language games approach, perfonned better than the control group u h o were taught through the tradilional approach a':d tadZrpprircr""'""''-"' -"" ^-^ '^-^ '^"^^ -^ Table rfe /.„«-,„, Ueon Scores of The Sludents Taught Us,ng Ungudge Gdmes Approach ondTraditional Approach P°sl test Mean SD VI 10 1.24 Fair 6.87 Good Table 3, The '-"'^'^^^^^^^^^^//^^/^^///^T^^ and Trodidonal Approach The table proved that the mean scores of , control group in the posl-lest, thev got a mean of with I 24 standard deviation described as/air while in the post test of Experimental group, they got a mean of 87 with 31 standard deviation described as good The findings imply that in the post test, there IS clearly differem The mean mark of expenmenial group was 87 - much higher than control group (6 1) , The result suggests that the experimental group, which was taught through language games approach perfomied bener than the • control group who were taught through the tradilionai approach - The Pre test and Post test Scores of the Students Taught Using Language Games Approach and Traditional Approach Table presents the pretest and posttest scores of Ihe sludents taught using language games approach and traditional approach • The table i proved Ihal the mean scores of conlrol group in the pre-test was 67 and standard deviation described as fa,r in the post-tesl thev got a mean of I u ith standard deviation described as fau The Expertmenlal group taught with language games approach in Ihe pre-test got a mean of 87 and 48 standard deviation described as la,r while in the post test lhe> got a mean of 6.87 with deviation described as good standard The findings impK that the mean mark of traditional group and experimental group in the pre-test are nearly equal The difference of 0.05 is marginal, which suggests that the Iwo groups are homogenous at the beginning of the study Relative to each other, both the control and the experimental groups have almost the same initial understanding of the lessons m the English subjects It means that the students in two groups have same level Howeven in the post test, there is clearlv different The mean mark of experimental group was 87 - much higher than control group (6.1) The result may suggest that the experimental group, which was taught through language games approach, perfonned better than the control group who were taught through the traditional approach Test of Difference belween the Pretests Mean Scores of The Sludents Taught using Language Games Approach and Traditional Approach, Table presents Test of Difference Between the Pretests mean scores of the students taught using Language Games approach and traditional approach BUI Th) Kieu Giang A a Dig Tap chi KHOA HOC & CONG NGHE 152(07/1): 97 -102 Table Tesl of Difference Bei\f een the Pretests mean scores of the sludenls taught using Language Games approach and iraditional approach Pre-test T-\ alue P-value VI ~ Expenmental Group -0 45 0,659 No Significant Control Group _ ^ The table shous the test of difference between the pre test mean scores of the students taugbi using the Language Games approach and Traditional approach , The finding reveal that no significant difference between pretest mean scores of experimental group and control group The obtained P-value of 0.659, being greater than the threshold P-value of 0,05 So tiiere is no significant difference between pretest of the students taught with language games approach and the traditional approach This justify the fact that they have the same level of knowledge of the students in the English subject Test of Difference Between the post tests Mean Scores of the Students taught using Language Games and Tradilional approach Table presents Test of Difference Between the post tests Mean Scores of the Students taught usmg Language Games and Traditional approach Table 5, Tat oj Difference Between the Post tests Mean Scores of the Sludenls Taught Using Language Games and Traditional Approach Pos I-tesl T-value P-value VI Expenmenial Group -2.42 022 Significant Conlrol Group The table shows Ihat language games approach The finding reveal that there is significant difference between the post tesl mean scores of experimental group and conlrol group The obtained P-value of 022, bemg less Ihan the threshold P-value of 0.05 So there is a significant difference between post lest of Ihe students taught usmg language games approach and Ihe tradilional approach This means the expenmenial group performs better than the conlrol group Test of Difference between the Pre test and Post test of The Students Taught Using Language Games Approach Tabic presents Test of Difference Between the Pretest and posttest of the students taught using Language Games approach Tabic 7- ^ of Difference Between the P,-eiesl and Posliesi of the Students Taught — Using fansuage Games Approach Experimental Group T-value p.value VI Pretest 000 Significant Postleil The lablcshous Ihai Ihe pre test mean scores of the Sludents taught using Language Games approach I h e tindmg reveal thai significanl dillercnce between the pre lest and posi tesl of the studc-nts taught usmg Language Games approach The obtained P-\alue of 000 bemg less than the threshold P-^allle of Os' V> there is a s.gmfieani difference between pretest and posi lesi mean scores of the •^ludenh [iiiighi using laneuaiic izames approach This implies that significant mcrease in the performance m the speaking skills can be attnbuted to the language games approach used by the leacher Conclusions ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ™ ""^ foregoing finding of ihis study ^ ' ' " ' ' * ' " ^ conclusions were drawn, ''There is no significant difference belween ^^^ '^^^^ °^ ^^^ students taught using language games approach and the traditional approach Bui Thi Kieu Gianev Tap chi KHOA HOC & CONG NGHE - There is a significant difference bet%ieen post tests of the students taught using lanoua.e games approach and the traditional approach " There is a significant difference between pre test and post test of the students taught using language games approach Recommendations Teachers of English language must be welltrained to adapt to the demands of the iearaers, hence it is recommended that education officials should give them more seminar and svorlcshops that will keep them well informed in innovations in language leaching An English language classroom should be made a venue to develop studentsspeaking skill Ihrough communicative activities such as, role plav, discussion, inforn,ation gap, pair svork and group uork Teachers of English should be fleMble, innovative and creative, they should know the ways to organize the class, to help and guide learners durmg the lessons Learners should be more active and confident to gam success in leaming It IS recommended that future researchers probe on related topics considering more variables not tested in this study, and other modern approaches such as Content Based to continue helping Vietnamese EFL learners acquire better the English language Fiinher it is recommended thai language games approach is considered as one of the most effective u a j o f l e a m m g and teaching speaking English Teachers should apply this approach in order to enhance students' speaking abilities Language games approach 152(07/1): - 102 IS adaptable to meet the needs of evety member of the classroom- that the students' needs are being considered Not only student's motivation to increase, but also actual learning and performance as uell When students use the language, they retain it more than if the\ would simply hear it Furthermore „ is also recommended that creation of language games approach should be done to make teaching and learning speaking English more comfortable and enjoyable endeasor Both learners and teachers feel happv and fulfilled mastering that they have worked together to achieve worthwhile outcomes Thus leachers should think and applv various kinds of activities which must be based closelv on students' needs, interest, and students' level REFERENCES Andrev, Wright Dav id Batleridee and Michael Buckb) (20001 Games for the LanEuage learning Agniezka Ubeman (2001), The use of Games for Vocabulary Presentation and Revision Aydan Ersoz (2000) Six Games for the EFL ESL classroom J Donna Byrne (2000) Longman Handbooks for language Teachers Geoffrev Bamad 12001) Bener Spoken English Jane Ehs (2000) Teaching Enclish through English Kessler and Numan (2003) Games for children Lee (20021 Beneni of games in learning English Lewis (2003) The use of Games in classroom 10 Lee Su Kim (2002), Creative Games for the language Class1 Mei Kim and Yu-jing i2000l Lsine Games in An EFL Class for Children BUI Thi Kieu Giang t J f l ? Tap chi KHOA HOC & CONG NGHE 152(07/1) 97- tOj TOM TAT HIEU QUA CUA \ T E C SU" DUNG TRO CHOT NHAM NANG CAO KHA NANG NOI T I S N G ANH CUA SINH VIEN NAM THlT NHAT TAI TRUdfNG DAI HOC NONG LAM THAI NGUYEN Bill Thi Kik Giang'', Dang Thi Thu Hmmg^ 'Trudng Dai hgc Nong Ldm - DH Thai Nguyen, -Tl udng Dai hoc Supham - DH Thai \'gv\en (Sng dung tro choi uong qua trmh da} \a hot Ngoai ngu duoc xem nhir la mot nhiing phucmg phap hieu qua nhai la irong U nang noi iieng Anh Phuong phap da duoc iing dune bien tren [he gioi qua cac CUOL khao sat nghien ciru deu cho Ihay ket qua cong rlt cao DOI MJi Viel Nam viec hoc \a da\ theo phuoiis phap truyen thong van ton Iai Ihi viec dua phucmg phap men vao se gop phan nang cao nnh doc lap, tu chu va tinh sang lao ciia nguoi hoc Nghien cim duac Ihuc hien lai truong Dai hoc Nong Lam Thai Nguyen nSm hoc 2014-2015 Tir khoa kT ndng nai hoai dong tro thai \inh tien ndm thu nhdt trtrdng DH Nong Ldm Thai \gu\en ^ - ' " ">"''

Ngày đăng: 12/11/2022, 15:16

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