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QUÁN m- QUÀN Lí STATISTICAL IMPACTS OF JOB ROTATION ON WORK PERFORMANCE: EMPIRICAL STUDY AT THE DEPARTMENT OF CUSTOMS OF DONG NAI PROVINCE • VY VU QUYNH NHU ABSTRACT: Job rotation is mainly focused on developing a new environment for employees as part of the job design initiative It has a wide range of qualities and capabilities, which have an influence on their desire to well complete their duties The study was carried out at the Department of Customs of Dong Nai Province, where there is a lot of employment rotation In the Department, interviews and observations were done as part of the study Through a formal survey and data analysis, it found that job rotation has a considerable impact on work performance Based on the study’s findings, it is suggested that proper work rotation planning will increase the work performance of civil servants Information regarding the job rotation should be provided at the outset to allow government workers to pursue their passions while also establishing good communication in parallel manner Keywords: job rotation, work performance, the Department of Customs of Dong Nai Province Introduction et al., 2018) The organizations must be adept to In order to carry out their functions optimally, prepare their human resources to follow ?or the sake of their growth and development, technology changes and demands in accordance irganizations need to focus on improving the with their organizational needs Human resources quality of their human resources, especially when are the determinants of organization activities coping with the subtleties of ecological changes such as planning, organizing, and making choices, that arise, as the technology, theories, concepts, therefore they play the most significant and and moral capabilities of organizational factors at prospective role in the success of an organization dll altitudes of work are required (Martinez-Leon (Qamari et al., 2019) Because it helps to So 27-Tháng 12/2021 201 TẠP CHÍ CƠNG THIÍ0NG attaining organizational goals effectively and efficiently, an organization's capacity to manage its resources will have a significant impact on its performance Employees that perform well will help to ensure that their jobs and obligations are carried out smoothly When opposed to those who are not inspired to work, employees with strong motivation can perform well and accomplish a better job Employees knowledge, abilities, experience, and dedication must be engaged before successful performance can be attained in an organization; hence motivation is essential (Ejere, 2010) Because motivation and performance are so closely linked, firms will try a variety of approaches to increase job performance, such as giving motivation to these employees Job rotation is one strategy to boost motivation at work Thus, the job rotation is considered as one of the key parts of a work design program that focuses on work design to ensure that employees not become bored while performing certain repetitive jobs (Maleki, 2019) Employees benefit from job rotation since it provides them with a variety of tasks and allows them to change occupations on a regular basis Employees may leverage their interests and talents at work via job rotation, especially in identifying the proper employment position Job rotations in groups are a wonderful technique to educate people and support their learning progress (Jamal, 2019) One of the benefits of job rotation, according to Eriksson & Ortega (2006), is the capacity to boost work motivation Employees that are rotated like to a variety of tasks rather than focusing on a single one This will have a beneficial influence on work performance due to their increased desire in carrying out the job and duties allotted to them This research was conducted with the civil servants of the Department of Customs of Dong 202 SỐ27-Tháng 12/2021 Nai Province Through job rotation, civil servants will be able to have increased and equal skills so that the Department has the flexibility and conduciveness This is because all civil servants have had the same duties and responsibilities Literature Review Job rotation is a strategy for increasing organizational efficiency and effectiveness that involves rotating people from one job function to another on a regular basis (Digiesi et al., 2018) Rotations are usually done for a set amount of time once personnel are hired for the aim of orientation and suitable job placement (Yu & Zhang, 2020) According to Santos et al (2017), job rotation has the potential to minimize monotony, enhance motivation by varying employee tasks, and help employees better understand how their work contributes to the business Furthermore, this rotation may give indirect benefits to the organization (Rodriguez & Barrero, 2017) Increased employee abilities allow management greater flexibility in planning employment, adjusting to changes, and filling vacancies, among the benefits that may be acquired Aside from the benefits mentioned above, there are several disadvantages to this employment rotation Moving a person to a new position when efficiency in the old job results in organizational savings might raise training expenses and lower productivity As members of the work group acclimatize to new personnel, job rotation adds to the distraction In addition, managers should devote more time to answering queries and overseeing the work of newly rotating staff Employees can improve their connections, skills, and expertise by rotating jobs (Leider et al., 2015) Various alleged concerns that have arisen have been able to be rectified on their own following the work rotation Employees will be more motivated as a result of this circumstance, which will generate a more pleasant and tranquil QUẢN TRỊ-QUẢN LÝ working environment (Linggiallo et al., 2021) As a result, motivation has an impact on work performance (Borst et al., 2019) The orientation of the objectives that a motivated individual has set is the trait that characterizes his/her conduct Motivation gives employees a rush of energy and then commands them to act and reach a predefined objective Research Methods This study deployed both qualitative and quantitative approaches And a self-completed questionnaire consisting of 15 observed variables for the two constructs was officially used in our formal survey 200 hard copies of the questionnaire were directly delivered to the civil servants of the Department of Customs of Dong Nai Province There were 174 pieces collected; among them, there were 32 pieces invalid Therefore, the data recorded from 142 valid respondents are used in the data analysis The data were analyzed with: (1) Scale reliability analysis with Cronbachs Alpha; (2) Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA); and (3) Linear regression Empirical Results and Discussions The scale reliability of the two factors, namely Job Rotation and Work Performance was determined with the Cronbachs alpha coefficients The obtained Cronbachs alpha values of 0.78 and 0.83, respectively, indicate that the scales are reliable for further analysis In the EFA, the obtained KMO is 0.74 with the significance of Bartletts Test is less than 0.1%, it is can be concluded the EFA analysis deployed in this study is validated Moreover, the 15 observed variables are classified into separate groups which have similar components as shown in the proposed constructs Especially, to investigate the impacts of the independent factor Job Rotation on the Work Performance, a relevant regression model was conducted It results in the significance level of less than 0.1% and an R2 of 54.82%; these figures indicate that there is a significant relationship between the job rotation and work performance of the civil servants at the Department of Customs of Dong Nai Province The finding further agrees with those by Digiesi et al (2018), Kaymaz (2010) and Maleki (2019) as they also found that job rotation can stimulate employees to perform their jobs In addition, the finding in this paper also agrees with those by Michalos et al (2013) and Moussavi et al (2019) as there is a significant improvement on work performance after employees are rotated Conclusion The findings suggest that while making decisions, synchronization and harmonization are required Especially when it comes to work rotation decisions Although job rotation has the potential to improve work performance, everyone has diverse interests, expertise, and talents When employees at a specific level must learn to adjust to new situations, they will struggle When the rotation is completed, it may have an influence on work performance As a result, work motivation through job rotation is recommended in order to improve the work performance of civil servants at the Department of Customs of Dong Nai Province Job rotation is critical so that the Department can properly deal with people from various backgrounds and diversity A solid task rotation procedure will also result in a strong work performance output In the job rotation process, it is also critical for the Department to reassure civil servants that job rotation would not impact their benefits, allowing them to feel secure and at ease while on the job Consequently, they will learn through rotation ■ SỐ 27 - Tháng 12/2021 203 TẠP CHÍ CƠNG THƯƠNG REFERENCES: Borst, R.T., Kruyen, P.M., Lako, C.J., & De Vries, M.S (2019) The Attitudinal, Behavioral, and Performance Outcomes of Work Engagement: A Comparative Meta-Analysis Across the Public, Semipublic, and Private Sector Review of Public Personnel Administration, 40(4), 613-640 Digiesi, S.D., Facchini, F., Mossa, G., & Mummolo, G (2018) Minimizing and Balancing Ergonomic Risk of Workers of an Assembly Line by Job Rotation: a MINLP Model International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 9(3), 129-138 Ejere, E.I (2010) A note on job performance and motivational techniques Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 1(9), 177-192 Eriksson, T., & Ortega, J (2006) The adoption ofjob rotation: Testing the theories ILR Review, 59(4), 653-666 Jamal, A.A.M (2019) Work Turnover and Its Impact on the Quality of Productivity in the Industrial Sector Research in World Economy, 10(4), 65-77 Kaymaz, K (2010) The effects of job rotation practices on motivation: A research on managers in the automotive organizations Business and Economics Research Journal, 1(3), 69-85 Leider, P.C., Boschman, J.S., Frings-Dresen, M.H., and Van Der Molen, H.F (2015) When is job rotation perceived useful and easy to use to prevent work-related musculoskeletal complaints? 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Calitatea, 20(168), 86-92 13 Rodriguez, A.C., & Barrero, L.H (2017) Job rotation: Effects on muscular activity variability Applied Ergonomics, 60,83-92 14 Santos, R.E.S., Da Silva, F.Q.B., Baldassarre, M.T., & De Magalhães, c.v.c (2017) Benefits and limitations of project-to-project job rotation in software organizations: A synthesis of evidence Information and Software Technology, 89,78-96 15 Yu, J., & Zhang, J (2020) A market design approach to job rotation Games and Economic Behavior, 120,180-192 204 So 27-Tháng 12/2021 QUẢN TRỊ-QUẢN LÝ Receiving date: November 16,2021 Reviewing date: November 30,2021 Accepting date: December 9,2021 Authors information: VY VU QUYNH NHU, MBA Department of Customs of Dong Nai Province TÁC ĐỘNG THỐNG KÊ CỦA VIỆC LUÂN CHUYỂN CÔNG VIỆC ĐẾN HỆU QUẢ CƠNG VIỆC: NGHIÊN CỨU ĐIỂN HÌNH TẠI CỤC HẢI QUAN TỈNH ĐồNG NAI • ThS VYVŨ QUỲNH NHƯ Cục Hải quan tỉnh Đồng Nai TÓM TẮT: Luân chuyển công việc chủ yếu tập trung vào việc phát triển môi trường cho người lao động xem phần sáng kiến thiết kế cơng việc Người lao động có nhiều phẩm chất, lực khác có mong muốn hồn thành tốt nhiệm vụ giao Nghiên cứu thực Cục Hải quan tĩnh Đồng Nai, nơi có luân chuyển công việc nhiều Cụ thể, tác giả thực vấn quan sát cơng chức Cục Qua khảo sát thức phân tích liệu, kết nghiên cứu cho thây, ln chuyển cơng việc có tác động đáng kể đến hiệu công việc Trên sở kết nghiên cứu đó, viết cho việc lập kế hoạch luân chuyển công việc phù hợp làm tăng hiệu công việc công chức Thông tin liên quan đến việc luân chuyển công việc nên cung cấp từ đầu phép họ theo đuổi đam mê, đồng thời thiết lập cách giao tiếp đa chiều cách hiệu Từ khố: ln chuyển cơng việc, hiệu công việc, Cục Hải quan tỉnh Đồng Nai SỐ27-Tháng 12/2021 205 ... Province TÁC ĐỘNG THỐNG KÊ CỦA VIỆC LUÂN CHUYỂN CÔNG VIỆC ĐẾN HỆU QUẢ CƠNG VIỆC: NGHIÊN CỨU ĐIỂN HÌNH TẠI CỤC HẢI QUAN TỈNH ĐồNG NAI • ThS VYVŨ QUỲNH NHƯ Cục Hải quan tỉnh Đồng Nai TÓM TẮT: Luân chuyển. .. luân chuyển cơng việc có tác động đáng kể đến hiệu công việc Trên sở kết nghiên cứu đó, viết cho việc lập kế hoạch luân chuyển công việc phù hợp làm tăng hiệu công việc công chức Thông tin liên quan. .. giao Nghiên cứu thực Cục Hải quan tĩnh Đồng Nai, nơi có luân chuyển công việc nhiều Cụ thể, tác giả thực vấn quan sát công chức Cục Qua khảo sát thức phân tích liệu, kết nghiên cứu cho thây, luân

Ngày đăng: 02/11/2022, 07:57