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, ·-·· -Forrn No 10·300 REV (9/77) UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT Or THE INTERIOR FOR NPS USE ONLY NATIONAL PARK SERVICE NATIONAL REGISTER OF IDSTORIC PLACES INVENTORY NOMINATION FORM RECll:lVEO SEE INSTRUCTIONS IN HOW TO COMPLETE NATIONAL REGISTER FORMS TYPE ALL ENTRIES COMPLETE APPLICABLE SECTIONS DNAME HISTORIC _J_JMcci,,_ss,,,o. .urLState Fruit Experiment Station, Administration Building ANO/QA COMMON Old Administration Building l)LOCATION STREET & NUMBER Missouri Highway 60 at Missouri Highway CITY TOWN ~rrnRPusucAnoN =" -#7 - Hon Gene Taylor CONGRESS10 NA L DISTRICT Mountain Grove STATE VICINITY OF CODE COUNTY 29 Missouri CODE Wright 229 DcLAss1FICATI0N CATEGORY OWNERSHIP K_pueuc _DISTRICT ~BUILOING(S) _STRUCTURE _PRIVATE _WORK IN PROGRESS PUBLIC ACQUISITION -.OBJECT PRESENT USE >LUNOCCUPIEO _BOTH _SITE STATUS _QCCUPIED _IN PROCESS ACCESSIBLE -YES RESTRICTED _BEING CONSIDERED )i_ YES: UNRESTRICTED _NO _AGRICULTURE _MUSEUM -COMMERCIAL _PARK -EDUCATIONAL _PRIVATE RESIDENCE _ENTERTAINMENT _RELIGIOUS -GOVERNMENT _SCIENTIFIC _INDUSTRIAL _TRANSPORTATION _MIUTAAY K._oTHEA Vacant DOWNER OF PROPERTY NAME _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,c:.wi.h.u, ~ of STREET & NUMBER Missouri; managed by Southwest Missouri State University - - - - · - - - -·· - - - -Spri ngfi el d v1c1N1TY oF LOCATION OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION CITY TOWN II STATE Missouri 65802 COURTHOUSE • ,G,srnv ' 0" 0s.nc Wright County Courthouse STREET & NUMBER _ ,,C"'o"'uu.r_.t,""ho u.s.e_~S"y,'Y.J"'';u'~u._" _- - , " C c c - - - - - - - - c1Tv TOWN STATE Hartvi J1e ll REPRESENTATION IN EXISTING SURVEYS Missouri 65667 Tr'rLE - - DATE - - - · -~H~i~·s=s~o"'u"-r_, i SJ;ate Historical Survey 1978 -FEDERAL ~TATE Office of Historic Preservation _s ~s'r:4Bc;>~o.!r ;.~~~"'~"-'n~h~f Natura Resources ,.1efferson City -COUNTY LOCAL oEPos,ro•vrn• 0 _• -:-.~"-/-;o'"'yw ·::,-c_ STATE Missouri 65102 ! l B DESCRIPTION CONDITION CHECK ONE CHECK ONE _EXCELLENT ~DETERIORATED _UNALTERED ~ORIGINAL SITE -GOOD _RUINS LiLTEREO _ MQVEO _FAIR _UNEXPOSED DATE _ DESCRIBE THE PRESENT AND ORIGINAL (IF KNOWN) PHYSICAL APPEARANCE The Administration Building of the Missouri State Fruit Experiment Station, Mountain Grove, Missouri is a simple, one and one-half story manifestation of the Tudor Revival Style of architecture filtered through the influence of H.H Richardson and the Queen Anne and Stick Styles of late nineteenth century America Its compact, rectangular plan rests on a full basement and is capped by a full attic IMPORTANT CONSTRUCTION FEATURES The building measures 42'5" along the east and west, and 59'10" along the north and south It is constructed of red brick, laid in conmon bond, and its outer walls are three stretchers thick It sits on a foundation of squared and coursed, rockfaced limestone blocks, and it is topped by a roof of wooden shingles This bellcast roof _is hipped in its central portion, gabl~d at its northeast and southeast corners and _conicalover the stout tower at the s9uthw~st corner In ad\Jitiqn, the gable ends on the north and sout~ sjdes,of t~e,byild1ng a,nd the·re\:tangular dormer wi_th double doors and balcony on the south side above the porch are faced with wooden shingles which have been painted white Notable design features of the Old Administration Building include its bellcast, pedimented gables with returns, the large, broad, scrolled brackets placed beneath the boxed cornice at a 11 gable corners, the squat tower at the southwest corner and horizontal bands of double-hung windows with rectangular transoms and wooden mullions resting on continuous white limestone lugsills which are found within the gabled bays and the squat tower Single windows of the same type are found near the porch al)d_ 011 the east, west and south.sides ,of the building In addition, two steeply gabled dorm~rs of brick and shingles, which are adorned with lable stops and enclose r:ound~ar;-chep wipdow~ are.located on the east side and are topped with remnants of trilobed finials Two Tudor arches of wood which rest on molded corbel stops above the front porch extend over the south porch wall which has brick balusters two stretchers wide and six high, with a white limestone capstone Inmediately to the west of the porch, on the wall of the tower, is a stone plaque which is inscribed with the name of the building and those of all of the persons who were immediately involved in the design and construction The interior of the building has been completely vandalized No fixtures or moldings survive but remnants still exist of the original, stenciled, floral wall decoration in the central hallway, beneath several layers of peeling paper and wall coverings In addition, the original wood floors survive beneath a variety of peeling floor coverings The rooms on the main floor·of the building originally served as an office, reception room, sample.room.and dark room, though it is not known which one served which purpose (See plan) The full basement was used as a grafting room and root cellarl and the attic has remained unfinished, though its southwest portion must have served some purpose which necessitated the addition of the dormer with doors and balcony above the front porch (see below, Alterations) Iii SIGNIFICANCE PERIOD AREAS OF SIGNIFICANCE·· CHECK AND JUSTIFY BELOW _PREHISTOHIC _ARCHEOLOGY-PREHISTORIC _COMMUNITY PLANNING _LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE _RELIGION _1400 1499 -AACHEOLOGY-HJSTORIC _CONSERVATION -LAW -SCIENCE -SCULPTURE _1500 1599 ~GRICULTURE _ECONOMICS _LITERATURE -1600 1699 ~ACHITECTUAE _EDUCATION _MILITARY _SQCJAUHUMANITAAIAN _1700-1799 ART _ENGINEERING _MUSIC _THEATER _PHILOSOPHY _ TRANSPORTATION ~P6l)n~s1GoveRNMENT _OTHER (SPECIFY) _1800·1899 COMMERCE ~1900- coMMuN1cAr1~Ns\ ' · _E>c:PLO RA TION/Sf:TTLEM ENT (' ' , _INDUSTRY - - _INVENTION · ~ ·~ , -, ~ SPECIFIC DATES 1900-1901 BUILDER/ARCHITECT H.H Hohenschild STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE The Administration Building of the Missouri State Fruit Experiment Station in Mountain Grove, Missouri is significant as the most imposing architectural example in its locality of any type and as the only building in the Tudor Revival Style kno~n to,h,w peen d7siin\!cj by, ~he_Mi,ssow·,) arc.hitect, ~:~l_'Y, H: ~ohe~~chil,?: ~n, , addition, this building was the o,r19inal site of the activities and inves'tigations of !hf FruH St~ti?n;: J\ia~Y.?.f Whi 7~.ha've ~roven to ,bf'of ~hr u~m,o'st ·benefit to the, fruit gtowers of Missouri in particular and the United States in general: · Early settlers in this state found Missouri to be rich in wild fruit Planned cultivation followed and by 1859 the first Missouri Fruit Growers Association was organized By 1862 its name was changed to the Missouri State Horticultural Society In the early l860's 9ommercial fruit growing began and exhibited great expansion after the Civil War · In Missouri's Ozarks agriculture began in earnest in the l870's with the general farming of wheat and corn cro~s Ca~~l.e, hogs! s~eep, horses, an:-',~- 'I,,\ oO ,, ' - 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(1951) Scale: 1:24,000 Missouri State Fruit Experiment Sta ti on, Administration Building I ,·l - /ci !?;.· ~I ' '": ;=;: \ \ ooi!l:f · Latitude: 37 11.00 Longitude: 92 15 45.00 :~'>,• \ - -., ' \,~ :- / ",ii "" , _ , '- , "' \ i '1 , , s1~- " ·'' -' "),