Ë rì il'1lrT o Southern MethoJist [Jniversity School o[ Law HOODING OF CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF JURIS DOCTOR and PRESENTATION OF CANDIDATES FOR OTHER DEGREES SATURDAY EVENING, THE FIFTEENTH OF MAY NINETEEN HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-SX AT SIX.THIRTY O'CLOCK \ LA'T SCHOOL QUADR,ANGLE The øúièce PROGRAM uill' be sèted' ùtting tbe , ,-CHAPEL BELL RINGERS Fanfere for Bells ỵocessỡ'onứl BeverlY Bolin, Conductor Purcell TRUMPET VOLUNTARY McCleary STATEMENT OF THE DEAN Mustang Brass, Charles.O'Neill Gelvin, M.B.A., J'D', S'J'D' Dr Irving D Dreibrodt, Conductor Dean and Professor of Law Chapet Bell Ringers, DOCTOR HOODING OF CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF JURIS Past President, Student Bar Introduced by John \Øilliam Bickel II, 8.S., Immediate Association, Juris Doctor Candidate Beverly Bolin, Conductor St¿ndard Bearer for the School Immediate Past P¡esidenr and Candid¿tes C¿ndidates Candidates Candidates of L¿w vice President of thc student Bar Associatio¡ of I DEGREES PRESENTATION OF CANDIDATES FOR THE ADVANCED MA.STER OF COMPARATIVE LA\T C*mpra Rigaudon Flags I for the Degree of Juris Doctor for the Degree of Master of Comparative Law for the Degree of Master of Laws for the Degree of Doctor of the Science of Law States and Foreign Countries of Degree Candidate¡ MASTER OF LA\TS FANFARE DOCTOR OF THE SCIENCE OF LA\ø LL'M" S'J'D" \l¡illiam Introduced by Professor Aaron Joshua Thomas' Jr" LL'B" of the committee on chairman professor Law, of constitutional Hawley ¡t*Lll Roh' Trumpet F¿nfare A.CADEMIC PROCESSION Trumpet Gradu¿te Legal Studies Purcell Tune Mustang Brass, RECESSIONAL Dr Irving D Dreibrodt, Conductor Marcello Psalm 19 Tbe ød.ìence wilt be sèted i'øtiøg tbe recessi'on¿l Chapel Bell Ringers, Beverly Bolin, Conductor Faculty Marshal for the School of Alumni Reletives of the Degree L¿w Law School Committee of the Board of Trustees Ofrcers ¿nd Directors of the SMU Lav¡ Alumni Association School of Law Âssociate Deans of the School of Lew Marshals Hooding the Degree C¿ndidetes Faculty RECEPTION IN LA\TYERS INN Candidates i of the for the Honotary The chairman of the commitree on G¡eduate Legal studies and the candid¿te Degree The Chancellor and the Provost of the University The President of the University and the Dean of the School of L¿v¡ INVOCATION vice President, Student Bar Association, John villiam Bunch, 8.s., Immediate Past Candidate Juris Doctor l i BE OPEN UNTIL P'M ALL BUILDINGS OF THE SCHOOL OF LÁ\T \øILL Paul \Øarren Brov¡n* B,B,A., Southern Methodist University HONOR.S M.8 {,, University of Misouri Richard Flemgỵ Brownt 8.4., Rice University Joe Howell Chambless* 8.4., Southern Methodist University Harold Ralph Crookesr Su.mmø Cu,t¡t Lmrcle Barbara Michele Golden Lynn Cttn Laøile B.B.A., University Margaret E¿ves Bar¡ett Tobi Kay Gelhnan David James Graham Josephine Marian Jenkins Kathyln Graves Farrar+ Timothy Robe¡t McCormick Richard Hal Moorman, IV Michael G Paulowsky David Allen Veatherbie Tbc Order of the Coif 8.,t., University of of tbe Børristcrs 8.4., Univetsity of Texrs 8.S., Illilois lüTesleyan Univcrsity Nancy Easley Strickland* 8.S., University of Texas David Allen IØhitet 8.4., University of Texas, Arlington December, 1975 Stephen Ray Bishop* John Robert Billingsleya 8.4., Rice University 8,4., University of Texas of Texas 8.,{,, University of Texas Nornran Lester Anderson B.S.B.A., llenderson Statc Collegc Michael Paul Anthony 8.S., University of Utah Joel Lynn Bailey 8.4., Henclrix College Donald Lewis Barley B.B.A., University of Texas Margaret Eavcs Barrett B,Â., Baylor University John O'Keefe Barry 8,4., Southern Methodist University Douglas \Tesley Becker B.ß.4., Southcrn Methodist Univcrsity Charles Thomas Bellows, Jr ß.Â,, University of Redlands Bârton Robnett Bentley 8,4., Southern Methodist University \Øilliam Reed Bentley B.B.A., Southern Methodist lJniversity "' absentia B.B.Â., Texas A & M Univcrsity John Villiam Rhea, III 8,S., University of Texas Paul Jcrald Ìt/ard 8.S., Erstern Illinois University M.4., Eastern Illinois Univcrsity Villiam Brent \Øestt 8.S., University of Utah Roger Godfrey \l¡illi¿ms+ 8.4., Hendrix Collegc Ronald Fr¿nklin Yates 8.4., University of Texrs LL.B., Chung flsin University LL,M., Chung Hsin University Joc Bailey Allen, III 8.A,., University Stevcn Paul Amis Robert \?'eber Hutcheson" , Duke Univcrsity Russell Jeffcrs LightÉ 8.,A , Southern Mcthodist University Esther Ritz Lipshy+ Edward Barry Rust, Jr.* Texas, r\rlington Bell McGowan, III+ Carl Martin McMillin" B,B.A., Southern Methodist University M Boyd Patterson'r 8.A',, Southern Methodist University John Henry Phillips 8, {.,, Notre Dame University Shing-Ger Lin"' Flenry John Ackels A., Sprins Hill College Randy Adlert 8.,{., Oglethorpe University Robert Dolan Akers* 8,4., Southern Methodist University August, 1975 Michael Lawrence Farley+ 8.S., Univcrsity of Tennessee Jerry Ellison Hines$ 8.S,, University of Texas Thomas Jackson Howell'¡ 8,S,, United States Naval Academy 8,4., University of Russell May 16, L976 DEGREE OF JURIS DOCTOR CONFERRED Henry Gin Hai Chow* LL.B., Soochow University Robert Carl Elder, Jr.* 8.4., Austin College 8.,{., Virginia Military Institute M {,, Vanderbilt University Timothy Robert McCormick CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF JURIS DOCTOR Michael G Paulowsky Richerd Everett Armitage" 8.,{,, Central Methodist College Houston 8,,{., University of Illinois, Urbana Loftin Lagarde+ 8.4., Northwestern State University Richard Hal Moorman, IV Michael G, Paulowsky Don Clayborne Stephenson David Âllen \featherbie Samuel Gary 'Vedey Tbe Orrler In Sue Timothy Robcrt McCormick Joseph Day Mitchell David James G¡¿ham Billy Franh Hicks + 8,A.,, Southwestern at Mcmphis 'Vei-Kang Hu* LL.B., Soochov¡ University Deannc Kay Varner Kazdoy* 8.,{., Southern Methodist University Cynthia Day King Charles Denne Knellt Joel Ainsworth Howa¡d Josephine Marian Jenkins Thomas Lee Johnson Julia Kathryn Lindauer Barbara Michele Golden Lynn Douglas Keith Eyberg Mary Kathlyn Farrar Tobi Kay Gellman Michigan 8.,{,., Southern Methodist University Michael Ryan Dysontr 8,,{., University of North Carolin¿ Batton Robnett Bentley Margaret Eaves B¿rrett Barton Robnett Bentley Gary Clark Crapster Robe¡t Edw¿rd Crawford, Jr Harold Ralph Crookes Hubert Adair Crouch, III John Corridan Dacus David Brian Dillon of Samuel Thomas CulpepperÉ Theodore Burnett Lyon, Jr.* 8.,{,, East Texas Statc University John McClellan Marshall In ¿bsentia John \Øilliam ßickel, II 8,S,, United States Military Âcadcrny Mary Sue Black 8,A',, Texas Tech Univcrsity Glen Alan Bodzy 4,., University of Texas Fr¿nk Kells Boland 8.4,, Texas Christian University Villiam r1, Bratton, III B.S,M.E., Texas Tech Univcrsity Clifford Arno B¡idwell 8,,\., Midwestcrn University Bruce \l¡illiam Bringardner 8.,t., Southern Methodist lfniversity Lo¡enzo Brown B.B,A., Southern Methodist University M¡rk ,{ldrich Brunger { , Calvin College John !/illiam Bunch 8,S,, Purdue University B¡ad Thomas Burns B.B.Â,, Southern Methodist University Donald Dean Bush 8.4., Indiana University M.r\., Indiana University Armand Thomas C¿rian 8.,{., University of New Mexico Guyle Earl Cavin 8,.{., Rice University Billv ""^' Vavne Chades Lee Cavness, Jr"r 8.4 MiddleburY College l".res Rotert Chamberlain 8.'\ University of Visconsin, Madison lVisconsin, Madison t't.S., U.iu.ttity of Flanagan B.b'í; io"thãt" Robert Douslas Franks ß.4., õePauw UniversitY \Øilliam Manton FrY, Jr' B.A', Austin College Iohn Robert Howie Torrence Fulton Donald - Iim Bill Cloudt* ß.8.4, Southern Methodist University Robert Mark GallowaY B.Á , UniversitY of Texas lvlary Ann GarveY " 4.8., Hunter College Tobi KaY Gellman Texas, Arlington n.¡., University of Robert Lee Craig, Jr B.B.Â., Tcxas Tech UniversitY Garv Clark CrâPster B'r{., St' MarY's UniversitY Robcrt Edward Crawford, Jr' B.B.A., Southern Methodist University Hubert Adair Crouch, III B.,A Vanderbilt UniversitY F{n."ce Ñewton Cunningham, III A., -Crustin Collegc Timothv fames B'Â', Utiu.tritY of U"-iuersity TowrY Nikki """¡.d., &M B.B.A UnivcrsitY Dowe David Gullatt B.B.A., UniversitY GregorY -'n.3',Gutman c;.v College Holt VhitneY Guysi* Madison M.4., San Francisco State College Lee Johnson Thomas Iames Texrs Marilvn Ann Koch A'D', Dukc UniversitY Scott Arthur Larson 8.S., St' Cloud State College Alan Scott Leibel n.¡', South Dakota State University Tulia KathrYn Lindauer Texas of New York 8.4., Knox B'S., Kansas UniversitY Southern Methodist University Robert Dodge Drans6eld B.A', UniversitY of Texas Driver Donald - ¡'¡',Coleman University of Texas, Arlington Michael - VaYne Dunagan ¡.¡., Såuthert Methodist University Alexand¡a Dunbar Colleen S.S.f., UniversitY of Florida Dover Durham, Jr' Lvnn -' Bi.' \ø¡shington & Lec University l.n" Southern Methodist University Ph.d., UniversitY of Tcxas Catherine Frances Harris 8.S., University of Texas Robert HaYes \flilliam "^"8.8.4 Southein Methodist Univcrsity Richard RandolPh HaYslett 8.,{,, UniversitY of Texas De\flaYne Herron Viltiam " -l.B'Ã" Uiiversity of Texas' Arlington Cramer llertenstein Edwrrd "'' ;3'Ã" Southern Methodist Univcrsity Frank Hicks Billv - '8.4., East Texas State Univcrsity Iean Caldwell Hight* B.Â., IJniversitY of Texas Douglas -"-ỵs.4.'Gcral