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Twenty-Sixth Annual Hooding of Candidates for the Degree of Juris

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ra ScHooL oF Lnw ij SoUTHERN MsrHoDtsr UNrvERsrrY Tw¡Nry-sIXTH ANNuer Hoo¡ING o¡ C¡NDTDATES FoR THs D¡cREE or lunrs Docron ¡.No PRESENTATToN or CaNDIDATES por OrHER DEcnr¡s ) SRrunuRy EvpNrNG, THn SnvsNTEENTH op MRy NiN¡r¡EN HUNDRED AND NrNsry-sEVEN ¡,r Stx-THrrry O'cLocK Lnw ScHoor QUanRANGLE (^ ( (, WELCOME TO SOUTHERN METHODIST UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW Southern Methodist University opened in the fall of t9l5 and graduated its first class in the spring of 1916 This is the University's Slst Annual Commencement Convocâtion The School of Law ar Southern Methodist Universitywas established in February 1925 It is a member of the Association ofAmerican Law Schools and is approved by the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar of the American Bar Association The first law school class graduated in 1928 with I1 members This, the 70th graduating class, consists of 250 candidates for the luris Doctor degree, four candidates for the combined degree of luris Doctor and Master of Business Administration,23 candidates for the Master of Laws degree (Comparative and International Law), and nine candidates for the Master of Laws degree There are four buildings in the Law School Quadrangle Storey Hall houses the faculty librar¡ faculty and administrative offices, the Legal Clinic, School of Law publications, and registrar Carr Collins Hall contains two state-of-the-art seminar classrooms; student lounge and student areas; the offices of Admissions and Student Affairs, Career Services, and Public Service Program; as well as other University offices Florence Hall is the class.ỗoom building with a model law office and courtroom facilities with modern audiovisual jquipment and closed-circuit television Underwood Law Library contains a collection of approximately 490,000 volumes, ranking second among private law school libraries west of the Mississippi The Law School is uniquely advantaged by its location in the Dallas metroplex; it draws its more than 800 students from most of the 50 states and from over 100 colleges and universities The school maintains a close working relationship with the Dallas Bar Association, whose members teach seminars in specialized areas Students have the op- portunity to select courses and seminars of small enrollment that foster intimate interaction with the faculty SMU, long a leader in curriculum development, has revamped the traditional first-year curriculum to include an innovative skills course, "Lawyering," and has adopted a public service curricular requirement for all students entering after the fall of 1993 SMU Law School's Legal Clinics provide practical instruction in appellate, civil, criminal, and tax cases under the careful supervision of experienced practitioners Students prepare legal documents, interview and counsel clients, and appear in court in a variety ofcases The Graduate Program in International and Comparative Law is attended by distinguished lawyers and judges from many countries, specifically from Latin America, the Middle East, and Far East The Graduate Program in Taxation is an intensive course of study in advanced tax issues PROGRAM The øødience will be seøted d.øring the processionø\ PRELUDE University Brass Dave Alexander, Conductor FANFARE \Øasson TRUMPET VOLUNTARY Purcell PROCESSION OF DEGREE CANDIDATES Standard Bearer for the SMU School of Law President of the Student Bar Association Candidates for the Degree of Juris Doctor Candidates for the Degree of Master of Laws (Comparative and International Law) Candidates for the Degree of Master of Laws (Taxation) FANFARE \ùØasson TRUMPET TUNE Purcell PROCESSION OF FACULTY, OFFICERS OF THE UNIVERSITY, AND GUESTS Faculty Marshal for the School of Law Alumni Relatives of the Degree Candidates Faculry ofthe School ofLaw Guest Speaker The Provost of the University The Dean of the School of Law NATIONALANTHEM Herald Trumpets INVOCATION Allison Lawter, Vice President, Student Bar Association, Juris Doctor Candidate The JXøgs d.ispløyed represent the home stø.ter ã.nd coøntries of oør 1997 grøduøtes PRESENTATION OF THE DON M SMARTAWARD AND SPECIAL RT,COGNITIONS 'lari McGowan, Presicle nt, Student Bar Association, furis Doctor Candidate STATEMENT OF THE DEAN III,8.4., C Paul Rogers J.D., LL.M., Dean and Professor of Law ADDRXSS Hon Patrick E Higginbotham, B.,A , L.L.B., U.S Court ofAppeals for the Fifth Circuit FANFARE \ùØasson HOODING OF CANDIDATES FORTHE DEGREE OF JURIS DOCTOR* Introduction Mari McGowan, President, Student Bar Association, Juris Doctor Candidate PRESENTATION OF CANDIDATES FOR ADVANCED DEGREES Introduction foseph J Norton,,{.8., LL.B., LL.M., S.I.D., James L Walsh Distinguished Faculty Fellow and Professor ofLaw ù ir,osrNc RIMARKs Dean Rogers FANFARE \Øasson RECESSIONAL The øød.ience n ill remøin seøted d.øring tbte recessionứ| RECEPTION Following the ceremony, ứ receỵtion will be hehl in the Q,tød.røngle ød.jøcent to Cørr Collins IIøll In the epent of røin, receptiln will be in Mood.y Coliseu.rn, fi.ont lobby øreø \The traditional academic color for Law is indicated by the purple tassel; individuals holding roctorâte degrees may wear a gold tassel HONORS Møgnø Cwrn Løwd.e Brant Campbell Martin Brian Alan Carlson I(eily Dean Hine Ann Elizabeth Lane Dennis Michael Lynch Stephen Scott Parel Kyle Scott Volluz A.ngela Christine Wennihan Curu Løød.e Michael Scott Barnard James Lawrence Baudino Margaret Liu Benavente Michelle Renee Brown Berziel Charles Andrew Brill Derrick Bryan Carson Alexis René Connally /odie Leigh Ousley Nancy Bedford Pedersen Iames Robert Hail Iames W Hamel Cecilee Ruth Price-Huish Lara Lynn Reenan Holly Lee Harris Lee Shidloßky Laurie A Shwiff Suzanne Sean Craig Patrick I(evin Craine Christopher "Andrew Crouch Christopher lames Curtis Tara Leigh Dale Toni Ngoc-Hanh Dinh Adrian Edward Doxe¡ fr Alan Christopher Duncan Brent Edward Dyer James E Etri Michael loseph Fogarty Alexander Frutos Raymond foseph Gilsoul Paul Goldean Stephanie Benanti Gracia III I Hero Delwin Eugene Hervey Hendrik F lordaan Brian M I(mzey I(yle Charles IGpata Laurie Anne Larnb Linda Bowen Lewis Theresa Beeby Lewis Lynley I(illough McA,nalley Sỵe M McQueen Adam Scott Mukamal Stephanie Dawn Newkirk Stephanie I( Osteen Laura Perkins Todd Shelby Spickard |ennifer Churchill Stobaugh Thomas Nelson Tarnay |annat Crossan Thompson ]ohn Leslie Thompson Diana l(aye Tunnell Sara Turman-Vedral Peter A Vermillion Cynthia Schroeder Watson Laura Lynn Williams Marcus J Williams |effrey Blair Wolff August 199ó The Ord.er of the lames Lawrence Baudino Michelle Renee Brown Berziel Charles Andrew Brill Brian Alan Carlson Alexis René Connally Toni Ngoc-Hanh Dinh Adrian Edward Doxe¡ fr Coif IGlly Dean Hine Ann Elizabeth Lane Dennis Michael Lynch Brant Campbell Martin Skye M McQueen Stephen Scott Parel Laura Perlcins f ennifer Churchill Stobaugh Thomas Nelson Tarnay ]annat Crossan Thompson |ohn Leslie Thompson Kyle Scott Volluz Angela Christine Wennihan /effrey Blair Wolff Stephanie Benanti Gracia The Ord.er of the Børristers Bryan Todd Adamson Scott f Becker Brent Eric Berkley Michelle Christine Campbell IQistin Dye Kelli Lynn Roach Holway Laura Flores Macom William Charles Murley Toni Ngoc-Hanh Dinh Todd Shelby Spickard Professor Frederick C Moss, Honorary Member The Order of Barristers is a narional honorary society that recognizes graduating students who have excelled in mot court, mock trful, and other advocacy programs, and studenÍs wln have made a significant contribution to the La Sc hool's advocacy prog rant DEGREE OF JURIS DOCTOR CONFERRED August 9, ).996 I Elizabeth Ann Klippi darbara Beatrice Creel 8.4., University of Dallas M.4., M.B.A., Ph.D., Texas Christian University Aaron Davidson 8.4., Emory University Richard Andrew Davison B.S., Southern Illinois University, Carbondale 8.A., University of California, San Diego Bradley Keith Moores 8.4., Tufts University Phillip Warren Shepherd, Jr 8.4 University of Virginia Gregory Dean Watts B.4., George Washington Univelsity DEGREE OF MASTER OF LAWS CONFERRED (Compør,øtive ønd InteT nøtionøl Løw) August 9,1996 Ahmed Abdul-Rahman Al Zakari 8.4., King Saud University, Saudi Arabia, Riyadh Chiy Suk Ryu Hurr Ko JingZhang 8.L., Seoul National University, Korea B.4., Chinese University of Political Science & Law 8.4., Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taiwan, R.O.C DEGREE OF JURIS DOCTOR CONFERRED December 14,1996 Lynley Killough McAnalley Charlotte Alan Clay 8.4., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Cum Laude B.4., Hendrix College Steven Faris Crawford 8.S., Arkansas State University Christopher Andrew Crouch Cum Laude 8.4., Texas Christian University ichard Andrew Davison 8.S., Southern Illinois University, Carbondale Kai P Hecker 8.4., Marquette University J.R Johnson 8.S., University of Southern California M.D., University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Johnny Leland Nelms, Jr B.4., George Washington University Laurie A Shwiff Cum Laude B.B.A., University of Texas, Austin Robert Troy Smith 8.S., Vanderbilt University Brian M Steger B.4., Northern Illinois University Mondai Michelle Maddox B.B.A., Baylor University DEGREE OF MASTER OF LAWS CONFERRED (C o m1 ør øtiu e ø.n d Intern øti on ø I Løw ) December 14, L996 Ju Hyun Kim 8.L., Korea University Ichiro Kume LL.B., Kyoto University DEGREE OF MASTER OF LAWS CONFERRED December 14,1996 Magnussen Robert Douglas 8.S., Marquette University J.D., South Texas College of Law Ronald Damon 8.S., University of Houston J.D., Texas Southern University Rowe William Daniel Thomas Taxation III Taxation Cum Laude B.S.B.A., University of Arkansas, Fayetteville M.B.A., North Texas State University J.D., University of Arkansas, Little Rock Taxation DEGREE OF IURIS DOCTORCONFERRED May 17,1997 Julia Menard Chester Bryan Todd Adamson 8.A., Brigham Young University Aaron R Allred 8.4., Weber State University Olevia Hastings Artesi 8.4., Southeln Methodist University Yvonne Scharfe Bailes B.B.A., University of Texas, Austin M.A., University of Texas, Dallas Daiman D Baker 8.A., University of Puget Sound Ajay Choudhary 8.A., 8.4., University of California, Berkeley Lisa Clark 8.S., Southern Utah University Kristina Nicole Clayton 8.S., University of Texas, Austin Ian Stephen Anthony Clement 8.S., Old Dominion University John Penney Cogan III 8.4., Southwestern University Alexis René Connally 8.4., University of Texas, Austin Lakresa McCole Cooper 8.S., Southern Methodist University Rodney A Cooper 8.4., M.4., Univelsity of Colorado 8.A., University of California, San Diego Michael Scott Barnard 8.4., Trinity University Eric Isaac Barrera B.B.A., University of Texâs, Austin James Lawrence Baudino B.S.M.E., Bradley University Scott J Becker 8.4., University of Texas, Austin Shannon Courtnay Beirne Sean Craig 8.4., Northwestern University Patrick Kevin Craine 8.S., Vanderbilt University B.4., Wabash College W Carson Croft 8.S., University of Texas, Dallas Margaret Liu Benavente 8.A., California State University, San Francisco James Andrew Bench 8.4., East Texas State University Laula Ann Benitez 8.4., University of Texas, San Antonio Christopher James Curtis B.S.B.A., University of Arkansas Tara Leigh Dale B.4., University of Texas, Austin Brent Eric Berkley B.4., University of Texas, Austin Michelle Renee Brown Berziel B.S.B.A., Missouri Southern State College Scott Paul Davis B.S.B.A., University of Florida Toni Ngoc-Hanh Dinh B.A.,B.J.,University of Texas, Austin Todd Edward Betanzos Adlian Edward Doxey, Jr B.4., Souther-n Methodist University 8.4., University of Arizona David Evan Blend B.4., University of Texas, Austin Faustino N Bowerman 8.4., University of Texas, Austin Alan Christopher Duncan B.B.A., Texas A&M University Kristin Dye B.4., Emory University Brent Edward Dyer 8.M., University of Kansas Allison Leigh Eberstein 8.4., Boston University Victor Ellis 8.A., M.4., University of Arizona Peter Joseph Christian Esser 8.4., State University of New York, Stonybrook Randy Watson Bowers 8.S Texas A&M University Melvin L Braziel, Jr 8.4., University of Texas, Austin M.A., University of Texas, San Antonio Kandice Kaye Bridges 8.4., 8.S., Southern Methodist University Pamela Denise Bridges 8.4 Southwestern University Charles Andrew Brill B.S.E.E., Kansas State University James E Etri B.S., Miami University Christy Leigh Eubanks M.B.A., University of North Texas Mark E Brunner 8.4., Trinity University Michelle Christine Campbell 8.4 University of California Brian Alan Carlson B.S.E.E., Clarkson University M.S.E.E., Southern Methodist University Thomas Cameron Carroll II 8.4 University of Virginia M.B.A., Southern Methodist University Derrick Bryan Carson B.C.J., New Mexico State University Yuan Yon Chen B.S.W., University of Nolth Texas 8.4 University of Mississippi Christopher Lloyd Ezzell 8.4., Midwestern State University James Garth Fennegan 8.S., Brigham Young University Paul J Fitzer 8.S., State University of New York, Brockport Glen Anthony Fitzmartin 8.4., Spring Hill College Michael Joseph Fogarty III B.S.E.E., University of Illinois, Urbana Nicole Lyn Fox 8.4 University of Virginia Alexander Frutos B.S.B.A., Georgetown University \\ù Daniel Wilbert Koenig 4.8., Duke University Kyle Charles Krpata B.4., Stanford University Hans Wilhelm Kühnlenz 8.4., M.4., University of Texas, Arlington Laurie Anne Lamb 8.4., West Texas A&M University Ann Elizabeth Lane 8.S., University of Colorado, Boulder Rocky Lawdermilk B.B.A Texas A&M Unìversity Allison Kimberly Lawter B.B.A., Southern Methodist University Beverly Kaye Leonard 8.4., University of Texas, Dallas Kyle Benjamin Levine 8.4., Stanford University Linda Bowen Lewis 8.4., University of Texas, Dallas Theresa Beeby Lewis B.S.M.E., Oklahoma State University Kevin Douglas Lindstrom 8.S., Texas A&M University Allen Scott Lineberry 8.S., Baylor University Grace Chi Kwan Fung B.B.A., University of ìrancis W Gannon Texas, Austin 8.4., Vanderbilt University Raymond Joseph Gilsoul 8.S., Texas A&M University Paul Goldean B.B.A., University of Texas, El Paso John Douglas Goyen 8.S., Univelsity of Texas, Dallas Stephanie Benanti Gracia 8.4., Lycoming College M.4., Syracuse University M.P.A., University of Texas, Arlington Gretchen Schlachter Groves 8.4., University of Texas, Austin John P Hagan B.B.A., University of Texas, Austin Lee Haidusek 8.S., Texas A&M University James Robert Hail 8.4., University of California, Los Angeles Marilyn Haisten 8.4., M.4., North Texas State University James W Hamel 8.4., University of Texas, Dallas Holly Lee Harris 8.S University oi Mississippi L Russell Hatch B.4., Indiana University, Bloomington Marilyn Suzanne J Hero B.4., Univelsity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill T Preston Herold ' 8.A., Northwestern University Delwin Eugene Hervey B.B.A., University of Texas, Austin Trae O'Neil High B.B.A., University of Texas, Austin Andrea Nochelle Hilliard 8.4 University ol Tuìsa Allison Michelle Hindle 8.4., Vanderbilt University Kelly Dean Hine 8.S., Southern Methodist University Brigitte Hocking B.4., University of Texas, Arlington Kelli Lynn Roach Holway 8.4., M.4., University of Texas, Dallas Pamela Denise Hutson 8.4., University of Texas, Dallas Stephen Vincent Iglesias 8.4 University of Michigan Taeri Catherine h¡ 8.4., Allegheny College Hendrik F Jordaan 8.S., Southern Methodist University Erin Elizabeth Joyce 8.4., Texas A&M University Grace S Kan 8.4., University of California, Berkeley Amanda L Keating 8.4., University of Susan Elaine Shareece Locus 8.S., Oklahoma Christian College David Michael Loet B.B.A., University of Texas, Austin Daniel Saul Lopez B.B.A., University of Texas, Pan American Deborah Aniy Lowenkron B.4., University of Pennsylvania Dennis Michael Lynch B.4., University of Notre Dame Laura Flores Macom B.J., University of Texas, Austin Daniel Joseph Madden B.4., Boston College Dina Kay Madison B.4., Arkansas State Univel'sity Steven H Magee 8.S., M.S., Eastern Michigan Univetsity Mark Hill Malooly B.B.A., University of Texas, Austin Crista Mârichalar 8.4., Incalnate Word College Brant Campbell Martin 8.4., Washington & Lee University M.A.R., Yale Univelsity Susan Martin 8.S., University of Texas, Austin Todd Alan Martin 8.4., University of Texas, Austin M.S., University of Texas, San Antonio Jana Lynn McBride 8.4 University of Mississippi Clark H McCoy, Jr 8.4., Southern Methodist University Marianna Magee McGowan 8.S., University of North Texas Patrick Reagan McGuire 8.4., Vanderbilt University Neil H Mclaurin IV B.4., Vanderbilt University Skye M McQueen Kansas Keller 8.4., University of Texas, Dallas Jeffrey Paul Kent B.4., Southeln Methodist University Brian M Kimzey 8.S., University of Missouri, Columbia 8.4., Pomona College \\o Lisa Diane Michaux 8.S., Vanderbilt University Lisabeth Ann Mims B.4., Southern Methodist University Chriitina Lynn Mooney 8.4., University of Texas, Austin M.B.A., Vanderbilt University Jennifer Blanton Moore 8.4 University of Michigan Bradley Keith Moores 8.4., Tufts University Linna Gibbs Mooring 8.4., University of Texas, Austin Adam Scott Mukamal B.B.A., Southern Methodist University Patrick Thomas Mulry James Wells Schofield III 8.4., University of North Texas Eric L Scott B.4., Southwest Texas State University Lisa Shapiro 8.4., University of Arizona Katherine Marie Shaud 8.4., Lehigh University Lee Shidlofsky 8.4., University of Texas, Austin Shannon B Sill 8.S., Texas Christian University Mark Ryan Smigiel 8.4., Marquette University Curtis Edward Smolar 8.S., Syracuse University 4.8., Wabash College Todd Shelby Spickard William Charles Murley B.S.B.A., University of Tennessee 8.4., University of Michigan Eleanor Ruth Starkey William Gary Nellis 8.4., M.4., Baylor University Stephanie Dawn Newkirk 8.A., University of Notre Dame Jennifer Churchill Stobaugh 8.4., Trinity University 8.4., University of Arkansas, Fayetteville Richard Hahs Stout 8.4., Rhodes College Jennifer Leigh Talley Jacqueline H Nguyen 8.4., University of Texas, Austin Truc Lam Van Nguyen 8.S., Louisiana State University, Shreveport 8.4., Vanderbilt University Thomas Nelson Tarnay B.S.M.E., Cornell University M.B.A Northeastern University Frank Reid Olson 8.4., Vanderbill University Stephanie K Osteen Jane Elizabeth Theobald 8.4., University of Texas, Arlington 8.4., Southern Methodist University Karen Marie Thomas Jodie Leigh Ousley 8.4., University of Texas, Allington B.4., M.4., University of Oklahoma Stephen Scott Parel Jannat Crossan Thompson 8.4., Southern Methodist University John Leslie Thompson 8.4., University of California, Los Angeles Nancy Bedford Pedersen B.S., University of Pacific 8.S., University of Missouri, Rolla Navid James Tofìgh B.S.C., Santa Clara University Yolanda Marie To¡res B.4., University of North Texas Guadalupe Valdez Trevino 8.4., Corpus Christi State University Laura Perkins 8.4., Trinity University Phong P Phan 8.4., University of Texas, Austin Lauren Michelle Phelps 8.4., University of California, Irvine Kenneth Todd Phillips Ruth H Tseng B.S., University of Illinois Deana Kae Tirnnell 8.4., Michigan State University Benjamin Luke Pistorius B.B.A., University of San Diego José Manuel Portela B.S.B.A., American University Cecilee Ruth Price-Huish B.4., Brigham Young University Henry Williams Pye 8.4., Duke University 8.S., Texas A&M University Sara Turman-Vedral B.4., Texas Christian University Peter A Vermillion B.S., Texas Christian University M.S., University of Southwestern Louisiana Kyle Scott Volluz B.B.A., University of Texas, Austin M.I.M., American Graduate School of International Management Charles Vorndran 8.S., Ph.D., University of Texas, Austin Lynn Davis Ward 8.S., University of Alabama, Birmingham Darren Ream 8.4., University of Texas, Austin Lara Lynn Reenan 8.4., Texas Christian University Troy Alan Reimer B.B.A., Evangel College Adrian John Marengo Rowe B.S., University of Texas, Austin Lara Saldivar 8.4., Southern Methodist University Laura L Salinas B.B.A., Incarnate Word College Roxanna Salinas 8.4., University of Texas, Pan American M.B.A., Emory University Tass Dever Waterston B.4., University of Texas, Austin M.B.A., Dallas Baptist University Cynthia Schroeder Watson 8.4., Texas A&M University \',rl 10 Angela Christine Wennihan 8.S University of Kansas ;lbertus Francis Wiesedeppe llI 8.S., Kansas State University Laura Lynn Williams B.S.PA Universiry ol Arkansas Marcus J Williams 8.S Auburn Universitv Christopher S Willis 8.4., Southern Methodist Universitv Jeffrey Blair Wolff 8.S., Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge Marcelle Lee Wong 8.,A , University of San Diego Pachuan Wongsrikul B.B.A., University of North Texas Traci S Yamane 8.S., Willamette University 12¡ DEGREE OF MASTER OF LAWS CONFERRED (Corupørøtiue ø.nd Internøtionøl Løw ) May 17,1997 Ekkapol Apinun Moon Shih Lin L.L.B., National Taiwan Universitv Toshikazu Murakami L.L.B., Kyoto University, Japan Kaittichai Pisanuwong L.L.B., Thammasat Universiry, Thailand Luis Portero Licenciado en Derecho, Universidad de Granada Mohammed Zakaria Qawasmi Bachelor Degree, Amman University, Jordan Ignacio Maria Sammartino Law Degree, Catholic University of Buenos Aires L.L.B., Thammasar university, Thailand Maxim A Bannikov Diploma of Higher Education, Military Insritute, Moscow Diploma of Higher Education, Acadamy of Finance, Moscow Diploma of Higher Education, Institute of Law and Economics, Moscow Gela Bezhuashvili L.L.B.,Kiev State University Jen Yie Chen L.L.B., Fu-Jen University, Taiwan, R.O.C Carlos Andres Scaminaci Law Degree, University of Buenos Aires Yuh Pei Shiau L.L.B., Cheng-Chi University, Taipei, Taiwan Ratna Djajanri Widowati Soekirman Sarjana Hukum, University of Indonesia Monika Struby Ra Lic lur., University of Zurich, Switzerland Sanya Suksathien L.L.M., McGeorge School of Law L.L.B., Thammasat University, Bangkok Tsutomu Takeuchi Yu Hwa Chin 8.L., National Cheng-Chi Universiry, Taiwan "/ei-Wen Chou L.L.B., National Taiwan University fhatanut Chungsaman L.L Chulalongkorn Universiry Maria Aurora Garcia Abogada, Universidad de Buenos Aires Eva Gils State Exam, University of Bonn Bar Exam, Landesjustizprufungsant Dusseldol.f Harymurthy Gunawan S.H., Padjadjaran University, Indonesia Hansjoerg Joachim Otto Heppe First State Exam, Highes State Court of Hamburg - L.L.B., University of Hitotsubashi, Japan Surachart Vorasaran L.L.B., Chualongkorn University Li Chen Wang ^ Guangyan Hou L.L.B., Shanghai Maritime University Serguei Iouriev Law Diploma, Moscow State Institute of International Relations Hyung Jin Jung 8.L., M.L Korea Universily Chen Kai L.L.B., Beijing Insritute of Economics, China Yang Kon Kim L.L.B., Seoul National University, Korea 8.L., Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taiwan, R.O.C Windlin Ra Lic.lur, University of Fribourg, Switzerland Jost A Takasuke Yamanishi L.L.B., Kobe University, Japan Jingmei Ye L.L.B., Beijing College of Economics, China Ying-Chun Yeh L.L.B Tung Hai Universiry 1l r DEGREE OF MASTER OF LAWS CONFERRED May 17,1997 John G, Arena B.B.A., University of Rhode Island J.D., Tulane University School of Law Taxation Dana Travis Deen ., B.4., Texas A&M University J.D., University of Tulsa Chad William Forsberg 8.A., University of Taxation Texas, Austin J.D., Georgetown University Jacqueline Faye Camille Gabbidon Taxation 8.4., University of Connecticut J.D., Southern Methodist University Stewart Cameron Graber f David Erik Littman ., Law B.s.B.A., University rj;;;;"" "f J.D., Oklahoma City University Steven L.' McKneely , Taxation B.S., Louisiana Tech University J.D., Louisiana State University Leslie Michele Nelson Taxation B.B.A., University of Oklahoma J.D., University of Tulsa Taxation Christine M Robinson B.B.A., J.D., Baylor University Taxation Andrew L, Sobotka 8.S., University of South Dakota J.D., University of Nebraska Taxation Taxation 8.S., Texas A&M University J.D., University of Texas, Austin John J, Steger Taxation Alden L Griesbach 8.S., M.B.A., University of South Dakota J.D., Oklahoma City University , , Law Mark L Hayes B.B.A., University of Texas, Austin J.D., Southern Methodist University Taxation Christopher Scott Jackson B.4., California State University, Fresno J.D., Gonzaga University School of Law IV Taxation B.B.A., Southern Methodist University J.D., Lousiana State University Jeffrey Donald Wallace ., B.B.A., Fort Hayes State University J.D., University of Arizona Taxation \b a ,t v l2 CANDIDATES FORDEGREE OF JURIS DOCTOR August 1997 G, Jason Atchley Clinton James Mahonev Brandy L Ballew Jacob William Dittman Karen Samantha Michele Enselbart John Courtney Euler Andrew Jee Raymond Martinez Frank Mclntvre Carolyn Merthan Eric Christopher Messing Verginica Prodan Chad Michael Ruback Timothy Schuerch CANDIDATES FOR DEGREE OF MASTER OF LAWS Intern øtion ø I Løw ) August J.997 ( C o rnp ør øtiu e ø.n d Sirima Boonmalert Byung Tae Kim Ninditya Prijono Asril.Sitompul Jae Seog Choi Yung Fa Chu CANDIDATES FORDEGREE OF MASTER OF LAWS August l99Z Robert M Anderton ChristopherAnthony Flores Law Taxation r1Û, (¡ T, t3 Frank william Mclntyre Law AwARDt I The organizations and firms listed below have generously presented awards to Law School students based upon academic performance and service We wish to thank them for their continuing recognition of outstanding student accomplishments Alrnus¡ Clu¡ op D¿n¡s FouNoArroN, E¡rrH DuBusr Scsolansnlp pon LEc¡L Sru¡r¡s For: Financial assistance for two deserving women law students A¡¡Ep¡c¡N An¡rrn¡rtou AssoctarloN For: Best paper in Arbitration course A¡lr,p.rceN B¡n Assocr¡rroN Srcrro¡r or IJn-sAN, SrArE, e.No Loc¡r GovpnNMENT LAW For: Top student in Land IJse Law course AN¡ru,ws & I(unrH, L.L.P Aw¡ro For: Legal education financing assistance to SMU Løw Re'pielrstudent editor B¡nnrsrens Aw¡nr> For: First-year student Barrister for outstanding contribution to School ofLaw Devtu BEr.Nen¡ Msuop¡¡l FouNoatroN Arn L,qw Awelo For: Outstanding student in Aviation Law Tne BNA L¡w Sru¡sNr Aweno For: Highest grade in Constitutional Criminal Procedure course Al¡,N R Bro¡a¡¡,nc S¡,cunnrns Aw¡n¡ For: Outstanding paper in Securities Law N¡ru¡N Bunx¡N M¡,À.rozu,qI- CoupeurroN Aw¡no Fon Outstanding paper in Copyright Law Bunr-rsoN Cr,¡r,rrN¡r- L¡w ¡No Pnocr¡un¡, Aw¡no or Mr,p¡r Aw¡nr> For: Outstanding law journal casenote or comment in Texas Criminal Law Dal-las L.qwv¡ns' AuxrLr¡nv FouNo¡ttoN Awan¡ For: Outstanding student ofTexas background and residence in second-year Fonr Wonrn R¡el Esrern L.cw CouNCrL Awen¡ For: Olrtstanding student in Property I FouNoetroN Pn¡ss IN

Ngày đăng: 23/10/2022, 15:53
