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FL4119 TECHNICAL TRANSLATION AND INTERPRETATION english vietnamese translation

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HANOI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE SCHOOL OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE FL4119: TECHNICAL TRANSLATION AND INTERPRETATION Class: 132571 FINAL ASSIGNMENT By Phạm Thị Hồng Ngát 20193568 July 2022 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com moi nhat Table of Contents PART 1: English -Vietnamese Translation A Translation (E-V) B Reflection: PART 2: Vietnamese – English Translation .10 A Translation (V-E) 10 B Reflection: 13 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com moi nhat FINAL ASSIGNMENT (Technical Translation) PART 1: English -Vietnamese Translation A Translation (E-V) Source Text The applications of Embedded systems vary artillery equipment, State of the art Medicinal appliances to Devices used in Academic areas, etc Even as applications most embedded systems have a common core set of applications One such core set of applications is embedded interface with the network This core set of applications may be used for controlling, sensing, and controlling the performance and functionality of device For instance, applications may be used in the management of systems that process large amounts of data, from servers and data center networking to devices that transmitted on the Internet, and so on TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com moi nhat In addition, a programmable computer includ programmable computer which communicates with other programmable computers such as the computer processor in a network-attached storage unit, the memory programmable computer chip in a memory module, and the logic and other compon process information in one or more processes computer Along fields such as Medicine, Military, and Household applications, some of them are also used in other areas such as financial transactions telecommunications The ability to install a system without installing operating system and it is why the embedded systems industry today A growing number of organizations want to use IT to serve an ever-changing world These organizations value IT for its ability to TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com moi nhat coordinate systems ubiquitous presence in parts of the organization and for its ability to meet specific market needs Embedded enable several which make it convenient for organizationsto business processes The Embedded System is a simple system Microcontrollers Processors dedicated performing a Together, three components form the Embedded systems: its Hardware, Software, and Real-time Systems that perform a specific task in real-time by supervising the software component Some of the Real-time Applications: Military Robots TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com moi nhat Robots are now developed from serving small purposes to fighting a war and assisting armed Robots armed with weapons can be used for a variety of tasks For example, such a robot could be used in the military to deliver a payload of explosives to a target or to retrieve a weapon from a position that the robot has previously occupied The military is interested in more human-like robots that may take several different forms Some might be designed as mobile robots specific tasks in a confined space, while others would be built like large, well-suited aircraft or ships that would allow a human to travel to anywhere in the world And each of those, even though they may look quite different, would be entirely capable of carrying out without an extra human operator All such Robots uses embedded system technology TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com moi nhat Temperature Controls Embedded systems are used in automated temperature control in machine industrial The equipment control system is operated using sensors temperature power by recorded controller According to various aspects of the present invention, the temperature be based on one or more thermal monitoring thermoelectric heating element or thermoelectric generator, and the temperature may be recorded on the sensor Automobiles Embedded systems can play an important role in vehicle control; units, a great deal of effort and research has embedded integrated into gone systems into various features The control of embedded TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com moi nhat significant resources embedded systems typically have complex operating maintenance systems, data can be accumulated and exchanged, and this data requires continuous access over distances The sensors that use Embedded systems automobiles are easy to install and provide monitoring, including data from mobile phones Source: https://www.educba.com/embedded-systems-applications/ B Reflection: In the translation (google version) above, several typical errors make the translation text not clear enough or misunderstanding including terminology, word choices, and inappropriate structures The first error here is using the wrong terminology Translating terminology is quite challenging because we need to use equivalent terms in the target language perfectly If we use terms incorrectly, the text will be unclear and unprofessional For instance, in the translation above, the term “network-attached storage unit” is translated as ‘bộ lưu trữ gắn liền với mạng’ When reading that translation, readers will unknow what is this because it does not express the correct meaning We need to use the equivalent term in Vietnamese ‘đơn vị lưu trữ liệu’ in this case Other translation terms of ‘process, task, and memory module’ should be replaced too (as the student’s version) TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com moi nhat The second error that occurred here is word choices In the first paragraph, the phrase “interface with” was translated as ‘giao tiếp với’ However, in this case, this phrase must be translated as ‘tương tác với’ If we use the translation version, the sentence will be unclear and may lead to confusion Another case – “business processes” also be translated as ‘quy trình nghiệp vụ’ instead of ‘quy trình kinh doanh’ Word choice errors are also be found in some other paragraphs of the text such as paragraph 3,4,7,8 The last type of error is inappropriate structures Passive structures are often used However, translators should use suitable translating passive voice methods Google translated the sentence “Robots armed with weapons can be used for a variety of tasks.” as ‘Robot trang bị vũ khí sử dụng cho nhiều nhiệm vụ khác nhau’ However, this translation is not familiar with the Vietnamese structure It should be ‘Robot trang bị vũ khí thực nhiều nhiệm vụ khác nhau’ Other circumstances are translation the translation adheres too closely to the structure of the source text, leading to messy sentences and incomplete meanings For example, the sentence “And each of those, even though they may look quite different, would be entirely capable of carrying out their functions without an extra human operator” was translated as ‘Và người số họ, chúng trơng khác nhau, hồn tồn có khả thực chức chúng mà không cần thêm người vận hành.’(google ver) This translation is unclear and the structure is also very messy It should be translated as ‘Hơn nữa, rô bốt trơng khác chúng hồn tồn tự thực chức mà khơng cần thêm điều khiển người’ Other examples can be seen in paragraphs 1,3,5,6 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com moi nhat PART 2: Vietnamese – English Translation A Translation (V-E) Cuộ 2007-2 tài chín Đ kiểu s người m tổ chấp n bùng n Hoa K “c khoán chấp động mạng l lớn đượ đó, chức t bị thiệt điểm v Brothe năm hoảng Sau ch khoản chức tà tài khó TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com moi nhat để ngăn chặn sụp đổ hệ thống tài tồn cầu Cuộc khủng hoảng châm ngịi cho Đại suy thối, dẫn đến gia tăng tỷ lệ thất nghiệp tự tử, đồng thời giảm niềm tin vào thể chế khả sinh sản, số số khác Suy thoái kinh tế tiền đề quan trọng cho khủng hoảng nợ châu Âu Cuộc khủng hoảng châm ngịi cho Đại suy thối, vào thời điểm đó, suy thối tồn cầu nghiêm trọng kể từ Đại suy thoái Tiếp theo khủng hoảng nợ châu Âu, bắt đầu với thâm hụt Hy Lạp vào cuối năm 2009, khủng hoảng tài Iceland 2008–2011, liên quan đến thất bại ngân hàng ba ngân hàng lớn Iceland so với quy mơ kinh tế nó, sụp đổ kinh tế lớn mà quốc gia lịch sử phải gánh chịu Đây năm khủng hoảng tài tồi tệ mà giới trải qua dẫn đến thiệt hại nghìn tỷ la từ kinh tế toàn cầu Nợ chấp nhà Hoa Kỳ so với GDP tăng từ mức trung bình 46% TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com moi nhat năm 1990 lên 73% năm 2008, đạt 10,5 nghìn tỷ USD Việc gia tăng khoản tái cấp vốn tiền mặt, giá trị nhà tăng, thúc đẩy gia tăng mức tiêu thụ khơng cịn trì giá nhà giảm Nhiều tổ chức tài sở hữu khoản đầu tư có giá trị dựa chấp nhà, chẳng hạn chứng khoán chấp bảo đảm, cơng cụ phái sinh tín dụng sử dụng để bảo đảm chúng chống lại thất bại, vốn giảm giá trị đáng kể Quỹ Tiền tệ Quốc tế ước tính ngân hàng lớn Hoa Kỳ Châu Âu nghìn tỷ la tài sản độc hại khoản cho vay khó địi từ tháng năm 2007 đến tháng năm 2009 Là phần sách tài khóa quốc gia đối phó với Đại suy thối, phủ ngân hàng trung ương, bao gồm Cục Dự trữ Liên bang, Ngân hàng Trung ương Châu Âu Ngân hàng Anh, cung cấp hàng nghìn tỷ la cứu trợ kích thích chưa có, bao 12 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com moi nhat gồm sách tài khóa mở rộng expansionary and relief The policy included fiscal tiền tệ, sách bù đắp monetary policy, offset declines expansionary suy giảm tiêu dùng khả in consumption and lending monetary fiscal and policy, offset cho vay, tránh tiếp tục sụp capacity, avoid further collapse, declines in consumption and đổ, khuyến khích cho vay, khơi incentivize lending, restore lending capacity to avoid phục niềm tin vào thị trường confidence in the integrity of the further collapse, incentivizing thương phiếu toàn vẹn, tránh rủi commercial paper market, avoid lending, restoring confidence ro vịng xốy giảm phát cung the risk of a deflationary spiral, in the integrity cấp cho ngân hàng đủ vốn để and provide banks with enough commercial khách hàng rút tiền Trên thực tế, capital for ngân hàng trung ương từ withdraw customers money In of paper the market, to avoiding the risk of a effect, deflationary spiral, and chỗ “người cho vay cuối cùng” central banks have gone from providing banks with enough thành “người cho vay nhất” being the “lender of last resort” capital for customers to phần đáng kể to being the “sole lender” for a withdraw money In fact, kinh tế Trong số trường hợp, significant portion of the central banks have gone from Fed coi “người mua economy In some cases, the Fed being the “lender of last phương sách cuối cùng” is seen as a "buyer of last resort” to being the “sole resort" lender” for a significant portion of the economy In some cases, the Fed is seen as a "buyer of last resort" Source: https://luatduonggia.vn/tong-quan-ve-cuoc-khung-hoang-taichinh-2007-2008/ B Reflection: In this section, from the Google version, I found several errors, which is terminology error, ambiguity errors, word choices, and lengthy-expression Firstly, terminology errors can be found in the fifth paragraph in translating the term “Cục Dự trữ Liên bang” The Google version translated it as ‘the Reserved Federal’ However, this is not the term equivalent to the convention of this organization in the world This should be replaced by ‘The Federal Reserve System’ Besides, the phrase “quy mô kinh tế” in paragraph three should be translated into ‘economic scale’ instead of ‘the size of its economy’ 13 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com moi nhat The reason for this change is Google’s version was too close to the source text, which led to the use of unfamiliar and unsuitable target language terms in the target text Secondly, in the source text, several sentences can trigger ambiguity in readers Therefore, Google’s translation also occurred ambiguity errors It can be found in the sentence “Việc gia tăng khoản tái cấp vốn tiền mặt, giá trị nhà tăng, thúc đẩy gia tăng mức tiêu thụ khơng cịn trì giá nhà giảm” that was translated as “An increase in cash refinances, as home values rise, has fueled a rise in consumption that can no longer be sustained as home prices fall” (by Google) In this sentence, the rise is not in consumption The rise here is the rising of consumption unsustainable as home prices fall Therefore, this sentence should be simply repaired as the student’s version Another mistake is in paragraph when translating the sentence “Cuộc khủng hoảng châm ngòi cho Đại suy thối, vào thời điểm đó, suy thối tồn cầu nghiêm trọng kể từ Đại suy thoái.” This sentence is very ambiguous, so Google translated the first “cuộc Đại suy thoái” (the Great Recession) completely the same as the second one This should be clear that the depression that occurred here is the next one Therefore, the first one should be translated as “the next Great Recession” Thirdly, word choice errors This is a typical error in almost Google’s translation It can be found in paragraph with the phrase “trong số số khác” This should be translated as “compared to other indicators” instead of “among other indicators” because this phrase is aimed to compare with other indicators Additionally, in paragraph 5, the phrase “trên thực tế” is also translated unsuitably by Google This should be “in fact” instead of “in effect” because the sentence is about real things, not the effectiveness of anything Last but not least, the errors in lengthy expressions This mistake can be easily seen in all paragraphs The translation sentences in Google’s version are usually too long and use the same structure as the Source text That makes readers difficult to understand the ideas and messages Moreover, it can make the sentence become unclear and lose meaning The solution given in the student's translation is to split it into several small sentences or rearrange the order of the sentences For example, rearranging the order of the sentences was used in paragraphs and (as highlighted) Whereas, the splitting into several small sentences method was used in paragraphs and in the circumstances of sentences “Tiếp theo khủng hoảng nợ châu Âu… gánh chịu” (paragraph 3) and “Là phần của…rút tiền” (paragraph 5) 14 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com moi nhat ...Table of Contents PART 1: English -Vietnamese Translation A Translation (E-V) B Reflection: PART 2: Vietnamese – English Translation .10 A Translation (V-E) 10 B... MOI download : skknchat123@gmail.com moi nhat FINAL ASSIGNMENT (Technical Translation) PART 1: English -Vietnamese Translation A Translation (E-V) Source Text The applications of Embedded systems... Reflection: In the translation (google version) above, several typical errors make the translation text not clear enough or misunderstanding including terminology, word choices, and inappropriate

Ngày đăng: 30/10/2022, 17:36


