60 NAM - NGANH KHOA HOC VA CONG NGHE VIET NAM cue THONG TIN KHOA HOC VJk CONG NGHE QUOC GIA - 60 NJiM XAY DUNG VA TRUING THANH TS Tran Bac Hien*, ThS Cao Minh Kiem" * Cue trudng Cue Thong tin KH&CN quoc gia ' Nguyen Pho Cue trUdng Cue Thong tin KH&CN quoe gia Tom tat: Hoat dong thdng tin KH&CN d Viet Nam da trai qua qua trinh phat trien tren 60 nam Bai vi4t gidi thi§u qua trinh phat thin cOa Cijc Thdng tin KH&CN quoc gia qua cac giai doan, td Thu vien Khoa hoc trung uong, Thu vidn Khoa hoc va Ky thu$t trung uang, Vien Thong tin Khoa hoc Ky thuat trung uang, Trung tSm Thdng tin KH&CN qudc gia (Jen Diem lai nhang kit qui va tuu c^a hoat dong thdng tin - thu vi$n KH&CN qua cac thdi ky Gidi thieu nhdng ddng gdp, ti/u cua Cue Thdng tin KH&CN quoc gia thdi gian t02010 din vao hoan thi$n hiinh lang phap ly cho hoat dong thdng tin - thdng ke KH&CN, cung co va phat triSn mang ludi tS chdc diu moi thdng tin-thdng ke, triSn khai va tang cudng cdng tac dang ky nhidm vu KH& CN, phat triSn ngudn tai nguyen thdng tin, ting thdng tin hoat ddng thdng kS KH&CN TCflfhoa: Vi§n Thong tin KH&KT trung ijdng; Trung tam Thdng tin KH&CN quoc gia; Cue Thong tin KH&CI^ qu6c gia National Agency for Science & Technological Information - 60th Anniversary Abstract: The science and technology information sector in Vietnam has gone through ove 60 years of development This writing introduces the development of the National Agency of Scienc & Technological Information throughout many stages, from the Central Science Library Centr Science & Technical Library, Central Institute of Science and Technology Information, Natio Center for Science and Technology Information to today It reviews the results and achievement of science and technology information and library activities through the periods Authors introduce the contributions and achievements of the National Agency of Science and Technology Informatio in the period from 2010 to present to develop the legal framework for S& T information and statistics strengthen and develop a network of information-statistics focal points, implement and strengthen the registration of scientific and technological projects, developing information resources, informati infrastructure Keywords: Central Institute of Science and Technology Information; National Center for Science and Technology information; National Agency for Science and Technology Information D ong hanh cung su phat trien cua Bd Khoa hoc va Cdng nghe, tien than la Uy ban Khoa hpc Nha niidc dadc l$p theo Sac lenh so 016-SL 04/3/1959 cua Chu tjch ni/dc Viet Nam Dan chu Cdng hoa'^i (nay la nifdc Cdng hoa Xa hpi Chu nghTa Viet Nam), Cue Thdng tin KH&CN quoc gia cung cd be day 60 nam phat then Qua trinh phat then cua Cue trai qua cac thdi ky: Tha vien Khoa hpc trung adng, ThU vien Khoa hoc va Ky thuat trung adng, Vien Thdng tin Khoa hgc va Ky thuat trung adng, Trung tam Thdng tin KH&CN Qudc gia va la Cue Thdng tin KH&CN quoc gia ThU vien Khoa hoc trung Udng - giai doan 1958-1968 Ngay sau l