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A study on perceptions and frequency of use of vocabulary learning strategies among english – major students at Banking Academy

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In the age of globalization, intercultural communication has been ¡ncreasingly focused and developed. Among several major foreign languages that are widely accepted all over the world, it is a fact that English Language 1s regarded as the most common one. In the educatilon program of Asian countries Including Vietnam, English teaching has been also attached great Importance and become the mandatory foreign language in schools” curriculum. As a result, English Language becomes a primary major and 1s formally trained in most universifties and colleges in Vietnam. Accordingly, English Language major tends to appeal to a vast array of Vietnamese high school students rather than other foreign languages in Vietnam. According to official statisties in 2017 of Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam, the maJor of English Language ranked the fourth as 24.251 candidates registered as the first major for the university admission. It also accounted for the highest proportion of candidates applying for the foreign languages and culture maJors (57%) (Van, 2017). When it comes to learning a language, there are four basic language skills including listening, reading, speaking and writing in foreign language education and training (Bašceci & Yasar, 2007; Barin, 1997, as cited in Darancik, 2018). For successful and effecftive educaflon and training ¡in foreign language courses, these four basic language skills need to be developed and reinforced in accordance with the level and needs of the learners (Darancik, 2018). However, “in order to Improve these four skills, vocabulary 1s an essential building block of language and as such it makes sense to be able to measure learners° knowledge of 1t” (Schmitt, Sehmitt & Clapham, 2001, p.ŠŠ). Therefore, vocabulary has a crucial role to play 1n learning and teaching OÊ a foreign language as 1t enables learners to get access to all forms of verbal and wWriftten communication of the word (Moeller, Ketsman & Masmaliyeva, 2009). For example, in reading and listening skills, first and foremost, studenfs need to identifv key words of a passage or a speech. In wrifing and speaking skills, learners need to cover a wide range of vocabulary in order to be able to express their ideas to readers and listeners clearly and effortlessly.

BANKTNG ACADEMY THE FACULTY OE FOREIGN LANGUAGES GRADUATION THESIS TOPIC: A STUDY ON PERCEPTIONS AND EREQUENCY VOCABULARY OE USE OE LEARNING STRATEGIES AMONG ENGLISH - MAJOR STUDENTS AT BANKTNG ACADEMY Student : LE PHUONG THAO Class : K20ATCC Course : 2017— 2021 Student ID : 20A7510159 Instrucftor : MS NGUYEN THỊ THUƯ TRANG Hanoi, May 2021 (M.A) DECLARATION I, the undersigned, hereby state that this thesis 1s entirely an intellectual product of my own, which was done with Iimmense effort and devotion It has not been submitted, in whole or ín part, in any previous application for a degree Wherever contributions of others are 1involved, every effort 1s made to indicate this clearly, with due reference to the literature, and acknowledgement of collaborafive research and discussions I have read the Universifyˆs current research ethics guidelines and acknowledged my obligations and the rights of the participants Hanoi, 22° May, 2021 Signature Le Phuong Thao ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Ftrst of all, I would like to express my sincere thanks to Ms Nguyen Thi Thu Trang (MA) for everything that she made to contribute to the completion of my dissertfafion During the process of research conduction, she has always been available to provide helpful comments and support for my thesis Had it not been for her enthusiasm in support of me, I would never have finished this thesis She has also been an excellenf mentor for developing my logical thinking, critical thinking and writing skill I also wish to show my gratitude to all teachers at the Faculty of Foreign Languages at Banking Academy, especially Ms Nguyen Mai Phuong, Ms Do Thu Hang, Ms Tran Thanh Giang for helping me to collecf responses of studenfs in person Above all, I wish to express my appreciation from the bottom of my heart to my famly who are always by my side fo give me motivafonal support and encouragement There were a lot oftimes I dịd bear the thought of giving up halfway However, because of my family still being there, IÏ was moftivated to keep moving forward and reach where I am today Save the best for last, I would like to thank myself for daring to embark on this challenging Journey, being persistenf and resilient and always striving for excellence Due to time limitations and a restricted capacity of the author, this thesis might contain certain defects Therefore, I would be really open-minded and grateful for any consfructive comments to enhance ¡fs quality 1H TABLE OEF CONTENTS DECLARLA TION Ăn 00000000 003080806108840808008050806 Ỉ ACEKNOWLEDGEMENTTS c5 Ă Ăn HH nung ng 00 00100801001 0gge ii TABLE OE CONTIEEN TIS .ccĂĂ HH HH H00 008803880880884888800 856 iii I0 009)209/10).0115155 V LIST OE EIGURES c disagree: không đồng ý) | Ask my teachers, tutors or friends for the translation S8 Ì Will: O U A SE Statement Look If up in a dictionary Learning tite word t2 l learH a new word Dy: Noting down in a notebook and go through the vocabulary list several times until I remember all ofthe words on the list Repeating 1t aloud to myself Writing 1t repeatedly Creating a mental image of the new word Analyzing the word by breaking 1t into different parts (prefx (tiền tổ), root (từ gốc), suffix (hậu tó)) 10 Using semantic maps (I.e., điagrams that show the words and phrases which are connectfed to each other) 11 Making vocabulary flashcards and take them with me wherever l go 12 Thinking ofa Vietnamese word that sounds similar to the new English word s9 SO Statement N SE SO For example: Nhìn săc mặt trộm tia sét thành cơng (success) vui chưa Revising fo refain the word I revise newl)-iearned vocabulary 1feins Dy: 13 Developing a schedule to review the words at various Iintervals 14 Confinuing to study the word over tune Trying to use newly learned words as much as possible In speaking and writing 16 Categorize vocabulary Items by {OpICS 17 Testing myself with word tesfs 18 Trying to explain the meaning of the vocabulary item using my own English Expand ftlie lexical iftein T expand im) oww yocabulary kuowledge by: 19 Reading English articles from đifferenft sources 20 Watching English program channels/movies and listen to English songs 21 Practicing translating articles from 90 Statement N SE SO English to Vietnamese and vice Versa 22 Doing extra English exercises from different sources, such as books and Internets 23 Conversing with friends/foreigners in English in person or online 24 Taking an English-related part-time Job at tour offices, hoftels, or Join English clubs/international nonØovernment organizations For ƒollowing questions, you can fieÄ qs AHV ODfiOWS qS yOA Wqnf Paper English — English L] dictionary What types of Paper English — Vietnamese LÌ dictionary are you | (Vietnamese-English) using? dictionary Digital English — English L] dictionary Digital English — LÌ Vietnamese (Vietnamese- English) dictionary Pronunciation L] Meaning L] 9] What you Collocation patterns LÌ normally pay Appropriate usage (example LÌ attention to and sentence) of the word note down when Synonym (từ đồng nghĩa) or looking up to In a antonym (từ trái nghĩa) of dictionary? the word L] Word family LÌ Discover the word L] Which step in Memorize the word LÌ vocabulary Revise the word L] lsarming process đo Expand your vocabulary you normally place more emphasis on? Do you want to start trying a VLS/ try more VLSs that you have never used before In the future to learn vocabulary? YES NO |MAYBE L] LÌ CỘNG HỊA XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM Độc lập —- Tự - Hạnh phúc ~=-0(0 NHẬN XÉT VÀ XÁC NHẬN CỦA ĐƠN VỊ THỰC TẬP Sinh viên “lỆ - PHƯỚNG THẠO KoertoprnaroiEsscniarinNEorge Đã hồn thành q trình thực tập (ơna ‡g ]NELH \(I€#fenk {ren cotton ù Từ ngày (Q2, / ‡011 đến ngày 05./.05/ D22 Trong thời gian thực tập, sinh viên LÊ PhưØaq 1bdo thể lực hồn thành cơng việc giao mức: XT SẮC TĨT KHÁ ĐÁP ỨNG U CÀU KHƠNG ĐẠT YÊU CÀU Xác nhận đơn vị thực tập (Ký ghi rõ họ tên) SUPERVISOR?S COMMENTS On the completion demonstraed of the graduation extraordinary diligence thesis, the student She has done Le Phuong great Thao has reading Íor comprehensive literature review, piloted the questionnaire with much care She was always ready to learn new things, such as SPSS analysis, and also cautious to g1ve recommendaftions based on the research findings Therefore, the graduation meets all requirements to great exftent Supervisor (Sien qndl write ƒHl] name) Nguyen Thi Thu Trang ... 1nvestigate the perceptions of English- major studenfs at Banking Academy of Vietnam on Vocabulary Learning Strategies (VLSs) and their frequency of VLSs use as well In order to achieve the research... correlations between the year of study and the amount of time spent on learning vocabulary and the retention rate of newly-learned words among English- major studenfs; (3) Which vocabulary learning. .. perceptfions on LSs, voeqbulary, teaching vocabulary, learning vocabulary, English as a ƒoreign language (EFL) VvH LIST OE ABBREVIA TIONS Abbreviations VLSS Interpretation Vocabulary Learning Strategles

Ngày đăng: 27/10/2022, 23:16