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A study on the enhancement of personal loans quality at Vietnam International Joint - Stock Commercial Bank – Hai Ba Trung Branch

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Nowadays, as a developed society, people''s lives are Increasing, accompanied by significant improvement of human beinøs in manufacturing secfors such as science and technoloøy, transportation, home appliances. Thank that, demand for capifal use of people and businesses that have pushed to the maximum. Along with the burgeoning of commodity production, the commercial banking sysfem 1s expanding while confirming 1fs vifal role in the economy and finance. In parficular, credit activify 1s considered the foundation of the entire banking Indusfry, accounting for a large proportion of the bank''s tofal assets profitably. After experlencing many periods of hardship from world economic crises such as the 1997 Asian financial crisis, 200§ world financial crisis; Now, the banking markets of many countries, include Vietnams banking system, have been dramatically reformed and arranged In a new order. By multi-secfor restrucfuring acfivities, they have succeeded In improving their quality and diversifying product Items. In specific, the credit products for the individual customer seøment evaluate as one of the hiøgh potential products which have a vibrant market, with the pArficipatlon of most commercial banks. In line with McKinsey''s forecasfs (2020), Asia would reach more than $900 billion ¡1n retail banking revenue, with an average ørowth rate of 14% per year by the end of 2020. Of course, the retail banking market in Vietnam wIll catch up with the øeneral trend of the world, and the potential for personal lending ¡n the fufure 1s enormous. Due to Le Thi Anh Quyen''s (2020) report, personal loans account for 60- 709% of total loan sales (at VIB or Agribank ) and are ørowing higher and higher. However, the ørowth rate of customer loans in the banking system still had a strong differentiation. Some banks had negative ørowth, while another bank had a growth rate of over 10%, as Indicated 1n diagram I.1. Overall, the consequence that bankers are flush with cash.

BANKITNG ACADEMY OE VIETNAM FOREICGN LANGUAGES GRADUATION A SLTUDY ON THE ENHANCEMENT FACULTY THESIS OE PERSONAL LOANS QUALITTY AT VIETNAM INTERNATIONAL JOINT - SFOCKE COMMERCLAL BANK - HAI BA TRUƯNG BRANCH Studenf : Vu Thi Thu Van Class : K20ATCC Academic Year : 2017 - 2021 Sftudent ID : 20A7510201 Advisor : Ms Pham Thi Hoang Anh (Assoc Prof.PhD) Ha Noi, May 2021 Graditafion TÌiesiS Banking 4cadeIny CERTIEICATE OEF ORIGINALITY I would like to reassure that my øraduation thesis 1s conducted by myself with the support of the Instructor and not copy the research works of others The secondary Information dafa used in the article 1s sourced and explicitly cited Itake full responsIbility for this certlficate of originality! Ha Nol, May 2021 Studenf Vu Thi Thu Van SfIdenf: V1 Tĩn Tĩit Van Sfndenf ID: 2017510201 Graditafion TÌiesiS Banking 4cadeIny ACKNOWLEDGEMEXNIS I would like to express my deep and sincere øratitude to my supervisor, Ms Pham Thị Hoang Anh (Assoc Prof PhD), for helping me in the process of the research and providing ¡nvaluable guidance throughout my research Ms Hoang Anh has made a suitable sugøestion and detailed commenfs to make my article as complete as possible It was a øreaf privileøe and honor to work under her guidance I also take Immense Languaøe pleasure in thanking Faculty at Banking Academy all of my teacher in Foreign for their compensation and expensive lessons during the past years of study Finally, my special thanks are extended to Vietnam International Joint-Stock Commercial Bank — Hai Ba Trung Branch Especially, the Board of Directors of the bank has expedited me to go to the practice and enthusiastically supported me during the training period At the same time, I would like to thank the staff working In the personal client room for enthusiastically helping and facilitating me during the training process at the branch Sfidenf: VmTĩn Tĩnt Van H Sfudenf ID: 2017510201 Graditafion TÌiesiS Banking 4cadeIny TABLE OEF CONTENT 5)›09013i9.095/9)329).3i60/.1051A01114 | 0.99140830860517 II IV.1:)0519)09)60596600114 1H IBSSM9)2.9:)5).454/.0009)S115 V IBS309) 30.1052 — IBS3M9)303(60.45.101 VI VI 0.2m VII 0:/.1305.000))69.49)9)0/09/9)0121354 l II 0009ì0 0117 l II; 0420000 0ầ/050) l1 I9 I „ G0006 Tòại 1.5 Scope and limifation of the SfUỦY ác St xSnn ru ISWNEn i00 IS vu bạ IS) 2000 00ầ) 157 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW AND THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ?7 "PP co P4 0y i0ii0) 0n 2.2.1 Theoretical Background of Personal Loans at Commercial Bank 2.2.2 Theoretical Background of Personal Loans QuaÏity -+ «~++- 14 CHAPIER 3: PROCEDURE OFE SECONDARY DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS/ RESEARCH METHODOLOGY + 5+ + St svxeeveeeeereeee 20 kNNPuv loài mẽ 20 3.2 Research design/ methoclOlOØV - - - + Sc 22 2x ng ng 21 K00 0002 21 K6) 4á 17 21 K60 300i 21 3.3 Sources of Secondary ÏDafa . -: - c cv vs x HH ng rrêc 24 3.4 Validity and Reliability of data analySIS Ă S series 24 Sfidenf: VmTĩn Tĩnt Van II Sfudenf ID: 2017510201 Graditafion TÌiesiS Banking 4cadeIny 3.5 Self Reflectlon on Secondary Data Collection AnalyS1S . 25 CHAPTER 4: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION cà cieieieirree 27 4.1 Findinøgs and Discussion of the business operations at VIB Hai Ba Trung Branch for three years (201§-2020) -¿5c 232121 *E +23 rrsrrrrrrkerkerkrrkrrerree 27 4.1.1 Business Results of VIB Hai Ba Trung Branch from 2018 to 2020 28 1U 9) 00/0000 00000 31 4.1.3 Outstanding OaINS + tt TT HH TT nhe 35 4.1.4 Indicator reflecting the quality of business aCfIVIfIeS -.39 4.2 Findinøs and Discussion of øeneral assessmenf on Personal Credit AcfIvifies at 1; ; “>0 AC 47 47 on Š Ả 4§ 4.2.3 Main causes limiting personal loans quaÏIfV - ¿+ s+ Thanh Truc (2021) “The latest Interest Rate of Bank loans im April/2021” TheBank, retrieved on January 2021, from < htfps://thebank.vn/blog/125 19-lai-suatvay-ngan-hanø-hien-nay.html#nhom-ngan-hanø-co-lai-suaf-vay-mua-nha-thapnhaf> 10 Peter S Rose (2004), Commerclal Bank Management, The McGraw — HIll Companies, New York 11 Mishkin, F.S (2001), The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets, 6th ed., Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA 12 Nguyen Van Tien (2012), The Commercial bank Administration, The Statistlcs Publishing House, Ha Noi 13 Somer Anderson (2021), “Commerclal Bank", mwesfopedia, retrleved on February 2021, from 14 Khadja Khartit (2020) “Bank Credit` Jwesfopedïa, retrieved on Octorber 31! 2020 from < investopedia.com/terms/c/bankcredit.asp> 1S Rebecca Lake (2021) “When are personal loans a good 1dea', Jmesfopedia, retrieved on April 2021, from < Investopedia.com/personalloans> SfIdenf: V1 Tĩn Tĩit Van Sfndenf ID: 2017510201 Graditafion TÌiesiS Banking 4cadeIny APPEXNDIX Appendix 1: Interview Ouesfion ï: What were the reason that limited the development of personal loans at Vietnam International Joint-Stock Commerclal Banks - Hai Ba Trung Branch? Ouesfion 2: What were solutlons and tools to supporting the enhancement of personal loans? Ouesfion 3: What were the main sources for collecting customerˆs fñnancial situation at VIB Hai Ba Trung Branch? Ouesfion 4: What were the orlentation for developing personal loans quality at VỊB Hai Ba Trung? Quesfion 5: Were focusing on the human factor the most effective solutlon for Improving credit quality? Ouesfion 6: Were there any recommendations to The Head Office of VIB? SfIdenf: V1 Tĩn Tĩit Van Sfndenf ID: 2017510201 Graditafion TÌiesiS Banking 4cadeIny Appendix 2: Quesfionnare øn cusfomers safisfacfion with personal loans af VIB Hai Ba Trung Branch PART I: PERSONAL INFORMATION Il Gender: _ Female Aøe: _ Male 25-35 _35—S5S What products have you used recently? _ Home Loan _ Auto Loan — Consumer Loan _ Credit Card Loan PART H: CUSTOMERS OPINIONS How vour producfs meet your needs? l Very Good Good Neutral Bad Vervy Bad How would you rate the producfs utility? l Very Good Good Neutral Bad Very Bad How would you rate the level of Information security at VIB HBT? SfIdenf: l Very Good Good Neutral Bad Very Bad V1 Tĩn Tĩit Van Sfndenf ID: 2017510201 Gradudfion TĨiesis Banking 4cadein) How would you rafe the satisfaction of banking services at VIB HBT? (about trading time employeeˆs attitude) l Very Satisfied CG2/ k2 Neutral 4+-| DIssatisfied {| Satisfied Very DIssatisfied SfIdenf: V1 Tĩn Tĩit Van Sfndenf ID: 2047510201 Graditafion TÌiesiS Banking A4cadeiny Cộng hịa xã hội nghĩa Việt Nam Độc lập —- Tự - Hạnh phúc NHẬN XÉT VÀ XÁC NHẬN CỦA ĐƠN VỊ THỰC TẬP Sinh viên: Vũ Thị Thu Vân Mã SV:; 20A7510201 Lớp: K20ATCC Trường: HỌC VIỆN NGẢN HÀNG Đã hồn thành q trình thực tập VIB - Chỉ nhánh Hai Bà Trưng từ ngày | 03./.02/2021 đến ngày 02/.05/2021 Trong thời gian thực tập, sinh viên Vũ Thị Thu Vân thể lực hồn thành cơng việc giao: Đ XUẤT SẮC L TĨT L] KHẢ đ ĐÁP ỨNG YÊU CÂU ƒ | KHÔNG ĐÁP ỨNG YÊU CÀU XÁC NHẬN Sfndenf: V1 Tỉ Tĩiut Van ĐƠN VỊ THỰC TẬP Sfndení ID: 2047510201 Graditafion TÌiesiS Banking A4cadeiny PF T HỌC VIÊN NGÃN HÀNG CỘNG HÒA XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM KHOA NGOẠI NGỮ Độc lập - Tự đo~ Hạnh Phúc BIỂN BẢN CHÍNH SỬA KHĨA LUẬN TĨT NGHIỆP Sinh viên: Vũ Thị Thu Vấn MSSV: 20A7510201 Thuộc chun ngành; Ngơn ngữ Anh-Tải Ngân Hàng Khố: 20 Thực đẻ tài: A STUDY ON THE ENHANCEMENT OF PERSONAL LOANS QUALITY AT VIETFNAM INTERNATIONAL JOINT - STOCK COMMERCIAL BANK ~ HAI BA TRUNG BRANCH Hôm nay, ngày 10 tháng6 năm 2021 , tơi bồn tất việc sửa Khóa luận tắt nghiệp (KLTN) theo ý kiến Hội đồng chẳm KL.TN với nội dung sau đây: |Trangxổ| Nộidungeằnphảichinhsửa TTỊ Bỏ 7= nguôn cho báng biếu đồ thị Nội dung sửa Đã bỏ sung nguôn cho bảng đỗ thị 37,42, biểu D4, 13,28 tư 37.42 P4.13, P§ Hà Nội ngày 10 tháng năm 202! Sinh viên thực Xác nhận Giảng viên hướng dẫn (Ký & gÌl rồ họ tên) (Ký & ghi rõ họ tên) jằ_” J Úc hy? - Mu uàna A4z£~ m Sfndenf: V1 Tỉ Tĩiut Van Sfndení ID: 2047510201 Graditafion TÌiesiS Banking 4cadeIny NGÂN HÀNG NHÀ NƯỚC VIỆT NAM CỘNG HÒA XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM HỌC VIỆN NGÂN HÀNG Độc lập - Tự - Hạnh phúc Hà nội, ngày 28 tháng năm 2021 NHẬN XÉT CỦA GIẢNG VIÊN HƯỚNG DẪN I THƠNG TIN CHUNG Họ tên: Phạm Thị Hồng Anh Trình độ, chức danh khoa học: PGS.TS Đơn vị công tác: Viện NCKHNH Hướng dẫn sinh viên: Vũ Thị Thu Vân Lớp: K20ATCC Mã số sinh viên: 20A7510201 Ngành: Ngôn ngữ Anh Tên đề tài hướng dẫn: A study on the enhancement of personal loans quality at the Vietnam inf(ernational Joint stock bank — Hai Ba Trung Branch I NHẬN XÉT 1.Ưu điểm: Hình thức theo quy định; Chất lượng khóa luận đáp ứng yêu câu nội dung hình thức; Tinh thần cầu thị, trách nhiệm, chịu khó học hỏi Hạn chế: Cịn nhiều lỗi tả- văn phong cần trau chuốt Đề tài cũ, khơng có điêm HI KẾT LUẬN: Đồng ý cho sinh viên bảo vệ KLTN trước Hội đồng NGƯỜI HƯỚNG DẪN Phạm Thị Hoàng Anh SfIdenf: V1 Tĩn Tĩit Van Sfndenf ID: 2017510201 17I5/2021 Turnitir Document Viewer Turnitin Báo cáo Độc sáng Đã ID: xử lý vào: 17-thg 5-2021 :7:45 +07 1561826539 Đếm Chữ: 14957 Đã Nộp: Khóa Luận 2021 Bởi Thị Thu Vân Vũ Tương đồng theo Nguôn Chỉ số Tương đồng % 429 5ao qồm trích dẫn bao gầm ;nternet Sources: 2% Ấn nhẩm xuất sản: 0%% Bải Học Sinh: mục lục tham độ: Ì Báo cáo quickview (cách kinh điền) khảo 4% loại trừ trùng khớp < 30 từ vjÍ Change mode Ì ¡in chế tải 1% match (bài học sinh từ 08-thg 11-2020) Submitted to National Economics University on 2020-11-08 1% match (bài học sinh từ 23-thg Submitted 11-2020) to International University - VNUHCM on 2020-11-23 :text=Bank%20credit%20comes%20in%20two,property%20itself%20a

Ngày đăng: 27/10/2022, 23:18

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