ETH Risk Center Dialogue Event Engineered System Risk 15 January | 13:00 – 17:30 | ETH Zurich | Main Campus | F3 Risk Center Session – Singapore Session – Focus Session Invitation and Program: 4th ETH Risk Center Dialogue Event Registration: Please register electronically at Registration closes on January 13, 2016 This event is free of charge About the Speakers ETH Risk Center PROF DR BRUNO SUDRET Chair of Risk, Safety and Uncertainty Quantification (D-BAUG) Member of the Risk Center since 2014 Bruno Sudret works on probabilistic methods for uncertainty quantification in complex engineering and natural systems He develops advanced algorithms at the boundary between statistics and machine learning to assess the reliability and the optimal robust design of such systems PROF DR ULRICH ALOIS WEIDMANN ETH Vice President Human Resources and Infrastructure Chair of Traffic Planning and Transport Systems (D-BAUG) Member of the Risk Center since 2015 Ulrich Alois Weidmann works on the mobility systems that are efficient, safe and environment-friendly Especially public transportation systems are expected to play a vital role in this Consequently, their design and operation are challenging tasks PROF DR HANS RUDOLF HEINIMANN Chair of Land Use Engineering (D-USYS) Future Resilient Systems Programme Director Founding Member of the Risk Center Hans Rudolf Heinimann’s research interest is the design and continuous improvement of land use systems, including natural hazard disruptions His recent work emphasises spatially explicit optimization of land use activities, socio-technical interactions within complex infrastructure systems, and system optimization for resilience PROF DR GIOVANNI SANSAVINI Chair of Reliability and Risk Engineering (D-MAVT) Member of the Risk Center since 2013 Giovanni Sansavini analyses reliability and risk issues in large-scale interdependent technical networks He develops hybrid modelling and simulation approaches to quantify reliability and risk indicators and to engineer the safe planning and operations of such critical infrastructures Invited Speakers PROF DR LOON CHING TANG Head of the Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering, National University Singapore Director of Temasek Defense Systems Institute of the National University of Singapore Prof Tang is currently the elected Region Vice President (Asia) of Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE); Fellow of the International Society of Engineering Asset Management; member of the Advisory Board of the Singapore Innovation and Productivity Institute; and member of the Academic Panel of the Institute of Engineers Singapore Academy LC Tang obtained his PhD in the field of operations research from Cornell University in 1992 under the NUS Overseas Scholarship He has published widely in many leading international journals in the field of IEOM He was presented the IIE Transactions 2010 Best Application Paper Award and the prestigious Ralph A Evans/P.K McElroy Awards for the best paper presented at the 2011 Reliability and Maintainability Symposium He is the main author of the book: Six Sigma: Advanced Tools for Black Belts and Master Black Belts (which won the inaugural Masing Book Prize of International Academy of Quality); and a co-author of Markov-Modulated Processes and Semiregenerative Phenomena More recently, he was named the 2014 IEOM Outstanding Educator by the IEOM Forum PROF DR REZA ABHARI Director of Laboratory for Energy Conversion, ETH Zurich Prof Abhari received his BA/MA degree in Engineering Science from Oxford University and his PhD from the Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering Department of MIT in 1991 Following his PhD, he held various senior researcher positions in the aerospace industry In 1995, he joined the faculty of the Ohio State University with a joint appointment at the Aerospace Engineering Department and the Mechanical Engineering Department His current research involves analytical, computational and experimental research and education related to technology and economics of turbomachinery, gas turbine technology, wind energy, power generation systems, aerospace, advanced diagnostic sensor and actuator technologies, and semiconductor industries Prof Abhari has published more than 200 research articles in peer-refereed journals and at conferences He has been a keynote speaker at many conferences worldwide Among many other awards, he received the ASME R Tom Sawyer Award for long-standing contributions to gas turbine science, technology and industry He was the Christensen Fellow of St Catherine’s College, Oxford University, in 2010 Prof Abhari is a fellow of ASME and a member of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW) He is a member of several international and national research committees as well as a technical and strategic advisor to several multi-national corporations BERND NORDIEKER Head System Operations, Swissgrid, Laufenburg Bernd Nordieker, Head of System Operations, is working for Swissgrid, the Swiss National Transmission System Operator Starting end of 2011, he took care of the technical part of the transmission asset transfer towards Swissgrid, while retaining a safe and continuous energy supply Since October 2013, he is overlooking Swissgrid’s National Control Center in Laufenburg and is responsible for real-time supervision and steering of the Swiss Transmission Grid From 1989 to 1999 and from 2003 to 2011 Bernd Nordieker worked with BKW, one of the major Swiss utilities Over the years, he gained experience in a wide range of management functions, e.g Asset and Regulatory Management, Strategy, Acquisitions, Key Account Management, Grid Operations and Technical Planning From 2000 to 2003, Bernd Nordieker joined the Management Consultant Services Division of PWC, serving several clients in the utilities industry and performing a successful change from a monopolistic industry environment to market driven mechanisms Bernd Nordieker studied Electrical Engineering in Dortmund, Germany, and earned a Dual Degree MBA from the University of Rochester, NY and the University of Bern Contact ETH Zurich Risk Center Scheuchzerstrasse 8092 Zurich Switzerland © ETH Zürich, December 2015 ... Rochester, NY and the University of Bern Contact ETH Zurich Risk Center Scheuchzerstrasse 8092 Zurich Switzerland © ETH Zürich, December 2015 ...About the Speakers ETH Risk Center PROF DR BRUNO SUDRET Chair of Risk, Safety and Uncertainty Quantification (D-BAUG) Member of the Risk Center since 2014 Bruno Sudret works on... GIOVANNI SANSAVINI Chair of Reliability and Risk Engineering (D-MAVT) Member of the Risk Center since 2013 Giovanni Sansavini analyses reliability and risk issues in large-scale interdependent