Effect of chlorine on adsorption ultrafiltration treatment for removing natural organic matter in drink2
Trang 1Effect of chlorine on adsorption/ultrafiltration treatment for removing
natural organic matter in drinking water Tae-Wook Ha,a Kwang-Ho Choo,b,∗ and Sang-June Choib
aDepartment of Environmental Engineering, Taegu Science College, Buk-Gu, Daegu 702-724, South Korea
bDepartment of Environmental Engineering, Kyungpook National University, Buk-Gu, Daegu 702-701, South Korea
Received 29 July 2003; accepted 5 March 2004 Available online 16 April 2004
In drinking water treatment, prechlorination is often applied in order to control microorganisms and taste-and-odor-causing materials, which may influence organics removal by adsorption and membrane filtration Thus, the addition of chlorine into an advanced water treat-ment process using a hybrid of adsorption and ultrafiltration (UF) was investigated in terms of natural organic matter (NOM) removal and membrane permeability A comparison between two adsorbents, iron oxide particles (IOP) and powdered activated carbon (PAC), was made
to understand the sorption behavior for NOM with and without chlorination Chlorine modified the properties of dissolved and colloidal NOM in raw water, which brought about lower TOC removal, during IOP/UF The location of IOPs, whether they were in suspension or in a cake layer, affected NOM removal, depending on the presence of colloidal particles in feedwater Chlorine also played a role in reducing the size of particulate matter in raw water, which could be in close association with a decline in permeate flux after chlorination
2004 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved
Keywords: Chlorination; Iron oxide; Adsorption; Ultrafiltration; Water treatment
1 Introduction
Ultrafiltration (UF) processes are increasingly popular in
drinking water treatment to produce better quality water and
meet more stringent treatment regulations, particularly
con-cerning removal of pathogens and turbidity [1–10]
How-ever, the widespread use of UF membranes in drinking water
treatment is still limited due to two major drawbacks,
mem-brane fouling and insufficient removal of disinfection
by-products (DBPs) precursors [11–16] Furthermore, several
studies on the membrane treatment of surface, lake, and river
waters have demonstrated that the DBPs precursors of
nat-ural organic matter (NOM) were one of the major foulants
of the membranes [17–22]
To overcome such problems caused by NOM in UF
ap-plications, conjunctive use of adsorbents and membranes is
thus becoming more attractive for water treatment because
the adsorbents can capture and retain NOM before it reaches
the membrane surface [13–15,23–28] The combination of
UF with powdered activated carbon (PAC) adsorption
re-* Corresponding author Fax: +82-53-950-6579.
E-mail address: chookh@knu.ac.kr (K.-H Choo).
vealed that PAC could play a role in removing NOM from water but is not always helpful in reducing membrane foul-ing [14,29,30] Additionally, a large amount of spent carbon sludge that should be disposed of was generated in the com-bined process Thus, an alternative adsorbent that can be readily regenerated as such iron oxide particles (IOP) has re-cently been developed and applied to water treatment in con-junction with UF membranes [26–28] The addition of IOP into UF systems contributed to both an increase in NOM re-moval efficiency and a decrease in membrane fouling How-ever, the interaction of IOPs with NOM and membranes was not fully understood, nor was the effect of water chemistries
on IOP adsorption well evaluated
Oxidation of raw water would have been done using chlo-rine or ozone to control metals and microbial growth in potable water treatment, which exerted an additional effect
on the coagulation efficiency [31,32] The oxidation step im-proved or deteriorated the coagulation process while chang-ing the nature of the water to be treated No information is available, however, on whether preoxidation could affect the treatment efficiency by adsorption and membrane filtration for water treatment
0021-9797/$ – see front matter 2004 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved.
Trang 2The comparison of sorption behavior between PAC and
IOP would help understand the characteristics of adsorbents
with different surface structures and functionalities
Analy-ses of the effects of chlorination of raw water during
adsorp-tion and UF could also establish some correlaadsorp-tion of NOM
removal and membrane permeability with alteration of the
physicochemical nature of NOM and colloids It may thus
provide insight into the phenomena occurring at the interface
among the membranes, the adsorbents, and the adsorbates
present in intact and chlorinated waters
In this work, therefore, the characteristics of adsorptive
NOM removal by IOPs were investigated in a combined
IOP/UF system with and without chlorination The
adsorp-tion behavior of IOP was also compared with that of PAC
at different adsorbent doses In particular, the influence of
prechlorination on IOP/UF was evaluated in terms of NOM
removal and membrane permeability, since chlorine was
of-ten dosed into raw water to control microbial growth and
taste-and-odor-causing materials Also, the effect of
parti-cles in the system, such as IOPs and particulate colloids, on
NOM removal efficiency was explored during UF
2 Materials and methods
2.1 Raw water
Water samples used for this study were obtained from the
Maegok Water Treatment Plant, which receives raw water
from the Nakdong River, the major water source of the city
of Daegu, Korea The water samples collected were moved
to the laboratory and then stored at 4◦C before use The key
water quality characteristics are given in Table 1 To remove
colloidal particles from raw water, it was pretreated, using a
0.45-µm filter, and so the filtrate was defined as prefiltered
2.2 Adsorbents
Two adsorbents, powdered activated carbons (PAC) and
iron oxide particles (IOP), were employed in this work
A commercially available PAC adsorbent was purchased
from Dae Jung Chemicals and Metals (Korea), while an
amorphous IOP slurry (10 g/L as Fe) was prepared in the
laboratory by neutralizing a ferric chloride solution using
5 N NaOH [33] The PAC and IOP adsorbents used had
av-erage surface areas of 1400 and 240 m2/g, respectively.
Table 1
Quality of raw water from the Nakdong River
Parameter pH Alkalinity
as CaCO3)
Turbidity (NTU)
UV absorbance
at 254 nm (cm −1)
Value 7.4–7.8 59–71 95–97 31–39 2.4–2.9 0.071–0.079
2.3 Chlorination
A sodium hypochlorite dosing solution with 1000 mg/L
free chlorine was prepared from a 12% sodium hypochlo-rite solution Chlorine dosages were changed over the range
from 0 to 11 mg/L as Cl2at native pH Normally, a high
con-centration of chlorine (11 mg/L as Cl2) was applied in order
to expedite the chlorination reactions within a short period
of time The chlorination steps lasted 30 min and then resid-ual free chlorine was immediately quenched by the addition
of sodium sulfite
2.4 Adsorption tests
To evaluate efficiencies of NOM removal by different ad-sorbents, such as IOP and PAC, adsorption isotherm tests were performed at various adsorbent doses For IOP adsorp-tion tests, a certain amount of the stock IOP slurry
(cor-responding to 0–100 mg/L as Fe) was placed into several
300-ml Erlenmeyer flasks and the solution was then mixed
at 200 rpm and 20◦C for 30 min The solution was filtered through a 0.45-µm filter (Millipore, USA) and the filtrate samples collected were used for analyses PAC adsorption
tests with a PAC dosing range of 0–100 mg/L were
per-formed in the same manner as described above
2.5 UF membranes and stirred cell UF tests
The UF membranes used in this study was made of poly-ethersulfone and had a molecular weight cutoff of 100,000 and an effective surface area of 28.7 cm2 All the membranes used were initially rinsed, using pure water as mentioned in the instructions provided by the manufacturer As shown in Fig 1, batch UF experiments were performed using a 180-ml stirred cell plus an 800-ml reservoir (Amicon 8200, USA)
So the overall working volume of the batch unit was 980 ml The applied pressure was kept at 0.49 bar using a nitrogen cylinder, while the stirring speed was adjusted to 160 rpm using a magnetic stirrer During UF, the mass of permeate was measured using an electronic balance and recorded si-multaneously on an on-line personal computer to calculate permeation flux
Fig 1 Schematic of a stirred-cell UF system unit with a reservoir.
Trang 32.6 Analytical methods
Feedwater and permeate samples were analyzed for UV
absorbance at 254 nm and total organic carbon (TOC)
con-centrations Light absorbance at 254 nm, which is associated
with the aromatic groups in NOM, is used as a surrogate
parameter for monitoring the concentration of dissolved
or-ganic matter in a fast and easy manner during water
treat-ment [34] The UV absorbance was determined using a
UV/vis spectrophotometer (Hewlett Packard 8452A, USA)
and the TOC concentration was measured using a TOC
ana-lyzer (Sievers 8200, USA) In particular, the UV absorbance
and the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration of
raw water were measured after removal of particulate matter
using a 0.45-µm membrane (Millipore, USA) Free
chlo-rine concentrations were determined by a DPD colorimetric
method using a Hach spectrophotometer (DR2500, USA)
and reagent pillows
When the prechlorination of raw water was applied in the
experiments, the initial UV absorbance was defined as the
UV absorbance of raw water after chlorination and used for
the evaluation of UV absorbance removal efficiency
3 Results and discussion
3.1 Comparison of sorption behavior of NOM onto IOP
and PAC
Fig 2 shows UV removal efficiencies for treatment of
prefiltered Nakdong River water at various dosages of IOP
and PAC The UV removal efficiency increased sharply, to
approximately 40%, with increasing IOP dosages and nearly
leveled off at such a small dosage as 10 mg Fe/L, whereas
a gradual increase in UV removal was achieved with higher
PAC dosages The distinctively different trends in
adsorp-tive NOM removal for IOP and PAC could be attributed
primarily to the discrepancy in structures and sorption
mech-Fig 2 Comparison of UV removal efficiency between IOP and PAC
adsor-bents: adsorption time, 30 min.
anisms of the adsorbents The majority of active sorption sites of nonporous IOP are located on the outer surface lay-ers, with an amorphous structure which is wide open to the bulk solution phase So NOM removal by IOP sorption can occur rapidly through surface coordinative reactions with-out any limitation on mass transfer of NOM molecules In case of PAC, however, most of the active surface sites are present inside the pores in which NOM sorption normally occurs through van der Waals attraction The rate of sur-face diffusion of NOM molecules inside PAC pores should
be very low because of high molecular weights, so the ad-sorption equilibrium would take more than a few days In fact, the initial external mass transfer coefficient of IOP
(1.17× 10−7 m/s), which was determined in a complete mixed reactor, was nearly one order of magnitude higher
than that of PAC (1.26× 10−8 m/s) In this regard, IOP could be a better adsorbent for removing NOM within lim-ited hydraulic residence times If the combination of adsorp-tion and membrane separaadsorp-tion (e.g., UF or MF) is applied
to drinking water treatment, residence times in the systems must be less than a few hours and thereby IOP would be more desirable due to faster adsorption
Fig 3 compares the effect of prechlorination on UV re-moval efficiency by IOP and PAC during the treatment of prefiltered water The UV removal efficiency for river wa-ter by IOP decreased with higher dosages of chlorine, while
no reduction in UV removal efficiency occurred for PAC ad-sorption A possible explanation of the difference between IOP and PAC adsorption abilities after chlorination is that chlorine reacts with NOM to form DBPs such as THMs, which are not adsorbable onto IOP but still adsorbable onto PAC As a result, it was found that the prechlorination of raw water could have an effect on NOM removal efficiency
by IOP However, further studies on the influence of chlorine during treatment of raw water by IOP adsorption and UF are needed (which will be discussed in the next sections)
Fig 3 UV removal efficiencies using IOP and PAC adsorbents at different
chlorine dosages: chlorination time, 30 min; IOP dose, 100 mg/L as Fe; PAC dose, 80 mg/L.
Trang 4(b)
Fig 4 Effect of prechlorination on UV and TOC removal efficiencies in
IOP/UF and UF only, treating (a) prefiltered and (b) raw waters: IOP dose,
100 mg/L as Fe; chlorine dose, 11 mg/L as Cl2; chlorination time, 30 min.
3.2 Interaction of chlorine with dissolved and colloidal
To examine the interaction of chlorine with dissolved
NOM and colloidal particles during IOP/UF and UF alone,
UV and TOC removal efficiencies using prefiltered and
raw water were compared and are shown in Fig 4 During
IOP/UF treatment of prefiltered water samples, there was a
negligible decrease in TOC removal efficiency with
chlori-nation, though the UV removal efficiency decreased by
ap-proximately 10% For raw water, however, the TOC removal
efficiency also decreased comparatively significantly with
prechlorination in IOP/UF On the other hand, in UF
treat-ment alone, the UV removal efficiency declined slightly with
prechlorination, but negligible TOC removal occurred for
both waters Thus, the lower UV and TOC removal
efficien-cies with prechlorination in IOP/UF might be attributed to a
decrease in the reactivity (adsorption ability) of NOM after
chlorination The specific UV absorbance (SUVA) related
Fig 5 Variation of UV of different water samples with time during chlo-rination: chlorine dose, 11 mg/L as Cl2 Particles collected from raw water were obtained using a 0.45-µm filter and then resuspended in pure water.
to the dissolved portion of organic matter in river water
de-creased with higher chlorine doses (e.g., from 1.95 L/mg m with no chlorine addition to 1.57 L/mg m with a chlorine dose of 11 mg/L as Cl2), suggesting that the reactivity of TOC in river water was lowered by chlorination
However, it was not enough to explain why the TOC re-moval efficiency for raw water decreased more significantly than that for prefiltered water Thus, the variation of UV
ab-sorbance differentials (UV) for three feedwater samples
of raw and prefiltered waters and a particle suspension was examined in the course of chlorination time (Fig 5) The
UV value for the prefiltered and raw water samples
de-creased from 0 to −2.1 m−1 and 0 to−1.2 m−1, whereas
UV increased from 0 to 0.65 m−1 with the suspension containing 30 NTU of colloidal particles from river water These results implied that during chlorination the structure
of dissolved NOM was modified, leading to a decrease of
UV absorbance, but some organic matter could be released from colloidal particles to supply more carbon into the bulk liquid phase When a feedwater sample containing 100 NTU
of particles was chlorinated, UV increased up to 1.0 m−1 within 30 min of reaction time (data not shown) Conse-quently, during prechlorination the breakage of aromatic moieties in NOM molecules occurred without mineraliza-tion of NOM, which reduced the sorpmineraliza-tion capacity of NOM The conversion of particulate matter to dissolved matter by chlorination should contribute to an increase of carbon con-tent in the dissolved NOM pool, resulting in lower DOC removal during IOP/UF
3.3 Effect of IOP deposition and colloidal particles on NOM rejection
Since IOPs injected into the IOP/UF system exist either
in the bulk liquid phase or at the membrane surface, the ef-fect of IOP locations on NOM removal during IOP/UF was examined As shown in Fig 6, the UV and DOC removal
Trang 5Fig 6 UV and DOC removal efficiencies using raw water during UF with
IOPs in suspension and in deposited layers: IOP dose, 100 mg/L as Fe.
efficiencies with deposited IOPs were always at higher
lev-els than those with suspended IOPs It could be hypothesized
that the formation of IOP cake layers at the membrane would
contribute to further NOM rejection due to a sieving effect
during IOP/UF However, it was not clear that IOPs in the
deposited layer had such similar sorption capacity for NOM
as those in suspension
Any changes of the sorption capacity of IOPs located
at different places were examined for raw water and are
compared in Fig 7 Different trends in NOM removal
us-ing IOP-deposited and suspended systems were observed
when prechlorination and/or prefiltration runs were
per-formed The DOC removal efficiency for the IOP-deposited
system declined substantially when the colloidal particles
present in raw water were removed, whereas that for the
IOP-suspended system was not so much dependent on the
absence of colloidal particles This indicated that a
signifi-cant loss of adsorption sites took place when IOPs formed a
cake layer at the membrane surface Thus it supported the
above reasoning that higher DOC removal with the
IOP-deposited system was mainly caused by the formation of
a denser cake layer associated with colloids in raw water
In addition, it could be thought that crossflow UF that can
keep IOPs in suspension would be better in regard to NOM
removal compared to dead-end membrane filtration if raw
water had a very low turbidity
3.4 Effect of chlorination on membrane permeability
Relative flux decline profiles for different treatment
sys-tems using raw and filtered waters are shown in Fig 8 The
IOP/UF system had a flux more than two times that of UF
alone It was thus clear that IOP addition helped to enhance
the membrane flux substantially, since IOP removed NOM
that can otherwise cause membrane fouling [26–28] On the
other hand, the fluxes with the prechlorination of raw water
were always kept at a relatively low level in both IOP/UF and
Fig 7 Effect of chlorine and colloidal particles on DOC removal during IOP/UF when (a) IOPs are in deposited cake layers and (b) in suspension:
chlorine dose, 11 mg/L as Cl2; chlorination time, 30 min.
UF-only systems, whereas the permeate flux was indepen-dent of chlorination when colloidal particles were removed prior to UF Although a change of the nature of dissolved organic matter was obvious during chlorination, it did not affect membrane flux so much (Fig 8) Considering the lower DOC removal efficiency with prechlorination shown
in Fig 4, a possible explanation for the above result was that the interaction of chlorine with colloidal particles in raw wa-ter may bring about a change of their characwa-teristics (e.g., particle size reduction) leading to flux decline As shown
in Fig 9, the size distribution of particles in raw water was shifted to lower ranges with chlorination, which can make the cake layer of particles at the membrane surface denser This supports the above explanation about flux decline with chlorination Accordingly, it was found that membrane flux was not sensitive to the change of physicochemical proper-ties of the DOC by chlorination, but it was affected by that
of particulate matter characteristics
Trang 6(b)
Fig 8 Effect of prechlorination on flux in IOP/UF and UF alone treating
(a) raw and (b) filtered waters: chlorine dose, 11 mg/L as Cl2; chlorination
time, 30 min.
Fig 9 Particle size distributions of raw water before and after chlorination:
chlorine dose, 11 mg/L as Cl; chlorination time, 30 min.
4 Summary and conclusions
Prechlorination of river water during UF in combination with adsorption was conducted and evaluated with respect to NOM removal and membrane permeability IOP had a larger sorption capacity for NOM at lower dosages than PAC, though the sorption capacity of IOP declined slightly after chlorination of raw water The interaction of chlorine with dissolved NOM in raw water caused a decrease in UV ab-sorbance, while that with particulate matter did an increase
in it During the chlorination reactions, part of the particu-late matter was converted to dissolved matter, leading to an increase of dissolved carbon content in the NOM total These results contributed to the lower TOC removal efficiency by IOP/UF after chlorination When the IOPs injected into an
UF system formed a cake layer at the membrane surface, further NOM removal was achieved due to a sieving effect
by the physical barrier As colloidal particles were removed from raw water, however, a significant decrease in NOM re-moval efficiency occurred in the IOP-deposited system It was revealed that IOPs in the cake layer were not so effective for adsorption as those in suspension because of their ag-gregation During prechlorination, colloidal particles in raw water became smaller in size, so flux decline was relatively large due to the formation of a denser cake layer on top of the membrane
This work was supported by the Korea Research Foun-dation (Grant 2002-003-D00171) The authors thank public servants of the Maegok Water Utility for their help in ob-taining water samples The laboratory assistance provided
by Suck-Ki Kang and Jang-Hyun Kim at Daegu University
is appreciated
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