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This table is most useful if you use a "search" or "find" feature Or, save this file in a different format such as Excel, then use your sorting and filtering tools to interact with the data School Albany Law School American University Washington College of Law Barry University School of Law Baylor Law School Boston University School of Law Brooklyn Law School California Western School of Law Campbell University School of Law Case Western Reserve University School of Law Cleveland State University, Cleveland-Marshall College of Law Cornell Law School Duquesene University School of Law Elon University School of Law Faulkner University, Jones School of Law Florida A&M University College of Law Fordham University School of Law Georgetown Law Golden Gate University Hofstra University IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law Indiana University School of Law - Indianapolis J Reuben Clark Law School, Brigham Young University Lewis & Clark Law School Loyola Marymount UniversityLoyola Law School Marquette University Law School Michigan State University College of Law Mitchell Hamline School of Law New England Law | Boston Northern Illinois University Oklahoma City University School of Law Penn Law Roger Williams University School of Law Saint Louis University Law School Southern Illinois University School of Law St Francis School of Law St John's University St Mary's University School of Law St Thomas University School of Law Stetson University College of Law Syracuse University College of Law Texas Tech University School of Law The John Marshall Law School The Pennsylvania State University, Penn State Law The University of Chicago Law School The University of Toledo College of Law Thomas R Kline School of Law, Drexel University Touro College, Jacob D Fuchsberg Law Center Tulane University School of Law University at Buffalo School of Law University of California Hastings College of the Law University of California, Davis - School of Law University of California, Los Angeles - School of Law University of Cincinnati University of Colorado Law School University of Denver University of Hawai'i School of Law University of Iowa College of Law University of Kansas Law School Region Northeast Mid South South East South Central New England Northeast Far West Mid South Great Lakes Great Lakes Northeast Northeast Mid South South East South East Northeast Mid South Far West Northeast Great Lakes Great Lakes Mountain West Northwest Far West Great Lakes Great Lakes Great Lakes New England Great Lakes South Central Northeast New England Mid West Great Lakes Far West Northeast South Central South East South East Northeast South Central Great Lakes Northeast Great Lakes Great Lakes Northeast Northeast South Central Northeast Far West Far West Far West Great Lakes Mountain West Mountain West Far West Mid West Mid West Primary Contact First Name Joann Hilary Julie Jerri Aida Chris Sandy Connie Jay Marcie Terry Valerie Jane Jennifer Sonja Ken Maryam Steven Brian Jerry Kim GaeLynn Seneca Wesley Bonnie Sheryl Colleen David Ann Shanna Claire Douglas Janel Lori Tammy Ann Yvonne Iraida Felisha Zachary Janessa Rebekah Deborah Jeana Dan Theresa Paula Colleen Tim Gina Courtney Sean Chris Zach Emily Piyada Debra Vicki Primary Contact Last Name Fitzsimmons Lappin Hagaman Cunningham Ten Bester Moreau Shipman Ruffner Rechner Thompson Harper Law Johnson Boles Melvin Pokrowski Fleet Lind Kaspar Seaton Crockett Kuchar Gray Holland Thomson Matsudo Clish Berti Apple Pope Wallace Peterson Esker Austin Carr Hurt Olfers Acebo McCaster Kelley Walls Saunders Diercks Driggers Kall Gallo Kutch Timmons Conti Barnett Hennigan Treacy Lambeth Johnson Cederberg Nonzee Paul Palmer Contact Person Title Assistant Dean and Registrar Deputy Registrar Registrar Registrar Registrar Registrar Registrar Registrar, Campbell University School of Law Director of Academic Services Records, Administrator Registrar Law School Registrar Registrar Registrar Director Admissions/Registrar College of Law Assistant Dean of Academic Records and Research Assistant Registrar for Records, Operations & Budget University Registrar Assistant Dean for Academic Records and Registrar - Law Registar and Director of Records and Exams Assistant Director for Student Affairs Law School Registrar Law Registrar Registrar Associate Dean for Administration College of Law Registrar Registrar Registrar Director of Budget & Records - College of Law Registrar Registrar Registrar and Director of Finance Registar Registrar Registrar Registrar, School of Law Director of Student Records Registrar Registrar Registrar Assistant Dean of Academic Services/Registrar Registrar Registrar Registrar Law Registrar Director of Academic Services Registrar Assistant Dean of Academic Services Staff Assistant Registrar and Director of Institutional Research Registrar Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs Registrar Student Affairs Coordinator Director of Registration & Records Law Registrar Registrar Registrar Student Body 487 1315 654 431 769 1032 676 452 433 356 621 434 359 185 529 1245 2013 531 734 732 782 356 553 1021 568 710 1158 542 260 437 755 454 528 269 47 743 739 533 825 553 411 906 393 600 269 431 486 602 446 932 530 955 361 512 754 314 418 312 Degrees Offered coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon Email Address jfitz@albanylaw.edu lappin@wcl.american.edu jhagaman@barry.edu jerri_cunningham@baylor.edu ten@bu.edu chris.bester@brooklaw.edu sem@cwsl.edu shipman@campbell.edu Jay.Ruffner@case.edu m.rechner@csuohio.edu tt28@cornell.edu harper@duq.edu jlaw@elon.edu jkjohnson@faulkner.edu sonja.boles@famu.edu kpokrowski@law.fordham.edu mbf32@law.georgetown.edu slind@ggu.edu brian.t.kaspar@hofstra.edu jseaton@kentlaw.iit.edu kimecroc@iu.edu kucharg@law.byu.edu seneca@lclark.edu wesley.holland@lls.edu bonnie.thomson@marquette.edu matsudo@msu.edu colleen.clish@mitchellhamline.edu dberti@nesl.edu aapple@niu.edu spope@okcu.edu cwallac2@law.upenn.edu dpeterson@rwu.edu janel.esker@slu.edu laustin@siu.edu tcarr@stfrancislaw.com hurta@stjohns.edu yolfers@stmarytx.edu iacebo@stu.edu fmccaste@law.stetson.edu jzkelley@law.syr.edu janessa.walls@ttu.edu rsaunde@jmls.edu dzd4@psu.edu jdriggers@uchicago.edu daniel.kall@utoledo.edu tg337@drexel.edu paulak@tourolaw.edu ctimmons@tulane.edu tjconti@buffalo.edu barnettg@uchastings.edu chennigan@ucdavis.edu sean@law.ucla.edu lambetcd@ucmail.uc.edu zach.l.johnson@colorado.edu ecederberg@law.du.edu pnonzee@hawaii.edu debra-paul@uiowa.edu vpalmer@ku.edu University of La Verne College of Law University of Louisville Brandeis School of Law University of Maine School of Law University of Minnesota University of Mississippi School of Law University of Missouri University of New Hampshire School of Law University of San Diego School of Law University of South Carolina School of Law University of St Thomas School of Law University of Texas School of Law University of the Pacific University of Utah University of Washington School of Law University of Wisconsin Law School University of Wyoming College of Law UNLV William S Boyd School of Law Valparaiso University Law School Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law Wake Forest University School of Law Washington University in St Louis School of Law Wayne State University Law School West Virginia University Western Michigan University Thomas M Cooley Law School Western New England University School of Law Western State College of Law William & Mary Law School - Marshall Wythe School of Law Yale Law School Far West Mid West New England Great Lakes South East Mid West New England Far West South East Great Lakes South Central Far West Mountain West Northwest Great Lakes Mountain West Far West Great Lakes Northeast Mid South Mid West Great Lakes Mid South Great Lakes New England Far West Mid South New England Colleen Jennifer Brenda Noelle Sandra Denise Lory Kimberley Romona Jill Rashida Lisa Lynna Pontus Amy Dave Stacy Melissa Susan LeAnn Sarah Rebecca Krisi Danielle Terese Donna Donna Judith Murray DiSanza Berry Noonan Cox-McCarty Boessen Attalla Grennan Keith Akervik Douglas Erck Shrewsbury Niklasson Arntsen Bluemel Shiroma Mundt Mesick Steele Hellin Hollancid Wright Hall Chenier Espinoza Shelton Calvert Registrar Assistant Dean for Student Services Registrar Director of Student Services Associate Dean for Law Administration Law School Registrar Assistant Dean for Records and Registration Law School Registrar Law Registrar/Director of Academic Services Law School Registrar Director for Academic Services and Registrar Associate University Registrar & Law School Registrar Law Registrar Assistant Dean for Academic Services & Registrar Registrar Registrar Registrar Registrar and Director of Academic Services Registrar Registrar Registrar Registrar Assistant Registrar Registrar and Director of Student Records Law School Registrar Senior Assistant Dean of Student Affairs Registrar Assistant Dean and Registrar 285 374 239 590 364 276 223 687 630 434 1043 511 279 492 589 230 417 103 565 496 728 433 323 1269 246 419 611 621 coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon coming soon cmurray@laverne.edu j.disanza@louisville.edu brenda.berry@maine.edu noona020@umn.edu lwsandra@olemiss.edu boessenn@missouri.edu lory.attalla@law.unh.edu kgrennan@sandiego.edu rkeith@law.sc.edu jsakervik@stthomas.edu rdouglas@law.utexas.edu lerck@pacific.edu lynna.shrewsbury@law.utah.edu pniklass@uw.edu registrar@law.wisc.edu dbluemel@uwyo.edu stacy.shiroma@unlv.edu melissa.mundt@valpo.edu susan.mesick@law.villanova.edu steelelp@wfu.edu sarah.hellin@wustl.edu rhollancid@wayne.edu kristi.wright@mail.wvu.edu halld@cooley.edu tchenier@law.wne.edu despinoza@wsulaw.edu dmshelton@wm.edu judith.calvert@yale.edu

Ngày đăng: 25/10/2022, 05:48

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