Credits Lead Design, Layout, Project Head: Kevin Glusing Samurai Sheepdog Team: Hal Greenberg, Doug Herring, Ken Shannon, Kevin Glusing, Jon Wolf Northwinter Press Team: Kevin Glusing, Amy Glusing, Bud Graves, Bonnie Martin, Anthony Russell Additional Design: Original Cover Treatment: John Buckley Cover Redesign: Kevin Glusing Cover Art Credits (Left to Right, Top to Bottom): Dean Spencer (Elf vs Dwarf), Matt Moser (Shadow God), Jeremy Hart (Undead Knight) Interior Art Credits: Aaron Lee, Breakermaximus - Fotolia, Claudio Casini, Daniel Comerci –, Gary Dupuis, Bonnie Martin, Enmanuel “Lema” Martinez, Joyce Maureira, Brett Neufeld, Janice Scott, JE Shields; Publisher’s Choice Quality Stock Art © Rick Hershey / Fat Goblin Games All art is © The original artists A very special thank you to Kevin Crawford for making so much of the art to which he has rights free to use You are a real hero Thank You So Much to Our Kickstarter Backers 46 For helping us raise $7,920 as of August 3, 2018 The Creative Fund, Lewis Crown, Timothy H Ott, Joel Mattson, Audrianna Graham, Mahare, Mike Welham, Eric, Sébastien Allard, Lost Spheres Publishing, tbpartners, Brian Suskind, Francois Mersch, Michael Lefavor, Michael G Townsend, Guy Edward Larke, Russell Ventimeglia, Nate Swalve, Luke Williams, Josh Hufford, Oliver von Spreckelsen, Adam Brady, Mike Myler, Taiga Brenerman, Gregorio Munoz III, ronald g paris, Michael “Maikeruu” Pierno, Joe Medica, Andreas Loeckher, Bruce R Cordell, Randy Pudell, Tim Mushel, Brian Re, John “King” Roberts, Rae Hinojosa, Sean Brislen, J Evans Payne, Jeremy Burger, Isaac, Scott Frega, Vanessa Moon, SeeleyOne, Gregory A Lusak, Bart Vervaet, Chris Jahn, Scott Maynard, Steve Acheson, Ryann Padilla, Kristopher Volter, Simon Jennings, Jamie, Matthias Mertens, Charles, Jordi Aldeguer Pueyo, amberkat, Thedmstrikes, John, Samurai Sheepdog, Matthew J Hunter, kenneth zike, Andrew Costello, Naïck, HalG, Becky Glenn, Stargazer, gatherer818, Richard Gehart Skibba, Ryan Dukacz, Aquilas, Alexander Thissen, James Byrne, Brian Blaney, Stanley Tam, conor null, Matthew Stanton, John Bowlin, John Diehl, Robert Bell, Chris Skuller, Jesús, Alexander Wilfinger, Andrew Lanham, Von Krieger, Dana Boychuk, TJ, Richard Ferris, Jere Manninen, Bryce Flexer, Chase Hopper, Jesse Muhlenburg, Pal, Canadian Bakka, Morgan Jones, David Stephenson, Jared Strickland, Debra Lieven, Michael G, Yannick Gueye, pinvendor, Mark James Featherston, William Mearman, Sebastian Hans Wilhelm Hamke, Jacob Hogan, William LaSalle, jchawley, Kevin A Shaw, Sominex, Beth Carter, Iokennoron Mccomber, Amy Florence, Chris, Angel of the Dawn, Michael J SKelton, Charles Hiatt, Jamie McRoberts, Johnson Lamb, Calum Cameron, Nelson Vallerand, christopher r griffin, Donald A Turner, Divine Insect, Tim Baker, Huscarle, seraphim_72, Chris Van Deelen, Menai, Jordi Rabionet Hernandez, DarkWhite, xidle2, Francine Robert, Bill Redford, Rolland Therrien, Logan Simpson, Nick Esposito, Zara, Bo Tarl Johnson, Jonathan Goodwins, Sasha Hall, Jaye Sonia, Lo, Martin Chris Svendsen, Ronald Lewis Jr, Gurban, Brian W Adams, Nicholas B Purcell, Dani Jang, Benjamin Widmer, Chris Brong, Steven Owen, Dan Simons, John Melton, Michael Blanchard, Russell McConnell, Joshua Corsair, Robert H Hudson Jr, Raf Bressel, Jason Stewart, Eric Moffitt, David Starner, Paul Ryan, Lois M Zaleski, Leonidas, YggdrasilShadow, crouton8439, Steve Donohue, Luke McGlone, Diversify, SS, modernatticfinds, Michael, John Worlow, Duncan Peterson, James Ray, Daniel Lundsby, Cecil Maye, James Eichinger, Coby, Rob 2.0, Brian Summers, Kurt Stoffer, Gary Kelley, Kevin Carpenter, Shawn Cotton, Raistz, Steve Bush, Steven Liss, fontslinger, Thomas Alderson, Garrett Shaw, Aaron F Stanton, Devin Shackelford, John Bookwalter, Jr., Stevee, Ryan Kent, XainMexi, Joshua Bulliner, Brian Moran, Richard Dixon, Steve Davies, Sukito, Mark Crowell, Philippe Niederkorn, Thomas R., Echelon Game Design, Peter Steedman, Craig Bonham, Jeff Troutman, C Merriamm, Debra Jean Raff Monajati Open Gaming License V1.0a The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”) All Rights Reserved Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)”Derivative Material” means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including into other computer languages), notation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) “Distribute” means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)”Open Game Content” means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, including translations and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity (e) “Product Identity” means product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; 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