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Samurai sheepdog book of many things cam 35

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Character Background Originally created to be nothing more than an assistant around its creator’s lab, this android didn’t need to be as complex or large as the others that populated its world Unfortunately, when its home was attacked by rogue androids hoping to erase the human virus, the model /s was forced to upgrade itself to survive in combat Outfitted with specially crafted armor and a customized crossbow it made itself, the android was able to defeat the renegades by turning their power against them Before it could put an end to the threat that was its creator’s rival, the android was pulled through a tear in reality into the Collective Unsure how it came to be in this alien universe, the android had to relearn how to apply many of its talents as a battle augur As it did so, the Collective observed the smaller, more compact build put into the model s/ and learned how to replicate it to save on already dwindling resources Now, the android has left the Collective’s sanctuary to search for a way back to its plane of origin After several failed leads, it has been directed to an island off the nearby coast that just appeared out of the blue one day, in much the same way as the android did With luck, the model /s can find the answers it needs in order to get home and save its creator Model /S Android Racial Traits (13 RP) 34 +2 Dex, +2 Int, –2 Wis: Model /s androids have similar strengths to their counterparts, but gain them for different reasons Their smaller size makes them more adroit, and while they’re younger appearance makes them easier to get along with, they can sometimes act without regard to the outcome Small: Model /s androids are Small creatures and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to their CMB and CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks As a small creature, the model /s can squeeze into places larger models cannot, making it a better assistant in tight spaces Slow and Steady: Model /s androids have a base speed of 20 feet, but their speed is never modified by armor or encumbrance While slower than other models, a model /s is still able to carry similar loads Alert: Androids gain a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks Hero Construct: The model /s, when reformatted for adventure, doesn’t gain the same resistances as other androids This is because they develop stronger personalities, which can be more easily affected by spells and abilities that target emotions For the purposes of effects targeting creatures by type (such as a ranger’s favored enemy and bane weapons), model /s androids count as both humanoids and constructs They are proficient with light and medium armor, and treat any armor they wear as one category lighter than it is naturally This does not apply to armor that is already lighter than normal, whether through material (such as mithral) or another effect Low-Light Vision: A model /s can see twice as far as a human in conditions of dim light Nanite Surge: An android’s body is infused with nanites Once per day as an immediate action, an android can cause her nanites to surge, granting a bonus equal to + the android’s character level on any one d20 roll; this ability must be activated before the roll is made When an android uses this power, her circuitry-tattoos glow with light equivalent to that of a torch in illumination for round Character Level Progression The following are class features and character advancements related to the model /s android battle augur Using the information and suggestions here, you can begain playing this character anywhere between 1st and 20th level 1st Level Ability Scores: Str 12, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 17, Wis 9, Cha Hit Points: 11; Base Attack: +0; Base Saves: +0,+ 0, +2 Skills: Knowledge (arcana, dungeoneering, engineering, history, local, planes, and religion) each gain skill rank Feat: Weapon Focus (crossbow) 0-Level Spells: daze, detect poison, guidance, know direction 1st-Level Spells (4/day): anticipate peril, blend Equipment: Llamelar leather armor, crossbow, 50 bolts, gp Battle Augury (1/day): ability (currently smite evil) Studied Target (Ex): +1 vs target 2nd level Hit Points: 19; Base Attack: +1; Base Saves: +0,+ 0, +3 Skills: Acrobatics, Craft (weapons), Handle Animal, Knowledge (dungeoneering), Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival each gain skill rank Studied Strike (Ex): 1d6 0-Level Spell: resistance 1st-Level Spells (5/day) Equipment: Masterwork agile breastplate, masterwork crossbow, backpack, bedroll, canine whistle, rations (10 days), sun rods x4, 50 bolts, 40 gp 3rd Level Hit Points: 26; Base Attack: +2; Base Saves: +1,+ 1, +3 Skills: Acrobatics and Perception each gain ranks Craft (weapons), Handle Animal, and Knowledge (dungeoneering) each gain skill rank Feats: Ranged Study Echoes of Battle: abilities (currently vigilant loading, divine grace, and lay on hands) 1st-Level Spells (6/day): borrow skill Equipment: Masterwork agile breastplate, +1 crossbow, backpack, bedroll, canine whistle, rations (10 days), sun rods x4, 50 bolts, 40 gp 4th Level Ability Score: +1 Dex Hit Points: 34; Base Attack: +3; Base Saves: +1,+ 1, +4 Skills: Craft (weapons) and Handle Animal each gain ranks Acrobatics, Knowledge (dungeoneering), and Perception each gain skill rank Battle Augury (2/day): abilities (currently bolt ace grit and sharp shoot) Echoes of Battle: abilities (currently vigilant loading, divine grace, and lay on hands) 0-Level Spell: detect magic 1st-Level Spells (7/day) 2nd-Level Spells (4/day): spell gauge Equipment: +1 agile breastplate, +1 crossbow, bedroll, canine whistle, handy haversack, rations (10 days), sun rods x4, 50 bolts, 40 gp

Ngày đăng: 24/10/2022, 20:38