Boots of striding/springing Belt of Giant Strength +2 Falchion x2 16 1: Weapon Focus (falchion) B1: Two-Weapon Fighting (1 fury point remaining) 3: Improved Initiative B4: Charging Hurler (1 fury point remaining) 5: Toughness B6: Improved Two-Weapon Fighting (1 fury point remaining) As a standard action, you can spend fury point and make one attack at your highest attack bonus with each of up to two melee weapons Each attack takes a –2 penalty You can spend fury point as a free action and choose one creature you can see and which can see you Increase the threat range of one of its weapons by when used against you If the creature attacks you with that Fury: points, regained on a critical hit, killling a creature, weapon, you increase the threat or when critically hit by an attack Deeds: Volwryn’s Grasp (1 point remaining) used to attack that creature Twin Strike (1 point) Furious Slash Bloodthirst (1 point per –2 on attack) (1 point per enemy) Heroic Throw Enrage Low-Light Vision Fire Resistance range of your weapons by when You can send fury point to cast enrage, which lasts for rounds (1 point remaining) (1 point) Counts as dragon, elf, and monstrous humanoid Quadruped 17 133 400 266 800 400 2,000 50 41