ABSTRACT The UNH Department of Nursing and Institute for Health Policy and Practice, New Hampshire Citizens Health Initiative: Partnership for Academic Clinical Telepractice (PACT) The University of New Hampshire Library Way, Hewitt Hall, Suite 202, Durham, NH 03824 Marcy Doyle, DNP, MHS, MS, RN, CNL Voice 603-513-5288, Fax 603 -862-4457 Marcy.Doyle@unh.edu $2,800,000 New Hampshire (NH) is facing a primary care workforce shortage, as does the rest of the nation, especially in its rural and underserved areas.1 Nine of ten NH counties have Medically Underserved Areas/Populations (MUA/P) or Health Professional Shortage Areas Designations for primary care.2 Compounding this shortage, NH continues to be a rapidly aging state with nearly 16% of the population over the age of 65, and is, as well, acutely challenged by the statewide opioid epidemic.3 Nationally, the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a 36% increase need for nurse practitioners (NP) by 2026 NPs increased practice in rural areas from 17.6% in 2008 to 25.2% in 2016 As a result of New Hampshire’s supportive regulatory and practice environment, NPs are well-positioned to address these primary care supply challenges However, to assure that the next generation of NPs are prepared and willing to work in rural and underserved areas, resources are needed to develop and implement accessible, responsive, and sustainable education and practice partnerships that support immersive clinical experiences in high need areas The University of New Hampshire (UNH) Department of Nursing (DON) is committed to educate and develop thoughtful NPs that provide person-centered care to our rural and underserved communities This will be achieved by harnessing the extensive resources of UNH and the College of Health and Human Services (CHHS), including the New Hampshire Citizens Health Initiative (Initiative) within the UNH Institute for Health Policy and Practice (IHPP) and outside organizations including the Southern New Hampshire Area Health Education Center (SNHAHEC) Establish longitudinal placements (3-6 months in length) at three or more practice sites across NH in rural and underserved communities Engage community practice primary care NP preceptors in rural and underserved areas, providing preceptors with professional development opportunities and educational supports along with faculty and partners in an all-teach-all-learn approach Establish four Partnership for Academic-Clinical Telepractice (PACT) community spoke sites Engage practice sites and NP preceptors in interprofessional, all-teach -all-learn educational approach via Project ECHO® in the UNH PACT program, which will address key priority areas including opioid use disorder (OUD); behavioral health (BH), value-based care delivery and quality improvement (QI); workforce development; and interprofessional education Strengthening the connection between UNH DON and primary care practices, preceptors will create a much-needed bridge between the academic programs, which aim to disseminate best practice knowledge, and the local communities striving to deliver high –quality, evidence based, person-centered health care Longitudinal NP traineeships will address the current workforce shortages in our most rural and underserved communities The UNH DON and partners are committed to local and national dissemination of the ANEW program findings through the course of the four-year grant period Key process and outcome data will be collected and analyzed to determine our collective impact and guarantee sustainability 1 University of New Hampshire, WS00232024