Project Abstract Project Title: Arkansas Geriatric Education Collaborative (AGEC); Period of Performance: July 2019 – June 2024 Project Director: Robin McAtee, PhD, RN, MHSA, FACHE; 501-526-5738; Applicant Organization Name & Address: University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences; 4301 West Markham, Little Rock, AR 72205 Names and types of Collaborative Partners: Academic: UAMS programs: rural Centers on Aging; Center for Distance Health; Office of IPE; Center for Health Literacy; Dept of Psychiatry Arkansas State University; University of Central Arkansas; Hendrix College Health Care: Arcare Clinics (England, Augusta, Lake City and Swifton, AR); AR QIO (AFMC); Community Based Organizations (CBO), AARP, AAAs (Carelink, McAuley & SouthEast), AR Adult Protective Services, Alzheimer’s AR, AR Farm Bureau, AR Cooperative Extension, AR Red Cross, AR Dept of Health Faith Based Coordination; Interfaith Alliance with multiple faith-based organizations, AR State Police, First Responders (Metropolitan Emergency Medical Services and many local first responder groups including city and county police, sheriffs, fire department and volunteer fire services in extremely rural areas), Walgreens Trainee Types: Patients, lay and family caregivers, community groups, first responders, health care professionals, health profession students and faculty of all health care disciplines, direct care workers (DCW), families, residents, fellows, geriatric student scholars, consumer-facing employees, CBO leaders and staff, business and lay community leaders AGEC is a Competing Continuation application Overview: The purpose/goal of the AGEC is to expand and enhance training and education in Geriatrics to all trainee types (listed above) that will result in improved care of older Arkansans AGEC will address gaps in healthcare for older adults (OA), promote age-friendly health systems and dementia-friendly communities while addressing social determinants of health This will be accomplished with AGEC and partners via the following objectives: Objective 1: Improve clinical health outcomes of OAs in multiple and diverse settings Objective 2: Provide geriatric-focused education and training using multiple platforms for interdisciplinary healthcare professionals, DCW, students, faculty who train health professionals and students, and lay audiences, especially those practicing and living in rural, medically underserved areas in AR Objective 3: Enhance education and support programs for those with Dementia, those caring for persons with Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease and the general public Objective 4: Engage OA and CBO that provide services to them to deliver and support OA health aging initiatives Special populations targeted will be those with dementia, those caring for individuals with dementia, those addressing elder justice education and issues, those with opioid use misuse issues and those addressing those issues in OA All objectives will be supported by a strong and thorough evaluation plan using inputs, outputs, outcomes and rapid quality improvement cycles Measurable Objectives and Patient Outcomes Targeted: Implement of a proven evaluation plan will ensure accomplishments are aligned with goals & identifies the impact of program efforts on OA health status Measurable objectives have been set for primary care delivery sites including the required MIPS indicators (Dementia Caregiver Education and Support; Risk of Opioid Misuse; and advanced care planning) and other MIPS and UDS measures such as HbA1c, B/P control, falls & depression screenings, & Medicare Annual Wellness visits AGEC will collect balance data with prevention classes and caregiver burden data pre/post caregiver workshops Other sub-objectives are detailed in the proposal and involve ensuring age friendly partnered clinics that deliver value-based care and the implementation of projects to work toward dementia friendly communities, academic curriculum integration, improved interprofessional education, better informed OA & family, businesses & public Funding preference under Section 805 of the PHS Act is requested based on the proposed projects that will substantially benefit the rural, impoverished and medically underserved population of AR Grant program funds requested in the application (including ADRD): year total: $3,745,541 McAtee U1QHP28723