V Magic herself If after the ritual is concluded, the avatar is in the player makes an error, at which point all byakhee an area currently affected by the obscene fertility rites present are free to attack the caster or as they wish of Shub-Niggurath, Shub-Niggurath may burst forth unless bound by another casting of this ritual This from the avatar at influence stage (see page 274), ritual bypasses a byakhee's usual immunity to mind- effectively slaying it affecting effects Alternatively, a dark young or acolyte of ShubNiggurath can magically command the avatar to bring forth the Outer God at any time as an action over the course of round with a successful Profession (Yog-Sothothery philosopher) check against DC 40 Shub-Niggurath will then remain at influence stage until her whims draw her elsewhere or she is defeated or banished somehow Unless Shub-Niggurath would otherwise be at influence stage 3, she falls back to influence stage when her nucleus is destroyed Only a wish, miracle, or similarly powerful magic can remove this blessing, and even then, the caster must make a caster level check with a DC of 37 BIND DIMENSIONAL SHAMBLER School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]; Level 7 Duration of Ritual: minute Components V, S, F (the knife or object initially used to call the dimensional shambler) Optional Components F (a tome containing the ritual gives a +5 insight bonus on the ritual skill check) Skill Check Knowledge (planes) or Profession (YogSothothery philosopher) DC 28, 1 success Range medium (100 ft + 10 ft./level) Target one dimensional shambler Duration until task is completed, up to day/level Saving Throw Will partial; Spell Resistance no The ritual binds a dimensional shambler to carry out a single task directed by the caster When this ritual is BIND BYAKHEE initiated, the dimensional shambler cannot attempt to School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]; Level 5 Casting Time minute (2 phases of rounds) Components V, T (Carcosa's star system must be above the horizon; depending on the caster’s planet and hemisphere, this may be from mid-Fall to mid-Spring or some other period of months or seasons), F (a magic whistle, or a whistle made magical by an ongoing spell for the duration of the ritual) Optional Components F (an edition of The King in Yellow with the tune's sheet music gives a +5 insight to the ritual skill check) Skill Checks Knowledge (arcana) or Profession (YogSothothery philosopher) DC 18, 1 success; Perform (wind) DC 18, success Range close (25 ft + ft./2 levels) Target one Byakhee Duration until task is completed, up to day/level Saving Throw Will partial; Spell Resistance no depart the presence of the caster by any means unless This short ritual binds a single byakhee to carry out a task directed by the caster Any byakhee within range that were recently conjured by the call byakhee ritual the ritual is interrupted When the ritual is complete, the target can negate the control with a successful Will save This ritual is often found in the same tomes that contain the call dimensional shambler ritual, though not always BIND STAR VAMPIRE School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]; Level 5 Casting Time hour Components V, S, F (De Vermis Mysteriis or another magical tome or spellbook containing the ritual, which must be read directly from the book), T (at night under a clear and starry sky) Optional Components SC (up to 5, each giving a +1 bonus on skill check, who recite the ritual from text and must have at least rank in Profession [Yog-Sothothery philosopher]) calmly listens to the ritual tune of bind byakhee until 131