Abyssal Custodian What You See This armored insectoid-crustacean has thick, spiked, shiny chitin and resembles a machine as it hunches over Its thick tail subdivides into claw-like cerci CR 18 XP 153,600 CE Gargantuan aberration Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft., true seeing; Perception +31 DEFENSE AC 33, touch 10, flat-footed 29 (+4 Dex, +23 natural, –4 size) HP 290 (20d8+200) Fort +16, Ref +12, Will +20 Defensive Abilities dimensional acclimation; DR 15/adamantine and bludgeoning; Immune cold, poison, fear; Resist electricity 30 OFFENSE Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft., fly 50 ft (clumsy) Melee bite +29 (2d8+18), slams +29 (3d6+18/19–20 plus push) Space 20 ft.; Reach 20 ft Special Attacks dimensional plummet, push (slam, 20 feet) Spell-Like Abilities (CL 18th; concentration +24) At will—dimension door, true seeing 3/day—create portal, quickened dimension door S TAT I S T I C S Str 46, Dex 19, Con 30, Int 5, Wis 26, Cha 23 Base Atk +15; CMB +37 (+41 bull rush); CMD 51 (53 vs bull rush) Feats Awesome Blow, Critical Focus, Greater Bull Rush, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (slams), Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Quicken SpellLike Ability (dimension door), Staggering Critical Skills Climb +26, Fly –10, Perception +31 Languages Aklo SQ bound to master, no breath ECO LO GY Environment any ruin Organization solitary Treasure standard SPECIAL ABILITIES 294 Bound to Master (Ex) An abyssal custodian is bound to a powerful entity, creature, or cult, and does all it can to serve that bound master If its master or cult is destroyed, the abyssal custodian becomes staggered until it gains a new master At the GM’s discretion, certain rituals or other events can break this bond Rituals to bind an abyssal custodian into service exist, but are rare, dangerous, and complex, and require the abyssal custodian’s consent (an abyssal custodian will never consent to serve a mere mortal such as a player character) Create Portal (Sp) Up to three times a day, an abyssal custodian can create an invisible, one-way portal, as per the gate spell, but only to a location within mile of the abyssal custodian This portal cannot be used to call creatures True seeing or detect magic reveals the portal’s presence, but does not reveal what lies beyond the portal The portal itself is thirty feet in diameter, and once created, persists for 10 rounds before vanishing This ability functions as an 8th-level spell for the purposes of concentration checks and the like Dimensional Acclimation (Ex) An abyssal custodian swiftly acclimates to changing environments after dimensional travel If it begins combat by appearing via a portal or dimension door, it gains a +4 bonus on its Initiative check An abyssal custodian is never disoriented as a result of using dimension door and is immune to effects that would banish it or otherwise forcefully transport it to another plane against its will Dimensional Plummet (Ex) An abyssal custodian does not need to appear on a surface capable of bearing its weight when it travels via a teleportation effect like its portal or dimension door If an abyssal custodian does not elect to begin flying immediately when it appears in midair, it can make a plummet attack on hapless creatures below Treat this as a charge attack that allows it to make a single slam attack against any creature that is adjacent to its space when it lands The abyssal custodian takes normal falling damage from a dimensional plummet Any creatures that occupy the abyssal custodian’s space when it lands are crushed for an amount of damage equal to the falling damage the abyssal custodian endured A Medium or smaller creature that takes this damage is knocked prone and pinned by the abyssal custodian A Large or Huge creature is knocked prone and pushed into an adjacent space next to the abyssal custodian An abyssal custodian that uses dimensional plummet to land on a Gargantuan or larger creature deals its crush damage as normal but has no other effect on the target, and the abyssal custodian itself is pushed into an adjacent space and falls prone as a result A successful DC 30 Reflex save made by a Huge or smaller creature allows it to take half damage and be pushed into an adjacent square The save DC is Constitution-based These entities were once just ordinary arthropods, like a terrestrial carrion or dung beetle, but this particular